One night Carmen Cortez was kissing her boyfriend Gary Giggles after another date and she hoped it would never end.

"Carmen I need to get back before my dad gets home he still doesn't know about us and tomorrow there's a new spy John I have to show around the school" Gary said pecking Carmen's lips and speeding off on a motorcycle and Carmen smiled flirtatiously then ran off to the side of the house.

"Good thing the OSS doesn't do inventory on their grappling hooks or I'd be botted out before I knew what was happening" Carmen said shooting a grappling hook to her window and gliding through it sighing relief until her light turned on and her brother Juni was sitting on her bed.

"Carmen, Carmen, Carmen what are mom and dad going to say with you being out past curfew? I mean there are rules for a reason and rule one never trust another spy" Juni said as Carmen shut and locked her door staring Juni down.

"You're not going to say a word unless you want me to tell Gerti Giggle that you're single and looking for a girlfriend".

"Fine but sooner or later mom and dad are going to find out that you're sneaking off with them. I mean their spies they can spy on you without you even knowing".

Carmen bit her bottom lip in a nervous fashion something she did when she was scared or nervous and this time she was both.

"I could do damage control for a price Carmen and as Gerti's teaching me money isn't everything. So clean my room, give me your allowance for a week and do my chores for a week then we'll call it even".

"No way for that price I'll just go tell mom and dad I was out with Gary and face the music of their angry voices telling me I'm too young to date".

"Fine if that's the way you want it then go out and enjoy yourself with Gary while you can. Because like I said our parents are spies and there's a no dating spies rule in the house which I'm sure you know about" Juni said walking out of Carmen's room.

Carmen walked to her parents room dreading telling them about Gary but knew if she didn't Juni would and she didn't like the outcome of Juni telling her parents something Carmen should tell them herself.

"Carmen sweetie what are you still doing up its past curfew and you're usually in bed before curfew? I mean I know you like a book and there is definitely something bothering you" Mrs. Cortez says and Carmen bites her lip nervously and then looks her mom in the eyes.

"Mom I was out with Gary Giggles we went to make out point and we made out until the stars came out. Gary dropped me off on his motorcycle and then sped off for his house" Carmen says guiltily as Mrs. Cortez smiles and pecks Carmen's cheek.

"Of course you were you're fifteen and a rebel just like me. When I first met your father him and I were at make out point so much they named it after us".

Carmen sighed relief as Mrs. Cortez hugged her daughter and then got down to her level so she could really see her.

"This is between us we don't have to involve your father ok? He hates Gary as it is and finding out you two are dating just may make him hard to live with Carmen".

Carmen nodded and skipped off to bed Gary reaching home not knowing how good of an evil manipulator his sister was.

Once Gary got home he quickly walked through the front door thumbing John Possible's file and Gerti's giggle confirmed she was still awake waiting for Gary to come home.

"Alright Gerti what'll it be and make it quick I have a file to look over this file and get some sleep before Spy School tomorrow" Gary said as Gerti skipped up and smiled deviously.

"The usual slave for a week is good and I also want you to talk about me to Juni I mean you are so buddy buddy with Carmen these days" Gerti said sipping a Coke and smiling down at Gary.

"Fine you got it now leave me alone I have work to do and you have to go to bed we have school tomorrow".

Gerti fell into Gary's arms and grinned expecting him to carry her upstairs to her bed and tuck her in an act their dad Donogan usually did but he was working lots of nights these days.

"There now go to sleep I have to study my co spies file and then try to get sleep myself before you drain me with all your demands".

Gerti snored softly and drooled which Gary knew meant she was fast asleep then he grabbed a Coke and studied more of John Possible's file.

"Ouch twin sisters how must that feel I mean I can barely handle one let alone two and their terrors as the file describes them".

Gary read on seeing John was special needs and he gasped seeing who his mother was and he was star struck as he knew everybody else would be too.

"OMG Kim Possible THE Kim Possible the best spy OSS has ever seen he's her son? Boy does he have some big shoes to fill" Gary said closing the file and trying to figure out the best way to introduce himself to what he was calling greatness.

"Man Kim Possible's son I hope he's like her because if he isn't I'm sure he can learn. I mean no doubt his mom has been teaching him all sorts of techniques".

Gary fell asleep as Donogan slipped back in and snuck upstairs also ready to be a principal of spy school the next day.

Kim Possible sighed angrily as her twin daughters were running around the kitchen chasing around a muddy dog.

"My floor, my floor, my floor, my floor get that muddy animal off my clean floor ladies. In your travels find your brother I need him to decide what we're doing for dinner tonight seeing this is his night".

Kimmy one of the twins snatched the struggling dog up and carried him to the bathroom Anne the other twin following her.

"I swear it's Jim and Tim times one thousand why am I being punished for them? I mean I save the world by dinner time and I still have to raise three kids on my own even though John does pretty much raise himself and he helps raise the twins when he can" Kim said slumping into a chair.

