Songs that inspired the story: Dixie Chicks - Not Ready To Make Nice & Cowboys Take Me Away.

First special Thanks to Norbertsmom who has been my rock, secondly to the person who has been my inspiration Amazinglovers

Peeta came home to get closure with the woman he loved. Instead, he found his heart. Slowly they came grew back together, but the past still haunted them. And it came crashing down on their door. Prim had seen it all and now she too had secrets that affected the future.

Trigger Warning Violence Miscarriage and Mentions Ps I do not own the Hunger Games


Prim sat on top of the hood of the old Ford pickup. After the prom, all the seniors and some gathered by the grazing pasture and made a circle of cars where they could dance the night away. Innocent fun and this year Prim begged Katniss to let her come. In a moment of weakness, her older sister said yes.

Prim watched the girls twirl around with their boyfriends. Her sister sat by her and was tapping her leg, watching the festivities from afar. When the song Cowboy Take Me Away by the Dixie Chicks played, Prim saw her sister become stiff.

From the dimness, a figure approached. He wore a Stetson hung low, Prim couldn't see who it was. He was of medium height and stocky build.

"I said, I Wanna touch the earth, I wanna break it in my hands, I wanna grow something wild and unruly, I Wanna sleep on the hard ground," Natalie's voice sang, while Martie's soulful fiddle filled the air and couples gathered in the middle of the car lit spotlight.

The figure stood in the middle of the makeshift dance floor and held out his hand toward Katniss.

Prim watched her sister's face break from her normal scowl to bashful grin.

"In the comfort of your arms," Natalie sang. The figure held out his arms and swayed, dancing by himself.

Katniss laughed. The lyrics and the figures' actions were having an effect on her sister. Katniss's eyes shone brightly.

"On a pillow of bluebonnets, In a blanket made of stars. Oh, it sounds good to me." Katniss nodded and slid off the hood and walked toward the figure.

The figure pushed his hat away from his face and it shocked Prim to see Peeta Mellark, a townie gather her sister in his arms and spin her out and pull her in. Katniss threw her head back with pure glee on her face, her laughter carried in the air.

"I said, cowboy, take me away! Fly this girl as high as you can into the wild blue! Set me free, oh, I pray! Closer to heaven above and closer to you! Closer to you!" The Dixie Chicks sang in harmony and Prim swore she wanted a cowboy to take her away too.


Primrose came downstairs; she followed the scent of good food. Her stomach grumbled. Peeta's voice boomed from the kitchen. She grimaced as he hit a high note. Peeta was a phenomenal cook, a kind, warm-hearted, generous man, but a horrendous, eardrum-splitting singer.

"Thank you for loving me!" Peeta sang, butchering the Bon Jovi song as he whisked something in a bowl.

"Peeta, the neighbors called," Prim peeked over his shoulder. He was making a glaze.


Prim grinned, their closest neighbor was miles away. "They are calling the pound. Apparently there is a wounded animal screaming in our kitchen."

He started laughing. "Brat."

Prim stole a biscuit and batted her blond lashes at him with feigned innocence.

"You're lucky those aren't your sister's favorite."

Prim wiggled her eyebrows then broke the flaky breakfast roll open. Its buttery aroma wafted to her nose and her mouth watered. The benefits of having a baker for a brother-in-law were astronomical. Prim had packed on a couple of pounds since he came back.

"Speaking of my sister, where is she?"

"Taking a walk outside. She'll come running once she smells the cheese-buns." Peeta winked.

Prim grinned and looked out of the window. Her sister was on the swing, smiling off into the horizon. She looked down at her swollen bump.

Her family life was finally perfect once more like it had once been. Prim was fiercely protective of how far her family had come.

"True," Prim grinned, and sure enough like a bloodhound Katniss came in.

They settled in to have breakfast. Prim watched her sister and her brother-in-law gaze at each other with nothing but love. For a long time, their home was filled with sadness and stretches of her sister being lost without Peeta.

Primrose was livid the day Peeta reappeared after being gone for four years. Her sister was a shell of herself when Peeta left. Prim understood why Katniss was always so independent and she learned to depend on Peeta in such a short time. They were a team before the arguments started.

When they couldn't find Peeta, Prim saw the hope die in her sister's eyes. Katniss finally understood what Peeta was doing, how he sacrificed himself for their family. Katniss was surprised and dismayed to find he'd paid the majority of her father's medical bills. Peeta was selfless, and she had thought him weak.

The day the divorce papers came Prim was furious at Gale because there was no doubt in Prim's mind Peeta had seen Gale and Katniss together. Because of Gale Hawthorne, Peeta wanted to divorce Katniss. Prim vowed she would get back at him for the destruction he caused to her family.

