
Question: Why did you make Caulifla and Kefla progress so slowly? They're faster learners then Goku.

Answer: Simple, they didn't learn faster because they were better at learning than Goku. They learned faster because they didn't have the restrictions normal Saiyans have like Goku, Vegeta and Gohan have. All of them accessed Super Saiyan through training, rage and being pushed passed through their limits. Plus, Canon Caulifla or really any Universe 6 Saiyans (Bar Cabba) are Mary Sues. Sorry if I don't wish to do that in my story. The tingly back feeling is dumb, and I will never incorporate something so stupid and lazy ever in my fics. Also, Kefla never really trained. She just trained moderately with her parents and was born with a high power level. Caulifla wasn't. She trained most of her life and gained her power through training, not being born with a super high power level like Kefla was in my fic.

Question: Hmm, so if Cheelai is with Naruto then does that mean Naruto will be the legendary super Saiyan instead of Broly I wonder anyways keep up the great work!

Answer: No. Naruto is not going to be the Legendary Super Saiyan. Broly is still born, as said in the first chapter when Naruto's father talked about Paragus' boy, aka. Broly.

Allhailthesith: Your review is much too long and confusing to write, so I'll give my answer the best way possible.

Answer: The reason why Naruto isn't miraculously already as strong as Frieza? It's because Goku, in the Namek Saga when he faced off against Frieza had a power level of 3 Million. Naruto already has a power level of 2.2 Million and he still has years left to go for training and fighting other opponents. Think about it like this, Vegeta, while training in hundreds of times normal gravity for three years only was able to increase his strength around 3 times to what it was when he first started. I think it's appropriate to have him go from 170,000 to 2,200,000. He increased his power 11 times with just training, something that Vegeta had failed to do in the Android Saga. The same could be said about Goku as well. I think that's pretty good compared to how Goku and Vegeta did during their three-year training.

Now, onto what I have to say. Apparently, the shilling has already begun for the Captain Marvel movie, which, admittedly, I haven't seen. But, I've heard from a lot of trusted, no bias movie reviewers on YouTube that the movie starts off it was okay, but everything was just boring, incorrect and downright lazy. So, for the ones that have seen it already, tell me what you thought about the film, I'm genuinely curious.

Finally, the list for the harem. Now, I'm pretty sure that this list is going to be final.

[Harem: Kefla, Caulifla, Vados, Bulma, Jean Grey, Raven, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Starfire, Supergirl, Power Girl, Blackfire, Gwen Tennyson, Zangya, Kale, Bulla, Wonder Woman, and Emma Frost.]

»»—Story Start—««

It had been a few weeks since his talk with Cheelai about Frieza and his brother's overwhelming power, and he had calmed down about it since then. Honestly, he didn't care how strong Frieza was. No matter what, he would surpass him. No matter how much training he would have to do, no matter how much time he had to train. He would surpass him, that was his vow, and he was not about to break it. He wouldn't allow himself to.

And so, he had thrown himself back into training, doing so harder than ever before. While training at a hundred times normal gravity, along with multiplying his own personal gravity by forty times with the help of his seals. At first, he nearly died, and his entire spine was practically shattered. Somehow though, he didn't die and wasn't unconscious from the overwhelming pain. So, he was able to shut the gravity off and deactivate the seals. With that, he called for help and Cheelai had found him on the floor unconscious while bent like a dog's toy. Immediately, she got him to the recuperation tanks in which Naruto had told informed her about a day prior. Due to his Kryptonian DNA and Saiyan biology, he was able to recover with only eight full hours inside the recuperation pod.

When he came out, he was immediately shocked at the power level ran through him. At the moment, he could easily say that he got around three times stronger from recovering from having his spine practically disintegrated into to powder.

He thought of exploiting the ability by crippling himself continuously… but his pride wouldn't let him. He swore to surpass Frieza through training. Not by nearly killing himself repeatedly just to get stronger, even though he was tempted. No, that was cowards way out, and he was anything, but a coward.

So, by math, forty times his own personal gravity with one-hundred times normal gravity was too much for him to handle at his previous strength. And, his power had increased approximately three times. So, he increased his personal gravity to one-hundred-times and trained while in one-hundred times normal gravity. While he was forced to the ground, he wasn't injured, and none of his bones broke. So, he figured that was a good start as any. But he was stuck there for nearly thirty minutes until he was able to stand. But, even then, he wasn't able to stay standing for long as he collapsed soon after. But with his determination and pride pushing forward, he continued going for nearly twenty straight hours.

After that, he was able to walk and do regular exercises in that setting. But, after doing that, his body was so fatigued and worn out, he even realized that that was his limit. At least for the moment. But he promised that it wouldn't stay that way and by the next day, he would be running.

But, after the second day of being inside, he finished and was able to run at a somewhat moderate speed, at least by human standards. He still couldn't really lift his entire body strength with his arms, but he was nearly there. He predicted that he would be able to carry his entire body with his arms, after maybe another full day.

