"I see the moon, the moon sees me,

The moon sees somebody I love truly,

Oh blessed moon please watch me…"


Chapter 1: Cliff Hibiki

"Maikaira! Slow down will you?! Your Uncle will kill me if you come home wounded again!"

"Oh that tiny scratch? You and Uncle Onigumo worry too much! Besides we're almost there!" Shika shook her head in defeat and continued to follow after her friend. The two, best friends since birth, could not be any more different. Where Shika was timid and shy, Maikaira was loud and outgoing. Eighteen years hadn't changed a thing about the pair. "I still don't think this is a good idea. You know I can't lie, and your uncle sca- uff!" Shika slammed into the back of Maikaira when she made an abrupt stop, causing her fall on the ground, silencing any of her further protests. The two stood on the edge of Cliff Hibiki silent and wide eyed. Legend had it, if you screamed out your name as loud as you could and the mountains repeated it three times you would make it to the bottom alive and unharmed. But if your name was not repeated and you still attempted the dangerous tract down you would parish an unimaginably painful death.

"Can't you find a safer escape route?"

"My Uncle has guards all over the palace. This is the only way. Besides, you're always complaining you can hear me from miles away! There's no way my voice wont echo!" Maikaira reassured, a large grin spread across her face. She reached into her woven satchel that she kept on her at all times and pulled out a tattered black ribbon. The color had began to fade some time ago and appeared a dingy white in certain areas. She used it to tie up her hair and keep the strands out of her face. Maikaira's hair, a unique pale pink color that almost appeared white when the sun shone directly on it, reached the small of her back and once it was tied up stopped midway.

"Yeah but what if it doesn't? You'll attempt it anyway. So whats the point of dragging us out here? It's only a rumor anyway." She sounded unsure when she whispered her concerns. Maikaira's smile faded and her features turned serious. Her usually soft gray eyes hardened and focused in on the light honey brown color of her friend's. "I'm willing to try anything to ease your mind. I just can't stay here Shika." The two stood in an awkward silence for quite some time before Maikaira turned to face the edge of the cliff once again. She stood up on the tip of her toes and pushed her shoulders back before taking in a deep breath in hopes of opening up her airway as much as possible.


No one moved. No one breathed.


The girls held their breath praying they would hear just one more echoed name. Finally, but very faintly, they heard it.


The pair jumped with excitement and clung to one another laughing hysterically. Shika was the first to calm down as she stared silently down at her shoes. Her raven colored strands covered her eyes and Maikaira could barely make out the small trembling her lips were making.

"I- I, I'm just going to miss you so much." She cried out. "I've known you my entire life. And starting tomorrow I'll never s-s-see you again." Her cries turned into loud sobs as she got the rest of her words out.

Maikaira didn't say anything at first, afraid she wouldn't be able to get rid of the lump that had formed in her throat, and then they would both be a crying mess.

"You know I won't stay away forever. I'll be back. I promise." Shika still didn't look up but her shoulders had stopped their shaking. "Hey, hey look at me. I promise I'll keep my self safe and return. I'll just be gone long enough for Uncle to realize his mistake. I'll even try and write to you." Shika perked up at the mention of receiving letters. Shika took a deep breath and dried her face with the sleeve of her kimono. "I'll hold you to it." The two friends embraced once more before starting their hike back home.


The land of Hideki Mamoru held true to its name. Tall massive trees served as protection making it nearly impossible for any outsiders to reach. It has been the perfect place to house and protect the Shikon no Tama, the Jewel of the Four Souls. For centuries humans and demons alike sought after the jewel for its powers.

Maikaira crept in slowly through the open window of her bedroom. The tree next to her window granted her easy access to and from her room without any notice. She took one step off the windowsill to turn around -

"Eh hem. When will you learn?" Maikaira stood still taking her time before turning around and facing Kagura. Kagura was her uncle's right hand man and was placed in charge of keeping Maikaira "in line". She was a few inches taller than Maikaira yet always seemed to tower right over her. She snapped her fan shut before she began her speech. "Why do you insist on being disobedient? A princess is one that should always follow the rules she has been given. And I am quite sure you are aware that sneaking out and ignoring your duties is not acceptable behavior for a princess." Kagura's sharp eyes trailed over the younger woman's form. No doubt looking for something else to scold her about. "You are not a child anymore. You will be marrie-"

"Yes, yes I am very much aware. I am to be wedded to the Great Lord Musō." Maikaira's spoke the lord's name with as much sarcasm as she could muster.

