Noctis had never considered the weight his father bore, not like this. It had always been in a vague fearful thought of the future and how one day he would be turned grey before his time, his body failing from the use of the Ring. He'd never imagined this pain, so horrible and all encompassing; like fire burning through every atom in his body.

Noctis had stepped from around the storage containers right before putting the Ring on. Now he stood, body vibrating from the magic of the Ring. Noctis raised a hand, fighting his spasming muscles. Fingers splayed he released the power. MTs were blown back, the magitek armors crumpling at the onslaught. For a few moments, Noctis transcended the pain, his mind whisking him away. The only thing that mattered were the three men behind him and their safety.

Within minutes the entire force of Imperials lay dead, twisted in ruins. Noctis let the power slip back under his skin, his arm fell to his side. The everything came slamming back, the feel of molten lava pouring over him overtook everything and he collapsed, falling into a half-conscious state of pain. He wondered, idly, as his mind sunk beneath the waves of pain, if this was how his father had felt.

Gladio had only seen Regis use the power of the Ring once, it had been in a short display of power and only on Noctis' behalf. The twelve year old boy had been attacked by would be assassins during a publicity trip to a homeless shelter. Noctis had been wearing an apron, a small satisfied smile on his face as he helped to chop and peel vegetables. Regis had been working alongside him on prepping apples. Someone had tried to shoot the boy and Regis had used his power to protect Noctis.

This, this was different. Noctis stepped forward and then the air pressure had seemed to drop. A potent power filled the air and Noctis had turned grey, a miasmic grey light surrounding him. His hair had been floating on end, as if raised up by some power. Then he'd raised his hand. The devastation dealt to the Imperial fighters was terrifying. At the height of it, Noctis skin seemed to crack, light pouring out from the ashy toned skin through the crevices. Noctis looked like he was dying.

Then he stopped, his arm fell and the power vanished. Noctis then collapsed.

Gladio was rushing forward, hitting the ground hard with his knees. He pulled Noctis into his arms. Noctis' eyes were half-lidded, eyes active and his body twitching. Blood poured down his nose and from his eyes. Gladio's eyes swept over the rest of Noctis and he saw something wet on the front of his shirt. Brushing his fingers against the fabric he pulled them away to see that they were tacky with blood.

Prompto had rushed over as well and was staring down at Noctis, firing away questions.

Gladio raised Noctis' shirt and saw a horrific wound on his chest, it looked old and like it had split back open. Blood was pouring from it. Gladio felt helpless panic settle over him, he had no idea what to do.

"Gladio! Gladio!" Ignis was stumbling over, desperately trying to get to them.

Gladio was dumb, tongue like heavy lead in his mouth as he held his prince, the tiny body bleeding out. This was his fault.

"Damn it!" Ignis bit out, tripping over the body of an MT. "Gladio!"

Prompto was the one to turn to Ignis' aid, grabbing his hand and guiding him over. Ignis was on his knees.

"What does he look like?" Ignis demanded.

Gladio just gaped down at Noctis.

"Status report now, Amicitia," Ignis snapped out.

That triggered some distant memory of practiced instinct.

"Breathing. His heartbeat is accelerated, large wound on chest bleeding, bleeding from mouth, eyes, and nose," Gladio said mechanically, then he added as a soft whisper. "He's shaking from pain."

Ignis cussed, something very uncharacteristic.

"Prompto, get over here," Ignis demanded, a cool calm taking over his voice.

Prompto fell to his knees beside Ignis and Noctis.

"You're going to be my hands and eyes, I want you to feel his ribs, careful, tell me how they feel."

Prompto followed the instructions.

"Umm, like normal?" Prompto said, voice shaking a little.

"Good, now, I want you to put your ear near his mouth, listen to his breathing, let me know if it sounds abnormal."

Prompto complied.

"It, it sounds fine," Prompto said.

"Good, good," Ignis said, sounding relieved. "Let's get his chest wrapped then."

Ignis pulled some supplies from the armiger and began fumbling with them.

"Why don't we use a curative?" Prompto asked, hand already reaching out for the item.

"No!" Ignis said sharply, looking in alarm toward the direction of Prompto's voice. "This wound was caused partially by starscourge, with Noctis having used the Ring of Lucii we have no idea how a curative will interact with it. From what I understand though it could be lethal."

Prompto paled and pulled his hand to his chest, eyes wide with alarm.

"Got it," he said weakly.