Indeed, he ended up doing so, and it only took a full week until he thoroughly mastered the gravity where he could move freely while only feeling mid-level restrictions. But it was still a challenge and he only just increased his personal gravity once more, just a few days later.

But, when he wasn't training or eating, he was conversing with Cheelai. Well, at least, she was bugging him. And Cheelai did that by constantly teasing him. First, it started off harmless, light taunting jokes. Nothing serious.

But, after the second week, she had been… more drastic. While she had done nothing offensive and if anything it was the opposite.

Naruto wouldn't lie. He found Cheelai attractive. Yes, he did. She was smart, stood up for herself and was actually kind of funny. It didn't help the fact that she was sexy and knew how to tease the absolute hell out of him.

It was also clear that she was attracted to him as well, but Naruto had refrained from doing anything. Mainly out of inexperience. He wasn't really shy, not by a long shot. He just didn't know how to proceed with her being attracted to him.

Naruto cracked his neck after he walked out of the bathroom while wearing a long sleeve black cotton shirt that clung to his torso. He also wore a pair of grey sweatpants and black sneakers. He ruffled his own hair, shaking out some excess water, as he had just gotten out of the shower. As he made his way out, he saw Cheelai resting on the couch while doodling something on a notebook with a pencil.

He went into the kitchen, then into the fridge before he pulled out a nearly full milk carton. Unwinding the cap, he slipped it off before he started drinking the beverage right from the carton. Which got an annoyed look from Cheelai as she looked at him in the corner of her eye.

However, he stopped right in tracks when he heard shouting across the room.

"What'd I tell you about drinking out of the carton?!" Cheelai's voice came from the living room.

He slowly and mechanically turned around and blinked as he saw Cheelai looking at him with her arms crossed while wearing a look of anticipation.

He slowly let the carton fall from his lips, but he held on to it. "Why do you care?" He questioned curiously with amusement. Just as she was about to respond, he continued. "I mean, you don't drink milk."

Cheelai sighed exasperatedly, "It doesn't matter! It's unsanitary to drink from the carton." That caused Naruto to laugh, causing her eyebrow to twitch.

"You know I can't get sick." He reminded her, causing her to sigh as she slouched back into the couch.

"I can't deal with you right now," she growled as she went back to drawing in a notebook.

Naruto chuckled a small bit, "Fine, I'll stop drinking from the carton. You win… starting next carton." He yelled as he disappeared into a Super Speed, disappearing from view.

Cheelai sighed, but she did have a small smile on her face. "I swear… it's like he's a child…" she muttered before her head perked up. "So, he's acting his age for once. There's no problem for that. In fact, it's kind of refreshing seeing him act this way. Before, he was just stiff as a board and emotionless."

»»—Line Break—««

Naruto along with Cheelai stepped out of the ship, and the second they passed the bridge to the ground, it retracted back into the ship, and it closed up.

He scanned the area for high power levels before he nodded off. "No one around here has a power level of two-thousand or over." He informed her, getting a smile in return. "However, there are two near it."

"Really?" Cheelai questioned curiously, earning a nod from Naruto. "That is surprising." She muttered, earning a grunt from the teen.

"No, not really," he shook his head. "This planet is popular for all kinds of people. As, this is a store-planet (1) and they sell everything here apparently. Weapons, food, water, gasoline, medical supplies…" He led off after seeing her nod.

"Why are we here anyway?" She questioned. "I mean, you haven't told me a thing yet."

He nodded, "We're here because I need some tech for a new invention that I'm cooking up." He told her vaguely, earning a hum from her as they walked. A few moments later, the two walked inside a very large building that was filled with shops of all kinds. They even had bright signs advertising what they were selling, hoping to attract potential buyers.

As they walked, Naruto spotted something that he wanted or needed and went over to the store. The instant he made it over there, a short alien, barely being three-feet-tall looked at them expectantly.

"You lookin' for something?" The alien questioned in a thick Russian accent.

Naruto took a step forward and looked around. "Do you have a compact fusion reactor that could run off energy and recycle living energy for a major reservoir?" Hearing that, the alien straightened up a bit.

"How compact? And how much are you willing to pay?" The alien spoke, now taking things seriously.

Naruto nodded, "About as large a Tetramand's hands and I'm willing to say once I see your work."

Getting a slow nod from the alien, he hopped off the stool he was on and ran back inside his shop.

Naruto waited a few minutes while being patient. However, he looked down as he heard Cheelai speak.

"You usually go here? Or really to these places?" Cheelai asked curiously.

Naruto nodded slowly, "About every month," he answered shortly before the alien came back out with a blueprint.

"Come inside. I don't feel like speaking about business while out in the open," he ordered, getting a narrowed eyed look from Saiyan before he nodded.

"Fine. But she comes."

The alien waved it off, "Sure. I don't give a shit. Bring her."

They both nodded and walked inside while Cheelai's eyebrow twitched at his casual dismissal. They walked inside, while both of them looked around, making sure they weren't walking into a trap.

