Disclaimer: Harry Potter does not belong to me. I own only the plot…and Ginny's diary.

Part of the plot may resemble a foreign film, I think it means the orange turns red or something. Part of it.

A/N: I know you asked me to update quicker, but not this quick, right? Muahaha! Sorry, I just had a sudden inspiration, and I am free on weekends.

Thanks to the reviewers. *hugs to all* But seriously, I love you guys! (I'll list you guys at the end of the chappie, kay?) I was like, sheesh I posted that stupid little fic and everyone's gonna go and flame me to death, but when I checked I was like, FIFTY SIX reviews (at the time)? and I think my mom had to get some smelling salt and remind me I had to be alive to take my bio SAT II.

O_o Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy I can fly! Whee!

Need to cut the sugar indulging. Oh yeah, Ron/Padma, I didn't want Hermione to be here as the girlfriend and leave Harry at the Dursleys, since I don't care how Ron and Harry pairs up as long as Ginny is with our ferret. But if most of you would prefer R/Hr, I'll see what I can do without breaking Padma's heart.

Ferret in the Burrow


…and Guest

"Make sure nobody but me can open these drawers!" instructed Ginny, hands crossed over her chest as she watched her mother magically lock up all her belongings. "I want my privacy even if a jerk's in my room, you know!"

"Calm down, hon. Only you can open these drawers. Not even I can," soothed Mrs. Weasley. "I set up a sleeping bag in Ron's room." Her daughter wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Oh, come on, Ginny, it's not like we invited him. And the poor boy. It isn't his fault that his parents are Death Eaters."

"So it's ours?" demanded Ginny.

"The room will still be yours during the day," added Mrs. Weasley.

Ginny didn't answer.

Mrs. Weasley pecked Ginny on the cheek. "Please, honey," she said in a placating sort of way. "Draco will be here soon. Why don't you move your stuff to Ron's room? I must be going down now. Your father will be here any moment now."

With the wonderfully talented ferret, Ginny thought, watching her mother hurry down the stairs. Sourly, Ginny dragged a duffel bag to Ron's room, where Ron was lying on his back on the bed, reading his wizard comics, looking as carefree as can be. Yeah, you would be; you aren't the one forced out of your room! She slammed her bag down and tried to think of something to complain about. "Your room is so orange!" she said, although she didn't mind it. "It clashes with your hair."

Ron grinned at her. "What's the long face for? I have to share my room with you. C'mon, we should work together against Malfoy." He flipped a page. "And your room's pink, Gin. It clashes with your hair too."

"Boys are so insufferable!" cried Ginny.

"Even Harry?" Ron made a face at her.

Ginny turned. "I'm so not a part of this conversation anymore," she said. "I'm going to do my Potions essay now."

Unfortunately, she didn't get to.

"Ron, Ginny, Fred, George!" came Mrs. Weasley's unwilling voice. "We have to greet our guest."

Ron groaned. "Well, let's go," he said to his still sulking sister, and rolling her eyes, Ginny followed him downstairs, not exactly eager to meet the new occupant of her room.


"Draco Malfoy," said Draco solemnly, stretching out his hand to Arthur Weasley as if he was someone of quite a status.

"Arthur Weasley," said Mr. Weasley, returning the same formality.

"I thank you for your generosity," said Draco.

"And I assure that you're most, er, welcome. I'm happy to serve Dumbledore," returned Mr. Weasley.

"I thank you again."

Draco was glad to see that Mr. Weasley decided to end this pointless cycle of politeness. Holding out a can of Floo powder to Draco, he said, "Just say 'the Burrow' and you'll tumble out of our fireplace."

"The Burrow?" Draco raised an eyebrow. What are we, rabbits? But of course, he didn't speak those thoughts aloud. He grabbed a pinch and threw it in his elegant fireplace, with serpent carved all around. The fire turned emerald green as it continued to cackle. Draco grabbed his trunk and his eagle owl, Romulus, and stepped in. Here we go. "The Burrow!" he shouted.

