Hello, fellow readers! Welcome back to Persona EG! I'm really glad for how successful the first one was, so I would be a fool not to keep this going. This time, we're covering the movie that most people say is the best of the four so far, which is hard not to see why. Same rules still apply here, look back at the first story for a refresher.

So, what reviews from the previous story is there to respond to:

Maelaeran: Thanks. I agree with that, I think there are some scenes I should have extended and maybe had an extra chapter at least. However, I honestly had that as a testing story to see if this would take off. And since the sequels and specials negate the time limit from the first movie, I can take more time with the interactions, which I have some ideas for.

Now, let's not delay this! Let's jump right in!

Prologue: A New Sun

Opening his eyes, Ren sees himself in a familiar place that was the Velvet Room. However, instead of a limousine, it was now more of a concert hall with a blue booth table facing the stage. He walks over to the booth, going around it to see Lavenza looking through her book this time before noticing him.

"You've returned." She smiled upon seeing him.

"I can't seem to stay away from this place. Is there another mission?" Ren knew the reason why he's here.

"Yes. Though, I wanted to wait until my sister arrives with her guest."

Ren knew who she was talking about, "That's fine. Where's Morgana?"

"Right here." Turns out he was on Lavenza's lap as he poked his head out from under the table.

This raised a question, "How long did I take?"

"Not long. I just wanted to pet him." Lavenza answered, gently patting his head in the process.

Ren then saw a blue glow from where he entered, seeing a familiar face and a new one as well.

The new person must have been Lavenza's sister since their eyes and hair were the same colors. She had a dark blue headband and wore an equally blue coat with black leggings and black high heel shoes. She held a blue book in her left hand as she walked alongside Yu.

"You must be my sister's guest, are you not?" The woman asked when they reached the booth.

"Yeah. You must be her sister." Ren answered.

"Correct. My name is Margaret. I'm sure you already know my guest." She introduces herself.

"Good to see you again." Yu greeted.

"Same here." Ren said back.

"So, what is happening now? Another dark power from the portal?" Morgana was eager to know, which the boys were curious about as well.

"It appears to be so. Like before, the link between our worlds is still unstable." Margaret answered, "However, the cause for it must be something else. You three must go and find out why this is happening again."

Snapping her fingers, the bags they had from before appear at their feet. Checking inside them, they had some extra clothes added and their weapons respectively. Strangely, Ren had Morgana's weapons in his.

"Morgana told me that his power returned in that world. Best to have him be prepared as well." Lavenza briefly explained.

"Right." Ren then put on the red slingbag as Morgana walked over and hopped on his shoulder.

"May you two be safe on your journey." The sisters say at the same time as the curtains on the stage pulled away, revealing a rainbow colored portal.

Hopping onto the stage, the three then entered on through before the portal closes.

Appearing once again in the same place as before, they look around at their surroundings to see CHS again.

"At least it's not a different place each time." Morgana was right about that.

"How you've been, Ren? Anything new?" Yu started a conversation as a cool breeze passed by them.

"Not much. School's been all right, nothing really new to talk about." Ren answers as he opens his bag, "You?"

Seeing that he was wearing the same attire from before, he rolled down the sleeves and buttoned up his collared shirt before pulling out a black blazer to put on.

Yu was also wearing the same attire, but decided to switch the short-sleeved jacket to a long sleeved navy blue one.

"Not much either, honestly." Yu then zips up his bag before putting it on his shoulder as Ren does the same.

Morgana hopped into the slingbag before the two started walking towards the school. They saw that the windows were replaced now, which was a good sign, and other students walking by. Some actually said hi as they entered the building, which they were a bit surprised at the warm greetings. Still, they at least waved back before hearing a familiar voice.

"No way!" Coming in from behind, someone grabbed them into a hug. "You guys actually showed up!"

After the hug, they turned around and saw Flash. "Hey, Flash. You're pretty excited." Ren pointed out.

"Of course I'm ecstatic! I was actually wondering if you guys would show up for the musical showcase!" The two look at each other before looking back at him.

"A musical showcase?" Yu repeated.

"Yeah. Our school figured to have a special charity event that involved music. Not that I'm complaining, of course." Flash had a point since he had a band already.

"Well, looks like we showed up at the right time." Ren couldn't help but feel this was a coincidence.

"I'm guessing the girls also joined the showcase?" Yu figured that they would, considering how good they were at singing alone.