For years Prim and Jo tried in vain to find out where Peeta had disappeared to. His solicitor refused to give them any information. Katniss sunk into a deep depression. It took their mother, Johanna, a psychiatrist, and Prim nagging and dragging her for Katniss to slowly recuperate.

Peeta coming back was the missing piece of the puzzle. They reconnected, and with the help of doctors they opened up and actually talked. They grew back together and Prim couldn't wait to be an aunt. Katniss had her cowboy back.

When the banging began Johanna got up to answer the door. As she sat there Prim recognized the voice. Excusing herself, she walked to the door.

"Jo," Gale pleaded.

Jo stood mutely.

Prim saw red. She marched up to Gale, tapped him on the shoulder, and when he turned around, she belted him across the face. He fell, taking a side entrance lamp with him.

"Kid!" Jo exclaimed.

"That son of a bitch had it coming to him!" Prim heaved. Prim was not ready to make nice or back down. In her opinion, she didn't think she could forgive the SOB after the wave of destruction he leveled for chasing after her sister, a married woman.

"You know, don't you, what he's talking about?" Jo asked.

Prim was too angry to speak. It didn't matter. As her sister arrived, all hell broke loose. "He deserves to go to hell and get raked over the hot coals."

"Prim, you shouldn't," Jo began, but she was stopped by the arrival of Katniss.

They say time heals everything, but not for Primrose. Everyone paid a price for his mistakes. Seeing Gale made Prim madder than hell. "Shouldn't what? Be ready to make nice… it's too late for that."

"Okay, I think we all need to calm down." Their mother said, taking Gale's pulse.

Prim blinked. She didn't even notice when her mother arrived.

"Gale," Katniss said, her hand on her neck, her color ashen, and her eyes wide with fear. "Peeta," she whispered, cradling her baby bump.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Peeta growled angrily. His eyes were dark points on his face. His hands balled into fists.

Katniss shook her head, "I don't know Peeta, I didn't…"

Peeta looked murderous.

Katniss's face morphed into one of pure pain as she doubled over.

"Katniss," Peeta called.

"Not again, please," Katniss whispered.

"Jo call the ambulance…" their mother said jumping up from the floor.

"What do you mean, Katniss?" Peeta looked up helplessly.

Prim was instantly beside her sister. "Breathe Katniss, try to stay as calm as possible."

"Katniss," Peeta called, trying to remain calm. "Prim, what's going on?"

"She's having another miscarriage, Peeta."

Peeta's face grew pale.

In a flash everything they'd worked so hard for was threatened by Gale fucking Hawthorne...again.


Prim sat on the landing of the stairs. Time had flown by since she'd first met Peeta. Her sister's hidden marriage was old news by now. The big hot ticket was Katniss's constant traveling. The Rodeo Circuit brought in money, but only if you placed or won. Katniss was one heck of a Barrel-Racer who brought in the crowds. Katniss loved the sport, though nowadays Katniss didn't participate for the love of Barrel Racing, she did it for money.

They had a lot of debts, but if they could be a family, then things would work out. A door slammed, Prim winced. She could hear them arguing again. Katniss had just come home from the rodeo. It was great having her sister home, but Primrose didn't like the fighting that ensued. In two days, she heard her brother-in-law and sister fight, bicker, and be frosty to each other so many times Prim had lost count. They were in the kitchen arguing.

"Peeta I want you to be there for me."

"Katniss, believe me, I want to go with you, but I have responsibilities here."

"Like what?"

"Your sister, she needs braces. Your mom doesn't drive. I have to take her to her appointments. Did you know your sister has her first dance coming up? She's going to need a dress…"

Katniss cut Peeta off. "My sister isn't going to one of those high-falutin-hoity-toity Merchant dances."

"She's not going to the Mayor's ball, for peat's sake, Katniss…" Peeta was starting to lose his cool. Prim could tell his voice was getting deeper. Whenever her brother-in-law got angry, his voice sounded like a Barry White song. "Prim's going to a school-sponsored dance where there will be tons of chaperons."

"She's only fourteen; she's not old enough to date Peeta."

"Katniss, she's fourteen, not twelve, and she's as tall as you already and smarter than both of us."

"She's still a kid Peeta, those dances are chances for some greasy pimple-faced ne'er-do-well to get his grubby little paws on my sister," Katniss growled.

"Ne'er-do-well," Peeta said. Prim could hear his curiosity in his voice. "Ne're-do-well, are you reading regency romances again, Katniss?"

"I am.." Katniss fumbled, and Prim giggled from her hiding place. "…am, not…oh, H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks, ain't no way she's going alone or otherwise and that's final."

