Hello, to all I have my first fic right here and this one, before anything, is heavily inspired by Kronium345's Solaris the Solar God, so dicks out to him (or her). So, if you want to read a great fic that has a Vegeta-esk OC in Dragon Ball while being half Kryptonian and Saiyan, then go ahead and give it a read.

The pairing will be a harem and it will be large. How large? Well… I don't know. I don't know how many girls exactly will be in it, but I will keep an open as suggestions come in.

You may leave suggestions on who shall be in the harem, trust me I could use the help.

The arcs that I have planned, for now, are below. Please understand that things may change in the future and I won't be going into much detail about these arcs.

(Frieza Recruitment Arc- Soldier Arc- Evolution Arc- Frieza Force Rebellion Arc-)

I won't reveal more then what I've already confirmed and before you start, all these are original arcs to me, so don't bother doing research on them. So, it's pointless to plan into when Naruto is going to get introduced in the DC Universe. So, I'll withhold that information until I know for sure that it's correct. Plus, I'm still researching how strong each character is for DC, Marvel and such. Moreover, which versions of the characters I will be using for balancing reasons.

This will also be a multi-crossover and please, please don't come into this fic thinking that the Dragon Ball Universe, the D.C Universe, the Naruverse, hell, the entire Multiverse will be the same. Cause, it won't. I want to have full, complete control with creativity with this fic, so please keep that in mind


»»—Story Start—««

Into the far vast, near-infinite and unquantifiable stretch of the Multiverse, rested one Universe that had that had caught the Overseer of the 28th quadrant of Universes attention. Said person leaned on a throne that was pale white in color and was absolutely massive, being easily hundreds, if not thousands of feet tall. It had two horn-like protrusions resting on the far back stands of it and on it, rested a person or a figure that looked utterly majestic and terrifying. Not to mention, inhumane.

The figure was about six hundred feet tall, and it had a slight humanoid shape. Its skin, if it could be called that, was black and had what looked like millions of stars ranging all over his body. He had a mouth and eyes, in which were like stars themselves, bright yet dull at the same time. From his shoulders, came two curling, bull-horn like protrusions that curled upward and ended in perfectly symmetrical spikes, sharing the same color and design as the rest of his body. His head, or at least on top of it, was shaped perfectly and was bald and hairless and it just looked the exact as the rest of his body did; breathtaking, mesmerizing and unexplainable. Coming from his back, were four thinly shaped wings that held four eyes on each wing that had purple pupiless eyes, stacked on top of each other for each wing.

The room he was in, once again, if it could be called that, appeared to be a dimension of infinite nothingness, stretching for farther then the eye could see and was black in color, no other colors at all. Just pitch black, but yet, everything was viewable. As if there was some invisible light that illuminated the entire stretch of the entire dimension.

Just then, a figure appeared in front of the ethereal being in a bowing formation, his head pointed downward as a show of submission. He waited, not once moving.

The giant ethereal being who wore no emotions on his face, lightly lifted his hand and pointed upwards with two fingers. "You may stand… Messenger." The voice came out smooth, yet distorted, speaking like a cold heated professional noble from a powerful family.

Said messenger stood and held a blank white sheet of paper that was about a foot long and foot tall in his arms. "Your order has been exterminated your majesty, the race of the Saiyans are no more," the figure spoke in a loyal, submissive tone as he dared not to meet his lord's gaze.

The answer was not clear, and they sat in silence. However, after a minute long silence, the being spoke again, just as emotionless as he spoke his words moments before.

"I see… How did the Hakaishin Beerus and his attendant Vados process the order?" It was such a simple order, but it held more meaning than even the being knew at the time.

It took a second process his majesty's question, but as soon as he found the answer, he responded. "The Attendant Vados as you speak, took it surprisingly in an unsatisfactory manner. While Beerus the Hakaishin had no problem, she, Vados didn't openly express her dislike of the order, but I could tell such feelings were there."

"I see, so Vados of the Seventh Universe of my quadrant still holds the familiarity of the Saiyans. Unfortunate, but understandable," the voice responded, his royal and smooth tone unchanging.

However, the messenger's white sheet glowed slightly, and he gasped. "My Lord, by reports, several Saiyans have been reported by other Minor Epitiritís' (1) of the Seventh Universe. I am awaiting your order to decide what shall be done, sire."

