The first time the Doctor called him, he'd just lost Rose. It's less than two hours since he watched as pete saved her life but cut her off from him forever. It'd taken that long for U.N.I.T. to come in and get a start cleaning up Torchwoods mess. He had staggered into the TARDIS and collapsed onto the seat. He hadn't been alone since before Rose when he'd lost his people. He snorted. When he'd killed his people. Fresh from the regeneration all big ears and Leather he'd run into Rose, ran with Rose and they'd kept running since. And now she was gone. Something itched in a corner of his mind but he ignored it until he felt the TARDIS gently tugging nudging him towards it. Hang on Leather... Black hair and green agelosspain eyes. He was on his feet eyes wild as he started searching through various hidey-holes, nooks and crannies. Good old Sexy, always looking out for him. Harry would understand. He was about to get frustrated at his lack of mirror when he remembered slipping it into an inside pocket. He pulled it out and stared into it, barley seeing his own reflection.
"Harry" he rasped his voice almost begging. Immediately the mirror warmed in his hand.
"Doctor!" Greeted Harry cheerfully but stopped as he took in the Doctors face pale, tear stained and wild eyed. Immediately his voice was calm and solomn. "What has happened, Doctor? When are you? Where's Rose?" At the last question the choked out a sob and then two words.
"Canary Wharf" Harrys eyes widened and the mirror shut off abruptly. The Doctor moaned as if in pain. Harry was gone. He was alone. He couldn't breathe. He didn't hear the the quiet crack or the hum of the time rotor. He didn't notice that someone had breached the TARDIS and was approaching. He started to slide off the seat as his vision blurred and the mirror dropped from his lax grip onto the floor. He did however notice when warm hands caught him and guided him down to the raised floor. The man kneeling beside him was letting off waves of peace and he wrapped his arms around the Doctor and slowly rubbed soothing circles onto his back. He could hear a calming voice but couldn't quite make out the words he was saying. He could feel the chest against his arm taking slow calm breaths and focused on try to match his own breathing to the same rhythm. Words finally started to trickle into his brain though they still didn't quite make sense they slowly became clearer as the rushing in his ears faded.
"...that's it Doctor deep breaths easy does it that's right I've got you Doctor..." He became aware of the sound his gasping breaths and tried to ignore it, focusing on the mans -Harry he finally recognised- voice and slow calm breaths and reaching up to grip the arm across his chest with shaking hands.
As the Doctor slowly calmed Harry continued murmuring encouragement and rubbing soothing circles on the his back. He knew what happened at Canary Wharf of course, he was the Master of Death, but he hadn't felt Rose pass on and he was sure Bad Wolf wouldn't have allowed it in anycase so what... He was broken from his train of thought when the Doctor gave a small giggle, it had an edge of hysteria to it but his breathing had calmed significantly.
"Doctor?" he asked gently.
"You asked me when I was." Harry smiled
"I did, you're a Time Lord with a TARDIS." The Doctor giggled again but it was wrenched into a sob. He took a stuttering breath and looked up at Harry smiling weekly.
"You asked me when I was and I gave you a place."
"That's okay Doctor, we can't all be as perfect as me." Harry joked lightly. The Doctor just took another shuddering breath. They stayed like that until the Doctor stopped shaking. Once he had, he started talking. He explained what had happened in the parallel universe as much as he could before describing what just happened.
"...her grip was slipping and I couldn't reach her. She was sucked towards the void but Pete teleported in. Caught her and then teleported out before they could be sucked into the void. Saved her." There were tears running down his cheeks but his breathing had evened out and his voice was steady. He shifted and Harry eyed him before letting him go. He stood immediately, wiping his eyes and walking to the console. Harry watched him thoughtfully for a moment then also stood.
"So the first thing you're going to do is see if the breach is sealed completely yet." The Doctor turned and stared at him blankly. Harry rolled his eyes. "You won't be able to go through obviously but you'll be able to say goodbye I expect, if you're quick enough." He held up a hand before the Doctor could speak. "I know, you don't like endings. But you need this Doctor. And doesn't Rose deserve that at least?" A determined light entered the Doctors eyes and he turned and strode round the console pulling the monitor to him. Harry watched him for a second then ran his fingers over the console. He heard the TARDIS singing in his mind, relief and thanks for helping her thief and joy at his finally being inside her. At that Harry looked around and focusing for th first time on the details around him.
"Beautiful." He breathed stroking the console again. The impression he got back was hard to describe but he got the gist. Apparently the 12 dimensional beauty was blushing he grinned as the Time Rotor vworped. Their exchange was interrupted by the Doctor.
"How did you find me?" He asked not taking his eyes off the monitor. Harry frowned.
"You called me remember?" He asked as he moved over and picked up the mirror from where it lay on the floor.
"Yes but all I said was Canary Wharf. I'm a Time Travelling Alien. I could have been anywhere anywhen. Did you just happen to be nearby and just noticed the TARDIS when I called you? Because that's a bit too much coincidence for me." The Doctor glanced at Harry and pocketed the mirror when he handed it to him. Harry shook his head.
"I'm the Master of Death" he shrugged "I feel when there a sudden spike in deaths and get a general idea of what caused them." He ignored the clench in his chest when the Doctor flinched and stopped typing staring into space glassy eyed. "You're much more often the cause of a Death spike stopping Doctor" he said softly. The Doctor seemed to shake himself before returning to his typing. "Anyway I told you I sorted the timelines on the mirror. It connects to the me closest to when and where you are that has already given you the mirror. When you called you said Canary Wharf. I apparated nearby and felt for the TARDIS and she was reaching out towards me before you even called apparently." They both smiled at the Time Rotor "so anyway once I was nearby I let her guide my apparition so she could let me straight in."
Just then the monitor dinged. The Doctors eyes darted over the screen as he read what the TARDIS sensors were telling him. He grinned triumphantly.
"Yes there's still a gap in the fabric of the universe but it's closing fast. I can get a message through if I rewire the communication array through the console and... hmm the power involved I'm going to need at least a stage 3 supernova..." he trailed off muttering to himself. Harry seeing the Doctor was about to go haring off cleared is throat.
"If you've got everything you need to do figured out I'll leave you to it." The Doctor went to interrupt but "you don't need me here for this Doctor it's a private moment. You've got the mirror, you can call me whenever yeah? Don't be a stranger." The Doctor nodded.
"Thank you Harry. For... everything. You were just what I needed." Harry shrugged self-depreciatively.
"Yeah i'm pretty fabulous" he waved, winked and apparated away leaving the Doctor alone in the TARDIS once more. He looked around slightly lost before straightening determinedly and starting to fly the TARDIS to the nearest Super Nova. He owed Rose a goodbye.