"Firstly, she's not going alone. She'll be with a group of friends that I've met, whose parents are all coming here to see their girls off to their first dance. Greasy Sae's granddaughter is going, and she doesn't speak, ever, to anyone, except to your sister. Then there's your neighbor's daughter, Alexandria Hamilton."

"That kid Alex is a weirdo," Katniss huffed.

Even from the stairs, Prim could hear her sister's incredulity. Her friends were not what others would consider socially acceptable. They were not the 'A' crowd, more like the 'Z' crowd. But her friends were loyal and smart. The most titillating conversation was over the newest Star Wars trailers that were coming out.

"And lastly Rue, Thresh's little sister, and you know Thresh doesn't trust anyone with Rue."

"I don't care who you say is going with her, you have no right to make decisions about my sister. I say she's not ready, and she isn't going out on dates."

"Katniss your mother said she could go."

"My mother…you're a fool if you are going by what my mother said. This is a woman who forgets on a daily basis that she has kids."

Prim winced at her sister's description of their mother. There was a time when their mom fell into a deep depression. That all changed when Peeta began to come around. He persuaded their mom to go to counseling and get the necessary medication to help with her depression.

"Katniss, that's not fair. Your mom has a medical condition, and she's doing much better now that she's been going to therapy and on medication. As it is the doctor is weaning her off the pills, and she's been doing great."

Her sister remained quiet. Katniss couldn't argue with Peeta because she hadn't been here. This was the first time in a long time since she'd come home. True, she raked up a cool $15,000 in earnings, but a lot had happened while Katniss was gone. Prim turned fourteen, the majority of the medical debt had been paid off by Peeta with his college money.

The farm was making money, as Peeta sold the cheese Prim's goats made. When Katniss got her horse, their father got Prim a goat, and she called it Lady after Katniss' horse. Peeta called the cheese Lady's Goatness. The company was under the Everdeen name, and a portion of the profits went into a special account for Prim's college fund. His living here changed her mother. He encouraged her to move forward, while paying homage to Mr. Everdeen.

Peeta was taking care of them.

"She is not your sister, she's mine and I say no."

Katniss' words were meant to inflict pain. Prim winced. Prim knew the cost of what Peeta went through on a daily basis at the hands of his mother.

Prim had seen the marks Peeta came home with. She knew they weren't accidental as he claimed. He wasn't a klutz as he claimed either. He was very capable. Prim had seen him repair the roof of their home without an incident, yet he got burned doing something he could do in his sleep, putting trays of cookies in the bakery ovens.

"Katniss, she may not be my sister, but I know what being a fourteen-year-old boy feels like. He'll be so nervous, his voice will squeak. He'll trip on his feet and step on her toes, and his shirt will be drenched in sweat by the end of the night."

"Sweat drenched?" Katniss said.

Cowboy began to play.

"Oh, no…" Katniss's voice lost its harshness.

"Come on, you know you wanna." Peeta's voice sounded weird.

Katniss laughed.

Prim walked down from the stairs and headed in their direction. They were dancing slowly. Katniss's head lay perched on Peeta's shoulder. His arms were around her slender waist. Their feet shuffled back and forth, but Prim could see the love between them as the Dixie Chicks sang, "Closer to heaven above and closer to you, closer to you!"

Katniss raised herself on tiptoe. Peeta shifted his head closer, and they kissed. Prim audibly sighed. She spun away dancing, wanting to give her sister- and brother-in-law some privacy. She wanted a fierce love like that.

Prim smiled to herself. Peeta was a good guy and her sister couldn't see it because she was putting her needs ahead of others. Her sister began changing. The next time Katniss came home things were less than ideal. Katniss was combative and Prim suspected something was up when she heard her sister demand Peeta travel with her.

"Katniss, trust me. If I could I'd be out there with you, but I gotta stay here, I have to work…"

"Ugh," Katniss growled, "If you say one more thing about your mother!"

Prim was in the living area when she heard them coming and she ran up the stairs. She watched her sister walk out of the kitchen and Peeta followed hot on her steps. The bedroom door opened and slammed. Primrose sighed and miserably sat on the steps. They didn't see how they were inadvertently ruining their relationship. Then she heard a high-pitched, breathy yell and a low masculine hum, followed by a bump on the door. She wondered if they were hurting themselves.

Primrose decided she would do something that night at dinner. She would suggest Peeta take a weekend to see Katniss. This way Katniss would have Peeta for a few days and his mother couldn't retaliate. Peeta never took time off. He worked at the bakery even when he wasn't scheduled.

That night, however, things had gone horribly wrong. Prim couldn't believe when she saw the lanky cowboy standing at their doorstep with flowers. Prim felt rage for the first time in her young life. She was so mad at her sister.