The answer came quickly as if the being was expecting it to be asked before. "Leave them be. They are of no concern. We shouldn't waste time on such matters. The Saiyans that have departed from the planet won't make a difference." He ordered, earning a slow nod from the subordinate.

"Forgive my insolence, your greatness. But are you sure that this is the best course of action?" He asked hesitantly, fearing the consequences of his question.

However, the being didn't appear to be irritated by the possible sense of insubordination. "Do not fear. A couple of Saiyans do not stack up to billions. That is why."

Getting a slow nod, the submissive messenger did a loose bow before he disappeared in a burst of bright blue light particles.

The ethereal, several hundred-foot figure stared onward, having not shown one ounce of remorse for ordering the death of billions of lives. However, it was necessary…

"For the greater good."

»»—Line Break—««

A male Saiyan raced through a dimly lit hallway as he breathed ragged breaths. He ran down the hall before he made a sharp turn and barged right through the door. The second he busted through the door, his form blurred inside, startling a very young looking woman.

She had silver colored hair that was tied in tightly braided, twin tails that draped down to her lower back. She was a little taller than the average woman, standing at around 5 foot 9 inches tall. She had a beautiful, angular face and high placed cheekbones that were pronounced, and it was easily one of her most definable traits. Her eyes were bright, breathtaking pupiless ruby red orbs that shined with knowledge and pride. For a figure, her figure was very voluptuous, and she had large G-cups that strained against the fabric of her outfit. She also had a flat, yet semi-muscular stomach and a curvy, firm bottom and long legs. She wore a skintight black bodysuit that strained against her breasts along with skintight black pants and black combat boots as well a pair of black fingerless gloves.

"Hiru-kun! Why are in such a rush? You could've just opened the door," the woman stated in a calm, teasing tone with a slight smile gracing her lips. However, her eyes widened ever so slightly when she heard his response.

"Have you seen Naruto?" He asked rapidly, speaking in a smooth, yet panicked tone as stared at her, sweat rolling down the side of his face.

"Wait, you don't know where he is?" She asked, her tone getting a little sharper and accusatory.

Hiru shook his head slightly, "No! Do you think I would ask I knew?!" He exclaimed before he took a deep breath, composing himself. "Listen, I can't see him on my scouter, and I haven't seen him around."

"No, I haven't seen Naruto," she answered after a moment, earning a 'tch' from the Saiyan before he ran back out the way he came and around him, came a bright aura of Ki.

Seeing that action, the woman quickly followed him and saw him shooting off into the sky. She muttered something about 'Hot-headed Saiyans' before she took off into the air as well, following him. However, it was only due to her people's technology she was able to fly, which in her boots and in the soles of them, were boosters underneath them.

Hiru clenched his fists as he rapidly looked around, frantically trying to find Naruto. Just then, the ruby-eyed woman caught up and hovered next to him. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked hoarsely.

He looked at with a frown on his face. "I'm looking for our son!" He snapped before his scouter picked up a power level, just low and erratic enough for the scouter to pick up. His head snapped to where he the scouter detected it before he growled. "There!" He blurted out before he flew at maximum speed, his aura blazing around him.

The woman narrowed her eyes before she followed suit and turned midair and kept pace with only a slight struggle.

As they flew, they came over a dense jungle and once again, the power fluctuated, and that allotted Hiru to pinpoint it to a 'T' as he slowed himself in the air and he warily maneuvered through the thick line trees. After traversing through the dense forest, he saw a small figure slowly and fluidly moving.

'Naruto!' The two of them thought simultaneously before they slowed down. However, the woman grasped him by the shoulder pad of his armor and moved over to the side and hid behind a tree. She quickly capped his mouth from keeping him screaming.

"Shh~," she muttered lowly. "Let's watch," she smiled receiving a slow nod from Hiru as they both peaked out from the tree. They watched with interested eyes as a small, child-like figure moved around.

Said boy lightly panted as droplets of sweat rolled down his face. He moved slowly, yet his movements seemed practiced as he punched forward and threw a few kicks before he twirled around midair and swiped his hand out with his fist curled and his knuckles pointed outwards.

He then repeated the same combo, for multiples of times before halted midway through another and collapsed onto the ground.

Hiru immediately wanted to run over and get him, and make sure he was okay, but a glare caused him to halt in his preemptive action. "He's fine," her glare softening. "I think I understand what's going on in fact." She revealed, earning a frown from the man.

"And that would be?"

She merely smiled before she returned to look at her child. Hiru grumbled softly before he too yielded his attention over to his son.

