Welcome back, fellas!

Here's another short for those who are stuck in "READY" screen every time they wanna spank Belial. Enjoy.

If Granblue Fantasy was Real

If What Makes The Sky Blue: 00 was real

[Gran, Sandalphon, and the rest of the crew were flying to Pandemonium with their Grandcypher]

Halluel: Hey, guys! The tea is ready!

Malluel: how about we go on a break on our way there?

Sandalphon, standing on the edge of the ship experiencing nausea: You two go ahead. I'm good right here...

Vyrn: oh come on, Flip-flops. We're gonna miss the coffee you made for us.

Sandalphon: I'm just not in the mood-HOAAAAAAK! *throws up on the edge of the ship, some archangel passed out from his barf*

Vyrn: Gran, is this just me or archangels we met are just getting weirder?

Gran: what do you mean? You guys already said that they can behave the way humans do. It's normal, right?

Vyrn: no, I mean Sandalphon has six wings and spend most of his time flying. But he got airsick?

Gran: huh... I didn't think of that...

Charlotta: Siero, what's the status?

Siero: the Skyskimmer is ready to go. Evacuate as much as you can!

Albert: Hold up a second...

Lancelot: we have no time for hesitation!

Naoise: guys, the watchers are swarming!

Albert: Siero, isn't this supposed to be the right time to send the big guns?

Siero: I did. Ilsa and the Society are right over there! *points at Ilsa*

Albert: I mean THE ETERNALS!

Siero: I have sent the letter, okay? They're not coming, we're on our own!

Albert: ...and to where did you send those letters to?

Lancelot: you have no idea how letters works, do you?


Fif: Grandpa, the sky looks so orange. *points at the sky*

Eahta: Probably it's about night time. *chilling with his hair holding sunglasses and a glass of water, sun tanning*

Fif: *runs to Niyon* Niyon, the skies are so orange and there are explosions!

Niyon: stop bothering me. I'm writing a little lullaby song. Go play with Tweyen.

Fif: *pouts, but runs to Tweyen* Tweyen, did you see what happened to the sky? You have better eyes than all of us!

Tweyen: yes, I do. But-AAAAAH, MY EYES! I'M GOING BLIND!

[Seofon places a mirror in a place where the sunlight reflected to Tweyen's eyes]

Seox: ...such an ignorant.

Seofon: who's the cool guy with sword no-ah, not again!

[Seofon saw a messenger airship on the way to the Eternals HQ, but exploded on their way]

[Belial absorbed Sariel's Power Core, turning into his ultimate form which has been merged by the power of Avatar]

Belial: haaaaah... This feels so good. Hey, Sandy, do you mind if I give you...a test drive? *grins and licks his lips in seductive way*

Sandalphon: The only way for you doing that is when I zip those lips and cut your head off.

Gran: Hey, BONER!

Belial: Singularity, would you mind if you let me get a room between Sandy and I? Well, unless you like a threesome or gangbang.

Gran: No, thank you. But I have seen that form of yours before.

Belial: Really? Someone like me? Did Faa-san made another precious fallen angel just like me and you killed them? I wanna see if the idea of selfcest might be much better.

Gran: uh...not exactly. It's just...your form looks familiar.

[A portal suddenly appeared above Belial, and another demon that looks like him shoots Belial with the laserbeam on his head and throws Belial to the portal with him. It was Devil Jin, from Tekken 5]

Sandalphon: ...okay, who was that guy And WHERE DID HE COME FROM?



Lucio, watching from the Divine Tower: ah...my job here is done.

Lucilius: you didn't do anything

Lucio: my clone did. *flies away*

(Bonus 2)

Gran: Vyrn was right. Are you getting airsick?

Sandalphon: that was none of your business!

Gran: But you fly all the time and you seemed pretty fine with that.

Sandalphon: there's a difference between flying with your own wings and flying with a rocking airship—BLERGH! *barfs again*

Gran: but you're still looking bad. Come on, let's get inside.

Malluel: oh, oh, maybe you can make a coffee blend that treats nausea!

Sandalphon: there's no coffee blend in any realm that treats nausea. Only causing it!

[Meanwhile, Belial and Beelzebub are hanging out together in a patio café in Sky Realm]

Waitress: here are your orders, gentlemen.

Belial: thank you, dear lady.

Waitress: well, it seems you are having a lot of fun, Belial.

Belial: I could offer you more if you call me "Baby". *grins*

[something discolored and pixelated fell to Belial's shoulders]

Waitress: call me if you need new sets of clothes. *leaves*

Beelzebub: what in the name of Avatar is that? *points at the pixelated liquid*

Belial: don't tell me. I'm gonna impregnate that pigeon myself for dropling their bombs on me.

Beelzebub: actually, it looks more like...*sniffs* someone's barf.

Belial: *looks up to the sky* ...It's round two, Sandy. It's round...two...