"Mind your tongue with me girl." Kagura's eyes were a deep red color that always gave Maikaira chills when she made direct eye contact with her, this time was no different. "Speaking of your husband to be. He arrived here some time ago. Your Uncle and him have been patiently waiting for you."

"What? No! He wasn't suppose to be here until tomorrow." Kagura's eyes softened ever so slightly but quickly shifted back to her usual cold demeanor. She slapped her fan open once more before closing her eyes and letting out a sigh of frustration. "I am sending in Kaede to clean you up. I have instructed her to dress you in something more presentable." Her nose scrunched up in displease. She was no doubt referring to Maikaira's loose fitting attire. She wasn't sure if Kagura disapproved more about her sneaking out or of her choice in clothing. Every now and again she would be spotted in one of her father's old shirts. The sleeves were much too long and she constantly had to roll them up and the neck tended to sag off her shoulder. Kagura often lectured her on the importance of appearance and how she ought to stop "prancing about dressed like a commoner". Maikaira paid no mind to her. Running in pants was a lot more efficient than a dress.

Within in seconds Kaede entered the room. Her eyes instantly landed on the hunched over form seated in the middle of the bed. She cleared her throat gently to get her attention. Maikaira wiped viciously at her face before turning around. Her cheeks had turned red and her eyes were puffy.

"Have ye been cryin' child?"

"No." She sniffled.

"Come on down here and let me get a good look at ye. Makes no sense to lie to me. I lost one eye not two." That got a small giggle from her. "If I could trade places with ye I would in a heartbeat. Just keep in mind your doing it for your kingdom." Maikaira did not reply at first. A feeling of guilt started to wash over her. She did not even think about how Kaede would be effected by her departure. This woman had been the closest thing Maikaira had to a mother since hers had passed away so long ago. She wanted to tell her so bad about her plan but couldn't find the courage to form the words.

After several minutes of angry protests Maikaira was finally dressed. The floor length kimono was a deep rich violet color and was paired with a light gray sash. These colors were present all through out the castle, representing the Shikon Jewel. Kaede begin to pin up Maikaira's hair in a similar fashion to Kagura's normal style. Two pins, adorned with jet black pearls held her hair up, leaving a few strands hanging in the front. It was always so hard to breathe in these things.

"Has Uncle told you why Lord Musō had decided to arrive so early?"

"I'm afraid not. But I suggest you do not keep them waiting any longer." Maikaira nodded her head in understanding and stood, ready to walk out the door, but stopped mid step.

"Is everythi-" Kaede was cut off by the surprising embrace.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." She held the embrace for a few seconds more before sprinting out of the room.

'My prayers are with you princess.'

Anyone watching the princess would have thought she had thirty pounds of lead strapped to her ankles. The walk from her bedroom to the dining room usually took no more than three minutes on a normal day. Today was no normal day. Picking her head up and taking one more deep breath she pushed through the wooden double doors. The dining room was one of the largest locations on the property and was mostly used to host any main event the castle held. Once her parents passed away though the amount of celebrations seemed to dwindle. Off to the far right corner stood two figures: One had long black hair that was brushed out neatly and reached his lower back, while the other, who was also graced with beautiful dark locks, kept his a little bit more unkept and only reached a little below his shoulders. The two were wrapped up in deep conversation, while staring up at the large family portrait that adorned the middle of the room. The closing of the grand doors behind her echoed through out the room, alerting the men of her entrance.

"Ah I see my dear niece has finally decided to grace us with her presence."

Lord Musō's face broke out into a grin. Maikaira was sure most women would consider him attractive. He had a strong slim face, dark colored eyes, and was quite tall. There was a tiny birth mark, the size of and ink dot, that became more noticeable when he grinned. His eyes is what made her uncomfortable though. The dark onyx color was no where near similar to Kagura's but they still held the same effect. Maikaira did not trust him. He gave a slight bow before grasping her hand into his. He placed a light kiss on the top of her hand causing her to grimace and jerk her hand back. The action seemed to cause his smirk to only grow.

"Your uncle has told me much about you. How you like to go for walks in the mountains and climb trees. Not normal behavior for a woman. But please rest assure once you become my wife I can help you break those silly little habits." Maikaira's jaw dropped. Did he really have the audacity to say that to her? She looked over at her uncle in disbelief. She opened her mouth to speak only to have him cut her off. "I am sure you are very tired from your journey. I'll have someone show you to your room. We will discuss preparations tomorrow morning." Lord Musō gave Onigumo a long deep bow before retiring in for the night. 'Who does this guy think he is? If I had any doubts about leaving before he certainty cleared things up.'

Onigumo motioned for Maikaira to stand beside him once they were alone. He was still facing the portrait. Maikaira never glanced at it for more than a few seconds.