The young boy gritted his teeth before he slowly stood up, albeit his legs were jittery, and his arms were quivering. "I can't stop," he gasped out, speaking in a raspy tone. "Not until… Not until I surpass father!" He gasped before he squatted down and started doing pushups with near flawless posture.

Hiru gaped from his spot near the tear, 'He's… training away from us because he wants to surpass me?' He thought with widened eyes. He then locked his gaze over to his smirking mate. "Nada, did you know about this?"

She slowly nodded, a triumphant smirk stretching onto her face. "I had my suspicions on why he began requesting for harder training and why he started coming home with cuts and bruises." She nodded.

"And you didn't tell me?!" He whispered harshly.

She scowled at him once more, but this time he didn't cower. "His just a child-,"

"Yes, a child. Do I need to remind you, that while you were his age, you had deaths of millions on your hands? And yet you're mad at him for training privately because wants to surpass you?" She scoffed. She loved the man, truly she did, but he did get on her nerves from time to time with his private worrying.

That silenced the Saiyan male down before he glared forward, watching his son as he stopped doing pushups and he held his hand and concentrated.

Naruto then created a small ball of Ki in his hand before started doing kata's once more, only that there was a Ki ball hovering in his hand instead of him just throwing punches and kicks. He still, however, had his opposite yet unused hand dangling to the side as he hovered in the air and performed all types of kicks.

He recapitulated as he repeated some of them, most of the kicks that he repeated, were ones that he liked using in combos. So, he enjoyed the quick, accurate attacks, instead of heavy, lumbering kicks that never were going to hit. After all, what was going to more damage, five or so quick and light kicks or a heavy, slow kick that wasn't going to hit the target anyway? After executing a few hundred kicks at high speed within only ten seconds, he finished it up with three quick, stabbing quicks before sent a helicopter-heel kick, which, just like all his other attacks, hit nothing but air.

He landed back on the ground as he took a deep breath before he fell on his ass. His chest swelled up and down at a semi-controlled pace as he took slow, yet large breaths. He slowly stood back up and nearly fell, but he caught himself with as he clenched his fists. "I… I can't stop… I won't be… I won't be able to beat Frieza if I stop!" He muttered fiercely, sounding way to mature and determined for any twelve-year-old old boy to sound.

Hiru's eyes widened, as did Nada's at what they heard what their son said. "He… He wants to beat Frieza?" He mumbled. "Of course, ever since we told him about my side of the family, he's been obsessed about Frieza…" he murmured as he hung his head.

'So, that's what he wants…' Nada thought seriously before she stared at her son with pride evident in her eyes.

Naruto stood a little shorter than the average twelve-year-old, standing at 4 foot 5 inches tall. He had a very muscular figure for a boy his age. His eyes were the standard, pupiless coal-black orbs that all Saiyans seemed to have. He had a sharp look in his eyes, a fierce look on his face. He had spiky, shaggy black hair (2). He had an angular face, with not much baby fat on his face, which was somewhat common for Saiyan children his age. He wore a skintight, white colored, sleeveless spandex training shirt and a pair of white spandex shorts that stopped right above his knees. For shoes, he wore a pair of black weighted boots.

He slowly aimed his hands up at the sky and shot four small blue colored balls, and they sailed through the air.

Hiru's eyes widened once more, 'Who taught him that… if what he's about to do what I think… who taught him… that sneaky minx!' He shot a look at his smugly smirking mate.

Two of the four balls maneuvered the through and separated from the other two before they shot right at Naruto. Said Saiyan slowly dodged the two Ki balls before they circled around and shot directly at his back.

The boy proceeded to dodge at the last moment before the previous two suddenly rejoined the same route as all four of the balls shot right at him. Naruto narrowed his eyes before he swerved around, his boots tracking through the ground. Then he leaped upwards, dodging a ball that tried hitting him from his feet. He then quickly floated over to a nearby tree before he started disappearing and reappearing from tree to tree, going in and out of Super Speed.

He continued doing so until he started feeling even more fatigued and due to that reason alone, his movements were getting slower and slower as time progressed and got sloppy from trying to force effort from his willpower, which gave the Ki balls room to engage Naruto fully before they hit, creating an explosion.

Wind blew from the center of the explosion as at least a dozen trees were vaporized, and some were destroyed from just being near the explosion.

The Saiyan father watched with worried eyes as he kicked down the instinct to save his son. Nada was in a similar state as she wanted to protect her son just as much as her mate, but they needed to see his limits; His full power without holding back.