A boy in black hair, green eyes, a wardrobe like teen Kim's hidden behind his phone sat at a table reading reviews for his stories on a writing website.

"So Surprise Boy you still haven't told me what you wanted for dinner and we still have to discuss your wardrobe for school tomorrow".

John sighed and put his phone down as he spun around like a model showing off his wardrobe and Kim saw he looked like her at that age and wished he chose different clothes to wear.

"You know I didn't always wear the spy wardrobe I was a cheerleader too and I wore a cheer-uniform-and-everything".

Kim stopped herself finally understanding what she was saying as John plopped back into his chair mumbling whatever you'll never catch me in a skirt to himself.

"I wasn't saying you needed to run out and become a cheerleader but a little change in wardrobe scenery could be nice".

"Mom you tell Kimmy and Anne that they can wear what they want but when it comes to me it's wear something different. Have you ever thought that I wear this because I have to fill Kim Possible's shoes?" John asked as Kim walked up to him.

"John I know these past couple years have been hard but we will bounce back we always do. I don't know how to handle living in someone else's shoes because I never had to do that" Kim said sitting down next to her son Kimmy dragging a plastic pool into the kitchen Anne extending a hose through the window.

"OK you two being constructive means that somethings going to be destructive so I'll ask this once and only once what are you two up to?" John asked being the older brother therefor thinking he also had to be the authority figure.

"Well remember the episode of Full House where Michelle wants to swim in the kitchen? Anne and I thought that was a good idea so we brought our old baby pool from the garage, found the hose, and we're filling the pool up with water" Kimmy said slyly smiling as Anne turned the hose on.

"OK mom I'm off the clock and BTW Chinese sounds nice for dinner so I'll let you deal with that and them while I find another outfit to wear seeing my mom hates my choice in clothes.

Kim stepped on the hose as John shook his head and mumbled too easy and a big bubble appeared on the hose and Anne took a pin and popped it making water drench the kitchen.

"Ugh do-you-know-what-else-happened-in-that-episode? Michelle-was-made-to-sit-in-the-corner-now-go-before-I-spank-the-both-of-you".

Kimmy and Anne smiled angelic smiles as Kim put them in different corners and a robot Wade created dried the kitchen up in seconds.

"Thanks Astro now let's get that Chinese ordered then I can try to make John feel better about his clothes choices.

Kim ordered the food as John walked back downstairs in cut up jeans, a graphic tee that had The Incredibles on it in different poses, scuffed up sneakers, and messy hair plopping back into the chair looking at his reviews.

Kimmy and Anne both had green dresses, pigtails held up with aqua green hair ties, their dresses held up with a blue sash, green eyes, purple shoes, white socks and freckles all over their face.

"Ladies come here and tell me what you learned then you both have homework to do for Kindergarten while John and I find a way to bond as mother and son" Kim said as John put his phone down loving the what have you learned answers his sisters gave.

"We learned if we want to swim in the kitchen not to get caught and we also learned not to try forcing a hose past you mommy you are like a hose stopping wizard" Anne said as Kimmy giggled but Kim was far from laughing.

"Kimmy what have you learned and it better be more than just me being a hose wizard young lady. I mean Anne did you really think you could get away with me being a hose wizard?"

"I learned that if we do bad things John the older brother and acting like a daddy boy himself will just let us do it" Kimmy said as Kim just sighed and pointed upstairs her daughters racing to their rooms before Kim could get any angrier.

"So eldest son what's up? I mean what's the wiggity wiggity word? There has to be something you want to talk or as the cool kids say rap about".

"Mom you couldn't be cool if your life depended on it but ok we can talk. I'm a fanficer at heart and all my reviews say I'm as amazing at writing as you are at being a spy".

"Cool so any spies in these fics? I mean you're from a spy family excluding the girls and you until tomorrow".

"Not really but a spy fic may be nice to write about. I mean spies are making a comeback with the Spy Kids, KND, and of course you".

"Awesome if you need any ideas just know I'm here to give them to you. I mean it could be a collab you know as mother and son" Kim said hopeful as John grinned and hugged his mother glad she was sharing an interest in him.

"OK but you need a chapter schedule and I have full say on what's in and what's out and if you want to include the Tweebs you can" John said as Kim giggled having the same nickname for her brothers.

The doorbell rang and two colorful blurs ran to the door Anne and Kimmy covered head to toe in finger paints.

"I'm not even gonna ask just get washed up for dinner and hurry because John, you two, and I need to pack for spy school".

Everyone sat around the table Kimmy and Anne coloring their seats in finger paints as Kim sighed not knowing what she was going to do with her trouble tornadoes.

Donogan slipped back into the house late that night a goofy look on his face meeting a new teacher and he hoped the love of his life.