"Yup, they called their band the Rainbooms. Not a bad name, honestly." Flash answered, "I know where they practice, wanna see them?"

"Of course." Ren then had a fun little idea.

Inside the music room, the Rainbooms had just finished one of their songs and were taking a break. Though, what was interesting is the fact that their pony forms from before actually appear when they play music and disappears when it stops. Despite that, they still had their songs down note for note as Sunset applauded them for their performance with a small smile. After the Fall Formal, it took quite awhile for the former queen to make amends as well as fix the leftover damages on the school.

However, even with the promise of her reformation and all the apologies she made, most of the school were still skeptical about whether or not her change is real. Good thing though, the Rainbooms did promise to not only keep an eye on her, but give her a second chance. She stood near the piano as Rarity was excited about the magic they had.

"I still can't believe that actually happens whenever we play!" She was quite excited about the pony forms, "I need to find the best accessories and clothes to match them!"

"As great as this is, Ah still want to know why it happens to us." Applejack brought up a good point, "Princess Twilight took her crown back to her world and Yu, Ren, and Morgana aren't even from her world or our own. So, shouldn't that mean that the magic should have gone with them as well?"

"Whether or not how it happens, it just makes my band rock!" Rainbow cheered, which Rarity raised an eyebrow at.

"Your band?" She repeated.

"Well duh, it was my idea to form the Rainbooms. That, and I'm the lead singer and guitarist so that makes me the head of the band." Rainbow explained.

Rarity let out a small growl with the other girls looking at Rainbow with a bit of disdain to her ego. By then, the door to the room was knocked on, distracting them as Flash poked his head in.

"Heard you girls outside." He said as he enters with his jacket zipped up, "You sound great."

"Well, we still need a bit of work. Rarity came in a bit late on the second verse and Applejack's bass needs a little tuning." Rainbow brought up, much to the two's annoyance. "Don't worry, we'll get that fixed before the showcase."

"Didn't sound that bad to me." Flash admitted, "Though, you think our 'out of town' friends will show up?"

"Ah wouldn't be too sure about that. Princess Twilight is back in her world with the portal closed for who knows how long and the boys went away after she left. Ah guess they either appear together or not at all." Applejack debunked.

"I see. The reason I ask is because you never really know if they're gonna... pop up." Suddenly, a familiar cat head popped out of his jacket. "Oh, would you look at that!"

"Morgana!?" Fluttershy was quick as she dashed towards the two and took the cat out, hugging him. "What are you doing here?"

"Yeah. Last time we saw you, you left with the others through a glowing blue door." Pinkie remembered.

"Well, who said he came alone?"

Next thing they knew, Yu and Ren enter the room to everyone's surprise.

"This is amazing! Wait, don't tell me you actually didn't get back!" Rarity thought of the bad outcome.

"No, we did." Yu reassured, "However, we recently got a return trip."

"Which I'm thankful for. I was getting a bit bored." Ren said offhandedly as he twirled a strand of his hair in the center of his face.

"While I would like to hang out, I gotta get to my band. See you guys later." Flash then left the room.

"I hope it isn't anything bad that made you come back." Fluttershy was a bit concerned about why they were here.

"Well, we haven't seen anything weird yet. For all we know, it may be a small vacation." Ren joked a little.

"Things can change on a dime, though. Best to be safe than sorry." Yu warned.

"Can you use your Personas still?" Rainbow wondered.

"Let's see." Morgana then hopped down to the ground, concentrating for a moment before he burst into flames, transforming into his bipedal form. "Sweet!"

"Wait, didn't we already figured that out before?" Applejack recalls seeing them doing the same after Twilight left.

"Did we? It's been awhile." Rainbow thought about how long it's been already.

"Actually, I just realized something. You look different, Ren." Rarity decided to get a close look at his face.

"What do you mean?" Ren knew what she was talking about, but decided to see if they can figure it out.

"I think she means your face. I don't think it's been this smooth last time." Pinkie guesses this by feeling around his face, which he couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"I take good care of myself." Ren then gently moved Pinkie's hands away as Fluttershy spoke.

"I think you wore a mask." She remembered his Phantom attire having one.

"What kind of mask are we talking here?" Pinkie then pulled out a sack of various masks before putting them on one by one.

"This? This? Or maybe this? How about this? Oh! This one!?" She put on a skull mask, then a dog mask, a fox mask, a horse mask, and finally a... Mona mask?