As they were led inside, the merchant brought them to a table as he laid out a large, highly detailed blueprint.

Naruto narrowed his eyes as his dark, black eyes scanned the blueprint, making sure to memorize and understand it. After a few minutes of silence, Naruto spoke.

"I'll take it for thirteen-million Jewels," he spoke, getting a shocked look from Cheelai and a thoughtful nod from the merchant.

The merchant nodded slowly before he met Naruto's gaze, "I'll make it with sixteen."

Naruto narrowed his eyes before he spoke, "Fifteen. No higher."

They held their glares before the merchant sighed and turned his back. "Fine. I'll have it ready. Give me… thirty-one days and I'll have it ready."

Naruto nodded, "I'm assuming you want a down payment?"

His question earned a nod from the merchant before he held out a card. "There's five-million on there. You'll get the rest after I get my product." He told him, earning a slow nod, while the merchant, debating whether he should ask for more. But, in the end, he ended up accepting, and he took the card.

"You have a deal, son." He nodded. "I'll see you in thirty days." With that, the merchant handed him back his card when he got done scanning it before he disappeared further into his shop and into another room, presumably going back to work.

Naruto let his gaze linger to his previous spot before he turned around and looked at Cheelai. "Let's go," he ordered, getting a slow nod from Cheelai and pocketed his card.

As they left, Naruto sensed that two large power levels of nearly two-thousand coming directly towards them from a large distance away. He felt it and stopped abruptly, getting a surprised look from his companion.

"Naruto?" Cheelai questioned cautiously at seeing that serious, emotionless, narrowed eyed look appeared on his face once again. "Something the matter?" He didn't answer right away. But it held up his hand once she was about to talk again.

"That power levels I mentioned before," he started, causing her to look at him expectantly. "They're coming right at us at a slow pace. They know where we are." He told her, causing her to get serious. "Let's walk ahead. See if they change their course."

That earned a nod from her, and they turned a corner and began walking to the right. Naruto still focused and kept all his senses open, not once letting his guard down.

He stopped once more, and he turned his head to the left and kept staring in that direction. "No… They're definitely coming to us." He confirmed as he sensed the two power levels change their course that way, they would still run into them. That got a somewhat nervous look from her.

"What are we going to do?" She asked as she knew that Naruto knew how to suppress his power level to an astounding level. So, she had no idea if these people with the power levels of nearly two-thousand knew how to do the same.

He smirked at her, "Its obvious. We wait." He answered as he went towards a wall and leaned on it. Staring in the direction where the arrival was expectant.

Cheelai looked at him with a surprised look before she smiled. "Fine, you got it muscle boy. But you better not get us killed."

He grunted before offered her a small smirk. "Please, as if I'll be killed by someone with a measly power level of two-thousand. I was stronger as an infant." He told her.

She looked at him with some uncertainty. "With how freakishly strong you are… I don't know if you're serious or just arrogant."

He gave her a larger smirk. "I assure you, I'm not arrogant." He shook his head. "I was born with a power level of three-thousand; one of the highest in Saiyan history." He continued. "My father had me take a test when I was eight and afterword's, we found out that I had the mental capacity of a fully grown Saiyan General. With a base intellect far surpassing it."

Cheelai looked at him with a mildly surprised look before she smirked. "I guess your hot shit, huh?" She teased.

He looked at her for a few seconds before he chuckled a small bit. "You eerily remind me of someone. Someone who I actually thought I despised until recently."

"And who is that?" She asked curiously, knowing just from experience, Naruto didn't really have a lot of experience with social interaction. So she was curious about who she reminded him of.

He didn't answer right away, but his words followed suit a few moments later. "Her name is Kefla. A hyperactive, arrogant and stubborn Saiyan with an abnormally high power level." He told her. "I reckon she was born with a power level twice as high as mine." He revealed, getting a shocked look from Cheelai. "But she lacked the training and experience that I had." He continued. "I trained every single day to near death from the age of four-years-old. She, however, only had minor sparing with her parents and was taught a good amount of fighting styles. She was totally new to the higher level of training and combat and got easily overwhelmed against someone stronger than her." He smirked. "She's also quick to anger and loves to tease the absolute shit out of me."

Cheelai looked at him, impressed. "It seems that you two are close." She mussed, earning a short laugh from Naruto.

"Please. I couldn't stand her." He answered. "It was only until a few months ago when I started understanding her. And actually respected and somewhat envied her in a sense." He told her as he looked down somewhat.

Cheelai looked a bit surprised at the tad-bit of information. "Envious? You? That has to be the funniest thing I've ever heard." She giggled into her hand. However, when she saw his unwavering expression, she sobered up real quick. "Oh, shit. You're serious. Aren't you?"

He grunted and looked away. "Unfortunately I am." He nodded, only feeling his pride sting a little after that. "I envy her for the fact that even after she's gone through, that she can still smile and have fun," Naruto admitted. "I often find myself just thinking that I wish I was like her. I wish I could smile, laugh, and make friends." He told her before he shook his head. "I'm sorry… but… I… don't wish to talk about this anymore."