"Tell me what you see."

"Lots and lots of chairs Uncle. It is the dining r-"

"Do not be smug. It doesn't suit you. What do you see?" Maikaira hesitated before glancing up. The smiling faces of her parents was the first to catch her eye. Their hands were intertwined as they glanced down at the small child seated on the floor. Maikaira could vaguely remember this day, she had to be no older than five at the time. She did not want to sit still for the artist and the only thing that would keep her occupied was the stuffed dog that she was grasping in her hands in the image. Her hair was indeed a rare one that she inherited from her mother. Her eyes though, they mirrored her father's. She couldn't remember what their voices sound like any longer and even their faces were beginning to become a blur unless she decided to take a stroll into the dining room.

"It's my parents Uncle." She finally muttered.

"Precisely. No matter what they protected this land. They gave it their all even at the cost of their lives. Now I need you to understand Maikaira, I am not issuing you a death sentence, only a marriage partner. You may not have feelings for Musō at the moment but I believe your love for him will grow. I need you to be strong like your parents and give it your all when it comes to your kingdom." Onigumo was surprised when his niece did not respond. She simply stood there blank of any emotions.

"I understand Uncle. You're right." It took everything in her to give a polite smile. "You will realize how much this means to me once I am gone Uncle. Then and only then will I return."

"I should head to bed. I kept you two waiting long enough today and do not need to add to that wait time by struggling to awake from my sleep tomorrow. Good night Uncle." She placed a gentle kiss on the side of his temple before taking her leave. "I love you."


Once the moon was settled high in the sky and only the chirping of cicadas could be heard did Maikaira start to make her move. She dressed quickly in a pair of light brown pants that cuffed tightly at her ankles and one of her father's tan long sleeved shirts. On her bed laid an emerald green shawl that had once belonged to her mother. Taking one finale glance at her room she wrapped the fabric around her self, careful to cover her unusual colored hair and enough to block off her face from the nose down. Standing on the edge of her window sill she let out a sad sigh. She didn't know when she would see her room again, kaede, Shika… The longer Maikaira took pondering all the things and people she would miss was making her plan that much harder to follow through with. Shaking her head, ridding her self of any further doubts, she began her escape down the limbs of the old tree.

If she had timed things correctly, then she was correct in believing the temple would be empty at this time. She pressed her self firmly against the wall at the back of the temple before poking her head out as a precautionary. "Safe." She crept slowly and quietly to the front entrance looking over her shoulder every now and again. "Safe." Pulling the small dagger from her satchel with her right hand, she made a small incision across her right palm. As soon as the blood was visible she placed her hand gently on the temple's door. Within seconds a bright white light flashed and the door that once stood tall and strong had disappeared allowing Maikaira a quick smooth entrance. The temple was dimly lit by the cluster of candles placed in front of the Shikon Jewel's shrine. With hesitant footsteps she reached the stand that hosted the sacred jewel. Maikaira stood captivated by it beauty for a few seconds. The jewel's pale violet color glimmered against the candle light as she picked it up. It was always a mystery to her how something so small could be so powerful. So many have sought after it for its powers. Her parents perished because of-

"So you truly are leaving?" A voice broke Maikaira out of her thoughts and she quickly jammed the jewel into her satchel burying it carefully to the bottom.

"I told you I was serious Shika. I can not marry that man. Something isn't right about him." The stood in silence for what felt like the hundredth time today. Shika was surprisingly the first one to speak up, her voice came out and loud and harsher than either of them anticipated.

"And you are taking THE Sacred Jewel! You can not be serious Maikaira. Once your uncle finds out you took it he'll hunt you down!"

"It is my duty as princess to protect it!"

"Protect it?! You honestly think taking it from here and running the lands with it is protecting it? Why cant you just… why don't you just… I swear I'll run straight to Lord Onigumo and tell him ever-" Shika instantly regretted her words once her eyes fell to the form of her friend positioned in a deep bow.

"I am sorry Shika. You wouldn't understand but I have to do this. I will protect it at all costs and I hope to protect this friendship as well. I know you would never run and tell my uncle. Please don't have our last few moments together end with such anger." Maikaira stared up at her friend, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Shika held out her hand for Maikaira to take.

"Of course I would never say anything to your uncle. I would die before I betrayed your trust. I shall pray to the goddess of Aramitama everyday until you return."


"Kagura make sure you have your eyes on my niece at all times today. I do not need any of her foolish behavior prolonging this ordeal any longer than it already has."

"That's just it my lord, no one can seem to find her. And it appears the Shikon Jewel is missing as well."