The scene shifted and they were all blinded by white light once again as they found themselves in Antarctica. Jack was running up to an icy cliff ready to throw his teeth into the white abyss, when something in him told him that he just couldn't. He dropped his arm to his side and let out a frustrated sigh. "I thought this might happen." Pitch called out. 'Pitch!? Why are you here!? This is your fault!' Jack thought furiously. "They never really believed in you. I was just trying to show you that." Jack grew livid the more and more Pitch continued to talk. 'You don't belong here! This was mine and Sandy's area! Not yours!' His mind shouted. "But I understand."

'HOW DARE YOU!?' Jack thought with pure rage as a growl left his throat as he immediately and relentlessly attacked Pitch with an ice blast. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!" He shouted as he jumped over Pitch, landed on the far other side of him and shot another ice blast.

Pitch used his nightmare sand as a shield from Jack's blast that would've likely sent him off the edge of the cliff. "No!?" He challenged. "I don't know what it's like to be cast out!?" He shot out nightmare sand at Jack who avoided it and immediately flew high into the air with a vengeful yell as he shot out a large and powerful icy blast, that Pitch had to use quite a bit of nightmare sand to defend with. "To not be believed in?" He continued. "To long for...a family!?" Pitch's voice broke at the end and Jack started lowering his staff. 'He what?' He thought as his anger faltered slightly. "All those years in the shadows I thought, 'no one else knows what this feels like.' But now I see I was wrong." Jack felt the anger leave him as he stared at Pitch with stunned eyes. 'He does know what this feels like...doesn't he...?' He thought to himself as he allowed Pitch to continue. "We don't have to be alone Jack. I believe in you, and I know children will too!"

'Really?' Jack thought. "In me?"

"Yes!" Pitch laughed out in a giddy manner. "Look at what we can do?" Pitch asked as he gestured to the large nightmare-ice sculpture. "What goes together better than cold and dark!? We can make them BELIEVE! We'll give them a world where everything...EVERYTHING IS..."

"Pitch Black?" Jack inquired using his staff to point at him. 'I don't think so...'

"And Jack Frost too..." Pitch quickly caught himself. "...They'll believe in both of us."

"No, they'll FEAR both of us, and that's not what I want. Now, for the LAST time, leave me alone!"

Pitch's excited look from earlier quickly turned into one of anger and frustration. "Very well. You want to be left alone. Done! But first..."

Jack heard a familiar squeak from behind him and his eyes went wide. "Baby Tooth!"

"THE STAFF, JACK! You have a bad habit of interfering. Now, hand it over, and I'll let her go."

"No, Jack don't do it." Baby tooth squeaked out.

Jack clutched his staff, ready to attack, and he heard the power practically sing from it with an icy voice, but he lowered it and flipped it around, handing it to Pitch. Pitch immediately took it and it lost all it's icy appearance it held when in Jack's hands. "Alright, now let her go."

"No." He said simply. "You wanted to be alone? Then BE alone!"

"Hey!" Baby tooth squeaked out and she slammed her beak into Pitch's thumb.

Pitch, caught by surprise and only further angered, threw her against the ice wall in front of him. "No!" Jack shouted as he watched Baby Tooth hit the wall. He turned around to face Pitch when suddenly he watched his staff snap in two. As the staff snapped, so did his ability to breath, and it felt like his heart and soul and everything he was, was split in two...painfully. He thought for a brief moment that his ribs were broken, but he didn't have time to think about it as Pitch hurled nightmare sand at him and tossed him against the very same wall, causing him to lose consciousness until he woke up not long after landing down the icy cavern. Then, Pitch tossed Jack's broken staff into the same area.

