Hi everyone! I'm really, really sorry for the wait. It's been, like, almost a month. Jeez. School and just life got in the way, not to mention a writers block (still have it, so this is probably a really bad chapter, sorry) and me getting seriously sidetracked left, right and centre. Hope this chapter is ok and doesn't feel seriously rushed, I wrote over half of it yesterday alone.

Thank you to: Dyphen for faving and following, Halcon24 and MooncakeT for also following, Misue for giving me the idea and being awsome, everyone who's reviewed or done anything saying that this doesn't completely suck, and everyone else for reading!


Syren Nolbuluuki: Glad you had a nice Easter, mine was great too! And yes, I do. I'm evil. MUHAHAH! Thanks for the review, it made me crack up! XD

Bookkeeper2004: He might be ok, he might not, yOu nEVer kNoW! And yeah, that person needs a cookie. Thanks!

Nindroidzane: Yeah, Dr Julien is a really nice person. It's a shame they killed him off... THE WAIT IS OVER! I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO FIND OUT WHO THEY ARE! thanks for the review!

Guest: Oh man, that's such a Zaney thing to do! XD

Guest: I sometimes wish decoded wasn't a mini series and Zane really did hunt them all down, but that's just me being evil. I've seen Sons of Garmadon, but I haven't seen March of the Oni because I don't think its come out in my country yet. I REALLY WANNA WATCH IT URFH!

Guest: Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one! XD Still can't believe though that you think my story is as good as Silent Snow... thanks. Like, a lot. You really did make my day. Yeah, I think you'd be a really good writer. You use good language in your reviews alone, and they even have a good structure to them. Also, you're good at analysing other people's work, so you'd be wonderful at applying techniques you like into your own. Yeah, please do tell me if you do write anything, I'd love to read it! :D

Guest: heheheheheh, I can just imagine him wacking that little blue jellybean round the face with his staff. I would pay to watch that. XD

Guest: I also have a theory that the Overlord was actually downloaded into her hardrive when he was defeated inside Zane in Decoded. I'm not all that nice to P.I.X.A.L in my theories. YES I DID KNOW AND WHEN I FOUND OUT MY MIND WAS BLOWN AND I RAN AROUND THE HOUSE SCREAMING IT (I'm actually serious, I did that), AND I HAVEN'T WATCHED ALL HIS VIDEOS BUT YEEESS YOU WATCH HIM TOOOOOO!

Guest: yup. You can say that again. Sorry last reply was so long, heheh.

Guest: Yeah, they do like to torture him, but that's probably not the worst I'm gonna do to him... Julien is a lovely man, it's a real shame they didn't include him more. Zane's very lucky he's his father, and P.I.X.A.L is pretty lucky to have Borg. Thanks for the review!

Sam: Yeah, it's pretty bad. But Pythor didn't go powermad, so in a way Jay is worse to Zane. At least he has the Dr. Heheh, everyone's hating on Jay so bad XD, poor him. The toy got a name? Didn't know that. I just call it the frog thing. Yeah, it got a bit intense at the end, this chapter is much more low key BUT I'M FINALLY SPILLING THE BEANS! Thanks for your review!

Guest: *hears drumb kit* BA BOOM CHIII!

Guest: hahah! XD

Guest: Oh. Oh my. You should probably stop screaming before your voice box jumps out of your mouth. Glad I got that reaction though. XD

I own nothing. The day I own Ninjago will be the day I win the lottery, and that's never gonna happen.

Chapter 7 - Me, Myself and I

"Zane? Zane, can you hear me?"

A loud voice.


A light pierces through the darkness. Spreading into a pure white screen.

The water is gone.

"Nya, I don't think he's-"

"No, he's waking up."

I ache. My body too heavy to move, but floating as if lighter than air. Weightless to everything except me.

"I saw his hand move."

I rise up towards the voice. Towards the white. Like swimming from the bottom of a pool, but without moving my arms and legs.

"Zane? Can you open your eyes for me?"

I reach out slowly. My hand grazes the white.

There is a blinding flash. I recoil, my arms flailing to protect my eyes.

"That's it, Zane. Just a little more."

It doesn't help. The light becomes more and more intense. My arms do nothing to shade me.

"You can do it."

I unfold. There is no point keeping it up, it makes no difference.