Prompto proceeded to help Ignis wrap Noctis' chest, the bandages tight to help the body clot the wound.

"We need to leave, we can find somewhere to treat him better," Ignis said.

Gladio finally managed to make a sound, a small grunt of understanding. He stood then, Noctis clasped in his arms. Ignis, with Prompto's help, lead the way. They walked out of the base, barely sparing any attention to the destruction they had wrought. There were no MTs as of yet, but they didn't doubt that some would soon arrive.

Picking their way across the courtyard, they exited through the main entrance. It was dusk, the sun setting. The field in front of them with all of the aircraft was bright with the metal reflecting the waning sunlight.

"We've missed our time to meet with the boatman. I don't believe there is any other way out of here. We need to find somewhere to lay low."

Prompto let out a soft 'hmm', mind thinking. He made a decision.

"Some of these aircraft, some of them are medical transports, right?" Prompto asked.

Ignis looked surprised, but he gave a nod of his head. "Yes, they're marked with a yellow X, I believe."

"Alright, let's head there," Prompto said, squinting to look out on the airfield.

"You forget, we're not MTs, we don't have the means of accessing the transport, not without help at least."

Prompto shrugged. "We'll figure it out."

Ignis said nothing, merely following Prompto as he searched for a medical transport.

Gladio was numbly walking behind them, face a blank mask, his arms exceedingly gentle as they tried to keep Noctis from being jostled. Ignis couldn't see his friend, but the silence and lack of taking charge were telling enough.

Prompto lead them to a transport and approached the door.

"Uh, just, give me a second."

Pulling his glove off, Prompto placed his wrist against a part of the paneling. There was a mechanical whir and click and the door opened. Gladio who'd been watching, blinked in surprise.

"Prompto, did you just open the door?" Ignis asked, voice hesitant.

"Yup," Prompto tried to sound nonchalant but his voice quavered. "Let's just get inside."

All four entered. Prompto proceeded to use his bar code to turn on some of the medical transport's lights and machinery. A small little ward lay before them, several beds arranged in it. There was another door, which Prompto approached to open. Past it was a surgical room.

"Prompto, what does it look like?" Ignis asked.

"First room has beds, the next room looks like some kind of torture room. There are some shelves with pointy things and a metal table in the middle."

"Ah, a surgical room," Ignis replied softly. "Gladio, set him on a bed."

Gladio followed the orders.

"Let's get him cleaned up," Ignis said. "Prompto, are there any clean cloths, and possibly some hot water?"

"Just a sec," Prompto replied.

A few minutes later he returned with all the supplies. As soon as he dropped them off, he started to walk away, head ducked down. Ignis threw a hand out, hitting his waist but quickly finding his forearm and gripping it.

"Stay, I need your help," Ignis said softly.

Prompto wavered. "But-"

"It doesn't matter how, or why, I don't care about your past, Prompto. We need you here with us."

Prompto's eyes shined with tears and he quickly rubbed at his face.

"Okay, if you say so," he replied, voice tight with emotion.

Gladio still looked in shock, staring down at Noctis with vacant and agonized eyes.

Ignis gently guiding Prompto with his voice, they got Noctis stripped of his dirty clothes and cleaned up of blood and gore. More minor wounds were tended and the massive wound on his chest was cleaned and re-wrapped. Ignis said that it would need to heal on its own. They could stay there the night and leave in the morning to meet with the boatman.

When Prompto asked about the Crystal the only response he got was silence. As soon as Noctis was settled, Gladio stood and went into the surgery room, shutting the door behind him. Prompto had seated himself on the bed beside Noctis, one hand petting Noctis' hair.

Ignis made to get up and follow Gladio.

"Wait, don't you-" Prompto fumbled with his words.

"Don't I what?" Ignis asked.

Prompto's face screwed up and he looked again like he was about to cry.

"I'm an magitek trooper, Ignis."

There was a beat of silence.

"I know," Ignis replied, beginning again to walk away.

Prompto stood up, throwing himself after Ignis.

"Doesn't that matter? Shouldn't you not leave him with me? I'm the enemy!" Prompto cried.

Ignis paused, turning back around.

"If you're the enemy Prompto, then why did you risk everything to save us?"

Prompto was silent.

"I certainly don't care about your origins. You are Prompto, not some weapon. Do you see Noctis as just the prince, as just the key to using the Crystal's power?"

"No! He's my best friend, not just some tool," Prompto retorted, indignant that Ignis would even suggest that.

