"Burning the midnight oil?" Zuko handed over a cup of coffee beside Katara's keyboard.

Katara looked up to Zuko with a smile, "Love Amongst the Dragons is finishing up on its final chapter."

"Really?" Zuko leaned against her cubical. "Wasn't that the really big one when we first started?"

"I'd like to think it's still pretty popular." Katara began her typing again after she took a drink from the coffee. "Is it really 11:15?"

"Yeah, 45 minutes till tomorrow." Zuko looked down to his watch. "How much longer are you here for?"

"Well until the artist gets me the last three pages, I will not be leaving." Katara continued to type only looking up in short glimpses.

"June left four hours ago." Zuko hid his smile behind his hand as Katara groaned and began hitting the backspace button over and over. With a lot of force.

"You have got to be kidding me! I've been here waiting…" Katara slid down in her chair with her eyes closed.

Zuko leaned over her chair, his arms on the back of her chair, "I know something we could do to make waiting till everyone has gone home worth it."

The editor peeked one eye open and gave a small smile, "Yeah?"

And that's how the Zuko was on his back in a pile of clothes and Katara riding him. Katara's nails dug into the leggings she had worn that morning. She slid all the way back down and looked over her shoulder to Zuko. He had a whispered stream of curse words when she circled her hips.

Katara sat up a little and placed her hands on strong open thighs. She bit her lip and prayed there really was no one there at this time of night. They were out in the open and in the silence of the office were slick sounds, skin smacking skin, panting and curse words. It would only take any one three seconds of hearing to know exactly what was going on.

Zuko's hand slid to where he connected with her. A beautiful shine around the condom he had brought down from his office. His thumb hooked in slightly with his cock and Katara's moan was echoed around the space. Zuko pushed her round ass up and took out his thumb. Katara stayed still with only the tip in. He smacked one cheek and then the other making them blush a darker pink from where the skin had slapped back with his hips. He pulled her back down onto his lap, his thumb again dipped to her pussy and dragged up to her tight pink hole.

Katara pulled up as if to pull away from the finger. Zuko's spanked her and pulled her hips back to sit down on him completely again. He could feel his end near and wanted her to have pleasure too.

Again, Zuko's finger circled her rim and with his other hand began to guide her in long, slow bounces. When he looked up to Katara, she was biting her lip and looking down at him. "Please." She whispered and while sitting completely circled her hips.

Zuko pushed against the tight ring and the whimper that came out of Katara as he pushed just the first knuckle in caused Zuko's end to twitch. He groaned and again had to guide her over and over his cock. He pulled his finger from her but kept it against the rim in a tease.

Katara leaned back over and panted as he was pushed so deep in her. She shivered when she felt the twitch in her and Zuko still her hips. "Agni." Came whispered behind her. She bit her lip as she slowly rose and came back down fully. She did it again and a hand tightened over her hip and a groan, almost as loud as hers, erupted from Zuko. Katara kept a slow tortuous pace until Zuko clamped both hands on her hips and pulled her down keeping her there. "Fuck. No more, 'Tara."

Katara smiled and sat there with Zuko's softening cock still warm in her. Zuko made no move to remove her from his lap. And she was slightly afraid if either of them stayed still too long they would both be asleep. "Okay, come on baby." Katara slid off with a tired sigh. "We both have to be back here in a few hours for that meeting with-,"

"Oh fuck," Zuko sat up and began searching around the clothes they were laid on. "That's tomorrow?"

"Yeah 8:30 sharp." Katara smiled and began pulling up her leggings and tossed Zuko's t-shirt to him. "So 8:00 for you Mister."

The following night, Zuko pulled out Katara's chair as when they got to the table. She looked beautiful in her short black dress, and when she pulled off her jacket, the top over her shoulders were see-through lace and then back into the soft material like the rest of her dress was. Zuko walked over to his side of the table feel more comfortable with his choice of outfit, black button down, dark grey slacks and hit favorite maroon tie. He was slightly afraid he had dressed too nice for his date with his friends with benefits. Or was it enemies with benefits?

The conversation flowed better this time. Yue was right, Katara did love to talk. But she often asked Zuko questions. They were half way through a bottle Cabernet and their food had been placed in front of them. They were quiet for a while just enjoying their food when Katara started speaking again.

"You know I never knew why you went into illustrating when you wanted to be in printing." Katara took a sip of her wine before picking her fork back up again.