The guy was named Gale, and he looked shocked as the rest of them to see Katniss had a family and a husband. It was the first time Prim had noticed Katniss wasn't wearing her ring. It dawned on her Katniss didn't have a tan line on her ring finger. Prim narrowed her eyes at the behemoth who stood at their door.

"I ah, wanted to meet your family…," Gale rubbed the back of his neck.

"Gale," her sister turned red.

Prim watched a flush creep up Peeta's neck.

"Katniss is always talking about you. We were about to sit down and have dinner. Would you like to join us?"

Prim, at this moment, didn't care for hospitality. She wanted to toss the guy out on his rear end. He didn't belong here; he was intrusive, and he was most likely the reason her sister was acting so funny.

"Prim," Peeta turned his gaze to her. She could see his pain momentarily before he said, "Please go set a place for our guest."

Prim narrowed her eyes at Gale. "Sure, would you like for me to put tacks on his chair?"

"Prim, where are your manners?" Katniss admonished.

Prim turned on her heel, not acknowledging her sister. She purposefully put the plate next to hers so that she could make him feel unwelcome. As he sat down Prim glared at him and muttered, "Homewrecker."

He didn't reply, but the flush on his was satisfying.

Prim stabbed the food on her plate as the evening was awkward as heck. Katniss kept on trying to tell stories about her time on the road, but Peeta became quieter as the minutes passed by.

"Do you remember when Jo got three guys drunk, and they started that fight?" Katniss chuckled.

"Poor Thom didn't know what to do with them." Gale glanced at Katniss like she hung the moon.

"Is Jo a cowboy or cowgirl? I never know these days who she is associating with?" Peeta's quiet words caused the Katniss to scowl at him.

"Just like Katniss doesn't tell people she's hitched," Prim said slamming her cup down. The words tumbled out of her mouth and she had no regrets saying them.

Katniss switched her gaze from Peeta to Prim. Unlike Peeta, who put his head down, Prim stared back at her sister. Katniss had to be accountable for her actions.

From that point on there wasn't any other conversation, and the meal was eaten in silence. Fifteen minutes of uncomfortable vacant space where no one enjoyed their dinner, not even their mom who hadn't said a thing all night.

When it was all over Prim wanted to scream at her sister for her stupidity. She was pitching Gale against Peeta to make him jealous. This was the act of a child, not a grown woman.

"It was real nice to meet all of you." Gale cleared his throat before he left.

No sooner had the door closed than Peeta walked away, shoulders hunched and Katniss followed him, no doubt to start another fight. Prim closed her eyes, thinking that she would have to speak to her sister in the morning, but Katniss was gone when she woke up.

The next day, Prim was outside of school when she saw a familiar face. There was a sleek black car parked right outside. She stood outside as beautiful as the stories made her out to be.

"Catch," Prim whispered.

Catch and her brother were famous in town. Her brother was just as beautiful. They'd moved here as children, their family came from wealth, and the kids were growing up with influences so they came here. Only to lose their son a few years later in a tragic accident. It nearly destroyed the family.

They packed up and moved back to help Catch. Many said her beauty faded after the accident, but from where Prim stood, Catch was still a beauty. Primrose wondered why Catch was in town. She hadn't come back to the Seam since her family left. Her Aunt Ruby moved into the Seam a few years after and opened a liquor store. Primrose mused, perhaps she was visiting her aunt, but the liquor store was on the other side of town, nowhere near the school.

Catch walked away from the vehicle, and a man exited the vehicle and followed her. He grabbed her arm and whispered something to her. Catch put her head down in defeat and allowed the man to pull her back into the car.

Prim wanted to help her, and she shouted, "Catch!"

Startled, both looked in her direction. Catch walked toward her. "Do I know you?"

"I'm Primrose Everdeen."

"Oh, your sister is the famous barrel racer, Katniss Everdeen."

"You follow the rodeo."

"On occasion."

"Catch, we have to go," the man said impatiently.

Prim saw the way Catch became pale. "If you ever need help, we're in the phonebook."


"Yeah, under Everdeen," Prim grinned.

Catch nodded. "I've got to go."

Prim couldn't do anything else for Catch, as the man grabbed her by the arm and led her into the car. Seeing the great beauty beaten down reminded Primrose of Peeta and how he looked this morning. That afternoon after school Prim walked to the bakery. Peeta's mother stood there, in the front holding court as if she was the queen. Without fear, Prim addressed the witch, "We need to talk."

Her eyebrows raised in surprise. "What do you want?"

"Peeta needs to take a trip to see his wife!" Prim crossed her arms across her chest. She was determined to get her way, and she wasn't leaving until she did.

