The following day.

as i get up after couple hours partol from the night before. my phone rings pick up without saying anything Yuri says "Spider-man I think I figured out how Fisk's men are keeping his rackets running. construction sites" "wasn't that shut down when he was arrested?" i ask curiously. "no its one of his legitmate businesses...multiple investors. we can't act without cause." Yuri quickly replys "But now you git that, right?" i ask hoping i was right buts i was wrong as Yuri says "that's why i was you and your partner can keep an eye the loctions, tell me if you see anything suspicious." "You got it." i say as i hung up when an arm is thown over my shoulder as i say to Felicia "good morning just how much did you hear" "enough" was all said as she kissed my neck. "Good now i don't have fill you in. Breakfast?" i say "please" Felicia mumblles as i see her get up. when my phone starts to ring i pick up its Martin "hi Mr. Lee what's up?" " hi Peter i just wanted to let you know we need a little extra time to get set up for May's party-- I guess the cake delivery is stuck in traffic." Mr. Lee informs me " sure thing just me know when you're ready and i'll swing by. i responded then hear Felicia laugh Great-- was that Felicia tell her i say hi and i'll talk to you soon." Mr. Lee says and hangs up then Felicia peers her head in th door way and asks"who was that Mr. Lee?" " yeah he told me to tell you he says hi." i told Felicia the my then my phone rings and I look at the caller ID 'its Otto' thought i pick and say "good morning Dr. Octaviushow are you?"then Felicia walks in to the bathroom winking at me as i try to focus on the phone call "good i have good news to tell you i think i smoothed things over with the Grant Committee. if Lance Corporal Texidor's fitting goes well we should be OK." Otto tell me " That's fantastic, doc. We're back on track!" i tell him "Provisionally. As long as our little incident escaped the Mayor's attention. You'll be at the fitting tomorrow?" Otto asks "Definitely. it'll go great." i say as Otto hangs up then i hear Felicia ask from the bathroom "How come you didn't tell me there was an incdent at work yesterday baby?!" " how did you know there was-- shit nevermind it was nothing serous nobody was hurt!" i say " oh that explans why you had to change your clothes and take a shower yesterday! why don't you join me then you can head oover to F.E.A.S.T. while i had over deal with the Fisk Construction sites and if your lucky you can help me with the last site." Felicia says seducively.

sorry about the long wait i was dealing in the with family death but i will be able to update weekly now enjoy May 2/4 weekend