Once the dust was disclosed, Naruto's form was visible, and he was in bad shape at best. The entire right side of his shirt was destroyed, and the whole leg of his shorts was vaporized, which laid freshly bleeding wounds.

Blood dripped onto the ground, forming a small puddle the size of the palm of someone's hand, forming a grotesque sound. He slumped forward but remained on his feet. He grasped his shoulder, which bled heavily as the blood escaped from his hand, drowning onto his skin. The same hand hung limply by his side as he limped forward. His child body lightly shook in pain as he breathed heavily. However, he remained conscious.

The amazing thing was, he took a step forward and punched forward, replicating a near-perfect punch with good form, despite being heavily injured while doing so. He kept punching, he kept attacking at imaginary opponents.

He continued before he felt his rage break through, the feeling overpowering pain had temporarily broke his pride. Feeling weak as his blood continuously did help with that either. Suddenly, he gave a yell, enveloping himself in a shroud of pulsating red aura.

"Frieza!" He screamed as he blindly threw his hands forward and his hands glowed a menacing scarlet red and the aura around him condensed down to his muscles. Slowly, small sparks of electricity discharged off his body.

Hiru and Nada both watched with unconcealed shock before Hiru's scouter started beeping loudly and numbers popped up. Seeing that his scouter was working, Nada looked over, "Hiru, what's the scouter say about his power level?" She questioned, curious and eager to know how strong her son was and how strong he got from his private training.

If the absolute shock and horror that was written on his face was anything to go by, then she could say that he had gotten strong... or had always been strong. "Seven… Eight… Nine… Ten… Eleven… Twelve…" he muttered as he kept counting.

"Hiru!" She nearly shouted, snapping him out of his shocked daze.

"Seventeen… Eighteen… Twenty-two thousand! Twenty-nine thousand… thirty-six thousand! A power level of thirty-six thousand!" He gasped, earning one from Nada as well.

"That… That can't be!" She muttered to herself before a bright red flash shun right through the clearing. She stared in shock as Naruto screamed before he shot out two, twin blasts of bright red energy.

The two blasts of energy collided with the trees and eviscerated anything in front of them before they sailed past, and blew up, a hundred or so yards away. The explosion of Ki that happened afterword created a shockwave of wind that nearly caused the trees uplift.

Hiru and Nada both stared forward, not knowing what do or what to say as they watched Ki explode in a brilliant display of burning scarlet colored energy. They stared at the dome of energy that rotated. Once the light died down, they were able to see Naruto panting heavily as his arms hung forward.

He breathed out ragged breaths before his eyes rolled up in the back of his head. He fell forward, completely unconscious. However, before he could hit the ground, a blur emerged right in front of him and caught him on his back.

Hiru smiled as stared away from his son and caught him with his back. Naruto's face laid face first on his father's shoulder, and his torso rested on his back. "He already has as much energy as me… and he's just twelve," Hiru mumbled as he stood up straight while grasping onto his son's ankles. He then looked over to his mate and nodded. "We'll go home, and I'll put him in the healing tank," he told her, and she nodded stiffly.

With that, Hiru hovered off the ground and began gliding softly through the air, just barely above the canopy of the forest. Nada arose suit, not one to be left behind.

They flew in silence, none of them uttering a word as the two just enjoyed the silence. After operating for nearly five or so minutes, they reached their destination and touched down onto the ground, right in front of their house.

Hiru lightly opened the door what still shouldering his son. He continued in before he led himself through a separate room. The second he stepped inside, the lights immediately flipped on as he walked inside. He then walked over to an empty machine that looked like a highly advanced piece of technology.

It was large, easily being eight or so feet tall and it was as wide as it wall tall. It had a large, circular glass case with a large, thick pipe on top of the glass. He then placed his on it before he started rapidly touching buttons on a pad. It gleamed the second he moved his hand back, and the tank opened up, and he stepped forward.

Crouching down slightly, he slid his son off his back and placed the breathing respirator on his face before he put a few suction cups on his head which were connected with a few insulated wires.

He climbed back before he thumbed a button and the glass mechanically moved downward and locked. It made a sound of rustling wind before it beeped. Then, dull green fluid started rapidly filling the machine, and it filled within seconds. The boy started wafting along with the mask on his face as he slept soundly.

Hiru sighed before he looked longley for a few minutes then he turned around. He saw Nada inclining against the door with semi concerned look on her face. "How's the little tyke?"