And a few moments later, he tumbled out of a fireplace that was much more sooty and of course, much less beautiful than his own. Draco landed face first…specifically, nose first. He could hear the laughter of Weasel even before he opened his eyes. When he did, he stood up gracefully and carefully patted himself clean, wiping his nose especially, before raising his eyes to meet those of the Weasleys. But before any word can be exchanged-

"Look out!" and Arthur Weasley tumbled out after him, conveniently knocking Draco down.

"I beg your pardon," Draco said stiffly, as everyone roared with laughter, and not exactly the flattering kind at that. This is how it is going to be like from now on. Me against the redheads. Gee, I wonder who'll win. He flecked a few specks of dust from his silk robes and finally was able to take in the whole family that stood before him, except for Mr. Weasley, who was scrambling up behind him, straightening himself up.

"This is Draco," announced Mr. Weasley, as if everyone didn't already know. Who else in pricey robes would just random tumble out?

The plump woman known as Molly Weasley stood, a hand outstretched to help either him or her husband, a tight-lipped smile painfully painted on her usually kind face. "Welcome, Draco," she said, effort evident as she said his first name. "I am Molly Weasley. I hope you enjoy your stay."

"I would most certainly hope so." Draco was tired of all these formal languages. He was running out of polite and classical sentences such as these.

The twins were next. Each seizing one of his hands, they shook him up and down. "Welcome, welcome, old boy!" said one of them.

"Old boy, welcome, welcome!" said the other.

Mrs. Weasley shook her head. "Fred, George, knock it off." She gestured toward the two redheads, who looked exactly the same to Draco. "The one on the left is Fred…no George now. The other one is Fred…well, George now" for the twins kept on rotating spots with each other, making Draco feel rather dizzy.

Percy stepped up next. "I hope you have an enjoyable vacation," he said, shaking Draco's hand briefly, before retreating up to his room.

Draco groaned when he saw who was next. "Ron? Come and…greet our guest."

Weasel a.k.a. Potty's sidekick came up, his eyes narrowed. "You better not wreck the house, Malfoy," he hissed.

"Where's Potty? Shook you off?" Draco muttered, but he forced out a grin. "I…er…thank you."

The Weasel disappeared up the stairs too. Draco heaved a sigh of relief, before realizing that there was still one left, a redheaded girl who had her arms akimbo, glaring at him from her place in the corner, dressed in a boy's T-shirt that reached to her knees and patched pajama pants. And a scowl. "Ginny, sweetie, c'mon and meet Draco," coaxed Mrs. Weasley. "This is Ginny."

Ginny, who was immediately nicknamed the 'littlest weasel', reluctantly stepped up to Draco. Her eyes looked Draco up and down, the dislike even more evident than Weasel's, if such could be possible. Then, with a huffy sniff, she turned and followed her brothers up the stairs.

"You have to excuse her," said Mr. Weasley, but he sounded as if his daughter had a perfectly legitimate reason for her behaviour. "You must understand that you're taking Ginny's room."

A girl's room? Draco kept the scandalised look off his face. "Oh."

Mrs. Weasley sent him a curt nod. "Make yourself at home, Draco," she said, and headed to the kitchen without a backward glance. Mr. Weasley Apparated with a pop to his job at the Ministry.

Fred and George had disappeared too, probably to their joke shop in Hogsmeade Draco had heard so many talking about. So Draco was all alone in the living room, which wasn't so bad. With a smirk, he dragged his trunk upstairs to the room marked VIRGINIA'S ROOM, a room so pink it almost blinded him.

Disgusted, Draco examined the room. Everything was pink. Everything. He tried to open the closet, but it wouldn't budge, and he wasn't allowed to do any spells during the summer. He leaned his trunk and Romulus against the closet and tried all her desk drawers. All locked. Very protective of her things, Draco thought, an amused smile creeping up his face. She'll make a splendid victim.