"Hey, put me down!" Turns out to be the real Mona as Pinkie does just that.

"I think it was a bird." Yu remembered it was a domino mask designed like one.

"Of course!" Pinkie then facepalms with... a hand mask?

"OK..." Ren decided not to question what just happened before he heard Rarity gasp.

"Of course! Excuse me." She was quick in reaching into his bag and finding his glasses case, which contained the glasses he wore.

"Really? That's it?" Applejack was a bit disappointed that it was just glasses he wore.

Rarity then put his glasses on his face, "Ah, there we go."

Ren smirked as he pushes his glasses up a bit, "I guess I look better with these?"

"Such accessories must be used to their fullest." She gave a bit of advice along with her answer.

As they were talking, Sunset stood near the piano, rubbing her arm out of nervousness when Pinkie showed up by her.

"Come on, you know you gotta talk to them sooner or later." She then pushes her towards the two, getting their attention.

"H-Hi there." Sunset felt a bit awkward talking to them after last time.

"Hey. Good to see you, Sunset." Yu greeted, letting her breathe a sigh of relief.

"G-Great to see you two as well." She still felt a bit strange talking to them normally.

Ren walks over to her to place a hand on her shoulder, "How's the reforming going?"

"She's doing great! Though, the school haven't given her a chance to prove that." Rainbow mentioned.

"Makes sense. Don't worry, they'll warm up to you eventually." Ren reassured her.

"...I hope you're right about that." Sunset agreed with him on that.

"So, we heard that you girls started a band for the showcase." Morgana looks at the instruments they had.

"That's right, and we're gonna rock it like no one's business!" Rainbow was really confident about winning.

"Uh, Rainbow?" Fluttershy walks over to her, "I was wondering if we could do one of my songs."

"Yeah, we'll get to it. Come on, let's do one more before lunch." Rainbow shrugged off, which Yu and Ren noticed.

Before they could call them out on it, the speaker came on. "Sunset Shimmer, report to the foyer. Sunset Shimmer, report to the foyer."

It then turns off as Sunset clarified for the two, "I volunteered to give new students a tour of the school. Hopefully, I can give them a look at the new me before people tell them about the old me."

"We didn't get much of a tour last time. I'll go with you." Ren then turns to Yu, "What about you?"

"Actually, I'm curious to hear one of their songs." Yu admits.

Ren was about to ask Morgana, but he was busy being petted by Fluttershy. He takes off the slingbag and places it by the door just in case they don't return before lunch.

"I guess it's just us." Ren then gestures Sunset to go, "After you."

"Thanks." She simply said as the two headed off to the foyer.

As the two walk down the hall, Ren took the time to learn what Sunset has been doing. Once she finally replaced all the windows that were destroyed, she volunteered for various things such as the school tour and even helping Fluttershy out at the animal shelter whenever she could. However, the other students wouldn't allow her to join their clubs, which he doesn't blame them after all she did.

"Even the animals don't really like me that much. Thankfully, Fluttershy taught me how to properly take care of them." Sunset admits.

"Well, that's a start nevertheless." Ren pointed out.

Sunset then realized something, "You sound like you had experience with this."

"You're not wrong." He answered vaguely.

"Really? How so?" She was a bit curious now.

"It's a... really long story." He wasn't lying about that.

"I'm willing to listen." Seeing this as an opportunity to know his story, she wanted to hear his side of the experience.

Ren smirked before answering, "I'll give you the cliff notes then."

Soon after their conversation, they reached the foyer to meet with the new students.

"Hi! Are you the girls I'm supposed to show around?" Sunset asked them.

"We are." The middle one replied back.

Ren felt something a bit off as he looks at the new girls.

The one who spoke had long frizzy orange hair with yellow streaks that is held up by a spiked headband as she wore a shirt and short shorts that are colored dark purple, fingerless gloves and long stockings that reached her shorts colored light lavender, and dark purple boots that has the back lined with spikes along with spiked anklets. She also wore a gold belt with a gem of the same color in the center and a pin of the gold gem with a treble clef on the left leg of her shorts.

The one on her right has purple hair with light aquamarine streaks that were tied up in pigtails by hair bands with silver stars around them as she wore a light green slightly torn short sleeve jacket over a white shirt, purple pants with small stars on the outer thighs, and a darker shade of purple boots. She also had three dark purple bands around her forearms and a crossed lavender belt with a silver star in the center.