Zuko chewed and nodded, "On our last project as interns, it finally dawned on me I actually like drawing better than making sure pages are printed straight."

"So that's why you messed up my pages so bad?" Katara nodded finally understanding after all these years.

"Huh?" Zuko lowered his fork from taking another bite.

"You wanted to be an illustrator so bad, you messed up my outline and did a terrible job printing." Katara shook her head, "But, It's okay. I'm over it. I still got the job."

"Katara-," Zuko looked semi-defeated and placed his fork back down. "I was rushing-."

"Because you stayed up all night playing some game or didn't get out of bed in time. I'm sure. Again it's -," Katara was interrupted.

"Jet, he never drew those outlines." Zuko looked at her in the eyes and Katara searched for the lie he was about to tell. "I did. I was still new to drawing them and you had some really tough thumbnails I had to follow. And since Jet quit the night before with only half of the first chapter done. So, I stayed up all night and rushed to the printers the next morning and I knew it wasn't the best work," He took in a deep breath to fill his lungs again. "But it still landed on Piandao's desk. It was three minutes late and he's still up my butt about punctuality."

Katara let all his words settled in as Zuko rambled on about how even though he was usually a day before schedule Piandao always said it was late. But Katara was stuck on the part where Zuko had stayed up all night to finish her project. By himself. Someone who had no experience in illustrations drew three whole chapters. The night before. And printed it.

All those steps would have been looked over by the editor. But Katara had trusted her team, they were all capable. Jet had amazing work and he swore he had finished his work. She should have known to look at it. But when Zuko called and said he was only just printing minutes before, she should have figured it out when Jet hadn't checked in.

"So, you-?" Katara put down her silverware as years of hate for Zuko turned into guilt. She had accused him for soooo long of her barely getting her dream job. She did everything she could possibly think of to despise Zuko. Even though he was her favorite artist in the department, she often talked bad about his work. Now she felt terrible. He didn't deserve any of that. "I didn't know." Katara looked down to her food.

"Hey, it's okay," Zuko tapped the tablecloth with his fork between them. Katara looked up to him with sad eyes.

"I've hated you for years," Katara swallowed the lump in her throat. "Because you sabotaged, because I thought you sabotaged our comic."

"'Tara," Zuko shook his head with a small smile. "Why would I purposefully ruin my own work?"

"I don't know," Katara raised the napkin to under her eyes when she felt tears start to pool. "I just figured you were trying to ruin it because… I don't know."

"Don't cry," Zuko did his best to reach over the table without catching his sleeve on fire by the small tea candle. Katara reached for his hand and her shoulders shook with holding in her tears. "Hey, it's okay."

"I am so sorry." Katara wiped under her eyes, she squeezed Zuko's hand before letting go and took a drink. She still couldn't believe it. "I hated you this whole time for something you never did."

"I always wondered why you stopped talking to me," Zuko gave a small smile. "One day we were interns with BFF charm bracelets. The next you had daggers in your eyes."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Katara tried her best to smile.

"Would you have listened?"

Katara sat for a second looking Zuko over and barely shook her head. No, probably not.

Zuko nodded and picked up his fork to finish his cooling portion of lasagna. They were both a few bites in when Zuko said, "Besides it's been a lot more fun getting to know each other this way, don't you think?"

Katara glared at him from across the table, fire lighting back up in her eyes, "Eat your pasta."

Zuko fulfilled his promise of a real bed. Which they slept in. Actually, fell asleep. Snoring and all. Katara woke up to a warm hand under her shirt, a thumb brushing over her nipple. She sleepily moaned and stretched her body out along the warmth behind her. The hand slid down her smooth skin into her sleep shorts and panties. Warm fingers rubbed over her warm skin, she sighed and lifted her leg over Zuko's thigh.

"Morning," Zuko mumbled into her shoulder and ran his fingers up and down her opening. His voice was heavy with sleep.

"Mmm," Katara hummed and turned her head into the pillow as two fingers sunk into her.

The push and pull from her was slow. Zuko's fingers rubbed gently at wet walls of her pussy. She quickly warmed up and her hand slipped down her body to where he dipped into her. She moaned when Zuko nipped at Katara's earlobe. "Hey," He his fingers from her, causing her hand to be moved away as well. "We have all day." He placed a kiss on her neck and then her clothed shoulder. "Well, till noon," He pulled their hands up and kissed the back of their hands. "So, we don't have to hurry."