"Ron, stop humming that horrid tune!" grumbled Ginny, dipping her quill furiously in the bottle of ink. "I'm trying to concentrate."

"That's the famous Chudley Cannon-"

"I don't care! It sounds horrid, and the team's too orange."

Ron glared at her. "What's with you? So hot-tempered all of a sudden?"

"Well, if someone who's as jerky as a certain person we all know is currently in YOUR beloved room, what would you do?"

Ron paused, making a big show as if he were actually thinking. Not likely.

"Um, hum some more?"

"God, Ron, you're so annoying sometimes!" Ginny hopped up. Ron was her favorite brother and the one closest to her, but sometimes he really got on her nerves.

Like now.

But she supposed nobody could do so as much as Draco Malfoy. She'd barely met him, barely known him, and already she felt like ripping him apart.

Imagine if she'd really known him. She supposed that she'd have to blast apart a whole cemetery in order to bury all of Malfoy's body parts in separate graves.

"Don't worry, Gin, I'm sure Harry and Hermione will be coming over later in the summer," Ron said.

Ginny blushed. "Who said anything about Harry?" she asked. Stupid, stupid crush.

"Um, you just did?"

Ginny ran her quill, hard, as she finished Snape's essay with a flourish. She decided to turn the tables on Ron instead. "Well, I'm sure you'd like to spend the summer with Padma." Ron's face flamed. "That's good. That'll leave your room for him, and-"

"No way! If he even steps close to my room, he's dead!" Ron said angrily. "He's done enough insulting to Harry, me, and Hermione in the past! You're lucky. He never did anything to you."

Except for taking my room, Ginny thought darkly. "Ah, whatever," she said, putting her essay away. She was going to reach for her diary when she realized that she'd left it in her room.

Do I dare to brave the obstacle? What if he's in his room naked? Ginny was surprised at her own perverted thought. He was contaminating her already!

"If I don't come back, Ron, make sure to kill him for me," she said to Ron solemnly.

"No problem."

Ginny stomped on the staircase extra loudly on her way to her room. Draco was on her bed, stretching luxuriously, humming the same tune as Ron. He barely acknowledged her as she ran for her drawers, took her diary out, and slammed it shut, then testing to see that the charm still worked. She was at the door when-

"Intruding upon my privacy? So eager to get a glimpse of my sexy face?" came Draco's voice from on the bed, where he was also reading the same comics as Ron.

"This happens to be my room," Ginny replied.

"But I'm still entitled to my privacy."

"I'm entitled to this room during the day! You shouldn't even be here."

"But I am."

God, how the boy got on her nerves! Ginny clenched her fist and stuck out her tongue at Draco. "Well, just don't try to do anything to the room."

"I'm ashamed to be in the room, little Weasel. It's all pink. Honestly, don't you have any taste at all? And honestly, you must have more interesting recreational activities rather than to write."

"Hmm, you know, ripping you apart won't be that bad."

"Even the Mudblood has better manners, my dear weasel. Tsk. Tsk."

"The name is Hermione."

"Fine. Hermione." Draco smirked. "What, you think I can't pronounce her name right? Oh yeah, back to the room, it clashes with your hair."

"Oh for Merlin's magical sake, Malfoy! I painted this room when I was five, okay? Not that you even know what paint is at that age, but some people did."

Draco shrugged. "Okay…I didn't ask you to confide in me."

"ARGH!" grumbled Ginny as she stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her, hoping that somehow Draco would choke on his own words. She wouldn't mind burying him. Not really. She was happy to dig a whole cemetery if it means eliminating Draco Malfoy from the face of the earth.