He sighed once more before he responded. "He'll be fine, within a few hours. Mild incisions along his hands and arms. While second degree burns along his chest and the side of his stomach." He told her. "Due to his Saiyan biology, he'll recuperate rather quickly. The thing that's going to take the longest to heal will be his critical Ki depletion. However, even then, I don't see that lasting more than two or so hours while in the tank."

Nada nodded and grinned some. "That's good," she seemed relieved, but it sounded relaxed and soft. "So, Mr. Monkey, how big of a Zenkai will the little one get?"

Hiru pursed his lips and frowned a slight bit, "Hard to tell really. Zenkai's a situational and due to their own biology," he informed, earning a small nod. He had to admit; his pride was a little wounded that his own twelve-year-old son had briefly transcended him in raw power. However, there was also a piece of him that couldn't be more gratified.

"What power level was he born with anyway?" She questioned, having have forgotten. Hiru frowned.

"A power level of three-thousand, the same power level that most Elite Saiyan Warriors have when they're in their mid-thirties. If we were on planet Vegeta, he would have gotten either executed for having such a power level or sent away in fear. Even King Vegeta was only born with a power level of 900." He explained, earning a thoughtful nod from her.

She nodded slowly, "Do you think that is due to his hybrid nature?"

Hiru nodded instantly, "Yes, most definitely," he agreed. "Don't get me wrong, if he was a full-blooded Saiyan, hypothetically speaking, of course, I could safely assume that he would be born with a power level of around 1,000 or so." He spoke. "He's an extraordinary kid. He has the nature and pride of a Saiyan warrior, your brutality along with the snarky remarks, and my intelligence." He said, sounding amazed, even though that he knew all of this for years.

"Your just jealous that a twelve-year-old is stronger then you are," she teased, earning a sigh from the Saiyan.

"And there it is…"

However, her smirking face abruptly morphed and into a frown which caught the man's attention. "What? Something wrong?"

"Yes…" she looked mildly concerned as she stared at the floating form of her son… her pride and joy. "I'm worried that his hatred and thirst for revenge against Frieza will lead him down a sinister path." She explained, earning a frown from him is as well.

He nodded slowly and shifted his gaze somewhat. "Yes, I've had the same concerns as of recently. While I am pleased that he wants to avenge our race, I am however worried that he will become obsessed," he stated.

She stepped forth slightly with a surprisingly graceful manner. "My concerns exactly," she confirmed. "That's why I want to train him as much as possible. To get him as strong as possible," she told him, causing him to avoid her stare, obviously in thought. "He is going to challenge Frieza, no matter how much I want to keep him here, have him live a peaceful life, get a wife and so and so forth. I am no fool, however. No matter how much I can hope and dream, we both know that will not be the case."

Hiru gnarled slightly, "Che." He grunted. "I agree, truly I do. I just don't want him to turn out like the King," he spat out the word 'King' like it poison.

Her frown lessened as she strolled over to him and laid a comforting hand on his padded shoulder. "This is about Paragus' young boy, isn't it?"

His growl got even deeper, but it halted when she lightly gripped his shoulder, urging him to look at her in the eyes and his angered coal orbs softened almost immediately at seeing his mate's caring gaze. "That arrogant son of a bitch shipped a one-year-old boy on a dangerous planet just to die. They exiled a boy that hadn't even uttered a single word in his life!" He exclaimed. "Just because he showed higher potential than his dear Prince's own." He spat, his expression contorting to one of anger and frustration. His furry brown tail twitched behind, reacting to his anger and it pulled around and swished through the air erratically and randomly.

His shoulders sank and eased from their tension. "I just don't get it, didn't he hate Frieza more than anything else like all of us? If so, why was he so fearful of Broly. He could have been our saving grace within a years' time. I just don't get it. Was he so arrogant that he believed that could have faced Frieza alone?" He questioned.

"I don't think it was that Hiru," Nada spoke up, earning his attention with a raised eyebrow. "I may not have known King Vegeta, or any other Saiyans other than you or Naruto. However, he sounded like a very conceited man. But, also very paranoid. I can only assume that he considered that Broly proved more of a threat then Frieza."

Hiru's eyes widened in surprise before he nodded. "Of course… that must be it! He must've feared Broly's potential in the short term equation then the impending threat of Frieza potentially destroying Planet Vegeta within a couple of hundred years!"

