When morning hit Kate got another phone call that a woman was murdered in a apartment and she called swat for backup.

When she got there she didn't know it was the same hotel the Castle and Kendall where staying in. When she got inside a woman was found dead stabbed to death then saw Tom holding a knife. "Tom? What hell are you doing here?" Kate said at gunpoint; Tom dropped the knife and said "I can explain this". "Dropped your gun" she said pointing the gun at him.

"I'm not going give you my God-damn gun" yelled Tom then the swat came in and shot him to death.


The police congratulated Kate on solving the murder, and Castle congratulated her to as she apologized to him for the trouble, she saw Kate get into her car and drive back to work. Castle gave her a copy of his book and signed it and see when her way back to the city. as she was reading the book she looked over the part of killing of the former partner and realized something. He left Tom to work on a case, the murders didn't start until Kendall entered the picture, Tom was watching them and sending her pictures and took the case without telling her, the never was a creeper, Kendall did it all, she shot her former partner like it was written, Castle got away with a perfect killing ending, she was in disbelief.