"And you are his. I trust you Prompto, trust yourself."

With that, Ignis turned and walked out of the room and into the one where Gladio had disappeared. Prompto frowned, trying to analyze Ignis' words. He looked over at his friend and walked back to the bed. Ignis just, accepted it, who and what he was. How? And if Ignis, the most careful and shrewd of the group trusted him what would that mean for Gladio? Or more importantly for Noctis?

Prompto sat back on the bed, fingers returning to gently stroking Noctis' hair.

Ignis was tired, everything hurt, his shin felt like it might be broken or fractured from how often he'd tripped over items. He was beyond frustrated with his own blindness and he was terrified for Noctis. And yet, he had a duty to his friends, one which he had slowly discovered on their trip to be something which outstripped everything, even duty to king and country.

So he reassured Prompto, every word honest, because if Prompto was the enemy than the sky was orange. Now he just needed to set Gladio straight. Walking into the surgery room he shut the door behind him. He stretched a hand out and felt the wall. Proceeding, he felt his way along the wall and then, using it as a crutch, sank to sit on the ground.

It was silent.

"So," Ignis said, hoping that Gladio was there, awake and listening.

Gladio didn't respond. Ignis adjusted himself.

"It's a tad cold, but at least it doesn't smell," he said conversationally.

"What do you want Ignis?"

Gladio sounded emotionally fraught, tone heavy with guilt and a tired quality which scared Ignis. They could not give up, not now.

"Company," Ignis replied lightly.

Gladio let out a wry, wet snort.

"If you've come here to tell me that I've failed, then I already know it. Though I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hear it again," Gladio said with bitter humour.

"I thought the failure of the Shield to the regent of the Lucis throne was only at the regent's preventable and unnatural death," Ignis replied. "As far as I'm aware Noctis is very much alive."

Gladio let out a breath of disbelief and Ignis could hear him move slightly to adjust himself.

"I've been telling him to put on a ring that would kill him, and I've called him weak and a coward for basically not killing himself."

"You have been a bit of a brat," Ignis replied.

"He could've died," Gladio said, such despair in his tone that Ignis felt his own chest ache in sympathy. "Because of me."

"And he is alive, because of you," Ignis countered.

"Why don't you leave me alone?" Gladio asked, self-hatred oozing in his tone.

Ignis felt anger rush through him.

"Because, you're duty is not fulfilled. Suck it up. You're not the only one to have failed and suffered."

Gladio was struck silent by the sharpness in Ignis' tone.

"I'll let you in on a secret. You're not the only one struggling, you're not the only one who feels inadequate in the face of the world's end and the weight we are all carrying. Yet you are the only one who believes that this is somehow your burden to bear alone."

Ignis paused, taking in a breath.

"Because guess what? I'm an advisor who is blind. Prompto is the retainer of someone who he was biologically engineered to kill. If the sheer situational irony isn't enough, our lives are messes. But we are surviving because we are depending on each other. We're not strong, we won't be, you will not be. But together we can hold each other up. You need to accept that you're weak, because you are, we all are, and you need to move on."

Ignis shifted, feeling uncomfortably emotional.

"We'll help you Gladio," Ignis said softly.

A moment later he heard a sob. Ignis listened to Gladio softly cry, something he'd never before experienced. He'd seen the man tear up, he'd seen him disappear on a long walk to return with red rimmed eyes. But he had never witnessed Gladiolus Amicitia cry.

Ignis awkwardly shuffled over to where he could hear his friend. His foot bumped into Gladio's thigh. Scooting closer, Ignis felt out Gladio's shoulder. He set his hand there and left it.

After a minute, Gladio had calmed down.

"I think I kinda get why Iris does this," Gladio said, sounding a little lighter.

"Crying?" Ignis said. "Yes, it is beneficial for both mental and physical health."

Gladio let out a wet laugh. Ignis felt relief flood him.

"I believe sleep is also another healthy practice, are you familiar with it?" Ignis asked, teasing.

Gladio shook his head.


Gladio stood up and helped Ignis to his feet. They made their way into the other room. Gladio chuckled.

"What is it?" Ignis asked quietly.

"Prompto's on the bed with Noctis, he looks like a koala."

Ignis smiled at the imagery. Gladio helped him settle on the bed right next to Noctis, setting his glasses on a little ledge and then moving over to his own bed on the other side of Noctis. Ignis fell asleep, trying not to worry about the battles of tomorrow while still celebrating the small victories of today.