Cheelai internally frowned. 'Just as he was about to open up… he goes and does that again.' She thought before she nodded. "That's fine." She stated warmly, as he lightly touched his arm. "You know I'm happy to listen. You don't have to hesitate to talk to me." She reminded him. "But… I suppose you'll speak when you're ready and I' be ready to listen when the time comes and do my best to understand."

He stared ahead, not showing an ounce of emotion. But, internally, he was extremely grateful for what she said and even more so as he knew that she meant it.

Just then, two figures broke the shadows, entering Naruto and Cheelai's line of sight.

The first figure was a female with a slender frame and just below average height for a female. She had tan skin, half-idled eyes that held uncertainty within them. She also had shaggy shoulder length black hair that was tied into a ponytail. Shockingly enough, there on her waist, was a brown fury tail, identical Naruto's own. And, long, thick, chin-length bang hung over the left side of her face. Her outfit consisted of a red shirt that exposed her tight, fit midriff and that showed off some of her very large F-cup cleavage, matching her lower outfit- a red skirt with a brown belt attached along with a silver circular buckle and a pair of black compression shorts underneath that hugged her ass nicely. She wore a pair of golden boots with red tips.

The second figure was a fair-skinned young man with that of short stature and had a somewhat slim build. His hair was black and spiky, with one bang hanging over his forehead. Around his waist, was brown fury tail that was tied secularly around his waist. His eyes were narrow with large black pupils, and his outfit was that of shoulder-less armor. The breastplate was white in color and covering his abdominals, was brown, horizontally stripped armor as well. Underneath that as well, was a skintight, blue one piece that covered his entire arms, legs and nearly feet. He also wore white gloves and white boots.

Naruto's eyes widened before he nodded. "My hunch was right then," he said aloud, causing Cheelai to snap out of her surprised funk, as she even caught the fact that they were Saiyans. Due to the distinct dark hair, dark eyes, and furry tails.

The male of the duo stepped forward, "Excuse me… but you are a Saiyan correct?" He questioned in a humble, kind tone. "It's just that, I sensed your Ki the second you came here, and I immediately knew that you were strong. So, I came to investigate from afar and managed to see that you had a tail." He explained. "So, my friend and I," he said, gesturing to the meek-looking Saiyan female next to him. "Wanted to see if you were truly another Saiyan."

Naruto nodded, "Yes. I am a Saiyan." He answered as he nodded affirmatively, getting a cheerful smile from the boy and a shy one from the female.

"How about this," he proposed, getting their attention. "Tell me each of your names, and I'll tell you mine. Sound fair?" Naruto questioned the two Saiyans.

The nodded simultaneously. The boy, however, stepped up first and bowed lightly. "Hi- my name is Cabba. It's nice to meet you, sir."

Naruto's eyes narrowed in anger, "What do you think you're doing?!" His abrupt shout caught everyone off guard. Cabba's head jerked upwards, startled. "What do you think you're doing?" He repeated himself. "Saiyans do not bow to one another! Even to their Kin."

Cabba grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head, "S-Sorry! It won't happen again!" He chuckled uneasily.

Naruto narrowed his eyes before he set his sights on the attractive Saiyan girl who appeared to be around his age. Maybe a few years older. "And yours?" He questioned.

The girl looked at Cabba with an uneasy look in her eyes and surprisingly, he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. He won't hurt you." He told her gently, getting her to nod and smile.

The female Saiyan stepped forward, somewhat hesitantly and smiled at Naruto, however, she never really met his gaze. "H-Hi… my name's Kale. It's nice to meet you," she said in a gentle tone.

Naruto looked at her before he nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. It's nice to see two more Saiyans still left alive in this Universe," he stated to them both. The Saiyan, Cabba noticed what he said and spoke up.

"Wait! You said 'two more,' does that mean that there are more besides you?" Cabba questioned, earning a smirk from Naruto. His first sign of emotion, besides anger, since the two had arrived.

"Perceptive." He commented, causing the skinny looking Saiyan to look away, somewhat bashfully. "Yes, indeed. There are more than just us three." He confirmed, getting an even larger smile from the young man and young woman. "There are two other females. All around our age. The oldest of us being twenty-one-years-old. While the next one being nineteen-years-old." He continued. "I'm pretty sure I'm the youngest, but strongest out of us all."

Cabba nodded in understanding as Naruto finished explaining. "By the way, you never told us your name."

Naruto blinked before he smiled somewhat. "Yeah… I guess you're right." He nodded before he coughed. "The name's Naruto." He informed. "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Cabba almost bowed once more but stopped short and just continued smiling. Naruto narrowed his eyes before he spoke.

"The two of you," he started, getting their attention. "Is that your full power? Or, are you suppressing it?" Naruto asked seriously with Cheelai listening with interest, as she had never seen two or more Saiyans speak with one another before. As Naruto was the first Saiyan, she had ever seen. Much less spoke to.

