Chapter one

A month after the battle of Hogwarts, people all over the wizarding world were still celebrating that Voldemort was dead. Pubs all around the country was packed every night with people celebrating their war was over that had been going on for so long. It was thanks to a lot of courageous people, but the one everyone toasted was Harry Potter. No one had seen their hero since the fighting finished. Rumours were that he was either with his friends or decided to go away for a while to rest.

Harry and Hermione were at the Burrow with the rest of the Weasley's. Both of them wanted to help the Weasley's with the loss of Fred. Hermione stayed with Ron most of the time now they were a couple. Harry was with them a lot, but he also helped both Mr and Mrs Weasley with anything they needed. But one thing Harry did, was rest. He never realised how tired he was, not just his body, but he was mentally exhausted. It was the first time since he turned eleven that he didn't have to worry about what Voldemort was up to. All through those years Harry had been on edge, never able to relax fully, now he can.

Harry and Hermione knew they needed to go shopping for some clothes as a lot of theirs were damaged or stained. So Harry spoke to Bill about Gringotts, worked out to pay for the damaged done to the bank, then Harry had Bill go to his vault for him as Harry really didn't want to go anywhere near Diagon alley just yet.

Every day the Daily Prophet and every other magazine or paper kept running stories about Harry and Voldemort, so Harry knew he would get a lot of attention, something he wasn't looking forward too.

Two weeks after the death of Voldemort Mr Weasley had been reading the Daily Prophet while everyone sat around the large kitchen table eating breakfast when Mr Weasley told them that Harry had been given a new name, the saviour of the wizarding world. But also Harry, Hermione and Ron had also been given the name the golden trio. So the three friends knew they would be followed or questioned the moment they stepped into Diagon alley.

Bill gave Harry a large bag of money, half changed into muggle money, but Bill also gave Harry another key and a piece of parchment that the goblins had given him to give to Harry. Since Harry had come of age and they were never able to find Harry before, it was another vault that his parents had left him, the Potter family vault.

Harry realised that his parents were very well off, which means he was now as well. Harry still hadn't been to Sirius vault and unless he had to, he just couldn't bring himself to go in there. So after Bill gave Harry his money, the three friends went shopping for clothes in muggle London, but Harry insisted on buying Ron some as well. The three friends got everything they needed before heading back to the Burrow. Harry felt good that he had new clothes and he didn't have to wear Dudley's old stuff anymore even after Hermione had used charms to make them fit better and look a little better.

Harry was sitting outside in the sun with a cup of tea in his hand when Hermione and Ron sat next to him.

'I think it's time I go find my parents Harry, so I'm hoping you will come with Ron and me. We both think all of us could do with a holiday even if we will be looking for them at the same time.'

Harry stared at his friends, 'I was wondering when you were going to work on your parents Hermione. Are you sure you want me with you? You are a couple now, you could do with some time alone.'

Hermione squeezed Harry's hand, 'We'll have time Harry, we all have time for anything now. We talked and want you to come with us. You could do with a break, and imagine, we'll be in another country, mainly in muggle areas, so you won't get recognised. You can actually be yourself and not worry about that.'

'When you first told me about Australia, I thought it sounded like a beautiful country. So if you're both sure, then I'd love to get away from here for a while. One thing though, after we get back, I'm going to get my own place. I know your parents are fine with me here Ron and I love being here, but I think it's time I start working out what I want out of life now I can actually do something without staying in hiding.'

'Hermione and I spoke about that Harry, we had a feeling you would sooner or later. You realise there is no hurry, so take your time, find something you really like.'

Harry gave his friend a smile, 'I will, so the three of us again, have you got all the plans done Hermione?' Harry gave her a cheeky smile making Ron chuckle.

'Yes, like you knew I would. But I also sent an owl to Kingsley. I know he's busy but I needed to know about getting an international pork key for us. He said it's restricted at the moment, there checking everyone thoroughly, so it could take a while. He had a suggestion though, which you probably won't like.'

Harry sighed, 'If I was to apply they would probably give me one straight away. But the three of us have been in the Daily Prophet almost daily, they know you two are also good and trustworthy people.'

'They do, but we're still not as well-known as you. So will you do it Harry, we'll be with you?'

Harry knew Hermione was anxious to find her parents, so he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

'You know I will, so when do we head into the ministry?' Harry grimaced.

'It'll be fine mate.'

'Maybe, but I want Hermione to find her parents.'

'We thought tomorrow then I'll have to work out the last of our plans. We don't know how long we could be there or how much it will all cost. We might have to resort to the tent again.'

'No, now I don't want either of you to argue, let me cover our accommodation. You both know I can afford it and I really don't want to ever go near a tent again.'

'I don't either Harry, but you've already bought me clothes.'

'Ron you saw the parchment Bill gave me, I have so much that I would never use in a lifetime. So how about it, let me take this. Because you were right Hermione, getting away will be great even if we still have to find your parents.'

Hermione and Ron looked at each other than at Harry, 'Alright and whenever we get work we'll pay you back even if you don't want it. It'll make us both feel better.'

'If you want and you're right, I don't want it back.'

'I'll finish our plans while I've got time,' Hermione kissed Harry's cheek, 'Thank you.'

'Anything for you Hermione,' Harry gave her a smile then watched as she went inside with Ron. He sat there thinking about Australia and found he was a little excited about getting away and knowing he wouldn't be recognised because they would mainly be spending time in muggle areas. But he also liked the fact that it would be his first real holiday and he gets to go overseas.

At dinner that night, Hermione, Ron and Harry discussed their plans and where they would head to first. They decided to check with the muggle relations department first to find out where would be a good place to start in Australia. They would know which part of the large country would have records on people arriving in Australia and Hermione knew roughly the date her parents would have left, and she did know their fake names so that should help the search go faster.

While the three of them sat talking, Harry noticed Ginny stare at him a lot and also knew why. Hermione had told him that Ginny was hoping to get back together with him. One thing Harry told Hermione to tell Ginny was to give him time. He couldn't think of anything like that, not yet. After the last seven years, all Harry wanted to do is rest and take his time to sort out what he wanted out of his life now he had a chance. Harry knew Ginny wasn't happy but she seemed to accept it even if she did stare at him a lot. It was right after Harry spoke to Hermione about Ginny that he realised he mustn't have strong enough feelings for her, otherwise he would want to be with her, like Hermione and Ron.

'So since we've got a big day tomorrow I might head to bed,' Hermione said.

'Good idea and it'll probably take most of the day,' Harry said.

'Yeah, it will, not something I'm looking forward too. But we still have to be careful while where in there. They are still cleaning out the place of any supporters of Voldemort's, you'll be recognised instantly Harry.' Ron said.

'Yeah, I know, Kingsley explained about that. I'll just keep my head down but be alert as well.'

'Why don't I come with you three? An extra set of eyes couldn't hurt and I do know some that were his and some that wanted nothing to do with his lot,' Arthur Weasley said.

'Actually that might be a good idea dad. You were there at the time, and we explained how we saw you when we broke in there,' Ron turned to his friends, 'What do you two think?'

'I think that's a good idea, you did have more time to see who was his Mr. Weasley,' Hermione said.

'Alright, then the four of us will head there first thing tomorrow, Ron no sleeping in as it will take a while.'

Hermione and Harry laughed, making Ron scowl before he laughed with his friends. Then for no reason, the three of them just couldn't stop laughing. They knew it was mainly due to getting rid of all the stress they had been under for so long, so a good laugh felt good and was exactly what they needed.