Greetings from SeekerMeeker.

On Hiatus...?

To all who have been great at reading and reviewing my stories, thank you for all your hard work.

The "GuK Documentary" is actually my first effort at showcasing the diversity of my weapons. However, as I am resting, I realize...that I may have overdone with that section.

For one thing, the Documentary is not very easy to read. That's why I decide to do this:

I am going to redo the GuK Documentary, and the new version should come out soon.

For those who gave this five favorites, five follows, and four reviews, thank you, and please give me feedback on the nature of the documentary, and how to make it easier to read. I am going to keep this documentary in, for now.

Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you!



P.S. I guess I went overboard with this type of worldbuilding.