Once Jack regained consciousness, he looked over next to him and noticed that Baby Tooth was hurt. He shuffled over on his stomach, unable to move his legs quite yet and quickly grabbed her. "Baby Tooth! You alright?" He whispered out. He tried to close his hands around her to keep her warm when suddenly she squeaked, causing him to open up his hands, and she sneezed, then shook her head. He let out a disappointed sigh as he still held her. "Sorry, all I can do is keep you cold..." He stood up on his knees only to crouch back down on them with another heavy sigh. "Pitch was right..." Jack stated with pure hopelessness. "I make a mess of everything." Baby tooth crawled from his hand and into his pocket causing Jack to let out a short, "Hey!" before leaning up against the wall. 'I guess I'll just stay here forever then...the others don't need or want me, and Sandy's not around anymore, so what's the point.' Then, suddenly he heard the voice again.

"Jack? Jack!"

He looked down at his hoodie pocket and it was glowing. "Whoa!" He shouted as he jumped back in surprise until his back hit the ice wall. He took out the golden canister and looked at it, and Baby Tooth who held her own tiny hand against it, nodding her head. He carefully placed his hand in the middle of the canister and was immediately brought forward to his memories. He saw how he played with the other children, went on Easter egg hunts, put on shadow puppet plays for them, played in trees, and most importantly, he witnessed himself saving his little sisters life and how MiM changed him from a dead mortal to Jack Frost. Quickly, as if all breath had left him, he sucked in a large gasp of air as he came flooding back to himself. He looked at the canister, then at Baby Tooth, then to the canister again in disbelief. "Did you...Did you see that!?" Baby Tooth shook her head for her answer, but that didn't stop every amount of happiness that came rushing into Jack's heart. "It was...It was me!" He said frantically as he moved to grab Baby Tooth to tell her of what he saw. "I had A FAMILY! I had a SISTER! I SAVED her!" Then realization dawned on him as he looked up to the full moon above him. "That's why you chose me..." He whispered out. "I'm...I'm a guardian!" The smile on his face was nothing compared to the pure feeling of Hope, Wonder, and the feeling of his dreams coming true as he finally found his memories and why he was put into the world as Jack Frost. His heart and soul swelled with joy, but he soon realized, he still needed to get out and get to the others. No matter if they hated him or not, he needed to get to them, but before them, he had to get the fairies. "We have to get out of here!" He said as he started looking for a way to climb out. Then, he noticed his staff. He quickly grabbed it and tried to put it back together, focusing on everything he felt inside. Everything the guardians represented, but it didn't work. He tried once more as he looked deep inside himself for everything the guardians represented AND how he felt when he used his powers. To his surprise, the staff began mending itself in his hands. Once it was mended he shot up into the air and danced with the wind laughing joyously. "Come on Baby Tooth! I owe you one!"

The scene changed rapidly from Jack noticing on Pitch's globe that the lights were going out and realizing that the last one was Jamie, him flying towards the house, and finally when he heard Jamie begin to talk to the stuffed bunny in his hands. Then, the scene slowed down. "Okay, look. You and I are obviously at what they call...a crossroads. So, here's what's gonna happen...If it wasn't a dream and if you ARE real, then you have to prove right now." Jack lowered himself at the window as he thought, 'Oh, Jamie...I'm so sorry...' His frown deepened but he decided to let Jamie continue. "I've believed in you for a long time, okay? whole life in fact. So you kind of owe me now. You don't have to do much, just a little sign so I know. Anything...anything at all." Jamie begged his stuffed animal with a small glimmer of hope still left in his eyes, but when nothing he happened he tossed the stuffed rabbit onto the floor and sighed. "I knew it." Jack carefully opened the window and walked into Jamie's room. He tapped the glass with his staff, causing it to frost over. 'Even if he won't believe in me...he should at least believe in Bunny.' He thought to himself as he started to draw an Easter egg on the frosted glass. Jamie's eyes shot up and watched diligently as the egg seemingly drew itself. Then, Jack started to draw a bunny and he heard Jamie whisper, "He's real!" Jack couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face after he finished drawing the bunny. 'That's right, Jamie!' Jack held out his hands to the frosted drawn bunny, unsure of what exactly was going to happen but he felt in his heart that if he focused on everything that Bunny represents and everything that Sandy had taught and shown him, then perhaps he could make the bunny in the window pane real. He breathed in deeply thinking, 'Come on...I got my memories...all I need is North's wonder, Bunny's hope, and Sandy's dream sand like qualities. I BELIEVE I can do this!' He told himself as he finally let out the breath of air, and felt his magic pull wonderfully from his fingers, onto the window pane, and then into his hand. He opened his eyes to see a frosted bunny blinking at him before hopping around Jamie, just like Sandy's dream sand would've. Both Jack and Jamie laughed joyfully at the bunny that hopped around in the air before it exploded into a snow flurry falling from what seemed to be Jamie's ceiling. "Snow?" He asked curiously, until a snow flake touched his nose. "Jack Frost." Jamie said aloud with a small smile as he remembered his mothers words not too long ago.