"So now you're telling me how to run my business."

"I am telling you that according to state law full-time employees must have a guarantee set number of sick days and paid-leave-time. Peeta hasn't taken any days off since you found out he and Katniss had married. I am sure you wouldn't want to break the law." The woman didn't bat an eye, though her lips thinned as if annoyed by the comment.

"If he doesn't use them he loses them."

Prim straightened her shoulders and delivered the other blow. "Also, I am alarmed at the amount of injuries that Peeta incurs here at the bakery. I asked my friend's Rue mom, who works at the Department of Labor's Occupational Health and Safety Administration if a bakery is supposed to have a log of injuries. She said yes. I showed her my journal of dates and the types of injuries Peeta has sustains in the bakery. She was alarmed. She thinks there is a safety violation in the bakery." Prim smiled as she saw the witch lose her composure. "Just to be sure, I sent a message to your son who is in college asking him just how many times he got hurt in the bakery in a month. He said never. He said the injury log is always empty. I also found it strange that the logbook has only three incidents: a patron who fell, a hot coffee, and one smoking hot cookie, in the last ten years." Prim saw the change in Mrs. Mellark's countenance at the mention of the empty book. Prim hid her grin.

"Fine," the woman muttered. "When do you want him to leave?"

"I'll be in contact. By the way, Rue's mom is filing a report. There will be a visit, so make sure you keep your voice down." Prim left, forming a plan. Peeta needed to be by Katniss' side. Even if he only showed up once a month, it would mean a lot to her sister. All she had to do was find out where in the country her sister was.

Around five months later Prim was on the phone with her sister. Katniss sounded tired. For five long months, Prim had been trying to get a reconciliation between her sister and Peeta. Katniss used the road as an excuse the same way Peeta used work. Primrose was getting tired of their little game and she wanted to do something to push them together.

"You don't sound like yourself," Prim commented over the phone.

"I can't hide anything from you, can I?"

"Nope." Prim heard her sister chuckle.

"When did you get so smart?"

"I'm growing up Katniss, besides I don't have you to baby me anymore and tell me to eat my Brussel-sprouts."

You'll always be my lil'duck."

Prim grinned at the old nickname her sister had given her. "So where are you headed next?"

"Oklahoma," Katniss yawned.

"Oh, I have a break coming up. Do you think I can come see you?"

"Do you think Peeta will come?"

Prim picked up on how little her sister's voice sounded. Despite the arguments and the insults, Katniss loved Peeta. The major problem with her sister was Katniss was afraid of expressing her feelings and getting hurt. She let her fears rule how she behaved with Peeta.

"Katniss, you have to tell him how you really feel."

Katniss voice hardened, "I shouldn't have to tell him. He should know."

"Stop being stubborn and acting like a coward. You know Peeta loves you." Prim was frustrated by these two hiding things from each other. "And while I have your attention, you need to tell him why you aren't wearing your ring."

Her sister remained silent. It was a tactic she used whenever she didn't want to have a confrontation or didn't want to talk about the subject at hand.

"Stop giving me the silent treatment. You know that doesn't work with me."

Her sister expelled a breath before speaking, "Prim, you don't understand. This is grown-up stuff."

"Then act like one." Prim knew her statement was going to get her in trouble, but if that's what it took to get her sister to wake up, then so be it. She'll be sassy every day of the week and twice on Sunday.


"All I am saying is you and Peeta have to talk. You're both hurting, both are like two pieces of a puzzle on opposite ends of the table, all you need to do is come together," her voice gentled.

She could hear her sister sniffling, her puffs of breath as she cried in silence.

"You are miserable without each other. I hate to point this out to you Katniss, but you need him."

"No," Katniss blubbered, "I don't need anyone."

"You need Peeta and I know if something happened to Peeta..."

"I can't think like that, Prim, I can't," Katniss blew her nose. "I will not become our mother. I won't become useless and unable to cope. I refuse too."

"So because you think mom is weak and the love she had for our dad is wrong, you're pushing Peeta away."

Katniss gasped.

"Katniss, you can't hide from the truth. You're going to destroy your marriage and all because you're a coward." Prim heard someone calling her sister, a male voice. Prim rolled her eyes.

"I'll be right out, Gale," Katniss said.

Prim gripped the phone. She wanted to tell her sister off but bit hard on her bottom lip to keep from saying something sarcastic.

"I have to go, Prim."

"I love you, Katniss. Just don't do anything stupid you might regret."

"Nag," Katniss muttered before hanging up the phone.

Frustrated, Prim decided to take drastic action. Primrose went to the bakery and was met by Mrs. Mellark.