Noctis woke up to a widespread pain throughout his body. He was in a bed, and someone was curled around him protectively. He let his eyes stay shut, half awake mind thinking that it was his father, come again to stay with him while he was sick. Regis had often done that, climbed into the hospital bed next to Noctis, curling his body around him as if he could protect Noctis from the world.

Memories however came back, and the pain was too strong to let him fall back asleep. Noctis opened his eyes and turned to look at the figure of Prompto, stretched out in the bed next to him. Prompto was fast asleep. Carefully, Noctis tried to squirm away. His chest burst with pain and he let out a stifled gasp.

There was movement and a large palm was easing him back into a position where his chest didn't feel like it was on fire. Noctis opened his eyes to see Gladio standing over the bed. Noctis noted that for the first time in what felt like forever, Gladio didn't look angry or tense.

"You in pain?" Gladio asked in a whisper.

Noctis nodded his head wearily, feeling a stab of shame at his weakness. Gladio seemed to see Noctis' self-flagellation on his face and his eyes fell away.

"Give me a second," Gladio said.

He disappeared, returning a moment later with a cup of water and something in his palm.

"Iggy said you could take this, it's not much but it should help."

Gladio set the cup to the side and his hand went behind Noctis' back, helping him sit up. He pressed a pill which had been quartered to Noctis' lips and then brought the cup of water up. Noctis eagerly drank the water. When he finished he let out a breath of exhaustion, the weight of his head and back held up still by Gladio. Noctis felt so weak.

"Sorry," he murmured.

"Don't be," Gladio said.

For once he didn't sound angry, if anything he sounded sad and guilty. Noctis opened his eyes and looked in confusion at his Shield. Gladio was looking down at him with eyes full of sorrow and regret.

"You're not a coward Noctis."

Noctis blinked, thrown by this sudden change. He fidgeted, feeling uncomfortable under Gladio's intense look.

"I was the coward, and I was the weak one. Will you forgive me for failing you?"

Noctis for some reason felt like crying, some incredible weight lifting from his shoulders. He hadn't realized how much it meant to him to feel like Gladio had his back, and not just physically.

"You, you don't blame me?" Noctis said softly, meaning everything, from Altissia back to the death of Gladio's father.

"No. I never should have," Gladio replied.

Noctis sniffed, holding his tears at bay and letting the words sink in. Gladio waited with bated breath for Noctis' answer.

"I don't forgive you."

Gladio looked stricken.

"Nothing to forgive," Noctis said, smiling crookedly at his Shield.

Gladio was teary eyed and he surreptitiously wiped at his eyes before ducking his head away.

"You need anything else, squirt?"

"Not from you old man," Noctis quipped back.

Gladio raised a brow, but there was a tiny smile on his face. He gently adjusted Noctis on the bed. The two then fell back asleep.

In the morning, Ignis had Prompto and Gladio help him inspect Noctis' injury. He claimed that it looked a lot better. They ate some rations that were stored in the medical transport, before then sneaking out of it. MTs could be seen far away at the base which had been devastated. They were like little ants, marching about and clearing away the debris. None were in the airfield and the four were able to make their way to the dock.

The boatman showed up at the time he promised. They paid him and began their trip back down the river. Though things were less strained between most of them, Prompto was sitting apart, having barely spoken to any of them.

They made it back to Milcoup and decided to head back to Isabella's. The Regalia would be there by the next day and since the rumour on the Crystal had lead to a dead end they were left with free time.

Isabella got them a late breakfast and chatted them up, telling them all about the most recent gossip about the increased daemon sightings and the waning daylight. After they finished eating, they decided, Noctis not wanting to sit around in a bed, to go down and see the river. Ignis insisted that they only way any of them were going out was if Noctis promised to let someone carry him the whole time and to tell him straight away if he wasn't feeling well.

They ended up seated by the riverside, Gladio fishing with Noctis right beside him, the two talking about fish. Ignis sat a little farther back, a nervous Prompto fiddling with his camera.

"You should tell him," Ignis said.

"Yeah, sure," Prompto said noncommittally, fingers drumming against his thigh.

Minutes passed. There was a cry of pain from Noctis and then Gladio was kneeling next to him. Ignis, with Prompto helping him, came over.

Noctis was kneeling, head in his hands, and fingers clutching into his hair.

"Noct?" Gladio asked, looking worried.

"What's going on?" Ignis asked.

"Noctis is holding his head, he looks like he's in pain," Gladio explained.

