I don't own Grey's Anatomy

Meredith found Amelia in the attendings lounge. "Hey I need you to do a consult."

"Oh, on who?"

"Andrew's dad."

"Really I thought he was in Italy."

"Well I mean he was but Carina showed up today and told us his dad has a brain tumor. He also has some mental health issues which causes a bumpy family dynamic. Don't be surprised if Andrew seems distant I had to push him into being here so just tread carefully."

Amelia looked at her. "Okay." She nodded. "I'll see what I can do." She walked out of the room and went in search of the Deluca siblings.

"Hello Doctor Deluca." Amelia came in "I'm Dr. Shepard the head of Neuro here at Grey-Sloan." She introduced herself to the older Deluca

"You are a pretty one." Vincenzo Deluca winked. "Isn't she a pretty one Andrea?" he turned to his son.

"Dad stop hitting on the doctor." Andrew rolled his eyes. "Amelia I'm sorry about him."

"Hey don't apologize it's always nice to know I still got it." She smirked.

"These were his latest scans." Carina passed a big envelope to Amelia.

"Okay lets have a look then shall we." Amelia pulled them out and grimaced. "Of course I'll need new films but well we get you prepped I'd like to talk to your children Doctor Deluca."

"Of course." The man said. Amelia waved the two Deluca siblings out into the hallway.

"What is it Amelia?" Andrew asked as soon as they were out of the room. She sighed and pulled out the scans.

"Of course these scans have to be updated but I need to prepare you two this doesn't look good." She pointed to the tumor. "It's at a very precarious place. I won't say improbable because I hate that word but it's damn near close. One centimeter either way and I could paralyze him, but if I don't get it out soon it could blind him or even kill him. This is a tough one we'll know more after the new scans."

Carina and Andrew watched her walk away and Andrew started to pace. "Talk to me." Carina said.

"What do you want me to say." Andrew rounded on her. "I don't want to be here. I'm here because of you not because of him so remember that I have to go and talk to Karev to let him know that I won't be to work for a few days. With that he left and Carina slid down the wall burying her head in her knees.


"Dr Karev can I talk to you." Andrew asked opening the door and walking into the chief's office.

"Yes come in Deluca have a seat, what can I do for you today?"

"Sir I am going to need some time off I have a family emergency."

"What is going on Deluca?"

"My father has a brain Tumor Amelia says it doesn't look good she's getting new scans now but she isn't very hopeful. "

"Well if anyone can do it it's Amelia." Alex said trying to give him some hope."

"That is true." Andrew sighed.

"Deluca take off the time you need I'll cover everything for you." Alex told him.

"Thank you." Andrew sighed standing up. "I have to go and find Meredith now." That that he walked out of the office. Alex watched him go and in that moment he knew that Meredith might just be the best thing that had ever happened to that man.


Andrew found Meredith coming out of the bathroom.

"Hey have you talked to Amelia?"

"Yeah she's doing new scans but she's not liking what she sees now I talked to Alex he gave me time off."

"That's good." Meredith rested her hand on his shoulder. "I'm here for what you need. "I do have to go home with the kids tonight but I have a baby sitter on standby if it's an emergency and I'm just a phone call away.

"Thank you.' He pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead.

"Hey I have the new scans can you follow me I already have your sister." Amelia said walking past them.

They walked into a room Carina standing in the center. "What did you find?" Andrew asked.

Amelia put the scan up so everyone could see it. "Like I feared it has gotten bigger. Now I could rush him into surgery and do this now tonight but I would like to do a month of radiation treatment in the hopes of shrinking the tumor and then go in. I think If I went into with the way it is now I will kill him for sure."

"But if you don't go in it could grow." Andrew pointed out.

"That is a true statement but I am hopeful radiation will help shrink it. I think this is the best hope he has right now would you like to come in and talk to him with me."

"I will." Carina said walking with Amelia well Andrew stayed behind with Meredith.

"I don't know what to feel." He whispered.

"I know." Meredith soothed. "I know." She wrapped her arms around him

He loved his father and he hated his father and now his father was probably dying and he didn't know how to feel it was a riot of emotions all throughout him and Meredith was the only thing seeming to anchor him to the earth.