"What can I help you with today, Miss Everdeen?"

"Peeta needs to take time off next week and you need to pay for his ticket to Colorado."

Her eyes flashed, but she muttered. "Fine."

"Thank you." Prim headed to the back of the bakery where Peeta was frosting a large wedding cake. "Peeta."

"Prim," he said smiling at her, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to ambush you and tell you that next week you're going to see Katniss." The look of surprise caused him to squeeze the pastry bag.

"Oh crap," Peeta pulled back. "Prim you know I have to work."

"It's all be arranged and I'm not taking no for an answer."

He looked down.

"I'll pack your bags and knock you out if I have to get you on that plane."

Peeta laughed. "You know Prim, you're the sister everyone should really fear."

"And so they should," Prim joked. She knew she wasn't as imposing as her sister, but she was a force to be reckoned with.

On the day Peeta was supposed to leave for Colorado, the phone was ringing. Prim picked up the phone, "Hello."

"Hi, is this the Everdeen residence?"

Prim didn't recognize the voice. She thought perhaps it was one of those telemarketer calls. "Yes, this is."

"Are you Katniss Everdeen's family?"

Prim frowned. "Who is this?"

"Listen, my name is Johanna Mason, I travel around on the rodeo circuit with Katniss. I need to talk to her family, it's urgent. She's not hurt or anything, but she will be if she keeps this up."

Curious, Prim answered, "I'm her sister, Primrose."

"Thank goodness. Your sister's brainless. I know she's got someone at home."

"She's married."

"Fuc…" Johanna muffled her voice, "dammit, Brainless!"

"What's going on?" Prim liked this woman Johanna Mason. The name sounded familiar to her, but she couldn't remember how or why.

"Look, your sister in a heap of trouble. Normally I mind my own business, but your sister, she's clueless about men. There's this guy that's been sniffing around her. He is no good for her. You and your family have to get down here. Brainless needs to be reminded of what she's got at home."

"Her husband Peeta's going to see her. He's leaving today. My mother and I can't go, we don't have the money for the flights."

"Trust me, he's going to need a backup. That idiot Gale is looking to shack up with her."

"If I could, I would go, believe me. I have a few choice words for that home-wrecker."

"I know someone. Just get ready and they'll show up tomorrow to pick up you and your mother."

"Okay, I'll convince my mother."

"Good. I see you tomorrow."

Prim hung up. Convincing her mother wasn't as hard as she would've imagined. Keeping it from Peeta was. Prim wanted to tell him they were going to meet up, but she couldn't. Prim was afraid if she did he would worry about them and not concentrate on Katniss.

Early the next morning, a car came to pick them up and drove them to a small airport where a private plane was waiting for them. A man by the name of Blight was waiting for them.

Prim and her mother boarded the plane and before they knew it they were in Colorado. A tiny woman dressed in a cowgirl outfit met them at the airport.

"Primrose?" Johanna walked toward them. She looked like she was the goddess of war, ready to strike.

Prim shook her hand firmly. "Hello Johanna, this is my mother. Where's Katniss?"

"Come on kid, we've got less than an hour and a half before she goes on."

Prim didn't say anything, but she knew by the way Johanna walked and acted something was very wrong and didn't want to say anything. They sped down country roads, Johanna taking sharp turns until they reached the rodeo.

They drove right up to her rig. Johanna jumped out. "She has to be queuing up to race."

"Mom, you stay here. I'm going to find Katniss."

Her mother raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

Prim ran behind Johanna. "Okay, what has you acting like you have a bee in your bonnet?"

"I picked up your sister from that darned clown's hotel last night."


"I don't think things got too far, but it's not good, not good at all." Johanna said as they rounded the corner. In a covered area that led to the arena, they caught Gale standing in front of Katniss. Prim growled when she witnessed Gale kiss her sister. Johanna held her back as Katniss got on her horse. "Let me go, Johanna."

"Kid, she's already gone."

Prim watched Katniss speed away on Lady.

"She let him kiss her, Johanna." Prim couldn't help her outrage at seeing her sister betray not just Peeta but them as well. "I don't understand why my sister would let this happen."

Johanna sighed. "Your sister is confused, lonely, and stubborn. She's been on the road for too long and needs her family."

Prim couldn't shake her anger toward her sister, even though Johanna was correct. Traveling for weeks on end alone, while having no one to be your support is a hard thing for her sister who didn't make friends easily.

As she stood there, the crowds sitting in the stands gave a cry. Her eyes flew to Johanna. Men rushed forward, passed by them into the arena. Prim eyes zeroed in on a familiar blond form trying to get through the crowd.

"Katniss," she whispered.