So I just float there, sprawled out like a starfish. Squinting, just waiting for it to dull. But it does not.

Oh please, just make it stop.

Maybe it is like one of those new touch switches? Please, have an off switch, I beg of you.

I find myself pushing against the screen with my hand, the light somehow getting even more bright.

That did not go well.

Maybe it is like the ones where you have to touch it three times? Where it gets brighter and then turns off?

"Nya, he only had a bit of an energy overload, he isn't actually-"

"He practically blew up that ride, there's gonna have some kind of side effect or something!"

I push harder. The same happens again.

Soon I am bashing my fists against it, the weight suddenly lifted, not caring how with each hit it just intensifies. Not caring how it makes my skin sear.


Fire. White fire.

I just want to get out.

I want to break through.

Just let me out.

Make it stop.

"Look, Nya, I-"

I swing again. Again. Again.

Screaming at the top of my lungs. Screaming my throat raw.


I stop. Panting. Sweat runs down my back. My hair sticks to my scalp.

I have to get out.

I pull back my arm. Just one more. Please work.

I let it fly. It makes contact.

My fist smashes through, skin ripping as shards come loose and claw at my knuckles.

It... worked.

It worked.

It worked?


It changed.

Why did it...

"How is-"


It starts to... swirl. Sarting at the hole. Each swirl creating a new ripple. Ripple after ripple. Swirl after swirl.

It wraps around my body, slinking up my arm like a snake.

I try to pull my hand out, but it is stuck, my struggles only cutting myself further.

Heat enveloping me as it spins around my head.

Faster. Faster. Faster.

I become dizzy.

Warnings blasting in my head.

Caution: slight system overheat.

Caution: minor damage detected.

Self repair initiated...

Systems rebooting...



"See! I told you, Jay!"

My eyes shoot open, only to slam shut again.

Nya hovers over me, a small penlight in her hand, shining directly at my face.

Why can't I escape it? Why?

"Oh, sorry, Zane," she notices my reaction and apologies, still not shutting the torch off, "please could you open up again for me?"

I turn my head away in response. She gets the message.

"Come on, Zane. It's not that-"

"Just leave him alone," Jay interrupts, snatching the light off her, "he doesn't have a concussion. He literally has no brain to damage!"

Nya gasps.


"What? It's true!"

Why am I not allowed to be anywhere I want to be? I am starting to realise the only place I am truly comfortable is with my father, and whenever I am with him it is nothing but a memory.

"Wether it's true or not, you shouldn't say that stuff in front of him!"

"Why not? He knows it too, he's not stupid."

Maybe I could sneak off? I do not think anyone would notice. I hope not.

I sneak a glance behind me. The others are facing the other way, If i am quiet I believe I have a chance of escaping undetected.

"That's no excuse!"

"So, I stated the obvious, sue me."

I quietly slide off the table, feet lightly dropping to the floor. I wobble slightly, but use the table to steady myself.

So how do I get out?

I am in the middle of the room, Nya and Jay are only on the other side of the work table. There is not much space in here, only a little larger than the treehouse, so there is not really anything to hide behind apart from an office chair by the computer. It would be rather conspicuous if I used that. I would not be able to get to it without being seen, anyway.

"Yeah, because insulting the humanity of your brother is such an obvious thing to bring up in a conversation."

"And checking if a robot has brain damage is also obvious, huh?"

So that crosses out trying to blend in.

I could try and hide somewhere until they leave?


That has the same problem as my first option; there are not enough objects for me to use. They would notice me easily underneath the table, I am not sure there is enough space under that anyway, and the chair is not suitable.

I suppose that means I should just make a run for it and hope that I can get to the bedroom.

Not the most logical idea, but possibly the most effective.

"Well, sorry for taking Zane's well-being into consideration!"

"Look, I get that you're a bit concerned and stuff, but how were you doing anything but wasting your time?"

My hand leaves the cool surface and I take a tentative step. I do not fall over, so that is a good sign.

"What I do with my time is up to me!"

"And you decided to use it checking in on a robot instead of Kai?"

With a few more inelegant stumbles, I manage to make it to the wall.

Not far left.

"That's where I was going until someone pulled me in here asking if we were a thing now!"

"I wasn't expecting you to go all sister mode! I didn't ask you to end up staying for half an hour!"

The shelves prove to be useful. The fact that they run all the way to the door is even more so.

