"Alright, two more deep breaths Petty Officer Quinn and we'll be finished." He was leaning stomach first onto the bench in the Doctor's office. It reminded him of last year in J-Bad when the guys were taking frag out of his shoulder and back. Compared to the discomfort he felt now, he'd rather have Ray and his less than delicate touch removing pieces of shrapnel from his skin.
Normally Sonny would crack a joke or fake grumble how much he hated being treated so fragile, but after his ordeal in North Korea he was just tired. After literally catching every breathe in the wardroom on board the USS Booker T. Washington, flying back stateside where he hopped from hospital bed to hammock to bench in a futile attempt to get comfortable and now at the base hospital, he was spent. If he hadn't lost and retrieved his life 90-some odd hours ago, he would've been at the bar or at home, drinking. And drinking a lot. He didn't want to admit it, but he was feeling worn down. All he wanted to do was get drunk and pass out in a deep slumber.
"Your lungs finally sound clear. We'll be giving you a small dose of antibiotics as a preventative measure, just to make sure you don't build up anymore fluid than normal, but otherwise, you're all set." Just as the Doctor pushed her stool back under her desk there was a light knock at the door. She looked over her shoulder and Sonny looked up to see the rest of Bravo cramming into the little window trying to get a glimpse into the room, "feeling up for visitors?"
"Even if I wasn't they're Tier One operators. They just knocked to be polite, better let 'em in quick." Both smiled as the Doctor barely had her hand on the knob when it swung open.
"How's our guy?" Jason was the first in and by Sonny's side squeezing his shoulder, resisting the secondhand nature to slap him on the back. Brock and Cerberus were behind him deftly coming into the room making sure there were no exposed tubing or vital wires.
"Lungs sound clear, no more jagged breaths and he can take full inhales and exhales without trouble. It shouldn't be too much longer until he can rejoin you guys full-time."
"That's great news. Thanks Doc." Ray was flanking Sonny's other side, Clay and Trent right behind him, Trent scanning his medical chart.
"Take a few minutes in here Sonny and then you can leave. Excuse me gentlemen."
"How're you really feeling?" Trent asked, almost wanting to do another examination himself. He wasn't there for the Operation and although the medical teams on board the USS Booker T. Washington and here on base knew their jobs and excelled at them, they didn't know Bravo Team—they didn't know Sonny—like he did.
For the past few days, that's the only question Sonny's heard. That and can anyone get him anything.
"I'm alright. Just ready to leave." He stood up and threw his T-shirt back on, patting Cerberus on the head as he moved in between the guys.
"Speaking of leaving, Mikey wants to know when Uncle Sonny's coming over to watch College Football with him and Emma's got this date coming up, I could use some back up intimidating the guy. Come stay at my house until you're fully cleared."
"That sounds like work. Stay with me, Naima will keep you feed and you can spend the days watching Adventure Time with the kids. We'd love to have you."
"Two words Sonny: Beer and Cerberus. Danielle's traveling for work so the place is mine."
"Well damn, if everyone's offering you can stay with me too. I…" Clay starts.
"Don't do that," Jason interrupts. "Your still post break-up and a little bit of a disaster."
"Not to mention the air in J-Bad is probably cleaner than your apartment right now," Ray adds causing laughs to erupt, even from Clay.
"Thanks guys, but it's alright. I'm looking forward to getting home." That was a lie, he couldn't stand being home alone with the quiet, but the guys needed the quality time with their family. Being apart of Bravo Team already took so much time away from their personal lives, he didn't want to add to it.
"You really shouldn't be alone, but I'll be stopping by to check on you," Trent't tone left no room for discussion. Even before Sonny could respond, Brock broke out in a laugh that spreads to the rest of the guys. "What? Someone's gotta look out for you. I'm sorry my name's not Brittany, Tiffany, Chastity or Charity."
"Don't be jealous of me and my ability. You heard the Doc, I can breathe deep without trouble."
This was the first time since everything happened that guys were able to be together and genuinely laugh. It was these kinds of moments Sonny lived for. Maybe mix in a spin up to fulfill his adrenaline, but there was nothing better than this. Being with his brothers, everyone safe and hanging out. All that was missing was Blackburn, Davis and a call from Mandy to ruin their fun and remind them they have actual jobs.
"Let's blow this joint," he declared.
After instructions to call if he needed anything and more well wishes, the guys left Sonny to fill out the few forms that needed his signature before he could leave the premises. Standing at the Nurses Station, a nurse he vaguely recognized from when he was first brought in approached him with a bright smile.
"Good to see you doing better Petty Officer. We've called your Emergency Contact, she's on her way over as we speak."
"Thanks, but what's the Emergency Contact for? The Doctor said I was good to go."
"Just extra precaution we take. We want to make sure you get home safely."
"Got it. Thanks." He kept cool on the outside, but inside he was freaking out.
She was on her way over? Now? This would be their first interaction since he told her he wanted to keep things professional. Since dying and being brought back to life. They had to reconnect like this? In here? In front of all these people? He couldn't help the nerves tick he had of removing his hat, bending the brim and adjusting it on his head. He still couldn't replicate that adjustment she did after their first kiss in the bar. Maybe it was her nervous tick, to play with whichever cap or cowboy hat he was wearing, but either way, he liked it and for the life of him, he couldn't recapture the feel.
"Hey Davis, how's everything?" He heard from down the hall. He kept his back to the voices, but tried to see as much as possible from the corner of his eye. His chest felt inflamed and it was getting harder to breathe. He heard her laugh and had to look down to make sure his legs were still working. If he remembered the Nurse's name, he'd call her and tell her to get the Doctor. When he could no longer hear her voice or name, he leaned on the Nurse's Station, elbows flush against the counter and stared out of the windows. She must be getting close and he couldn't make eye contact first. It would look too desperate, too pathetic, too much emotion would show.
And then there it was. In a swift motion, his lucky University of Texas hat Clay had been safe guarding for him, was swiped from his head.
"So I know your cowboy hat doesn't go in the shower, but it looks like this guy's been through a flood."
He can't help, but laugh and finally make eye contact with her. He's never met a woman who can go toe-to-toe with him, bust his balls and make him feel things he's never felt before. It's just a bonus she's a badass Navy woman, his best friend and can make him forget how to breathe in the best way possible.