There was nothing they could do but wait and watch. After several minutes, Noctis' hands fell away from his head and he looked up at them. They waited for him to speak.

"That was, Gentiana. She said she could help me change back."

"How?" Ignis said.

"Umm, I just need to call on the Six's favor. All of them. She said the magic is too weak to withstand them all."

Ignis gave a nod of his head.

"Why didn't she tell you that sooner?" Gladio asked.

Noctis shrugged. "She said the magic also temporarily made it so she couldn't speak with me, none of the Six could."

"So, uh, where should you 'call on the Six'?" Prompto asked, glancing about.

There wasn't anyone nearby, this part of the river a little ways down from the town.

"I guess here, the sooner I'm out of this stupid body, the better."

"Alright," Ignis said.

The three stepped back from Noctis. Noctis for his part bit his lip, glancing at them before then closing his eyes. Nothing happened at first. Then a bright light burst around him, cloaking him from view. When it died down, he was himself again, small clothing wrenched, and him very naked.

"Oh, six, he needs clothes like right now," Prompto said, summoning some from the armiger and tossing them at Noctis.

Noctis barely paid them any heed, instead pushing himself up to his hands and knees, and vomiting. Gladio was the one who moved forward, helping Noctis sit up. Noctis was shaky and feverish again, his chest had also started bleeding, still injured from before.

Gladio helped him into underwear and pants before then getting Ignis over to help with the bandages. When that was done, Gladio stepped over, grabbing Noctis' arm and pulling it over his shoulder.

"Damn, you're a lot heavier than I remember."

Noctis said nothing in reply, still not feeling well.

They decided to head back. Isabella was surprised to see them short of their kid and with a full grown man instead, but she didn't say anything. They put Noctis to bed, and then passed the time hanging out in the room.

The next morning, Noctis feeling better, the four headed for the station. As they walked, Prompto hung behind. Noctis slowed down, letting Ignis and Gladio, who were chatting quietly, take the lead.

"What's up with you Prom?" Noctis asked.

Prompto's eyes skittered away and his shoulders hunched as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Nothing, I'm fine," Prompto replied, sounding anything but.

Noctis frowned, moving to set a hand on Prompto's shoulder. Prompto flinched away.

"Prompto, what's this about?" Noctis asked, looking in worry at his friend.

Prompto was crying now, head hanging.

"I-I can't tell you," Prompto said. "You'd hate me."

Noctis looked shocked.

"Prom, is this about you being an MT?" He asked.

Prompto's head whipped up, shock in his gaze.

"Because, Ignis told me, and I don't care," Noctis said.

"How can you not care?" Prompto asked, staring in disbelief at Noctis. "I was engineered to kill, I was made to destroy you."

Noctis shook his head. "That's a bit specific, I'd say that you were made to just kill Lucians in general."

Prompto just stared in horror at Noctis. Noctis realized his joke hadn't reassured his friend as much as he'd wanted it to. Noctis looked unsure for a moment before pulling Prompto in for a hug.

"You're Prompto, my best friend. You could be Ardyn's love child with an ugly daemon monster and I'd still love you."

Prompto let out a sob and hugged Noctis back.

"Even if I had warts all over my face?"

"Yup, warts and all," Noctis replied.

"What about tentacles?" Prompto asked.

Noctis pulled back, seeing a teasing look replacing Prompto's fearful one from before.

"Even the tentacles."

They kept walking, Gladio and Ignis having discreetly waited several meters ahead.

"What about," Prompto took a second to think, "buck teeth?"

Noctis rolled his eyes.

"Yeah sure, buck teeth as well."

"What about if I turned into a vegetable, like a giant carrot or a piece of broccoli."

Noctis narrowed his eyes. "Okay, well maybe not if you were a vegetable."

"Hey!" Prompto cried with mock indignation.

They continued on still bantering, Prompto coming up with ridiculous things.

When they arrived at the train, they were able to get new tickets and the Regalia was transferred to the train they would be riding on.

"So, to Gralea?" Noctis said, about to step on board the train. "You guys ready?"

"Way ahead of you!" Prompto cried, throwing himself on board.

Gladio placed a hand on Noctis' shoulder and gave him a bolstering look, heading on after Prompto. Ignis came up beside Noctis and placed his hand on his forearm.

"We're all behind you, every step of the way," Ignis said.

Noctis smiled, stepping onto the train with Ignis and feeling like maybe, with these three men beside him, he could actually save the world.