"Well, that explains things." Mew-owth commented after the Sandshrew's explanation. "Seems he was part of a group of Alola and Galar Pokemon that were supposed to be for a symposium on regional variations. However, he got separated from the others while they were camping for the night and ended up getting lost until AJ here found him."

"At least that explains that, but the real question is what am I gonna do?" AJ asked in confusion and a bit of unease. "I don't have the means to care for an ice type out here. I don't even know if he has the same diet as a regular Sandshrew!"

"That's easy enough to fix." Misty nudged Ash. "See if he wants to come along with us."

"But what about the rest of his group?" He asked. "They've bound to have missed him by now."

Apparently the ice/steel type heard him because he replied. "To be honest...I-I don't really think the guys transporting us are gonna bother coming back for me." The Sandshrew sighed while Mew-owth translated. "They would've been asking around. ...and a couple of them thought I was just an albino."

"Damn...I thought getting ditched by my old trainer sucked…" Skorch muttered, before turning to Ash. "I say we get him to come along."

"I'm with the big softie here." Skye added, ignoring the sputtered protest to her remark. "Besides, he looks miserable in this heat. I know I'd be begging to be elsewhere before long."

"Might be best if he goes with Brock." Mew-owth suggested.


"After all, you are planning to become a Pokemon breeder, right?" He looked at the oldest member of the trio. "You also have a bit more knowhow in dealing with the requirements of various pokemon. That and you're the only one who really knows how to cook."

Ash chuckled a little. "He's got a point there, Brock. The little guy'd probably do better on your watch."

"Much as I hate to admit it, but aside from...you know…" Misty sighed, remembering a certain pokemon, "Water types are my forte, so...yeah. You're more experienced for this situation."

Brock scratched his head. "Well, you got a point, but will he even wanna come?"

"I believe that settles that issue. Interested?" Mew-owth turned back to the icy sandshrew. "If anything, you'll be getting out of this atrocious heat. And who knows, we may come across an Ice Stone for you."

The Sandshrew mulled over this for a minute. "Going elsewhere does sound nice...and this Brock guy sounds like he's not too bad, from what they all said. And evolving...ok. You got a deal!"

Mew-owth quickly translated. "Brock, if you would."

One pokeball later, and the group's newest member was getting introduced to everyone. Aj scratched his head and a slightly bemused fashion. "Wow, first time I've seen a Pokemon talk another into letting a trainer catch it. But, it does seem like he'll do better with you. Got my hands full with the lot I have already."

Watching the group say their good-byes to AJ, Arceus sighed in relief that the moment went as smoothly as it did. Of course, that was just a hint as to how different this whole trip was going to be for them.

"Boss…" Dialga walked up, looking back at a small planetoid. "Your 'next major project'...it just resonated with a strong psychic frequency and got pulled back into the past."

"So it finally stabilized enough to make the trip." Arceus let out another sigh of relief. "For a while I was worried that wouldn't happen."

Dialga looked at the planetoid again. Arceus had left the 'project' there for safekeeping. "You sure this is a good idea, Boss? I mean, after what happened last time…"

"The events that follow won't necessarily be the same, that much is true. But it's the safest and most stable moment to ensure the highest chance of survival. Besides, I'm sure he'll appreciate the fact we're getting this earlier than he expected." He looked back at Ash's group. "By the way, Dialga, any word on our contingencies for the major timeline switches?"

The Temporal Pokemon gave a mild shrug. "Most of it's set up. Luckily, knowing Ash and the others, they'll remember the major events and do their best to nip things in the bud asap."

"That's good. Hey, looks like they're getting near that school again." Archeus sat down, a bowl of Pokeblock appearing beside him. "This is going to be funny."

"Licorice Pokeblock…?" Dialga grimaced. "Come on, Boss!"

AN: Man, this was a right pita to get out right. As compensation, I'm gonna try and make the next one a good deal longer.