Cabba and Kale looked at confusedly, and the female spoke without her stutter. "Suppressed?" She asked.

Naruto's eyes widened briefly, "Wait… do you two not know how to suppress your energy?" He asked, actually surprised.

The skinnier male Saiyan shook his head, "No. That's… that's the first time I've even heard of such a thing." He answered truthfully, earning a slow nod from Naruto.

"Okay…" he muttered thoughtfully. "Well, what did you two come here for?" He questioned, catching them by surprise. "Did you come here just to say hi or...?" Naruto asked curiously, wonder what they were going say or do. Both of them could have been older than sixteen, and from what it looked like, they were both doing pretty well for two alone kids in a dark Universe.

Cabba looked a little uncertain, but he swallowed and looked up with a determination. "I want you to train me!" He blurted, getting a surprised look from Cheelai and Naruto.

Naruto spoke a few seconds later, "Train you?" He questioned, earning a nod from Cabba. He then looked at Kale. "Does your friend, Kale, want to be trained as well? Or is this a personal endeavor on your part?"

Kale looked around, seemingly uncertain. "I…" she stated unclearly but started speaking in low, unreadable tone.

"Speak up!" Naruto barked, earning a sharp nod from the girl who straightened up and stared him in the eye for the first time.

"I said I want to train as well!" She said loudly, getting a surprised look from Cabba, as he had never heard her raise her voice before.

Naruto stared at her for a few more long seconds before she spoke once more. "Before I give my answer," he started, getting a somewhat nervous look, that varied from degree to degree with both of them. "I want to know: Why me?" He questioned. "How do you know I'm not as strong or weaker than the both of you?"

Surprisingly, it was Kale who spoke up. "Its because we sensed that you had an ungodly amount of Ki, but somehow you weren't releasing it. I had to really concentrate hard to see even sense a minor fraction of it and that alone far surpassed my own strength." She answered, getting a nod from Naruto.

He turned his back before picked Cheelai up in bridal style, getting a blush from white-haired alien. "If you can keep up… then I'll train the both of you." He told them, getting audible gulps of nervousness and anticipation from both of them.

With that, a burning red aura flared around him before he shot upwards, damaging the ground underneath him a small bit.

Not wasting any time, Cabba flared his own white aura around himself and shot off into the air. Kale followed soon after with her own aura encasing her body, and she caught up with Cabba within only a few seconds.

»»—Line Break—««

Naruto grunted lowly as he landed. He then walked over to the edge of his ship and placed his hand on it, and perfectly rectangular tile glowed green before a wall opened up. Then, metal pathway shot downwards, allowing the two to walk inside.

He then let Cheelai go from his grasp while noticing her rosy blush. He smirked at her, causing her to blush more, as, privately, she thought he looked hot when he smirked at her. But she wouldn't say that out loud, as she wouldn't dare inflate that insufferable ego of his.

Just as her feet touched the ground, a wind floored the area, and Cheelai turned around, and Cabba and Kale standing there with their Ki made aura's still in place.

"Impressive," Naruto said without looking back. "You both are faster then what your power level suggests." He told them. "Good. Now, follow me. I'll be taking you two to where we can talk privately."

With that, he made his way into his ship with Cabba, Kale, and Cheelai following him. Cabba and Kale both looked around as they traversed through the ship, looking about as if they were in a candy shop.

As they made it to the living room, a small smile lit up on their faces, and the second they made it near the Gravity Training Room, they stopped and looked at it.

The front of it looked like an eight-inch-thick steel door that was about ten-feet-tall and three-feet-wide. On the side of it, was a rectangular pad that Naruto walked over to. He then placed his hand on it, and the pad glowed green.

A few seconds later, multiple hissing sounds were heard from the door before it opened up, revealing a large, white-tiled, dome-roofed room.

He then walked inside before looking behind him. "What? Coming?" He inquired curiously before he turned his back once again to walk deeper into the room. Once he took a dozen or so steps forward, he turned around with his arms crossed behind his back. He smirked in satisfaction when he saw the duo of Saiyans walking towards him with Cheelai waiting at the door, figuring that this was Kin business and she wasn't his Kin, so she would wait and just spectate. So, it made perfect sense to not bother them, and she could at least give him that much respect as Naruto deserved it.

The two Saiyans stood shoulder to shoulder and looked at Naruto with curious looks on their faces.

"Um… Naruto. Why are we here?" Cabba questioned somewhat hesitantly as he looked around, his eyes scanning across the domed room that they were in.

Kale nodded in agreement to Cabba's question, and Naruto hummed.

"The reason why I brought you two here is because I wish to spar with the two of you," he said, taking them by surprise. Seeing their looks and frowned. "What? You asked me to train you, and I want to know how strong you two are before I even attempt to train either of you." He continued. "I will not train weaklings." He said, causing them to frown in concentration.

He privately smirked at their frowning faces, "So? What's it going to be?" He started. "Sink? Or…" he continued as he led off before he disappeared.

