"I'm still mad at you, just so you know," Tessa said to Sonya as they unloaded their cases from their hire car in the parking lot of the arena where Smackdown was going to take place. She had ended up spending more than three hours taped up on the bed the previous night. It had been the most frustrating experience of her life, not least because she had been able to hear Mandy's muffled screams of excitement from the next room as Daria had made her come over and over again.

"We've had this conversation," Sonya grinned. "Daria had a lesson to teach you, and she taught it. In future, you'll know that she comes out when she wants to, not when you decide."

"I think it's seriously hot what you did to her," Mandy said.

"Of course you do," Tessa said, rolling her eyes. Her attention shifted to the night ahead as they walked towards the entrance to the building. "Let's see what tonight has in store, then. I'm going to guess it'll involve Rollins being a colossal prick."

"Probably, if Sunday is anything to go by," Sonya said. "And Adam Cole will be here."

"Maybe you'll get lucky," Mandy said suggestively.

Tessa grunted a laugh. "There's more chance of sex with him than with you two, apparently."

"Aww, don't be like that," Sonya said, and all three of them laughed.

They entered the arena building, which took sex off the list of topics for conversation.

"I'm wondering what we've got tonight," Mandy said. "I doubt they're going to launch straight into the new 'perfect specimens' stuff after only one video promo."

"You're probably right," Sonya said thoughtfully. "In before we're not on the show at all."

"That would be annoying," Mandy said.

Tessa shook her head. "That's not likely. They're obviously keen to build you guys up. I mean, they put you with Clem for your first program."

"True," Sonya admitted.

Answers appeared to be at hand when they rounded a corner and saw TJ Wilson standing in the hallway talking to Lacey Evans. As the agent for almost all of the women's content on Smackdown, he was sure to be in the know regarding what was planned for that night's episode.

The three new arrivals approached TJ and Lacey, and greetings were exchanged all round. There was some discussion about a promo that Lacey was going to be involved in, then she headed for the locker room, leaving the rest of them to it.

"I'm guessing you're all waiting to enquire about what you've got tonight?"

"We are," Sonya smiled.

"You guys have a tag match against enhancement talent," TJ said, dealing with Sonya and Mandy first. "Charlotte and Liv's new gimmick got started with its first promo last night, as you may have seen."

"We did," Mandy said. "It's weird, but it is interesting. I like the choice of Grace to play the mad scientist. That girl has got something."

Yeah, an in with the higher-ups because she's dating Roman Reigns, Tessa thought, not that she wanted to judge someone she had never met in person. The relationship was known about in the locker room, however.

"Yes, she has. In time, we might see the Dr Stone character wrestle, too. It's an option that's open to us," TJ said. "Anyway, the reason I mentioned it is that when the Perfect Specimens debut on TV, their first run is going to be with you guys."

"That sounds exciting," Mandy said, not bothering to get into the fact that she had already gotten that news from Charlotte.

"It'll be a few weeks yet," TJ said. "While they have promos airing, we'll be building you up with dominating victories against enhancement talent. That way, it'll be a big deal when the rivalry starts."

"Sounds good to me," Sonya said.

"Yes. Lucy is high on you guys right now, and on this gimmick for Grace, Charlotte and Liv. I'll tell you the same thing I told them when we were texting last night: Make it count."

"We will," Sonya said seriously as Mandy nodded her agreement.

"As for you, Tessa, you've got an in ring promo with Rollins," TJ said.

"Does it involve kicking him in the balls?" Tessa enquired innocently.

"Well, since you mention it..."

The second segment of Smackdown began with Seth Rollins' music playing. He was met with a muted reaction consisting of boos. Hardly anyone joined in with the 'Burn it down!' portion of his theme as he walked out onto the stage with AOP, his cohorts. The newly-won Intercontinental Championship had pride of place around Seth's waist.

Watching from Gorilla, Tessa did her best to hide her contempt since Lucy Thorne was sat a short distance away at the production desk. Somehow, she had lost even more respect for Rollins a couple of hours earlier when she had bumped into him. For some reason, she had tried be the bigger person, and had mentioned the idea of running through their promo together.

"What for?" Seth had said dismissively, arrogantly. "You've got your script for the promo. Memorise it. Deliver it." With that, he had walked away, leaving her standing like an idiot.

Fucking unprofessional, sexist cunt, Tessa thought.

Out in the arena, Rollins finished his entrance routine and began his promo. He waxed lyrical in blowing his own horn about his performance in the Intercontinental Championship tournament. Hearing him claim that he had comfortably beaten everyone along the way annoyed the crowd because it was simply not true. The reality was that he had lucked and cheated his way to the title.