Nada nodded, glad that he saw it the way she did. "Exactly," she smiled.

"Damn bastards. The both of them. They're both the same."

Nada stared at with expertly concealed worry, and his anger upset her. She was so used to him being a calm, caring saiyan — someone who threw his immense potential away just because he didn't want to hurt. Moreover, so, he applied himself to a different area and became a doctor. The same one who invented the healing chambers for Saiyans to use (3), and through that, he gained the attention of Frieza, who 'requested' the blueprints on how to make it. In which, Hiru had no other choice but to comply. But later he found out in years of time, that his technology was only being used by people who purged planets and he was the distributor.

In a sense, after years, he had been plagued with a deep regret from actually making it. Saying the number of lives he saved, couldn't even begin to count for how many he helped take away. And, so, he retired.

It was only due to how much good he had done for the Saiyan Empire, that he was able to. However, anyone else, wouldn't have been able to.

"Hey," she stated, getting his attention with a small smile. "Why don't we go into the living room, and discuss our young boy's training?"

Hiru nodded and smiled as well, forcing the anger down and refusing to throw his problems on her. While he had nowhere near the same amount of pride and arrogance as a normal Saiyan, he still had some. Also, he refused to rely on someone else just to make himself feel better.

With that, they walked out of the room, leaving Naruto hovering in the tank, asleep while the tank healed all his wounds and restored his energy. However, before he could entirely leave the room, he gave one last look at his son before he smiled.

'Become strong… as I fear destruction is upon us… Naruto,' he thought before he joined his mate in the living room where they talked.

»»—4 Days later—««

Above Krypton

A low hum of acknowledgment echoed through an empty room. 'Interesting… Interesting indeed,' the being thought before he grinned. "Well, I suppose it's time…" he muttered before he floated upward, and the ceiling retracted mechanically.

Once his body moved through, the short creature grinned viciously as two other figures floated behind him.

The one on the far right was a tall, pudgy alien with pink skin. He had spikes protruding from the top of his head and his arms. He had large arms and fat fingers along with shorter legs, and he wore some combat armor that had a blue chest piece and orange shoulder pads, he also wore a long light blue cape, as well as pink arm warmers, blue leg warmers, and blue underwear.

On the far left, was a tall green-skinned alien that looked human. He had long green hair that was braided, and he wore the same battle armor as his partner. On his ears, dangled some blue gem earrings and on his back, rested a purple cape. He had a muscular appearance, but his muscles were firmly packed and the small smirk clinging to his lips.

"Shall we, Frieza-sama?" The green skinned one spoke with an eloquent sounding voice as he floated beside his leader.

The now named Frieza smiled and looked at his right-hand man. "I would say so, Zarbon." He chuckled before floated forward, his two right and left-hand men following behind.

Just as floated forward, he stared down at the planet below with a scrutinizing gaze. He stared downward at the beauty before he smirked coldly. He slowly raised his hand and pointed his finger up into the air.

Slowly, a small orange light started flickering before it solidified utterly, and it grew massively in size.

»»—Line Break—««

With Naruto, Nada, and Hiru

The Saiyan child stared upwards with widened eyes. He started shaking lightly as a few beads of sweat rolled down his face. Hiru, however, stared upward with an angered and disbelieving look. His gaze clasped to Nada and narrowed her eyes at her.

"Nada! Please, take Naruto away. We have to get him off the planet! Take him to the pod I came here in!" Hiru nearly yelled, startling her.

She looked at with a slightly pleading expression. Only, revealing her emotions a small amount, which was amazing since she heard what he asked of her. "Do you have any idea… what you're saying?!" She yelled as he stomped over to him.

Looking back fearlessly, "Yes, I do! I believe that Naruto is made for bigger things, not dying on a planet with his parents by the same tyrant who wiped out our race!"

Nada looked down before she nodded. "Fine… we may never see him again, but at least we'll know he's lived on," she agreed with a grim smile. Hiru smiled before grasped her shoulder.

"Come, we both knew this would be happening… just not by Frieza," he smiled before he fixated his gaze on the burning yellow sun of energy that was still being held overhead in the atmosphere.

Naruto, however, felt someone grasp onto him and he snapped out of fear and saw his mother standing there gripping onto his shoulder. She had tears running down her eyes, and Hiru stepped forward.

"I'll hold him off for as long as I can. I can defiantly get you fifty seconds at least. It takes ten to power up the pod. Don't worry about coordinates, and I've already taken care of that." He told her. "Now, take him back inside!"