Johanna was off to the side speaking with a cowboy. She looks pale when she rushed toward her. "Your sister was thrown from her horse. It's pretty bad, they couldn't wake her up."

Fear gripped her gut as she listened to Johanna. In that instance Prim could either shrink into nothingness like her mother or stand and be strong like her sister. Taking a deep fortifying breath she decided she was going to be like Katniss. "My mom, we need to get my mom."

Johanna nodded. They took off toward the rig.

"I saw Peeta, he couldn't get through to her."

"If no one knows about him, they wouldn't allow him near her."

"Prim, what's going on? I saw an ambulance speed by." Her mother was wringing her hands.

"Katniss was thrown from Lady. Johanna is going to drive us to the hospital."

Silently they got inside of the truck. They sped the entire way, when they arrived in the emergency room. Prim and her mother claimed Johanna was a cousin.

A doctor met them. "Mrs. Everdeen."

"Yes," their mom said.

"I'm Doctor Anderson, can I speak to you in private?"

"Yes." Her mother was led away.

Prim approached her sister's room only to hear her tell Gale she wanted Peeta.

"Katniss," Gale whispered.

"You heard her, she don't want you. She wants her husband. I suggest you leave my sister alone or else I'll have you hauled out of here."

Gale sighed, lowered his head, and walked away.

A nurse came in to take her sister's vitals and Prim walked out of the room. She was rounding the corner when she saw Catch sitting on a bed with a bruised face. Prim frowned, recalling the last time she'd seen her was months ago. There was something different about her. "Catch?"

"Prim?" Catch whispered. Tears were falling from her eyes.

"What happened to you? Was it that guy?"

Catch's face fell, and she looked up as if trying to compose herself. "He found out I'm having another man's baby."

"I'm so sorry. I know this is forward, but you should tell the father what's going on unless he's another deadbeat?"

Catch shook her head, she sighed. "He's not actually."

"So then call him, use that phonebook we talked about." Prim wondered why adults weren't more honest and open. She was still a teen, but even she knew communication was key.

"We agreed never to see each other again, besides I wouldn't even know how to get in contact with Gale."

"I am sorry, did you say Gale?" Prim felt her body grow cold. It couldn't be. How many Gale's could there be in the world?

"Yes, he's a cowboy by the name of Gale Hawthorne."

Hearing Gale's name was like lighting a match at a gasoline station. "You wait here." Prim ground her teeth as she walked out of the room and found the cowboy. She tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around.


"Don't you dare what me, you two-timing, lying sack of suds!" Prim advanced, pointing her finger into his chest. "All this time you've been trying to split my sister up, and spreading your seed about."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Catch is pregnant, and the baby is yours." Even underneath his clown makeup, he became pale. "You better attend to your own and leave mine the hell alone!"

Prim walked away, hoping that was the last time she would see Gale Hawthorne.


The ambulance siren blared as it drove through the country roads toward the only hospital in the area. Prim sat in the passenger's seat. She turned her head to see the back of her sister's head. Peeta held on to Katniss' pale hand. The Medic was asking him questions.

Prim was filled with rage and sorrow. She recalled another ambulance ride, one so eerily similar tears fell from her face.


Prim watched her sister come back. Katniss had a traumatic head injury, her hearing would never be the same. They kept her in the hospital for a few days making sure she was well.

Prim knew something was up. The doctors and her mother were really protective over Katniss. Prim wasn't sure what was going on. They were finally going to let her go home. Their mother stood up, rubbing Katniss' back. They were waiting for the discharge papers.

The doctor came in with the papers.

"Prim, why don't you go outside," her mother said.

Prim rolled her eyes. Getting up she stood outside rubbing her face.

"You're going to get wrinkles that way, kid," Jo said.

"Why do adults think I can't handle the truth?"

"They're dumb." Jo shrugged. "Plus, you do have a temper."

It was on the tip of Prim's tongue to say she didn't have a temper, but she shut her mouth. She did have a temper, all of the Everdeen women had legendary tempers.

"Are you coming with us?"

"Your mom asked me the same thing?"

"Well," Prim asked point-blank. Underneath all of the gruff exterior, Jo had a heart of gold.

"Yes," Jo nodded. "I've got my bags packed in the truck. This might be the fresh start I need."


The door to the room opened up, and the doctor wheeled Katniss out. She looked catatonic, staring blankly into space. Silently they made their way home. Slowly Katniss came back and Prim came to realize why her mother and doctor were so fiercely protective over Katniss.

Her sister was around five months pregnant. Prim watched her sister waste away. Her belly was so small that in her sixth month she didn't even look pregnant. Her sister came back to herself for the baby, and every milestone was a battle. Prim watched her sister battle sorrow, depression, anxiety, and a whole host of other debilitating mental illnesses.

