Ness and Claus had just arrived at the base after spending 3 weeks at Sky Tower. They walked to the Meeting Room where everyone was waiting for them. Ness and Claus were happy to see their friends after spending such a long time away from them.

Claus was especially happy to see his brother. After spending 10 years away from him it was hard for him to be away. The happy memories the two of them shared was still fresh in his mind. He walked to the front of the table and stood next to Ness.

Ness sighed as he knew that he had to tell everyone the bad news. To learn that the Pigmask army had 2 commanders plus a General was a surprise to him. He never told anyone this, but he was quite tired of the war going on. The war had been going on for 14 years now. He knew that it was finally time to strike the Pigmask headquarters and kill their leader Mich once and for all. "Alright everyone now that we have a lot of money to last us a long time it's time I told you what this meeting is about. 3 days from now we are going to finally end this war once and for all."

Claus smirked. "Well it's about time. I was beginning to think that this war would last for the rest of our lives."

Poo then spoke up. "Why attack them now?"

"It's because while at Sky Tower we ran into the Pigmask's commander and General. Apparently the Pigmasks decided to have two commanders plus a General. However this commander is the older brother to the one I killed at the slave camp. He's looking for revenge and who knows what he'll do to achieve that. Besides aren't you tired of this war?"

Poo nodded his head. "Of course I am! It's just that I'm surprised that you want to attack now. I'll be ready to fight whenever you are."

Ness smiled. "I'm happy to hear that. What about the rest of you? Are you ready to end this war once and for all?"

Everyone shouted in agreement. They were all happy to finally end this war.

"Great! Train hard and prepare yourselves for what is to come." with that said Ness left the Meeting Room with Claus following him. When he entered his room he removed his shoes before climbing on the bed and laying down with his arm over his eyes.

Claus entered the room and removed his shoes and socks before climbing on the bed. He crawled in front of Ness before laying his head down on Ness's chest. He had a feeling that Ness was stressed about this whole thing. Planning an assault like this will be very difficult. They very well may lose their lives and he can tell that was what his boyfriend was worried about the most. The best way to help Ness is to simply be there for him.

Ness smiled as he removed his arm from his eyes and held both of Claus's hands with his own. He knew exactly that Claus understood what he was feeling. Attacking the Pigmask headquarters head on was a risky move because he had no idea what kind of defenses their base had. The number of soldiers there would be far greater then that of the slave camp. The only way he could think of reducing that number is a distraction. Although that seemed like the best course of action the ones making the distraction will be easily out numbered.

"It's going to be alright Ness. Everyone here is really strong and I know we'll prevail."

Ness nodded his head. "You're right. This will be the most difficult battle of our life, but we never lost a battle before and we won't now. I love you, you know that right?"

Claus smiled as he sat up and turned around before grabbing Ness and pulling him on top of himself. "Oh I know alright." he then kissed Ness.

Ness smiled to himself before he kissed back. He then deepened the kiss causing Claus to moan. He felt Claus force his tongue inside his mouth. Ness used his own tongue to fight back as both of them fought for dominance. After a few minutes they broke apart as Ness climbed off of Claus laying on his side.

"So what do you want to do?"

Ness shrugged. "Beats me. How about we go out for dinner? Just the two of us."

Claus grinned. "You mean like a date? After about almost a month of dating we never went out on a date before. Sounds good to me."

"Great can't wait!"

It was now night time as Ness and Claus got ready for their date. Ness was taking Claus to a restaurant in Silver Town that was specifically for people in the LGBT classification. Claus was gay while Ness was bisexual though he liked men more then women. As they entered the restaurant the saw all different types of couples inside. They walked up to the person up front.

"Table for two."

The guy nodded his head as he led Ness and Claus to a table. He handed them a menu. "Your waiter will be with you shortly."

Ness and Claus started looking over the menu. There were many things to choose from. From pizza, burgers, pasta, subs and of course steak much to Ness's excitement.

Claus rolled his eyes when he saw that steak was on the menu. "I assume you'll be getting steak?"

"Duh. I'll get steak whenever I can."

Claus continued to look over the menu unsure of what to get. Eventually he decided on getting a Hamburger with fries.

Soon their waiter came to their table. "Hello, my name is Greg and I'll be your server today. May I start you off with some drinks?"

Ness went first. "Yeah, I'll take coke."

"I'll take coke also."

Greg wrote it down on the notepad. "Are you both ready to order?"



"What would you like?"

"Well I'll have some steak. Done medium rare."

Greg then looked at Claus. "And you?"

"Hamburger with fries."

"Medium rare or well done?"

"Medium rare."

"Okay I'll be back with your orders."

Ness watched Greg leave before turning to Claus. "Nice guy huh?"

Claus nodded his head. He was happy that there was exactly a place where people like him and Ness can go without being judged by others based on who they liked. "Yeah. This is nice isn't it? The two of us spending time together."

"Yep and once this is all over we'll have many more chances to do this."

About 10 minutes later their food arrived as they began to eat. Once finished they paid for the food and left.