"Come on Dee let's go upstairs where we can get more comfy and then I can let you into my personal life" Donogan said as a girl in a red dress, brown hair, and green eyes followed Donogan to his room and Gary slowly turned hearing his dad's room close and thought nothing of it going back to sleep.

"OK so ask me anything and I'll answer it Deidra sweetie. I mean you must have so many questions for little old me".

"OK how many girls have you brought up here with the lame line do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes" Deidra asked chuckling as Donogan chuckled kissing her neck Deidra lying back on the bed Donogan lying next to her kissing her.

"Actually Don I heard you had kids so how many and what are their ages? I would love to get to know them better".

"There's Gary he's fifteen and Gertrude but she hates that name so call her Gerti and she's ten and a half".

"Great and what happened to their mother? If you don't mind me asking I mean is it a sensitive subject for you?".

"No it's not see I was a villain once on the island of lost dreams and she came to save me and my kids or defeat us to this day I don't know what she wanted that day. Anyhow after that she took on a villain role and the OSS is keeping all kinds of tabs on her".

"Wow so what do Gary and Gerti think about that? I mean a spy/hero dad and a villain mom that has got to be hard".

"Let's just say we don't invite her over for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, or Birthday dinners. I mean we tried but all she thinks about is being evil" Donogan said as Deidra slowly changed into a black spandex spy outfit and giggled as the blankets fell over her and Donogan.

"I hardly ever do this but what can I say you had me at do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes".

"Hardly ever do what have fun with a guy that has two kids? And I could have gone all Joey from Friends and asked how you doin?".

Deidra cracked up laughing as Donogan joined her kissing her all over until they both drifted off not prepared for what would wake them up the next morning.

The next morning Gerti snuck downstairs finding Gary passed out John Possible's spy folder on his lap and the fireplace logs going from black to grey.

"I wonder if daddy's home because we need to shake a leg to get to school and I hear IHop calling our names before school" Gerti said and without thinking opened Donogan's bedroom door to find Deidra snoring lightly and drooling Donogan in his bathroom brushing his teeth.


Donogan ran from his bathroom as Deidra moaned and slowly opened her eyes to find Gerti's eyes burning into hers.

"Well-good-morning-to-you-too-Gerti-your-dad-told-me-all-about-you-and-Gary-now-what-is-with-all-the-foul-language?" Deidra asked as Gerti just growled and stared at Deidra Gary crashing into the room searching for the source of Gerti's screams.

"OMG dad why didn't you tell me you were bringing a prostitute home I mean she's pretty so she must have cost a lot" Gary said as Donogan slapped both Gary and Gerti.

"Gary and Gertrude Giggles that is no language for the both of you. I mean don't you even want to know who the woman not whore and definitely not a prostitute but woman is in my bed?"

"We know who she is ever since you brought home the whores file you've been slobbering all over it. I mean Deidra Long what kind of name is Deidra a whore name?"

"Gertrude Melody Giggles young lady if I have to collar you I will don't think I won't and Gary I'll do the same to you".

Both kids gulped the No Speaks as Donogan named them made it possible for the kids not to say any words at all.

"Now if we're going to be civil we can talk about how Deidra and I met then we can go out for breakfast as a family".

The kids growled at hearing Donogan already refer to Deidra as part of the family but at the risk of being collared said nothing.

"OK so I was out late last night with some friends and I noticed the mist beautiful girl from across the bar and I used the cheesiest pick up line ever Donogan said as we're brought to the night before.

Donogan sat down at a table pretzels and stale beer meeting him and somehow he knew this was going to be where his night ended his friends giggling and chugging beer.

"How can you guys drink that it tastes moldy and sour? I mean have some self-respect guys we're men not stale drinking beer buddies".

"Uhh yea this beer tastes great Don maybe it's you that tastes moldy and sour buddy. By the way red dress over there is totally digging on you maybe go talk to her" one of Donogan's friends said chugging more beer.

Donogan looked up and saw Deidra sitting on a bar stool sipping a martini and Donogan smiled sitting next to her as she just sighed seeing Donogan as a typical guy trying to pick up a girl in a bar.

"Let me guess am I tired because I've been running in your mind all day? I must be from heaven because God's missing an angel, Does my dad own a juice company because I'm Very Fine? Am I close to the cheesy line you want to throw at me" Deidra asked sipping her drink.

"Actually I was going to ask if you had a map because I just got lost in your eyes beautiful. You know the ones you've been using to stare at me all night?"

"I wasn't looking at you for your information I was looking at the doofus guy at the head of the table with pretzel sticks in the gaps of his teeth acting like a walrus".

Donogan couldn't help but laugh as Deidra hilariously laughed along with him and Donogan was out of breath telling Deidra his friend thought he tasted moldy and sour and Deidra just giggled making Donogan fall in love with her.