Cabba and Kale looked around, confused before Cabba's eyes widened as pain rippled through his entire body, which originated from his stomach. He shakily looked down, and he stared in shock as he saw Naruto's fist lodged inside his stomach. Kale stared in horror before she shivered in fear when she heard Naruto's next word.


Cabba spat out a glob of saliva as Naruto pulled out his hand slowly and once, he felt the pressure leave his stomach, he limped forward before he stared up at a smirking Naruto. He gritted his teeth in pain as he stumbled forward.

His eyes widened in surprise as his feet were kicked out from underneath him as he felt his back hit the tiled ground. He looked up, his eyes still looking pained at a Naruto that had his arms tied behind his back.

"If you can land a hand it on me with my hands tied behind my back…" Naruto started, "Then, I'll train you." He continued. "But I can say the same for your friend." He finished with a cruel smirk.

Cabba stumbled to his feet, and he turned his head when he heard Kale's soft, meek voice. "C-Cabba? Are you a-alright?" She asked shakily with a stutter in her voice.

Naruto's eyes narrowed his eyes at the display of nervousness. But he said nothing as he just observed. He then looked over to his left and as he saw Cabba standing on shaky legs.

"Are you ready or not?" Naruto questioned. "I've given you enough time to recoup." He told the skinny looking Saiyan.

Cabba gritted his teeth before he leaped forward with his fist raised, but Naruto merely tilted his head and avoided the punch with laughable ease.

"Weak," he murmured just loud enough for Cabba to hear before he was then headbutted, causing him to jerk his head back in pain as she slammed his eyes shut.

"Put your heart into it," Naruto barked as he dodged another punch. "Fight with pride, don't you dare show an ounce of fear in battle!" He continued before he dropped to his back.

That got a surprised look from Cabba, but that melted away as his legs were swept out from underneath him. But, his back never hit the ground. Instead, his back hit Naruto's foot, which sent him hurling into the air.

Cabba opened his eyes as he coughed out some blood from his mouth. However, his eyes widened in fear when he saw Naruto appear above him with his knees kicked back into his chest and then he saw the teen rotate in a quick pace while in that position.

He could do nothing but watch as Naruto kicked up his speed before he stopped. His eyes widened to impossible portions as Naruto's feet kicked into his stomach, sending him to the ground.

Cabba coughed out some blood as his back hit the ground at full speed. After a few seconds, Naruto lightly touched back down onto the ground next to Cabba, who was lightly shaking effort as he was trying to stand and will his body to move.

Just then, Kale flew straight into battle with an angered war cry, getting a grunt in surprise from Naruto before he moved his head to the side, dodging a quick punch. But he was then forced to dodge once more. However, in the corner of his eye, he saw Cabba rushing back into the fray of battle.

Not having enough time to raise his power, he was quickly caught off guard, and he hastily dodged a few very quick and rapid punches from Cabba and blocked Kale's outstretched leg with his knee. But he felt his cheek get nicked by a punch from Kale.

His eyes widened before he thrusted his arms and legs out to the side and gave a thundering yell, creating a shockwave of pure Ki that launched the two Saiyans off him and they tumbled onto the ground from the violent and sharp increase in power.

Naruto let his arms fall before he slowly touched his cheek with his thumb and looked at it.


Naruto felt a smirk line on his lips before he chuckled. He looked back down at the hopeful Saiyans and smirked. "Find some rooms on my Ship. You two will be staying here if you want to train." He ordered. "Got that?" He growled, getting frantic nods from the two. "Good. Meet me here every day at Five A.M." He ordered once again before he walked out of the Gravity Chamber.

»»—Line Break—««

As Naruto walked out of the Chamber, he made his way over to the main living room, looking to get some water, as he felt pretty thirsty. But he stopped mid-step when he saw two weird, light purple colored scrolls laying on the glass desk.

He never remembered Cabba or Kale placing it there, and he didn't really see Cheelai place anything there either. So… who's was it.

Being curious, he walked up to the table and looked at then with a studious look before he looked to his right and saw a small little post-it note. He reached for it and pulled off the table and started reading the extremely neat cursive writing.

Let these gifts help you on your journey.


You're benefactor

"Huh," he sounded, before looking at the scrolls with a curious and somewhat eager look. Naruto lightly pulled one off the table and lightly pulled on a pure white string, untying it.

Then, the scroll unfolded and magically floated back onto the table, completely spread out, allowing Naruto to read every word.

"Okay…" he murmured, a little weirded out by the display, but he didn't let it bother him as he sat on his knees and lightly set the desk lower, so he could fully be at level with it. He then lightly pulled the laid out scroll and started reading.

'This scroll,' he thought after reading a good portion of it. 'Has directions to perform a technique!' Naruto realized with slightly parted eyes. 'Who or how would someone give this to me?'

'This technique… by the description to what it does and how to learn it… from what I can gather, is extremely dangerous. Not only for the one it's used against… but moreover to the one that's using it!'