Using one arm to hold onto the edge, making sure not to accidentally knock over anything, it only takes a few more seconds for me to find the door handle within my grasp.

"I'm only trying to help, Jay! I'm an inventor, not a nurse!"

I only have to apply a small amount of pressure. A small push down.

So close.

"I know that, but-"

He cuts off.

I freeze in anticipation, a hand still clenched around the silver metal.

Why did I hesitate? I should have just gone through.

What if he is watching me right now?

Should I run?

Should I go back?

"Wait, Is that..."

Oh no.

He saw me.

He saw me.

He saw me.

"Nya? Is that a bruise? You didn't tell me you got hurt!"

He did not see me?

A weight lifts off my chest.

He did not see me.

I am not taking the risk twice.

"Don't try to change the subject, Jay!"

"But it's so big and purple! How did you do that? Does it hurt? Are you ok?"

I turn the handle and push my shoulder against the door, checking the reflection of Nya and Jay in the misted glass window. He is in the act of trying to push her fringe up. She is occupied trying to push him away. Neither are paying attention to me.

I would like it to stay that way.

"I'm perfectly fine!"

"No, you're not! Oooh, that looks real bad."

I hope Nya is ok, but for now I will leave her with Jay.

The door swings open and I step out into the hallway, the familiar scent of old wood filling my nose.

I note the gentle nod of the floor.

We must be flying. It is almost exactly the same feeling as when we land in water, although the view is even more enjoyable.

My feet are quiet against the floorboards as I pad down the hall. I am not sure what time it is, but all the lights seem to be off and I hear no one training on the deck. It is most likely I'm the evening, although I cannot be sure of the precise time.

Our bedroom is not that far from the workshop so it does not take me long to find myself at the door.

I was correct about it being night, it seems.

Pressing an ear to the wood I can hear whispering. Kai and Cole. But I can tell that the light is off for there is no light coming from underneath. So they must be in bed.

Or, supposed to be.

I do not want to intrude.

Maybe it would be wiser to go outside. That way I would not be in anyone's way.

Yes, that would be a good idea.

I turn on my heel and start to walk in the opposite direction. My walking has evened out so I do not wobble or stumble anymore and do not require the aid of the wall to stay upright.

I push aside the doors and climb up the small flight of steps.

Instantly I am hit with the crisp night air.

It is refreshing, a vast improvement from the almost metallic smell of Jay's workshop. Overall, I find pleasure in the different smells of the Bounty, but I prefer it outside.

The view is also very encaptivating

The stars glitter above me, winking in the darkness. They look like they have been embroidered into the dark silken sky with silver thread. Beads sitting on the flowing skirt of an empresses' gown.

I walk over to the edge and rest my arms on the side.

/ It is beautiful. /

I see the words appear, and I smile.

/ Yes. /

/ Do you know of our location? /

I look down, but a blanket of cloud is blocking my view of the ground.

/ All I know is that we are flying. /

We do not seem to be moving much, only drifting slightly. Almost amelessly.

/ That is highly improbable, this is a waterborne vessel. /

/ Improbable, but not impossible. /

/ Noted. /

With a sigh, I bend down and sit on the floor, my back against the side of the boat.

I look up at the stars.

/ Is this what it usually looks like? /

I cross my legs.

/ What is the 'it' in question? /

/ The sky. /

A slightly strange thing to ask then. Why would they need me to answer when they can walk outside and see for themselves? Maybe not tonight, but usually it is quite clear.

I respond regardless.

/ Only when we are above the clouds. Below you would not be able to see much. /

/ Interesting. /

It is nice when I get the opportunity to relax like this, although it does not last very long.

Even now it could be seconds until Jay and Nya realise my absence. They might come running, more afraid of having a possibly malfunctioning android loose around the ship than for my own health. I will be taken back to the workshop and Jay will be free to rummage around inside of me to his heart's content.

I just want to enjoy it whilst it lasts. Conversing with my friend and watching the sky as it passes.

/ I used to wonder what it was like to fly. /

/ You have never flown before? /

/ Negative. /

/ Does it fulfill your expectations? /

If I could see them, I can tell they would be smiling.

/ It exceeds them. /

I smile with them.

I wake up with a start.


Cold and stiff.

And still in my gi. Surely I was not tired enough to forget to change? That has not happened before...