"Did he just say..."

"Jack Frost?" Jamie asked the air, thinking he heard someone in his room.

Jack let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding as his heart pounded with hope and disbelief at the same time. "He said it again..." He looked down towards the floor as the hope and wonder continued to rise up into his chest. "He said...YOU said..."

Jamie turned around and his jaw dropped in shock. "Jack Frost!"

"That's right! But...but that's me! Jack Frost! That's my name!" Jack looked at Jamie, and he felt that he might burst with how much Hope was bubbling in his chest. "You said my name!" Jack then noticed that Jamie was staring right where he was standing and the hope only continued to rise, and his heart starting beating faster. "Wait...Can..Can you hear me?" Jamie nodded and Jack felt his breathing become ragged with how much his hope was risen. "Can...Can...Can you...Can you see me?" Jack didn't want to dare to hope, but his hope was already at such a high peak it was impossible to bring it down, and he thought it was impossible to lift it any higher until Jamie nodded at his most recent question. Immediately he felt his eyes begin to well up with happy tears. Jack laughed out breathlessly as his greatest hope was just confirmed. "He sees me. He...He sees me!" He laughed and cried out as all of the hope and wonder practically exploded in his chest as he did a back flip of joy onto Jamie's desk.

"You just made it snow!" Jamie shouted with glee.

"I know!" Jack replied with so much joy in his heart he almost couldn't take it.

"In my room!"

"I know!"

"You're real!?"

"Yeah man! Who do you think brings you all the blizzards and...and the snow days!? And you remember when you went flying on the sled the other day?"

"That was you?"

"That was me!"


"I know right!?"

"But what about the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy? I mean, what about..."

"Real! Real! REAL! Every one of us is real!"

"I knew it!"

"Jamie! Who are you talking to?" Jamie's mother called out.

Jack gave Jamie a go ahead and tell her look so he did. "Jack Frost?"

"Okay." She laughed out and Jamie looked at Jack in complete shock.

The scene quickly shifted to Bunny as a small...well...bunny, saying, "Yeah, we'll protect you, mate!"

"Awe you'll protect them...but who will protect you!?" One by one the kids stood forward saying that they would protect the guardians. Pitch called forth his storm of nightmares to race towards the children. "Still think there's no such thing as The Boogeyman?" He challenged.

"I do believe in you." Jamie admitted. "I'm just not afraid of you!" He held up his hand against the nightmare storm bravely, and was taken back by how the black sand erupted into mystical golden sand.

The guardian's watched the memory of them fighting along side each other and were filled with pride at how much Joy was in memory Jack's heart once again, but then Pitch was about to swing his scythe at Jack and a golden rope caught it and pulled on it, which only made the joy and hope rise even further in Jack's heart and soul, if that was even possible. 'It's...It's Sandy!' Jack thought loudly.

Then, he could hear Sandy's thoughts just like he used to. 'I'm back Pitch! And I told you, you will not swing that at him. Tsk Tsk Tsk...You will never learn!" Sandy punched Pitch into the air and he gave a nod. 'This is less than what you deserve!'