With every OBGYN appointment, Katniss somehow grew worse. Prim found her sister in utter tears night after night. There were days Prim would climb into her sister's bed and hold her as she weakly called out for Peeta. Prim tried in vain to search for him, to tell him of his impending fatherhood.

She was near her due date when it happened. The letter came special delivery. Prim hoped this was good news, but it wasn't. It was the nail in the coffin. That night Katniss awoke screaming, her bed bloodied. They called the ambulance.

"I'm losing Peeta's baby," Katniss cried, frightened as the Medic inserting an IV in her arm to give her fluids. It was all a blur. Prim stood by helplessly as her sister was treated in the ambulance and then in the hospital. Her sister's cries deeply affected her.

There was nothing they could do, the baby was stillborn. Katniss got a fever afterward and slipped into a coma. Prim was scared of losing her sister. Katniss came back, but she was never the same.

They buried the baby, a little girl. They named her Rose. She was tiny and underweight. Katniss sat unmoving staring at the two family headstones, one for their father and the other one for Rose.

It took Prim and Jo years to bring Katniss back. As time passed by, Prim was mad at Peeta for leaving Katniss, but after what he went through what he experienced broke him just like her sister. The person she held responsible was that no good rodeo clown, Gale.

Because of Gale's pursuit of her sister, a rift grew between Katniss and Peeta. Katniss blamed herself for the loss of their baby and for the way their relationship ended. Primrose placed the blame squarely on Gale's shoulders. Had he not pursued a married woman, Katniss and Peeta would have worked things out. They would have a sweet baby girl.

Prim swore Gale would pay dearly for his actions.


Prim walked down the hall to the ER where Gale had been brought to as well. He was so drunk he could have died of alcohol poisoning. Katniss was fighting for her life and he was detoxing.

He was in a darkly lit room, his hands on his face, they'd given him enough slack on the bindings that tied his hands and feet to the bed. When he came to he'd become violent, and the hospital had to restrain him. Prim came into the room and stared at him.

"If you are here to tell me I screwed up…" Gale said.

"My sister and her unborn baby are hanging on for dear life because of you." Prim closed her eyes. Even standing in Gale's room she could still hear the faint beep of the machine as it monitored her sister's vitals and that of the baby. Peeta was hunkered down by Katniss' side immovable, willing them to be better. Peeta was still reeling from the news that he'd already lost one child.

He cried bitterly waiting for the doctors to stabilize her. When he finally was allowed to see Katniss he collapsed in the chair, asking for forgiveness to Katniss' inert form.

Prim wiped the tears from her face. She couldn't bear another coffin. She wanted Katniss and the baby to recover. Johanna and her mother were speaking to the hospital staff, making sure Katniss got the best of everything.

Prim opened her eyes, the fury she felt within her heart spilled into her eyes.

"Primrose I never meant…" His voice sounded parched dry raspy.

Prim laughed darkly. "Of course you did. You have always been the same selfish, self-involved, vain bastard who didn't care about what the repercussions of your actions would be. You came to our house all of those years ago and found out my sister was married. Did you back away? No, you decided to fuck every woman in the county and then after your little joy ride you set your eyes back on Katniss."

"No…that's not what happened," Gale rasped.

Prim tried to keep her anger from her voice. She slipped her hands into her pockets to keep from shaking from the boiling emotions she carried within her. "Really, so how did Chase get knocked up while you were so in love with my sister?"

Gale looked away.

"You exposed a small crack and made it the size of the Grand Canyon. My sister and Peeta suffered because of you. Knowing how pigheaded you are I decided to have insurance," she padded her pocket, "for the day you came back."

Gale's eyes turned to her blazing with pain and anger.

"I know what you want."

Gale sat up looking at her, his face surprised. "How…Where?"

Prim laughed. "Nope…I'm not here to make nice. It's too late to make your life right. You probably couldn't even if you tried."

"You b…"

"I don't give a rat's ass what you call me."

He fumed silently.

"You know it sounds good, the old saying, forgive and forget. But I am not sure if I can forget or if I want to when it comes to you. I'm still mad as hell at you."

He stared at her, immobilized.

"I'm through with having you coming into my family's life. I will sleep like a baby tonight knowing in a few minutes you're going to be hauled away into a rehabilitation center. I will wake up tomorrow and know that you will suffer what you've done to my family because you won't see Chase or your kids."

"Please, no…no…I…"

"She sent you a message," Prim said walking closer to his bed. She removed a shiny gold band from her pocket and threw it on his lap. "That's for you."

Gale's face fell.

"Have a good life." Prim walked out of the room to hell with forgiveness.