"So do you want to get out of here? I know a great place for sleep and also a great place to talk in a quiet environment".

"Sure but I don't even know your name mystery man so until I get that I'm going to sit here sipping dry martinis" Deidra said as Donogan grinned and slid next to her.

"It's Donogan now how about your name and we can leave the walrus to his drunk buddies and we can get to know each other better".

"The names Deidra but you already knew that seeing I out my application into OSS ages ago and I happen to know you're the hiring manager seeing you own the spy school I applied to".

Donogan just grinned and Deidra and him sped off for the house where we're back to Gary and Gerti looking livid as Donogan and Deidra explained the last part of the night.

"So we got into bed and did what adults uhh do and we had a good time then Gerti and her trash mouth woke Deidra up which brings us here".

"Great so what if I meet a guy in a bar and bring him here or what if I asked Juni Cortez to sit alone with me in my room how would you two like that?" Gerti asked as Gary and Donogan both looked angrily down at her.

"See that angry face that's the same face I had when I caught Mrs. Long in bed with you this morning daddy. And I know you're going to say I'm too young to think about boys but what makes what you did different than what I want to do?"

"Gerti I'm an adult you're ten and have no business thinking of boys or calling women whores. I mean who do you think you are?"

Gerti just huffed and growled I'm going to get ready for breakfast but grinned slyly and said Gary's dating Carmen how is he different than me before scurrying off.

"Gary I hope she's kidding if not why am I the last to know that you have a girlfriend that is top of the class in spy school?" Donogan asked as Gary shrugged vowing to get even with Gerti.

"Alright Gary get dressed and your bags ready for school and you can meet you roommate when you get there".

Gary walked off screaming Gertrude knowing how much Gerti hated her real name and we hear them fighting in the hall.

"God can't you two ever stop fighting? Now come on we need to go and meet the other spies after breakfast".

Gary and Gerti grabbed their bags and raced off Deidra and Donogan running after them.

At IHop we see Kim, John and the twins sitting at one table, the Cortez's sitting at another table, and The Giggles at another table all three families with their own problems.

"Ladies do not I repeat DO NOT play with the maple syrup like last time. It got in John's and my hair and it took days to unstick it" Kim said warning showing in her voice.

Anne and Kimmy moaned and sat there waiting for a waitress to ask for drink orders.

"So Juni and Carmen what are you two most excited for school this year? I mean staying in dorms sounds like fun huh?" Mrs. Cortez asked as Carmen happened to look next to her and saw John and to her it was love at first sight but she already had a boyfriend.

"Carmen did you hear your mother she asked what you're excited about for this year in spy school. I mean where is your mind at these days?" Mr. Cortez asked seeing Carmen stare lovingly at John.

"Dad I think she's on planet hormones right now. I mean she doesn't know that boy but then again she hardly knew Gary before she made googley eyes at him" Juni said looking through his menu Gerti staring lovingly at Juni.

"Guys please I beg you just give her a chance I mean you were both growling the whole time we were driving here" Donogan said as Gary and Gerti muttered fine but we don't like her under their breath.

Deidra walked out of the bathroom and sat down Gary and Gerti looking her in the eyes.

"So Mrs. Long do you usually sleep with guys that have kids or is this your first time? I mean do you go barhopping looking for guys with kids at home?" Gerti asked as Gary choked on his orange juice laughing at Gerti and Donogan fastened a collar around her neck and suddenly Gerti was silent.

"There now that's better and Gary if you so much as breathe a bad piece of air in Deidra's direction I'll No Talk you too".

Gary just sipped his orange juice and noticed Carmen staring at John and he text her hoping to get her attention Anne and Kimmy making trouble for Kim.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMM we're maple syrup bathing mommy have you ever tried it? It gets rid of those pesky non wanting hairs easily and without pain" Kimmy said pouring the bottle of syrup all over Anne as Anne did the same to Kimmy.


"Mom they are impossible I mean where did they come from the planet Neptune or something like that? They can't be related to me" John said wearing a Queen shirt that said We Will Rock You on it.


The twins shrugged as they literally stuck together and John moaned why me with Carmen giggling flirtatiously at him as she walked up Mr. and Mrs. Cortez watching the whole scenario.

"Uhh hi I'm Carmen and you look new to the spy/sibling game or you would have hid the syrup bottles better" Carmen said twirling her foot on the floor in a flirty way.

"They don't give me a chance it's like they saw the bottles and all of a sudden poof it was a maple syrup bath".

"Yea my brother Juni was the same way once but missions changed that now he hides whenever Gerti Giggles the girl wearing the collar sees him".

John nodded as Carmen slid next to him and Gary marched up seeing John as competition for Carmen and he didn't like that until he noticed Kim.

"Alright everyone eat quick and let's go we have dorms and roommates to meet and a cool school to get used to" Gary said as everyone ate and dreamed about what waited for them at school.