Mable: Hello! These are prompts that I first found and wrote the short stories to on Tumblr, so I decided it was time to move them to Fanfiction as well since I have had so much fun with them! ^-^ Enjoy!

Begin Prompt in 3, 2, 1…

"Call me when you get home."

Prompt: Could Jack-O-Bonnie please call me when you get home?

"I really don't think you should walk home alone..." I warned him, but he was so persistent. He wasn't ever afraid of anything in this town, even when he should've been.

"It's not a big deal! I only live a block over!" he had said. He looked so goofy and confident as he put on the rabbit head. He was dressed like Bonnie- we were all dressed like Freddy characters to advertise the business. I was Foxy because he was my favorite, and I think he was Bonnie because he thought he was the creepiest.

I really didn't think it was safe walking through those back allies behind the pizzeria, but he wasn't going to listen to me anyway, so I let him go. The only thing I asked was, "Will you just call me when you get home, so I know you're okay?" He said he would and left right after.

I'd say maybe about five minutes later I got a call. I knew this was too quickly for him to have gotten home and answered, expecting the worst. He sounded a little concerned on the phone. I remember what he said.

"Hey, I'm still on my way home. I think I'm behind the laundromat right now… And I think someone's following me, and I wanted to look like I was on the phone so that, I don't know, maybe they won't mug me." I told him that they'd probably mug him quicker if they thought he was distracted. "You sure? Well, okay, whatever." I offered to come get him. "Nah, I'm fine. You wouldn't be able to get your car back here anyway. I'll call you back when I get home."

A few more minutes passed. By then most of the partygoers had left, and I was just cleaning everything up before I'd go too. I didn't really want to leave until I got a call saying he got home, in case I needed to pick him up. So, when he did call, I was all ready to leave and get him or leave and head home... That didn't happen.

"Hey. Who left the party after me?" I was confused, I asked why. "The guy whose following me's in some sort of animal costume too. He's being real creepy too. Every time-." He paused and went quieter, like a whisper. "Every time I look back, he ducks into an alley or a shadow or something. I don't know if this is a joke or what, but it's going too far."

I was confused too. The only person who left in a full costume like ours after he did was our friend who was dressed like Freddy, but he had left way after he did. It couldn't have been him. I remember I heard him yelling at whoever was following him.

"Hey, lay off! Seriously, this isn't funny! Keep this up, and I swear-!" There... Was some colorful language after that. I'll skip that. I offered to come get him again and again he said no. "Once I'm around this corner I'll be at the road. I'm pretty much there. I'll call you back later." We ended the call against my better judgement.

He called me back only about thirty seconds later, and everything had changed.

"I can't believe this- I think- This can't be happening-." Again, broken by swearing. He sounded so fearful and panicked on the phone. I tried to calm him down, but he was frantic. I... I still remember what he said: "I just saw that thing under a streetlight! I don't know what it is- it looks like Bonnie, I don't think it's a costume!"

"I'm coming right now," I said. "Get to the road. I'll get my car and I'm coming."

"Hurry!" he hung up and I left.

...But I couldn't hurry fast enough. I was driving down beside the strip mall in front of the alleys when he called me again. This time he sounded like he was running. I could hear his heavy breathing on the phone and that- that shifting of the costume. I asked, "What's going on?! Where are you?!"

"I'm- I'm almost home- I'm on the road- its right behind me- It's Bonnie- Help-!"

That time he didn't hang up. I don't know if he dropped his phone or... or what happened, but there was this thump, and a crunching noise, and this heavy breathing. But it didn't sound human, and it didn't sound like him. It sounded like- I don't know, maybe an animal. The crunch though, the crunch was so loud... And then, nothing.

I drove to the end of the alley, I drove down the road, I drove to his house... And I couldn't find him. I even called the police and they drove out- I think they thought it was a prank, but they checked anyway- but they couldn't find where he went. I started thinking it was a prank too. I went home, I tried to calm down, and I waited for anything.

I got the last call around two in the morning.

When I answered it, there was this heavy breathing on the line. I thought it was him and he had just been running, and only just got away from whoever was chasing him. Then he- it spoke.

"I-I'm hOoomE."

...It almost sounded like him, but I know it wasn't, and I never saw him again... But I did see some of his costume.

See, the day after that, the cops found that someone had been to his house. Someone went up on his front porch and crushed the pumpkin he had out on his step... Then they left the head of the Bonnies costume he was wearing in its place. They saved the candle and put it in the costume head instead, like it was some sort of fabric jack-o-lantern.

It's still a missing person's case, but I'm sure you know as well as I do that he's never coming back.