Having listened enough, Nada tried pulling him inside, but Naruto struggled as he looked at his father in the eyes. "You expect me to run! While you run off and die against that monster?!" He shouted, outraged and hurt.

Hiru growled, feeling his temper rise, but Naruto continued. "You always told me that Saiyans were great warriors and that you and I were the last Saiyans alive!" He continued, furious tears running down his cheeks.

Nada overheard in shock, but Naruto advanced further, showing his pride and worry for his worry for his parents. "You always told me how we were the most prideful beings in the Universe! Amongst the strongest warriors in the Universe as well! So, how can you expect me to run from a battle when I am a Saiyan Warrior myself?!"

Hiru growled before he finally snapped. "Listen Naruto. I don't have time!" He yelled, causing Naruto to take a careless step back as his father had never raised his voice to him. "We may be prideful, but where did that get us? Near extinction! Face it, our race, our previous race is done!" He bellowed, softer before he kneed down and placed his hands on his son's shoulders and stared him right in the eyes. "But you can make a new race. A race far stronger than both the Kryptonians and the Saiyans combined. I know you were born for something special. You're fated for greater things than dying next to your parents," he continued before he inched forward.

"I never once hugged you, have I? At least, while you were awake… have I?" Hiru questioned in guilt. "I continuously thought by avoiding sentimental feelings with you, that it would make you into a tougher man. And now, I believe that I was right," he laughed hugging his son for the last time in a while. "Because, even though you are a mere child, you are still twice the man I could ever hope to be. Don't forget that and no matter what you do, or what choose to do to in life… your mother and I will always be proud of you!" He finished before stared into his son's eyes with tears running his face.

Naruto was just about to speak before he felt his neck being hit and he didn't even know what happened before his entire world we black as he fell forward.

Hiru lowered his hand and caught Naruto before he could entirely fall onto the ground. He turned around and handed Naruto over Nada who carefully inspected his body.

"I'm sorry it has to be this way… I am." She grinned although before she went up and gave him the most passionate kiss, she could manage, taking him by surprise before he returned it full force.

"Aye, at least we'll die heroes and have trained and have birthed the strongest being in all the Universe," she murmured as they separated, gaining proud smirk from Hiru.

His face morphed suddenly before he nodded. "Go, now…" he commanded softly, getting a nod from Nada.

"Of course and… I love you Hiru."

Hiru smirked in reply, "And I love you too, ya old bat."

If he wasn't already ready to die, he was sure he would have been killed from the glare she gave him before she ran inside the house.

He stared lovingly at the closed door before he smirked. He then looked upwards before a fiery white aura flashed around him and he shot upwards into the sky, creating a loud sonic boom as he did so.

»»—Line Break—««

Above Krypton

Frieza quirked an eyebrow as he saw a bright white aura appear in front of him before his eyes widened in slight surprise. 'A… Saiyan?'

Hiru stared across at the creature that holding a practical sun on top his finger before he smirked.

Frieza was a short, pink skinned alien that had a humanoid shape. He had black, sharp horns that were coming out right above his ears, malevolent red eyes, and weird shaped head that held a purple dome resting on it. He also wore regular battle armor that had shoulder pads and purple chest plates.

"Oh ho!" He chuckled. "I never thought I would see another Saiyan… besides little Vegeta, his bodyguard Nappa and Raditz. But… you are an entirely different story!"

Hiru remained calm as he just grinned. He decided to keep talking as long as possible. "Yeah, well, I must confess, that we are a lot tougher to put down then you gave us credit for."

Frieza didn't seem to take offense to that, in fact, he nodded in agreement. "Yes, yes. So true."

"But, let's say we rectify that? Shall we?" Frieza grinned before he waved his free hand. "Zarbon, if you would."

Floating forward appropriately, the green-skinned alien smirked imperiously. "Of course, Frieza-sama. I'm always up to kill some monkeys," he chuckled before he flexed his power, causing a bright blue aura to come up around him.

Hiru watched before he smirked. His scouter beeped and showed the opposing power level. "Well, Zarbon. I can't say this won't be fun…" he started before a savage grin stretched across his lips. "Because it will!" He laughed before he lunged forward and slugged the proud man back before he kneed him straight in the stomach.

Hiru's grin got even more significant as he dodged a slow, well at least for him, punch before he kicked Zarbon straight in the mouth, sending him upwards before he hammered downwards by a haymaker.

