Chapter 10: "You will not take him away from me!"

Everyone is still for a few seconds. The man that had spoken takes a step closer to Cas. "First we couldn't find you but now you decide to show yourself to mere humans. Angels are not allowed to walk on earth's surface, since millennia. Castiel, you know the rules, accept your punishment."

Cas didn't move he holds on tight to Dean's hand but Dean feels how his angel shakes. "Raphael, brother please. I have no purpose in heaven I found my place here. Please don't take me away from him."

The angel, Raphael follows the joint hands and looks the first time at Dean and his eyes show nothing than disgust. "You chose that over us, over heaven and our father? Castiel you have fallen further from grace than I had feared." The angel beside Raphael step for and each one is taking one side of Castiel, pulling him away from Dean.

Cas doesn't really fight. He knows he has no chance and he can't win against three of his brother's. Gabriel won't reveal himself. He had been hiding for centuries he won't risk his own happiness for him.

A step away he turns back to Dean and sees what he has done. Broken the soul he had fixed a minute ago. He hurts Dean by leaving. It's not his choice but he still hurts him. Cas feels useless, a failure. He had promised this man to stay with him forever. Forever is a long time from today and certainly not now. He wants to say he is sorry but he can't, Cas just wants to return back to Dean, bath in the light of his soul and feel the warmth of him when touching.

But all he can do is to turn his back and follow his brother's. He can't risk the humans getting hurt by a fight between angels.

For the first time in his long life Castiel had failed.

It's his fault. Cas had to use his power to get closer, to say what he had to say, to not burn alive. They found him because of Dean and the fire that Cas claims it's only tasks is to protect him. He doesn't need protection, his angel needs it. He can see how Cas wants to stay, to fight but he can't. Someone else has to fight three angel. A short look at Gabriel who was still hiding told him that there was no help to expect. And then there is this anger inside of him. He finally found the one person that wants to stay that told him he would be at his side forever. No one is allowed to take his angel away. No one.

Burning hot heat awakes and Dean finally understands what this power is. It is his fire his to use to protect what is important, nothing to be afraid.

The second Cas reaches Raphael Dean let out his fire, a controlled unstoppable force of flames reaches the angels first. Everyone except Cas feels the heat, close to the feeling of burning holy oil. Cas stands untouched in the flames looking surprised and amazed at Dean.

Sam's mouth hang open and most likely everyone else's too. Dean was standing there and uses the fire that had been his greatest fear one minute ago as if he had done so since his birth. They could see that the flame was doing exactly what Dean wants. The angels jumped away from the fire except the one that Dean wants to protect.

It is as if the fire made an amour around his brother. An amour out of fire and flames. The fire that follows his hand and surrounds Cas pulls the angel closer. Cas follows willingly and stands next to his brother. Only by a short touch of their fingers acknowledge turns Dean his attention to the other three Angela that had stayed away.

Gabe next to him had stopped hiding and looks amazed at his brother. To his surprise he finds the same look in the eyes of the angel Raphael, two archangel that see something invisible for everyone else.

Cas is by his side again. First aim accomplished. Next step: Get the other angels away forever. "Cas wants to stay with me. You have no right to take him away from me."

The fire inside and outside of his body is happy to follow his every wish as if it had waited his whole life to work with him together. To protect and not being kept down and hidden away. But it isn't the time to figure that out. More important things are to do.

To make his words more pressing the fire forms a circle around the other angels, threatened but not quiet touching. "He stays with me." The fire armour creates a hand looking much like wing that keeps Cas safe beside him.

Rachael is looking at something he hadn't thought would exist. There it is, the Flame of God, beautiful and strong as on the day created by his father. Never had he believed to find it here and it seems that the seraph, without seeing the truth, had found his place beside the human carrying it.

They wouldn't be able to fight it. If the keeper of the flame would want to he could burn them down to ash. Nothing would be left of them, not even the ashen prints of their burned wings. Castiel's unharmed state showed that the keeper had chosen him.

Time for a tactical retried. "I understand keeper, I accept your choice and I will no further question it. My apologies keeper." Raphael waits for a reaction, any reaction. The keeper could burn them right here and now if he want to. "We will leave when you let us." He points with one of his hands to the fire ring that holds them prisoners.

Castiel seems to say something to the keeper before he let his hand sink and the flame returns to his body. With a short nod to his brother they leave this place and earth although. Back to heaven. There is a lot to discuss with his brothers and sisters up in heaven.

The angels leave and Dean let the flame return inside his body. The adrenaline and the pressure leave him and with it all of his strength. Dean sinks to the ground and looks up shaken to Cas. He slowly understands what he has done but also what he had accomplished. Cas is here, the angels left. His brother is safe and the other angel's secret is still secure. Not so bad for one day of work.

Sam comes running towards him, with Bobby and Gabriel close behind. "Are you alright? How did you control the curse suddenly?" Before he could answer Sam's questions steps Gabriel in.

"It's not a curse." Cas had thought so but all humans look at the archangel. "It's a gift, a gift from God and a very powerful one."

"But how could he control it like this?" Still on the ground tries to think back, how is a good question.

Tired as never before in his life Dean doesn't care right now. "Can we go back home?" His is looking at Cas. His angel smiles and helps Dean up, standing the exhaustion is nearly pulling him down again.

"Maybe we can continue this conversation tomorrow." Cas said and exchanges a look with his brother.

"Great plan Cassi, I will take these two for a bit of special treatment a la me and you take him home. Let's meet for lunch tomorrow." Before one of the humans could say something Dean and Cas disappear while Gabriel takes Bobby and Sam away for more drinking and crushing in a special designed room by him.

Cas takes Dean back to the cabin, now able to use his power flying is much faster than a car. He will have to talk to Dean about it. Speaking of Dean he was ready for a good night sleep so he takes him inside helps him out of his clothes and after an very telling look Cas does the same and joins Dean in the bed that was big enough for both of them.

"Dean angels don't sleep." This gets a tired smile out of the person next to him.

"Shut up Cas and cuddle with me until I wake up again." They share a kiss and Dean is asleep before his head is back on the cushions. So Cas does what was ask. Cuddle the beautiful human next to him. There is nothing he would like to do more.