Scalliwag: a person who behaves badly but in an amusingly mischievous rather than harmful way; a rascal.


This story was partially inspired by the song Scalliwag by Gaelic Storm and partially inspired by my need for more Snowbird. Rated T for now but will likely change letter. I have an idea of where the story is going but let me know if you want more slow burn or falling in love fast and hard (obviously they will fight like children all the time either way because that's the only way I know how to show affection).


Chapter One

Winter is a harsh season. It is cold and unforgiving, miserable and dead. Why any loving parent would name their child after such a tragedy of time she would never know. Of course, she didn't have loving parents. She grew up in a cold household, raised to strict standards and had all thoughts and opinions instilled in her before she could form her own.

Winter Schnee looked out the window of her bedroom. It was a glamorous room, very large with a comfortable bed and a large window with a bench. She had books and dolls and a butler for every occasion. What she didn't have was warmth. She loved her parents and her siblings, especially her sister, but there was no warmth. How could there be? They didn't know how to.

She opened her window to let in a breeze, hoping the calm air would settle her nerves. Her mother assured her between glasses of wine that it's perfectly natural to be nervous the night before your wedding. Of course, Winter would be a little less nervous if she knew who she was marrying. She knew he was rich, she also knew that he was a lot older than her and as ruthless of a businessman as her father. From what she can tell, he provides her father with a lot of equipment. Specifically, he provides laborers.

Winter dropped her head into her arms and listens to the outside world. Even in such early stages of spring it was so full of life. Meticulously kept gardens of flowers lay sleeping under the pale moonlight, the tall trees as old as her name stood strong with their buds and growing leaves. The songs of birds could still be heard, even at such an early hour. She looks up and sees a lone crow perched on the tree nearest her room. She sat up and smiled sadly. The crow flies closer and perches on her windowsill.

"Mother says that crows are harbingers of bad luck. If that is true little bird, then you are 20 years too late for me." She looked back into her room and sighs as she catches sight of the outlandish wedding dress that her father had made for her.

"I don't believe in bad luck, just bad people, and I've dealt with them long enough to handle anything fate throws my way."

She stroked the crows head and it ruffles its feathers. She moved to sit on the windowsill, her legs dangling outside of her window. The ground was so far away, and yet so too was the sky. It felt like it was just barely out of her grasp. She looked at the bird and frowned.

"I don't want to get married, little bird. I wish I could just fly away with you. But I can't leave Weiss alone hereā€¦ At least if I marry now father might let Weiss get an education before marrying her off to some business colleague. If I leave he might not even wait until she is of age. He's a monster, little bird. We are not children, we are pawns in a twisted game of chess. I am so sick of it. I wish I could fly away."

She looks up to the sky solemnly. The crow hops backwards as she rises to her feet. Now standing on the windowsill she looks out at the sky, reaching for it like a drowning man reaches for a lifeline. The ground was so far away.

"Oh to fly like a bird, to be free of this cage." She closes her eyes and begins to step forward.

The crow flies up and right into her chest. She loses her footing and tumbles backwards, head over heels, landing against her bed. She hears footsteps running towards her room and she knew who it was. The only person who would run to her aid. The door flew open.

"Winter, are you okay? I heard a crash!"

"I'm alright, Weiss. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

Winter embraced the young girl tightly but not for long. An embrace must last no longer than 30 seconds so as to prevent attachment, according to her father. Winter sits up on her bed and Weiss climbs up beside her. Winter was very proud of her sister. Weiss was an excellent student and very well mannered, for a 12 year old. Not only that but she was by far the most loving Schnee. Winter knew she had Weiss' butler Klein to thank for that, and thank she did.

"Winter, you should be asleep. You're getting married tomorrow! You want to look you best, you know how upset father will be if you look tired. You have to look your best for your new husband." Weiss began to fuss will Winter's hair which had gotten tangled in the fall.

Winter sighed as her sister braided her hair. She knew Weiss was right. At least she peace knowing that her father wouldn't dare hit her and risk bruising her before handing her off to an honored business partner. Would her partner hit her too? Would her next home be as cold? Weiss wouldn't be there with her, so it would likely be even colder. Was she destined to end up like her mother, her only job being to provide heirs to a name taken through a loveless marriage?

"You know Weiss, I think I understand why the legal drinking age and the legal age for marriage are the same." Winter half jested. Weiss' eye filled with fear until she caught sight of Winter's smirk. Weiss smiled, relieved that her sister was well enough to joke, even if it was only partly a joke.

"Why don't you sleep in here with me tonight Weiss. Father would be upset if he knew that we were both up. We have a big day tomorrow and I'll need your help if I'm going to get through this."

Weiss nodded happily and they both climbed under the covers. Winter lay there on her back, stiff and rigid. She took a final look out of her window. She caught sight of her crow again. She held back a sob as she looked at the open window and thought about what she had almost done. She felt her sister shift closer to her and her heart ached to know that in a few years she would be in this position anyway. All Winter could do was delay the inevitable. She looked at the bird once more.

"Set me free, little bird, take me to fly in the sky with you," she whispered. The crow flew off and she was left there in the bed. Silent tears of dread and helplessness rolled down her cheeks through the night as she drifted off into a restless sleep.

The crow flew off without her, soaring into the dark woods where most humans dare not go for fear of bandits or grim. Of course, most is not all. In a small clearing there was a half dozen small shelters that were now more patch than tent. The crow slowed its pace and then dove down towards the clearing.

"Uncle Qrow, you're back!"

"Ruby you can't just shout that every time you see a black bird. That is the fifth time tonight." Yang rolled her eyes at her younger sister. Ruby pouted back at her until a large hand ruffled her hair.

"Well, this time she was right, Firecracker. I'm back." Qrow said, dusting a stray feather from his shoulder. Ruby jumped up and hugged him and Yang called for her dad to let him know that Qrow was back.

"Well it's about damn time. Dinner is ready and I've been fighting the kids off for over an hour. Where have you been?" Taiyang Xiao Long demanded. Qrow rolled his eyes at his partner.

"Just doing some recon for tomorrow's mission, and it's a good thing too. Something's come up." Qrow said as he sat down to eat his soup. He took a mouthful and grimaced. "It's cold!"

"It would have been warm if you were here on time." Tai scolded, turning his back to Qrow in favor of finishing packing his bag.

There was a flash and steam began to rise from the soup. Qrow smiled as Yang winked at him and extinguished the flame in her hand before her father could notice.

"Thanks Firecracker. Now, we have some business to attend to. Tomorrow's raid is going to be bigger than expected. We have a pretty decent window of time since the wedding will serve as a distraction. We will have around an hour to get in, break some shit and get out. I also learned that the groom of one of the biggest slave traders this side of Mantle and is bringing a "gift" for his new wife." He grimaced. "Tai, I need you and Yang to pack up camp and lead the main mission. This time tomorrow, this camp never existed. Got it?" Yang nodded. Tai raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"And what are you going to do then?"

"I have a new mission. It's sensitive and risky and I will need Ruby's help to do it right." Qrow admitted. Ruby cheered but Tai shushed her and stood to confront Qrow.

"There is no way I am letting that happen. If the mission is that dangerous then there is no way I'm letting you drag my daughter into it."

"Easy Tai, you know I would never put the girls in danger. Besides, I never said it was dangerous. It's just, risky. I need you to trust me. Don't you want to help people that are hurting?"

Tai sighed and smiled reluctantly at his partner and nodded. Ruby cheered again and tackled her uncle, asking dozens of questions about the mission. Yang smiled at her younger sister's antics and quenched the campfire. They needed to get some sleep, tomorrow's going to be a big day.