"What I proved is what I've already known for a long time," Seth bragged. "I'm on a different level to everyone who was in that tournament. They're just not..."

Tessa's theme music interrupted him, drawing quite a cheer from the fans. Avoiding reacting to it wasn't hard for her as she walked quickly out onto the stage, heading straight for the ring. As usual when she wasn't wrestling a match, she appeared in jeans and a leather jacket. She kept her eyes on Rollins, as well as her thoughts. In character, she was supposed to be pissed off. There was no better way to convincingly look pissed off with someone than to actually be pissed off with them. The crowd certainly seemed to like it, continuing to cheer her on throughout her entrance.

Tessa got into the ring and stormed right between AOP, who actually parted ways to allow her through. As had been suggested to her, she avoided any attempts to pose or suck up to the crowd. That kind of thing didn't fit the character that she wanted to play.

"You're out here mouthing off about what you proved Sunday night," Tessa said as soon as she grabbed a mic. Her tone was forceful and combative. "The only thing you proved to me is that I can beat you. So, rather than flapping your gums, how about our new champion has his first title defence right here, right now, against me?"

The crowd cheered that idea, clearly supporting the proposition. By contrast, Seth openly laughed at her. He had been given lines that Tessa felt sure he was more than happy to deliver.

"Tessa, Tessa, Tessa," he said patronisingly. "Haven't you figured it out yet? Maybe I stomped your head into the mat harder than I thought? You had your little experiment to see if you could hang with men in the ring. You tried, and you failed. Go back to where you belong: the women's division."

The fans booed the way he was talking down to her. Standing either side of him, AOP seemed amused by it.

"I've never stepped into a ring or a cage with anyone I couldn't hang with, man or woman. You didn't answer my challenge."

"Actually, I did. I've got nothing to prove to you, or any of these people. The answer is no."

Looking smug, Seth turned to leave. AOP went over to the ropes to hold them open for him. Unwisely, the three of them had turned their backs on Tessa.

Rushing Seth from behind, Tessa gabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around. She gave him a stiff kick to the balls, then, as he doubled over, she dropped him with a modified Magnum.

To Tessa's pleasure, the fans popped big for her attack. It was hard for her not to smile as she scooted out of the ring before AOP could grab her and get retribution for their leader.

Tessa walked around the ring and started heading up the ramp towards the stage. That was when Nikki Bella's music hit. The new Smackdown General Manager received a warm reaction as she entered the arena wearing a bright red dress and a snapback. Her music soon stopped, allowing her to speak.

"Seth, you may not have had the balls to accept Tessa's challenge, and after that kick you probably have less balls now," Nikki said, drawing some laughter from the crowd and a smile from Tessa, who was now standing not far from the GM. "But here's the thing. I know I'd like to see another Rollins – Blanchard match, and I'd like it to be for the Intercontinental Championship. What do you guys say?" Nikki asked the fans.

Tessa enjoyed the resulting cheer. It showed that the fans wanted to see her get the opportunity. They were not rejecting the idea of her wrestling guys. In the ring, Seth was on his knees, holding his balls. For Tessa, it was a delightful image.

"Then it's a done deal," Nikki said. "At Extreme Rules we will see the Intercontinental Championship defended when Seth Rollins faces Tessa Blanchard. Seth, good luck. I've got a feeling you might need it."

"Oh, he'll need it," Tessa said. She didn't have a microphone, but there was a camera in her face. She hoped that the shot had been on her at the time, so that her words made it on air.

As Nikki's music played again, Seth sold his anger at the announcement. Looking pleased with her night's work, Tessa walked through the curtain to the back. She had no intention of waiting for Seth, so she hung back a moment for Nikki, and they started walking towards the women's locker room, making idle conversation.

Along the way, they encountered Adam Cole, leaning casually against the hallway wall, looking like he was minding his own business.

"I'll see you in a few minutes," Tessa said to Nikki, stopping to talk to Cole.

"Looks like you're having a good night," Cole said as some kind of greeting. "It'll get better after the show, when I take you to dinner."

Tessa had to smile at the sheer arrogance of the man. The worst part was that she found herself liking it. "Oh, is that what's going to happen? I thought you were going to avoid me all night. It took you long enough."

"Just biding my time," he said casually. "What hotel are you staying at?"

"The Marriott, down by the river."

"Me too. I'll see you in the lobby at 10pm."

Tessa laughed at his forthrightness, which was maybe the reaction he had wanted. "10pm," she confirmed. "At least we're on Pacific time." She expected to get some comment about it leaving them plenty of time for sex after they ate, but it didn't come.

"I'll see you then," was all he said before he walked away.

A/N: Thank you to everyone who left a review on the previous chapter.

How do you think the dinner date will go?