'But why would someone give me such a powerful technique!' Naruto thought, truly stumped before he went back and started reading the description to it again, making sure to memorize it.

The technique: Kaio-Ken is a supportive technique that multiplies the user's Ki for a "heartbeat" - thus increasing every one of the user's abilities. Their speed, physical strength, Ki reserves, defense- Every single combat orientated ability is heightened the set amount in which setting of multiplier the technique is used.

However, the technique has one major folly: It puts a major strain of the user's body and if the practitioner of the technique uses it and multiplies their own strength too high before they are accustomed to the right level, then it bears the possibility to prove fatal to the user.

Overall, the technique sounded dangerous… very dangerous. Naruto knew that right away, especially when he read about the consequences. But it did look like it was a powerful technique, so who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth?

»»—Time Skip: Two Weeks—««

After being on the planet for a full two weeks and the three Saiyans hard at work with their own training.

Kale and Cabba continuously trained, determined to get stronger with the back-seated guidance from Naruto. They each trained at least four hours a day, and Naruto trained mostly alone during nighttime or, at least passed Eight P.M.

With the way he was going, he learned the Kaio-Ken with practical ease. But he quickly realized that learning it was the easiest part. The hardest part by far was training his own body to hold the strain that the technique caused.

While the strain wasn't impossible to maintain, it was still challenging. At least at the moment. But he had a feeling that the enhanced durability that he got from being a Kryptonian helped accommodate the strain to an immense level. So, at the moment, he could maintain the Base State of Kaio-Ken for about two full minutes while at near full strength. He hadn't tried going up to Times-Two, as it seemed pointless if he couldn't maintain the strain of the Base State's strain for an adequate time.

It had been a full week, and Naruto had just got out from a shop, after buying food and other supplies that he needed. As the food he had was made to feed one Saiyan. Not three. So, he was already ahead of the clock and bought loads of food to last them all at least six months.

He had already sealed all the food within a scroll, allowing him to store everything away into suspended animation, preventing the goods from spoiling. However, a raspy, arrogant voice cut through the air and alerted Naruto.

Just then, a decently strong power level appeared behind him. The Saiyan teen turned around slowly and narrowed at his eyes at whoever was speaking.

"You're the one Master Babidi ordered me to bring to him!" The raspy voice laughed arrogantly.

In front of the Saiyan was a weird looking alien humanoid. He had a white oval shaped head that was shaped kind of like a diving board. He had white spikes protruding from his back above his shoulder blades and a white bone-like breastplate. He wore a black skintight jumpsuit, white gloves, and white boots. He had deep green, iris-less eyes and yellow lips and a weird looking 'M' emblem on his forehead.

"And you are?" Naruto questioned with an arrogant spark in his tone, almost laughing at the arrival's appearance. But he managed to keep a serious face, yet calm appearance.

The arrival smirked smugly and leaped backward and struck a pose.

"When Fighting Pui Pui death is a certainty!" Laughed the green-eyed alien.

Naruto smirked, "What rubbish," he scoffed. "You have no idea who your standing in front of… do you?" He questioned as he stared him. Sure, his power level was high, but he could tell that this Pui Pui was nothing, but pathetic garbage compared to him.

Said warrior laughed uproariously, "Please! Why would I even care?! The only thing I care about is bringing you to Master Babidi!"

Now, that caught Naruto's attention real easy. 'Master Babidi? So… this freak serves under another… then the master must be powerful. I need to be careful from here on out,' Naruto thought before he smirked.

"Well, and here I was making dinner plans," he chuckled confidently, angering Pui Pui at his mocking words.

"You arrogant wretch! I'll show you!" He yelled, losing his temper as he leaped forward at surprising speed with his fist held out.

Naruto grunted in surprise as he blocked the fist with his forearm before he tilted his head to the right, dodging another punch. He then started moving around, dodging fast blows that actually caused him to lose ground.

Seeing that he was getting nowhere with being on the defensive, he leaped up into the air and twisted his body to the side before he threw a red colored blast.

It sailed through the air before it came in contact with the ground before it created a large, red Ki dome that disintegrated everything inside of it. Just then, he saw Pui Pui come charging out of the dome with his fist raised.

He smacked the hand out of the way before he punched Pui Pui square across the face and kneed him straight in the stomach. He then twisted his body and heel-kicked him straight in the throat with brutal efficiency, sending him barreling into the ground.

He then reached the ground and touched down with his arms crossed against his chest. "Kami, you're boring me. What happened to the fallacy of you bring me to your beloved master?" Naruto asked tauntingly as he chuckled in amusement when he saw the flash of anger in the green eyes. "Well? I believe that this is the time to prove me wrong." He taunted.

Pui Pui gritted his teeth before started running forward and started throwing rapid attacks, surpassing the speed he was using before.

Naruto grunted as he was nicked by a few of those attacks before he was punched in the stomach and backhanded into a nearby rock formation.

Naruto gritted his teeth before he coughed out some salvia, watching as some of it rained down from the tip of his mouth. "That's more like it!" He grinned savagely before he stood back up and wiped off some blood on his lip with his white gloves, smearing some of the blood on them.

