Ash was supposed to reach the ice mountain visible from the beach he was sat on. He was supposed to kill the dragons said to be nesting there.

Fucking Night Fury.

Why did it decide to attack his ship. It was like he was defending the mountain or some shit. But that was impossible. Dragons were just mindless killing machines.

Ash sighed and turned to his group,

"I'll go fill up the water flasks. Snotlout, light a fire or something."

Ash trudged through the forest, feet dragging behind him. He was so fucking pissed that he failed to notice the pond that lay at his feet, and fell into it with a stream of curses.

A laugh echoed from near him, and he looked up in shock. He could have sworn the laugh was feminine, but there was the dragon rider and his night fury, glaring at him through slitted eyes. The night fury nudged him, and the dragon rider seemed to become more formal,

"State your name, origin and purpose."

Ash simply responded,

"I am Ash Hofferson of Berk. My mission is to bring the Dragon rider to justice for the crimes that he has committed in the territory of Berk."

The voice sighed, and the rider faced him fully. He only had a moment to register the emerald green eyes as the rider pulled off his mask - her mask.

He saw the chestnut hair, the freckles, the face, and gasped.

"Hiccup!" Ash yelled, feet flying over the grass. "How many time have asked you to go slower?"

Hiccup giggled and abruptly sat down, causing him to fall over her. He hoped that would make her apologise.

Instead, it only made her laugh harder.

He lay down in the grass, as she had done, and they stared up at the sky together.

I should have heard them sooner.

Hiccup started to speak,


I shouldn't have taken her out that day.

"...catch me if you can!"

She sprinted out of reach.

I should have grabbed her.

That was when he heard the unmistakable wingbeats.

A Night Fury.

And a few others.

I should have grabbed her and run.

"I'll hold them off! Run!"

I should have realised they'd come for her.

A Gronkle appeared, and he engaged.

I should have recognised the distraction.


The dragons had surrounded her on all sides, seemingly preparing for the kill, the Gronkle preventing his attempts to free her.

I should have been stronger. Better.

"Hiccup, get out of there! Use your knife and RUN!"

But she didn't seem to hear him, instead approaching the Fury in fascination.

I should have snapped her out of it.

"Hiccup, PLEASE! RUN!"

She climbed on the dragon's back.

I should have stopped her.

The last he saw was Hiccup, astride the dragon, staring in wonder as it took off.

Ever since that day, he'd had a particular hatred for Night Furies.

The tribe told him she was dead. The tribe told him to mourn. So he had, forever missing the childhood friend he had loved.

Hiccup stood before him, a sad smile that broke his heart on her face.

"Hello Ash." She said quietly.

"It's been a long time."