He laughed, feeling his bloodlust rise before he spiked his own power level, encasing himself in a bright blue aura.

Frieza, from his spot, watched with a bit of interest as his scouter beeped. 'Oh? A battle power of 28,000. Impressive for a monkey,' he thought as he watched his right-hand man get clobbered without one hint of regret in his red eyes.

Dadoria, the fat pink alien blinked in surprise before he gritted his teeth. "A Saiyan… a filthy Saiyan is tossing around Zarbon as if he Wednesday's garbage!"

Seeing Zarbon getting tossed back with his head snapped back, he aimed his hand downward. "Goodbye, trash!" He muttered before his hand glowed before a bright blue ball of energy shot forward from his hand and collided into Zarbon's form before he exploded in a bright blue explosion of Ki.

Frieza watched, not in the least bit surprised that Zarbon died quickly and easily. He was up against a stronger opponent. A Saiyan none the less. No matter how much hated those creatures, he knew they weren't to be underestimated.

However, Frieza's attention was brought over when he saw a bright flash white light and his head snapped to the left. His eyes widened when he saw a modified Saiyan Pod leaving the planet's atmosphere. Narrowing his eyes, he raised his free hand and pointed a finger at the moving ship, and it glowed a menacing purple.

Hiru's gaze snapped over to the right and saw Frieza charging up an attack, and without a second thought, he disappeared from view.

Without a moment's hesitation, Frieza shot a beam from his finger, and it raced across the sky but before it could collide, Hiru reappeared in front of it and took the blast head on, and it exploded.

Unfortunately, to all of them, they didn't notice that the ship was damaged, and it a glowed a bright white before it disappeared in a fury of golden yellow sparks.

Once the smoke cleared, Frieza was able to see a heavily bleeding Hiru, but still living and he grinned even broader. 'I'll miss you little Naruto. Grow up, be great. Be the strongest in the Universe, free it from Frieza, get yourself a girl and above all else…' he thought. 'Grow up and have fun.' He thought before he saw Frieza grinning sadistically.

He knew what was coming and he just closed his eyes and smiled contently, all evidence of bloodlust was gone and was replaced with peace and silent smugness. 'Sorry I couldn't die by your side, Nada. However, it would seem that the Universe had bigger plans for me. But I can't say that this entirely unpleasant; I got to save my son's life and do at least two good deeds before my death. The first was taking part in my little man's birth and the second was saving his life at least once. So, at least I tried repenting for all the bad things I've done… all the lives I've taken and now I have to trust my own son to fix my mistakes. It sucks, it really does, but he will right my wrongs…' he continued as saw Frieza move his wrist downward.

Sending the oncoming sphere of Ki while it closed it on him. He felt it beginning to burn his skin, and it burned off his amour and steadily, it felt it starting to kill him. 'And from Hell, I'll be cheering him on all the more. And when the day I finally see you and your family in Hell Frieza… that's when I'll truly celebrate.' He grinned before he breathed his last breath with a smile on his face.

The sphere of Ki gorged him whole as it neared the planet. Just as it neared, columns of lava pooled upward, and the ground started shattering everywhere. Moreover, the second the massive sun of energy collided with the planet, it blew up in a breathtaking show of colors while Frieza watched with a sadistic smile on his face.

Once the planet blew up, Frieza stood still for a few seconds in silence before Dodoria's voice broke through his ears.

"Lord Frieza, what are we going to do about the pod that left? It's no doubt another Saiyan as it was a Saiyan Pod," Dadoria questioned seriously.

Frieza's answer was immediate, and he spoke in a regal tone, his words coming out with tangible charisma and arrogance.

"Leave them be. They are of no concern. We shouldn't waste time on such matters. The Saiyan that has departed from the planet won't make a difference."


Before anything, I want to say that this fic, is inspired by the fic, Solaris, the Solar God by Kronium345. So, big thanks goes out to him.

You may be wondering, why Naruto? Well, he's one of my favorite characters in all of Manga/Anime, so I thought I would try to do a crossover between Naruto (The Verse), Dragon Ball, Justice League and others.

(1): Epitiritís is Greek for Overseer.

(2): I'm not too good at explained how hair looks, so look up Master Ultra Instinct Goku and the way Goku's hair is, is the way Naruto's current hair style is modeled after. Just in black, however.

(3): In my story, Hiru, Naruto's Saiyan father was the one to invent the healing tanks. Don't like it? Bite me.