Pui Pui looked at him in surprise before he grinned back, "Your as every bit as capable as Master Babidi promised you were!" Pui Pui exclaimed with some surprise, as in the beginning, he thought of Naruto, nothing more than a weakling.

'I may as well try this out now,' Naruto thought before he grinned. He then got in a powering up stance with his arms parted slightly and his legs spread. He hunched over a small amount before he gave a yell.

Just then, his red aura of power flared around him, and small sparks of lightning started radiating off him. Just then, a small blue forcefield came around him and around that, were small bits of lightning discharging off it. Gritting his teeth, he yelled and threw his arms and legs to the side, creating a large, red explosion of Ki.

Pui Pui gritted his teeth before he yelled as he was thrown back from the oppressive force and his back came into contact with a hill.

'It looks like he's getting serious,' Pui Pui thought seriously as he watched as the smoke dispersed, allowing Pui Pui to fully see Naruto who was still in a hunched over position. His skin looked a bit red from underneath his aura, something that confused the minion a large amount.

Just then, Naruto smirked darkly, "Well… Pui Pui you said your name was?" He asked innocently, earning a grunt and nod from the servant. "Well then, it's nice to meet you Pui Pui. But… I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you. I hope you understand," Naruto stated causing the man to grit his teeth in rage.

"But, don't get so down!" Naruto yelled with an insane grin. "I'll let you die knowing that you were a successful test of my newest technique!" He exclaimed, finally causing Pui Pui to snap in anger.

Pui Pui roared in rage as he pulled his hand forward before, he clasped his hand on his wrist. "Eat this!"

"Pui Pui's Steady Barrage!" He screamed in outrage. Out of the tips of his fingers, came a fury of bright pink energy blasts that neared Naruto quickly.

Naruto just smirked arrogantly before he spoke loud and clear.


Naruto exclaimed before he disappeared in a burst of untraceable speed.

Pui Pui watched in shock as his most powerful attack fail, and he quickly moved around, searching for Naruto. But he stiffened when he heard Naruto speak from behind him.

"Goodbye!" Naruto screamed before he kicked Pui Pui right in the side of the stomach, causing him to spit out a large amount of saliva and blood from his mouth. He has then kicked underneath the chin, causing him to be sent flying into the air screaming all the way as he helplessly soared through the air.

But just as he recovered, Naruto appeared above him, and he punched downwards, hitting his abnormally large head, sending him flying back down. But, before he could hit the ground, he was kicked in the back, sending him back up.

Naruto grinned as he touched back onto the ground and then he held out his hand and aimed it at the airborne and panicking Pui Pui. Around him came a blue forcefield that interacted with his violent red aura that seemed to get even more erratic ever since he called out Kaio-Ken.

"Big Bang Ray!" He yelled before he shot out a large funnel of bright blue colored energy.

Pui Pui watched with a horrified expression on his face before screamed in burning pain as the blast consumed him. Within a second, he was completely disintegrated, leaving nothing but black smoke and lingering dust that flew into the wind.

Naruto hummed with satisfaction before his violent red aura vanished with a wisp of energy, canceling out Kaio-Ken.

He then let out a breath of air, "It looks like I still have work to do if I want to use Kaio-Ken in a serious battle." He sounded with a little tired with the energy that he just expelled. "Well, the only thing I can do it get back to training!" He finished with an arrogant and self-assured smirk.


That chapter was a little hard to write, I admit it. It took me a week to do it, as I had gotten writer's block a few times just along that chapter. And, I had also lost some motivation. But, no need to worry, as I finished it!

Also, Naruto did not need to use Kaio-Ken against Pui Pui. He used it against him because he wanted to see how it fared in a battle against a half decent opponent. No, Naruto could have beaten him in Base with low-mid difficulty.

(1): Think of it kind of like a Mall... but in space. And, far more advanced and dangerous. Space Mall!

Now, bringing Kaio-Ken into the story came to me kind of in the last second during the planning phase and figured it would be a good technique for Naruto to learn. But, as you can probably see, Naruto is not planning to use it like Goku does and just multiply his power as much as possible. I won't spoil anything else on the matter.

Plus! Who was it who gave Naruto the two scrolls? And what is in the other one? The first on to guess it correctly gets a cookie.

well, more of a digital cookie. Either that or a digital high-five. Either one works tbh.

Power Levels

Cabba: 2,000

Kale: 1,300

Kale (Angry): 2,400

Cabba (Post Training): 50,000

Kale (Post Training): 48,300

Cheelai: 200

Naruto (Heavily Suppressed Against Cabba and Kale): 40,000

Naruto: 6,600,000

Naruto (Kaio-Ken Base State): 9,900,000

Naruto (Big Bang Ray): 10,800,000

Pui Pui: 5,100,000

Pui Pui (Pui Pui's Steady Barrage): 5,600,000

That's all! And please, review and let me know what you thought about the chapter.