The one on her left had light blue hair with dark blue streaks tied in a ponytail by a simple blue hairband as she wore a dark purple-red shirt with a heart and a light blue music note on the right side of her chest, a light pink skirt, and a pair of fuchsia boots with pink fur reaching near her knees. She also had purple bracelets around her wrists with small diamonds jutting out of them.

One thing that all three of them shared with a necklace with a red gem that matched each other perfectly.

"I hope you girls love it here. It's an incredible school to be a part of." Sunset said as she shook their hands.

"Oh yes, we can sense something... magical about this place." The middle one agrees with her.

"That's great to hear. My name is Sunset Shimmer, and this is my friend Ren Amamiya." Sunset gestures to him, which he notices.

"Nice to meet you." Ren simply greeted with.

"I'm Adagio Dazzle. This is Aria Blaze, and that's Sonata Dusk." As she introduces themselves, Sonata was the only one who waved to them, showing that she is more enthusiastic than the other two.

"Nice to meet you three. Now, let's begin the tour." Sunset lead the way with Ren by her with the three girls following behind them.

As Sunset showed them each section of the building, Ren noticed the girls weren't really that interested about the classes. They went to the library, the cafeteria, the gym, and some of the classes nearby until they reached the science and computer labs when Sunset sees one of the posters for the musical showcase.

"Oh! We're having a musical showcase this weekend." This caught the girls' attention.

"A musical, you say?" Adagio repeated as she had a small smile.

"Yeah. Even if you're new here, Principal Celestia will let you sign up if you're interested." Sunset didn't catch her smile turn into a smirk.

"Of course we will. We've been known to sing from time to time." Aria mentions to the two.

"Yeah! Though, we sing all the time! That's how we get others to do what we want!" Sonata chimed in.

Ren caught what she said, making him curious as Adagio turns to her with a leer while moving her hand near her neck to signal her to shut up.

"What? What did I say?" Sonata didn't get the message.

Sunset was confused by what she said as Adagio clarified for her, "What she meant is that the showcase will be a great way to get to know the other students."

"Oh! Yeah, what she said." Sonata caught on finally, showing that she's a bit ditsy. "That's what I meant. To say."

Aria scoffed in annoyance, "Next time, think before you speak. That is if you had any of your brain left."

"I do so have a brain! And it's bigger than yours!" Sonata complained before Adagio quickly stepped in between her bickering companions.

"Excuse these two. They're idiots." Her words obviously offended the two.

"Hey!" They exclaimed in anger, only to pout as Adagio gave them a swift glare.

"Uh... OK, then." Sunset was confused during that entire exchange as Ren mainly observed it.

The girls must be friends if they're able to play off each other like siblings would. By now, Sunset also noticed the gems they had for their necklaces and was quite intrigued.

"Wow, those are beautiful. What kind of-" Whether it was instinct or something, Adagio was looking away when she noticed Sunset's hand pointing a bit close for her liking, immediately grabbing her wrist. Though, what surprised her was the fact that Ren was just as quick to grab her wrist, probably out of reflex.

Adagio lets go of Sunset's wrist right before Ren releases hers, making her nervously chuckle. "Sorry about that. These pendants mean so much to us, and they are quite fragile."

"Oh. Sorry, should have just asked instead." Sunset apologizes.

Seeing that the tour has concluded, the girls began to wander about with Sonata standing where she is before having to be dragged off by Aria. Sunset and Ren watched as they went around the corner.

"Those girls are... strange." Sunset had many questions about them.

"Yeah. And I don't think it's out of nervousness." Ren brought up, "I can tell when someone's nervous and those three seems to be more interested in something else other than the classes."

"Really? I honestly thought that they were told about me already." Sunset rubbed the back of her head as she mentions that.

"No, I think they would act more scared of you. But after Adagio grabbed your wrist like that..." Ren debunked.

"They must be really protective of those pendants." Sunset concluded.

The two then heard the bell go off, signaling the start of the lunch period. "For now, let's meet up with the others. I could use a snack." Ren said as the two headed to the cafeteria.

And done! OK, got the Persona trio to meet the band and establish the villains in one fell swoop. Like I said, I wanted to get into this story as soon as I could since I have ideas that I really want to do in terms of interactions between the characters.

I know this is earlier than Twilight showing up, but I wanted to have a certain song in here that is really good.

So, with that said, I'll see ya next chapter!