"That sounds nice." Katara closed her eyes again and completely relaxed. Her hand was placed in his hair and his fingers returned to their place between her legs. He rubbed at her clit and Katara's back curved off the bed. "Ah-huh!"

"That's it, good girl." Zuko fucked his fingers in and out quickly. "Let your voice out."

Katara tugged at Zuko's hair and let out a quiet whimper, "Zuko." Zuko shuffled slightly and lifted Katara's leg up, his fingers curled up into her, her toes curling. One of her hands covered her mouth the other went down to his hand, she gripped his wrist. "Please, please, please." She jerked and she cried out into her hand.

Zuko pushed her hand away from her mouth as he moved to between her legs. "Shirt off," He hooked his fingers into her bottoms and panties. Katara fumbled with her shirt as her bottoms were yanked off. She giggled and tugged at Zuko's shirt too. He smiled and pulled the shirt from over his head.

Katara leaned up and wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him down for a kiss. Katara smiled slightly into the soft kiss. This was all so different from their other times. So perfectly different. Zuko was gentle to kiss down her neck and to her nipple. He sucked it into his mouth and hummed. Katara bit her lip and whined out. His thumb rubbed at the outside of her other bud. "Mmm, yes."

Zuko opened her legs and slid on a condom, he rubbed his tip against her wet opening. "Oh, fuck." He just rubbed it back and forth a few more times before pushing slowly into her. Once he settled into her fluttering center, he leaned over and kissed her. "So, so tight." he whispered onto her mouth.

"Ohhh," Katara's head went back as Zuko slid out and slammed back in.

Zuko brought her back into a kiss and threaded his fingers with hers. It was slow and hard thrusts, and Katara lifted her legs around Zuko's waist. "Perfect, so fucking perfect." Zuko groaned and picked up speed.

"More, please! More!" Katara's reaction was immediate. And Zuko answered her plea. Her fingers tightened around his and she lifted her hips from the bed. Zuko continued fucking into her, laying sloppy kisses on her mouth, jaw, neck, and back. Katara called out his name like a prayer and Zuko's hips stuttered as she tightens around him.

"Ah!" Zuko bit slightly at her collarbone, he licked over the small teeth marks. "'Tara, I'm gonna-," He rocked into her a few more times and Katara's head tipped back. Both groaned as he filled the condom deep in her.

They both gasped for breaths and Zuko placed barely there kisses to her skin. He lifted his head and smiled down to the dazed Katara. Her bottom lip was tucked under her teeth and her eyelids fluttered. She looked up to him with a smile, "You win."

He pulled back and really looked at her, "Win what?"

"I love you."

Zuko was pretty positive his heart stopped for a second. His eyes searched hers, "You…"

"I love you," Katara nodded and her smile widened.

Zuko kissed her smile and pulled back again, "I love you, too."

They kissed again, and again, whispered their love for each other as they picked up where they had finished.

Katara's back bowed and her nails raked down Zuko's shoulder blades, his pushed up his t-shirt was fell down with her fingers. Zuko's fingers tightened around the underside of her thigh. The wrinkling up her skirt around her waist. He eyed the storage room door as Katara's moans got louder. "Fuck, Kat." Zuko whispered into her ear. He continued to pound into her watching the door. The warmth filling his very core and he prayed he could stay just a little bit longer.

Katara gasped loudly in his ear, her thighs shaking in his grasp. "Zu-Zuko," Warmth filled her, and tingles ran the length of her body to her toes. "Ah-hah!" Katara moaned and then tucked her head into the crook of Zuko's neck as he continued to plow into her. As Katara's walls clenched around him, Zuko found his end.

Zuko slowly slipped out of Katara and let her down. He stretched his arms and Katara started straightening her skirt. "Well we've finally come full circle." He leaned over a peck Katara's lips.

"Mmm," Katara took her panties from Zuko before he stuffed them in his pocket. "Don't forget the dinner reservations with Yue tonight."

"I know I know." Zuko cleaned himself up and pulled back on his hoodie.

"She said it's about her next comic." Katara ran her fingers over Zuko's hair. "But she said it was going to be a little bit more adult than The Moon's Desires."

"So, it's going to be good?" Zuko looked Katara over to make sure she looked like she did before they came into the closet.


Yue held the door open with a large smile and Suki stood beside her biting her lip.

"I think it's going to be a best seller," Suki started giggling.

And that is the last chapter. It's been fun! Comment and Like if you liked it! Follow me for more stories and drabbles!

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