It had been 3 days and now it was finally time for the Eagle Warriors to take on the Pigmasks for the last time. As of right now everyone was preparing themselves.

Ness watched everyone as he was smiling to himself. He was so happy to finally put in end to this war. With his friends by his side he knows they'll prevail.

Once everyone was ready they headed out. When they arrived at the Pigmask HQ they saw soldiers patrolling the streets.

"Alright everyone here's the plan. You guys take care of the soldiers out here while Claus and I head inside to deal with Mich, General and commander. Dealing with Mich should be a piece of cake. Ready? Charge!"

Everyone started charging toward the soldiers while Ness and Claus flew past them.

Immediately a siren started going off while the Pigmasks started fighting the other Eagles.

Ness looked behind him and saw the Commander and General flying after him and Claus. "Well this makes it more simple. Seems like they were right outside."

Claus looked back and saw the Commander and General catching up before they started shooting missiles from their arm cannons. He and Ness started dodging as they headed to the Pigmask HQ's roof before landing on top of it.

The Commander and General landed on the roof as they glared at Ness and Claus.

"You got some nerve attacking our base."

Ness shrugged. "Hey it's only fair right? You attack cities and we attack your base. Besides we've come here to kill your master once and for all."

The Commander and General drew out their swords. "Over my dead body."

Ness smirked. "That can be arranged." he then started charging toward the Commander while Claus went after the General. He started sword fighting with the Commander before he quickly shot the Commander's foot causing him to shout which gave Ness an opening. He slashed the Commander across the chest before firing a PSI Beam sending him flying back.

The Commander quickly recovered before firing missiles at Ness.

Ness dodged the missiles before casting PSI Fire hitting the Commander before kicking him in the face.

The Commander stumbled backwards and quickly composed himself before firing PSI Thunder at Ness successfully hitting him before he punched Ness in the face sending him skidding backwards.

Ness recovered before he began sword fighting with the Commander again. He then cast PSI Starstorm and focused the attack only on the Commander.

The Commander was hit by the attack. After the attack was over he saw Ness charging toward him. He quickly blocked Ness's attack before swinging his foot in order to trip Ness.

Ness who saw this coming quickly flew in the air before coming back down and stabbing the Commander in one of his lungs.

The Commander started stumbling backwards before falling on the ground. He started coughing up blood as he struggled to breathe. "Damn it all. Looks like I lost. My brother and I came from one of the towns you failed to save. The Pigmasks despite having murdered my family were the only ones I could turn to."

Ness glared at the Commander. "You made a mistake joining them. It's one thing being forced to join them, but joining them of your own free will gets you no sympathy from me."

The Commander laughed which only caused him to cough up more blood. "You're right about that. "Oh well looks like I'll be burning in hell with my brother. Good luck with killing him." with that said the Commander finally died.

Ness looked over at Claus and saw that he had just finished the General off. He then walked over and placed his hand on Claus's shoulder.

Suddenly there was rumbling before something shot from roof before landing on the ground. It was a large human mech and inside of it was Mich. "Well looks like you killed yet another of my high ranking officers. It's so hard to find people to rely on these days."

Ness growled. "Mich."

Mich laughed. "Ah Ness Anderson son of Michael Anderson. I see you finally have the guts to try and kill me."

"I'm not trying to kill you I will kill you." with that said Ness and Claus charged toward Mich's mech.

Mich turned the mech's hand into a ball and chain before swinging it around before throwing it at Claus.

Claus dodged the ball as he cast PSI Love at Mich hitting him causing a massive explosion which sent Mich's mech flying backwards.

Mich growled as he got up before turning the mech's hands into machine guns before firing at Ness and Claus.

Ness and Claus both blocked the bullets with their swords before they both cast PSI Starstorm hitting Mich. After that they both stabbed the mech before jumping backwards.

"Gr, you fucking pests die already!"

Mich's mech's hands turned into rocket launchers before firing rockets at Ness and Claus.

Ness and Claus nodded their heads at each other before sprinting apart from each other and heading to one side of Mich. Ness fired PSI Rockin while Claus fired PSI Love. Both hit Mich's mech which caused a massive explosion.

Mich's mech started sparking before it exploded taking Mich with it.

Ness and Claus turned around and saw their friends flying toward them before they landed on the ground.

Ness smiled. "It's finally over, we've won."

Everyone cheered as they had finally ended the war with the Pigmasks.

1 year later

Now that the Pigmasks were gone the Eagles spent time helping to repair the cities that were damaged by the Pigmask's attacks.

Ness wiped sweat from his forehead as he and everyone had finished fixing up another city. He turned around and smiled when he saw Ana holding her baby in her arms with Ninten standing next to her smiling at their child. He then felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around he saw Claus who gave him a quick kiss.

"The world is finally at peace."

Ness nodded his head. "Yep and I'm happy about it."

Claus smiled as he grabbed Ness's hand. "Come on let's go home."

Ness smiled back as he and everyone went back to their base. They may have defeated the Pigmasks, but the world will always need them.