It seems that I was tired enough to forget to even get into bed in the first place.

I am still on the deck. No wonder I am so uncomfortable, I have been sleeping on wood the entire night instead of a mattress.

/ Good morning, Zane. /

I get to my feet and try to smooth out the crumples in my clothing.

/ Good morning. /

/ I trust that you slept well? /

I would have laughed if I was able.

/ A little too well. /

/ Agreed. /

I look around.

We seem to have landed on a mountain of some sorts. More of a large hill, now that I think about it. We are low below the clouds now and I can see a village not very far away.

/ I am detecting no other lifeforms on this ship. /

/ The others have left? /

/ Affirmative. /

/ Even Nya? /

/ I am detecting no lifeforms, neither male nor female. /

Now I am confused.

Nya rarely leaves the Bounty, usually whenever my brothers and I have gone on a mission she stays here to make sure no one breaks in or steals it. But now no one is here.

Why didn't they awaken me before leaving? ...What if they were attacked?

What if they were attacked?!

What if they were attacked and I was sleeping, of all things?!

/ Your heart rate has increased. /

I run up the stairs and kick open the doors.

No one is in the bridge.

All of the instruments are off, there are no flashing lights or screens like there usually is.

And no Nya. She should be here. Someone should be here.

/ What is troubling you, Zane? /

Maybe they went downstairs?

I sprint out of the room, down the stairs and through the pair of double doors leading into the hallway.

I hear no one.

I look into the first room: the dining room.

No one. Only toast crumbs and empty plastic cups.

Maybe Jay is in his room? That is the second door.

I kick it open just like I did with the bridge.

I am met with emptiness.

I sprint to the bedroom, giving the door the same treatment as the last.

No one.

There is no one here.

/ Can I be of any assistance? /

/ Quickly, scan for any sign of the Serpentine. /

/ Readings come up as negative. /

/ Skeletons? /

/ Skeletons? Why would the dead be on your ship? /

I shake my head. There is no time for this. If my family is... if they were taken without my knowing...

/ Can you find anything non-human? /

/ Negative. /

I sit down on my bed defeatedly.

My shurikens are laid neatly on my pillow, but all the other golden weapons are gone. More evidence for their absence.

/ Are you sure there is no one ? /

/ Affirmative. /

Then I am alone.

Where is everyone?

Were they kidnapped?

Did something happen to one of them? Did someone get hurt?

Has something come up about Wu?

Did they... abandon me?

Suddenly the room seems much smaller. The shadows seem to creep closer, twisting and groping at the carpet like gnarled fingers. Climbing up the bedpost.

They abandoned me.

I curl up, pressing my knees up against my chest and hugging them close. Why did they... What did I do wrong...

They left.

They left.

They left.


/ Zane? /

I do not look up.

What is the point?

/ Zane, do not give up hope. /

But they have left.

What do i do with myself now? What is a ninja without a team?

/ You are still perfectly functional without the humans. /

I roll over onto my side. My head hits the pillow with a thump and knocking my shurikens off. They slide down past my nose.

That is when I notice it.

A note.

They left me a note.

... They didn't abandon me.

They didn't abandon me!

I rip the slip of paper off of one of the shurikens and scan the writing.

Cole found lead on fangblade. Gone to his dad's to get it. Didn't want to wake you up. Hope you feel better. Back before dinner.

~ Nya

I feel tears pricking the corners of my eyes, relief flooding my systems.

It was breef, the handwriting seems rushed, but at least I know they're ok.

They are ok.

That is all I need to know.

Thank you so much, Nya. At least someone was thoughtful enough to inform me.

But if they are off collecting fangblades, then I do not expect then to return any time soon. What should I do now? It would be useless to just sit all day waiting for them.

Should I go and join them?

That is out of the question for I do not actually know where Cole's father lives. Come to think of it, I did not know he had a father until now. This sounds like a low risk mission, so they should fare well without me anyway.

I could prepare dinner?

No, it would be cold by the time it was consumed. That is not very pleasant.

I could meditate?

As much as I like to, it is not very productive and even I have trouble upholding my concentration for multiple hours. There did not seem to be any lakes or suitable bodies of water in the area either.

/ Zane? /

I pause my contemplation.