Dear Diary,

The infamous ferret is in my room. IN MY ROOM! And although I'm entitled to my room in daytime, does he listen? I don't think he will. Not that I want to be in my contaminated room after. And my goodness! It's the weirdest thing eating lunch and supper today with him. He didn't make one comment, of course, but he kept on making these weird faces at us. And Percy wasn't helping with his boring drills about wands! And Fred and George…well, they're Fred and George. What CAN you expect? And I was…ah…busy thinking of Harry…and Hermione. So that leaves Ron to, um, act on Draco's insolence! He is not-so-subtly insulting Malfoy. That's not smart, because when Malfoy didn't insult Ron back, Mum had to step in and be the peacemaker, allowing Malfoy to make those triumphant and sickening faces. Is there a spell to make a person disappear? I'd like to perform that on Draco…and Ron's owl.

Love, Ginny


"Ron! Get your mutated owl to shut up! I NEED TO GET MY BEAUTY SLEEP!"

The whole house shook with Ginny's loud voice.

"Ginny dear! Get your mutated MOUTH to shut up!" said one of the twins. "We need our beauty sleep!"

"Shut up, Fred!" How can she which one?

Oh the joy of affectionate bickers. Draco smirked as he pulled the pink blankets over him. The littlest weasel certainly was loud. But then again, this whole place is a lot noisier than the absolutely silent Manor. The ghoul kept on banging some music that resembled a Christmas carol, and there were quite a few explosions from the twins' room even without their presence. What an un-Malfoy place this was! Well, it's only for the summer. Only two months. Snort.

Draco hummed, enjoying making fun of little Ginny. Potty was no fun. He'd ignore him. And The Weasel was dangerous. While the Mudblood was damn violent! He thought his cheek still stung from that slap nearly four years ago.

But little Weasel. She reacted exactly the way he wanted her to: infuriated. He could already imagine her burst in a ball of flames in hopes of devouring him. At least I have something to do during the summer to compensate for the utter indignity, he thought, drifting off to sleep easily even with the noises going on.

A/N: Ginny as the hot-tempered gal is so fun to write. Tell me you think so too! And…review!

Ooh, ooh, thanks to all of you! I can't reply to all of you, but I'll answer some questions. Kay? ;)

Weasleys' OOC-ness-as I said, I was sugar high, and this is a humor fic, so in some places they'll be a bit…more hyper than usual.

Draco and Ginny sharing a room?-well, as you can see, Draco actually just kicked Ginny out of the room, lol the poor girl.

Setting of the fic-thanks, Liz21, for pointing it out. Let's take your suggestion, hope you don't mind-summer before Draco's seventh year, Ginny's sixth.

Harry and Hermione coming over?-not telling. Gee, that gave it away.

Now here's all the wonderful reviewers of chapter one! I will try to take all your wonderful suggestions. *needs thesarus*

stephanie cajina, writer007, Liz21, frananddragon, Queen, Tsukikage, Jenell, Adrienne-Lillian, Midnight Fyre, blackout, Christa, hpdancer92, bearries, Niki, Crazy Luvolee, absolutezero, SocratesAngel, Patricia, someonelse, Rounge, Beryl, Miah Tolensky, Dr. Linkinshlof-is not a guy, Topaz, Lyz, Diana Bottles, KV, FireGoddess, Ian, ~`*Angel`~*, ava, Emeryss Sedalia, CrystalBlue, PinkyLemon, animezebra, Winged Goddess, moonangel, Miss Moony, horseyjesse, lalala…, ANALY, Cola, tomzgurl77, Darcel, Anna D, L J Brown, dramagurl, Mooniala Trials, Angelic Vampire, yeshiv@, Evil Slytherin Child, waz^ (um, sorry?), ibebe-x33, Stormbringer, Winged Seraphin, The Marauders' Legacy, kk, Princess Toadstool, Forbidden, Green Sea Turtle, FrogOnFire, Amy, marchione, Clare, Chikin Wang, Kyma, Stephanie, icefaery, Secoya, Ivy Moss, Gwendellen Snape, Clare (are you the same one as before? If so…thanks again!)

Okie dokie. That's that. If I missed anyway, flame me all you want! And sorry…*shuffles feet*