All of the guardians and children gathered around Sandy, happy to see he was back and he was real again. Then, Sandy lifted up into the sky, and wanted to do something amazing for Jack. He allowed his sand to rush freely, going to children's dreams of course, but along with it, he created dinosaurs, sting rays, fish swimming about, and Jack's two favorite things. Snow and Dolphins. The beautiful sand snow fell delicately and lightly around Jack and the children as a snowball fight started to commence.

The scene changed once more to where they were all on the lake and North was holding out the guardian book. Jack wore a proud smile on his face as he confidently said, "I will!"

"Then...congratulations, Jack! For you are now, and forever more...a guardian."

Suddenly, Jack and the other guardians found themselves back at the pole and a bit disoriented. "What? I thought it would lead the memories back to here?"

"I guess you had an uneventful year so far..." Tooth said as she held her head. "That's it." Suddenly, Tooth was blinded by a shining light from the ceiling. "Manny?" She asked curiously.

"Manny is something wrong?" North asked.

They were all stunned when they heard a gentle yet resounding, "No, nothing is wrong." They looked up, and the voice was definitely coming from MiM, but usually he would just use his light to communicate. "I have a gift for Sandman. A gift for staying a true guardian for Jack Frost until the end and then begin again. He took the struggle upon himself to be there for Jack all these years, and he hasn't stopped yet. I am moved by their relationship, so...Sandman...stand on the guardian circle." Sandman looked up with equal measures of curiosity and shock as he did as he was told. Then, almost immediately, MiM's moon beam shined on him and he felt himself transforming for some reason. Once the moon beams left him he looked at himself curiously and found that he looked like he did when Jack had called his name. He looked like his human form from before. "Go ahead Sandman, try talking. Now, this will be the last time I speak for a long time. I hope you enjoy my gift. Thank you all for dealing with Pitch. Farewell."

"Sandy?" Jack asked curiously, not sure what to think or do at the moment.

"J-Jack...?" Sandy stuttered out and tears began to fall from his eyes. "Jack!" Sandy reached around Jack to pick him up and swing him around as they both laughed joyously. "I have a more human like form, Jack! And I can talk!" Sandy stated with laughter still bubbling from his lips as he set Jack back down.

"I can see and hear that!" Jack said in amazement. "This is wonderful! Now everyone can hear you, Sandy." Jack's words seemed to give Sandy a curious idea, because he smirked at him and rose an eyebrow. "I...I can still hear your thoughts!"

"Yeah, and you're the only one, mate." Bunny stated as his eyes were widened.

"This is amazing, Sandy!"

"I know! I can't believe it!"

They all cheered and later they held a celebration in Jack and Sandy's honor. Jack's for forgiving them, and Sandy's for being a true and faithful guardian to the end and beginning again.

A few days after the journey of memories, Jack found himself at Jamie's house, pondering on how to ask the strangest question one could ask an eleven year old boy. So, he took a chance and found his mother climbing up the stairs instead. Thankfully, Jamie's father worked nights. "Excuse me..." He started as he cleared his throat.

She quickly turned around, shocked that someone was in her house, but soon relaxed when she realized who it was. "Oh, Jack. It's you. What are you doing here?"

"Well, actually...I was wondering if you could perhaps answer a couple of...odd questions for me."

"There's no such thing as an odd question with me, dear...go ahead and ask."

" long has this house been with your family?"

Her eyes widened at the question but she thought about it anyway. "Well...this house has been passed down for many many many generations...I would say since the mid 1600's. Why?"

Now it was Jack's turn to be surprised. " wouldn't happened to know if you ever had any relatives that were born under the last name, Overlander, would you?"