/ Yes? /

/ If you no longer have activities requiring immediate action, may I make a suggestion? /

/ Of course. /

/ I would like to bring your attention to one of our previous conversations. /

I wonder what they are suggesting.

/ I believe that this is an opportune moment to make another visit to the treehouse. /

I take my hand out from the body, my glove sticky.

/ What kind of creature did this? /

I grimace, taking it off and putting it into my pocket.

When I get back to the Bounty it is going into the bin. I am never using that glove again.

/ I did. /

I stand back, almost disgusted that I had to type those words. I cannot believe that I would do such a thing, even if I was unaware of what I was at the time.

/ Why? /

/ They attacked me. I had no choice but to hit back. /

Still, I should not have reacted in such a violent manor. I should not have gone so far as to kill them. They were only doing their job.

/ Why did they attack you? Did you provoke them? /

The snow is stained around their still frame. Ice already creeping up their hands and legs, claiming another victim to its wintery touch.

I did that.

I killed them. And without a second thought.

I killed them in cold blood.

/ I was invading their territory, so they defended it. /

I wrench my eyes away from the sight.

The black liquid dripping from their back. Their eyes staring blankly at the ground. Unseeing. Unfeeling.

They cannot be saved.

I cannot help them.

I went too far.

/ I advise that you come inside. /

I nod slowly.

I should not be so hard on myself. I was not then. I was fine when I did it. Fine when I killed them.

But... they were just like me...

We are... were... brothers.

/ Yes. I suppose I should. /

Built by the same hands. On the same table. Under the same roof.

We were family.

He was built to protect me. To protect us.

And I killed him.

I stabbed him in the back. I broke him beyond repair.

I thought he was an it.

But... I am an it too.

I fumble for the seam in the bark, willing the tears to leave.

/ It is ok, Zane. Life is fragile, no one lives forever. /

/ But he could have lived longer. /

The entrance opens, the branch from last time still preventing it from being completely open. But I do not mind. The gap has not become ant smaller since I was last here, and I managed to get through without trouble. It is no harder this time.

/ Dieing during battle is more honorable than doing so from age. /

I do not respond, only taking one last look at the battered hunk of rusted metal that was once the protector of me and my father. Cogs and wires jut from the panel I smashed through.

I wish I had known I was a robot. I would not have been so brutal. I would have left them in working condition, or at least make sure that it was repairable.

The door closes.

I sigh.

I suppose I shall have to grieve later.

/ What should I do now? /

/ It would be wise to sit down. /

I start to walk down the stairs, footprints adding to the jumble of older ones in the dust.

I go and sit down on the sofa, a moth flying away as I put my weight down on a worn leather cushion.

/ Now? /

/ It is required that you have been powered off for this. /

My eyes widen.

Power off? I have never done that myself... I believe Jay... I am not sure...

/ Is it completely necessary? /

/ I think that it is the preferable option. /

/ The other being? /

/ You could power down willingly or find a way to render yourself unconscious... less willingly. /


/ I think that I shall power off then. /

/ Would you like me to do it? It may make it easier for you. /

I did not know they were able.

/ If you could. /

I am not sure if it will make any difference. If anything, now I am more frightened. It is not a comforting thought knowing someone has such power over you.

I do not even know their name.

I need to know their name.

/ Would you like me to proceed? /

/ Is it possible for you answer me a question first? /

/ If you require it, although I could answer them afterwards. /

/ I would like to know now, if that is ok. /

I clench my fist against my jumping leg. Why am I so nervous?

/ What would you like to ask? /

I suppose that this is as good an aportunity as I will get.

/ Who are you really? /

I wait for a reply, but it does not come.

/ I know you were the one from the void. At least, I think you are. /

They still do not answer.

/ I am sorry, if you are uncomfortable I will not push you. /

This time they do.

/ Are you certain you want to know? /

/ Yes. /

I wait, a lump forming in my throat.

Why are they so hesitant? The atmosphere is heavy. I wish they would just tell me.

/ I am Zane: Built to protect those who cannot protect themselves. /

Wait, wh-


So, the truth is out. The void man helping Zane, is Zane.

sorry that you had to wait so long, and sorry that this chapter wasn't all that good. Hate to say it, but again it's probably gonna take a while for another chapter. I'm going to France next week, and I probably won't get to write all that much. Please review if you can because I really enjoy reading them, and I hope you have a lovely week! :D