"Actually..." She started and motioned for Jack to follow her to her room, where she pulled a book off the shelf. "...Here..." She handed it to him and he began flipping through it. What he found, shocked him into silence. It was stories he had made up and told the children himself, the tales of his pranks, history of the family, who lived in the house, who got married, who didn't, who had kids, who didn't, and then there was a very old note written in what he knew to be his sister's handwriting. "...That book has been passed down for many many generations. That note you're holding belonged to Jamie's many times great grandmother. Her name was..."

"Sarah Autumn Overlander." Jack answered as tears began to fall from his eyes.

" could you know that? I haven't even shown Jamie this yet...let alone..." She turned to see Jack was crying and quickly let her motherly instincts kick in as she wiped them away.

"I know her name...because I named her when she was born."

"But that's impossible that would make you..."

"Over three hundred years old...I am...we were on the ice...down at the pond in front of this house, when the ice began cracking underneath her...I tried to distract her with fun, and I switched places with her. I fell through the ice and I...I died...but then...the man in the moon brought me back to life and told me my name was Jack Frost. I woke up with no memories and it took me a very long time to get my memories back, but I remember it as if it were yesterday. These funny stories...I wrote them...and I would preform shadow plays on the sides of buildings..."

"You can't be serious..." She whispered out.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me I'm lying." He looked at her intently waiting for her to look at him. When she did, he breathed deeply as he said, "My name was Jackson Frost Overlander. My sisters name was given to her by me, and her name is Sarah Autumn Overlander. I am over three hundred years old, and I am a guardian." He breath out a light sigh. " I lying?"

Jamie's mother brought her hands to her lips in shock. " you're not. You have every bit of conviction in your eyes, and it would explain why Jamie says he always sees you either around our house or at the pond. "You're really Jamie's..."

"Yeah...I'm really Jamie's distant relative. Your's and Sophie's too."

" do you know Sophie?"

"That's...a story for another time."

Suddenly, they both heard a toy clatter to the ground, and looked for the source, only to find Jamie standing in his mother's bedroom door. "I'm related to Jack Frost!?" He asked with his jaw dropped.

"Yeah, kiddo. You are!" Both Jamie's mother and Jack said at the same time.

Jamie's eyes immediately lit up and he jumped onto his mom's bed. "Oh wow, Jack! Tell me a story from then! What was it like back then! Did you have any powers then too! What could you do! Did you know the guardians then too! Tell me Tell me...PLEASE!?"

"Alright Alright..." Jack chuckled out. "Slow down...let's see...I guess we could start at the beginning. The day I was born, the year was..."

Suddenly Sandy walked in to the room with a wide smile. "Sandman! What happened? You used to be short." Jamie questioned with slight laughter.

"The man in the moon decided to give me a gift for being with Jack for all these years. I see him as a son to me, and I took it upon myself to be his personal gave me this form and my voice back. I was beginning to grow worried, because I knew why he was here but I wasn't sure if he was going to be okay asking the question. Looks like I worried for nothing."

"Wait a minute!" Jamie exclaimed with a wide smile. "Jack is like you adoptive son?"

"Yeah, pretty much, kid." Jack answered with a proud smile. "He's been like a father to me for many many years."

"Cool! Oh, wait...story story...Jack, please continue!"

"Wait..." Jamie's mother started. "You're the Sandman?"

"Yes I am. Nice to see you again, Elizabeth Bennett. I used to send my dream sand to you some time ago when you were a child and just like your mother, you would often dream of flying."

"" Elizabeth felt Jamie tugging on her shirt and she felt herself chuckle warmly. "I don't think he's gonna let this go...Jamie wants to hear about Jack's life."

"Oh great! I love story time and I've got a couple hours to spare, and plenty of stories about Jack himself."

"Sandy, No!" Jack shouted in embarrassment.

"Sandy, Yes!" Jamie shouted back with laughter.

"Fine..." Jack groaned. "...but I start. Anyway...The day I was born, the year was..."

And just like that Jamie and his mother began learning a little more about their family and the guardians than they ever thought possible, and it would change their lives forever. One thing was for certain though. They would always believe in one another.