Welcome to this World

"Oh my god, I'm so tired," Denki complained as he entered the house with Hitoshi following behind him, grunting his agreement as he shut the door behind them. "We're home!" He called as he shuffled out of his shoes and jacket, sighing in relief at how nice and warm the house was.

"Welcome home," Killua replied, sounding a bit off.

Denki moved to the living room, smiling when he saw the pack mom sitting on the large sofa, mindlessly staring into the distance as he purred and rubbed his belly.

"Hey mama, how was your day?" He asked as he flopped into the seat beside Killua.

The silver haired male hummed. "It was fine, and yours?"

Denki groaned dramatically before he started rambling about how much paperwork he had to fill out that day and just how tedious it was to do so. They really should just hire someone to do it for them, since Denki generally had a really hard time sitting still for so long whilst staring at paper.

Hitoshi had chuckled at him from where he was stretched out on the other sofa, half asleep as he listened to his lover's rambling and pack mom's purring.

"So, you can sit still long enough to scroll through social media for three hours, but you can't sit still long enough to do paperwork for thirty minutes?" Hitoshi asked in amusement.

Denki pouted. "You're so mean,"

Hitoshi waved him off. "Love you babe,"

Denki shook his head with a sigh before he turned back to face Killua.

"Aren't the two of you going out tonight? It is valentine's day, I would have thought you'd go out or something," Killua inquired with a tilt of his head.

"No, we decided to just stay home and watch a movie or two if we can stay awake long enough. Netflix and chill," Denki replied.

Killua nodded absently, not knowing what Netflix and chill really meant.

"Babe, c'mon," Hitoshi warned, though his lips were pulled into a smile.

"What? I just wanted to see what his reaction would be," Denki defended.

"Hmn?" Killua hummed, eyes focusing back on Denki. "What?"

Denki released an amused breath through his nose. "Do you know what Netflix and chill means?"

Killua stared blankly at him for the longest time before his brows furrowed and he suddenly slid forward on the sofa and moved to stand up.

"I have to go to the bathroom," he announced.

Denki blinked in surprise but nodded. "Do you need any help getting up?"

Killua seemed to consider the offer for a moment before he nodded curtly. Denki stood up, reaching forward to take both of Killua's hands and pull him up.

"Thanks," Killua muttered before he shuffled of, but instead of going to climb the stairs to go to the bathroom like he had said, he just sort of wandered off into the kitchen.

"Uhm," Denki mumbled, "okay?"

Hitoshi snorted. "He's really out of sorts today, isn't he?"

Denki nodded. "You think he's stressing about the twins?"

Hitoshi shrugged. "Who knows," he replied before he opened his arms in invitation. "Come here, babe, lets cuddle,"

Denki grinned before he moved the sofa, practically leaping into Hitoshi's arms with a giggle.

A few minutes later, Gon walked down the stairs with a soft frown, glancing around the living room before he spotted the two cuddling mates on the sofa. "Have either of you seen Killua?" He asked as he walked further into the room.

"Oh, yeah," Denki replied, raising his head from Hitoshi's chest. "He's in the kitchen,"

"He's acting a bit weird, though," Hitoshi added quickly before Gon could storm off.

The elder alpha froze in his step, turning to look at the two over his shoulder. "Weird how?"

"He's really out of it, like he's really distracted," Hitoshi told.

Gon nodded with a frown. " 'kay, thanks," he said before he rushed into the kitchen, heart beating just a little bit faster.

He found Killua standing leant against the kitchen counter, purring as he absently nibbled on a cookie, though he didn't seem very interested in the treat.

Gon opened his mouth to call out to his love, but Killua's eyes snapped up to him, brightening once they landed on him, and suddenly, the omega abandoned his cookie on the counter in favour of wrapped his arms around Gon's waist, nuzzling his face into the alpha's chest.

"Killua?" Gon asked as he wrapped his arms around his love. "Are-?"

Killua's purr cut off abruptly as his body tensed, his grip on Gon tightening quite a bit as he stopped breathing for a few seconds. Gon kneaded at his lower back, hoping to create at least some kind of comfort for his love. After about thirty seconds, Killua released a breath and started purring again as his body relaxed into his alpha.

Gon continued to knead and massage Killua's lower back, pressing a kiss to the top of his head and breathing in his scent. "Are they coming?" He asked quietly.

Killua nodded against him, breathing deeply.

"How far apart?"

"Mn, seven minutes and maybe fifteen seconds? I'm not really sure," Killua replied, moving to press a kiss against his lover's throat.

Gon hummed. "How long have you been having them?"

"Since this morning," Killua murmured, "it's happening a lot faster than the last time,"

Gon moved to cup both of Killua's cheeks, pulling him into a long, loving kiss. "I love you, Killua," he mumbled against his love's lips.

"I-mn," Killua's reply cut off as another contraction hit him, this one a bit more painful than the previous.

Gon waited patiently, rubbing his lover's lower back as Killua gripped his shoulders.

Killua hummed once it passed, pecking Gon's lips. "I love you, too,"

Gon grinned brightly as Killua surged forward to hug him again, pressing his ear to the taller male's chest and listening to his heart beat.

"Are you still excited, Killua?" Gon murmured, nosing his pale lover's neck.

Killua hummed. "I am, but I just want these next few hours to be over with,"

Gon nodded his understanding, humming a soft tune when Killua tensed through another contraction, keeping a close eye on the time so he could know how far apart they were.

"Should we maybe call someone? The midwives and maybe aunt Mito and Inko?" Gon asked, rubbing a comforting hand up and down his love's back.

"Hmn, maybe just wait until they're six minutes apart," Killua told, hands roaming up and down Gon's back and sides.

"M'kay," Gon murmured, pressing kisses to any patch of milky skin he could find at random, knowing the action would help comfort his love.

Killua might act calm and collected, but Gon could tell he was really nervous about this birth. Despite his high pain tolerance, Killua hated pain, and giving birth was one of, if not the most painful experiences. Not to mention, he had to give life to two pups.

Gon sort of wished Killua would just have a caesarean section instead, that was a lot less painful and much quicker than natural birth, but the recovery time was a lot longer. Then there was the added question of whether or not the anaesthesia would actually work on him. No, this was better. Gon just hoped that there weren't any complications during the birth itself.

"Six minutes and five seconds," Gon reported after another contraction, his heart beating a little faster the closer it got, feeling slightly alarmed at how quickly it was happening.

"Okay, yeah, time to call people," Killua told, squeezing Gon in a hug before they pulled apart. "We should call Izuku, too,"

Gon nodded. "Where is he, anyway?"

Killua smiled, one hand pressed into his lower back, the other resting on his belly. "They went out on a date,"

Gon smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to Killua's lips. "You know, if the pups are born today, this will be the best valentine's day gift you've ever given me,"

Killua blushed, a happy smile pulling at his lips as he bashfully lowered his eyes.

Gon smiled in adoration as he watched the action. "Killua is so cute," he told, taking Killua's chin with his thumb and forefinger, tilting his head up so he could press a searing kiss to his pale love's lips, conveying all his feelings into the action.

Killua hummed, licking his lips as they parted, his purr gaining volume when Gon ran his fingers through his fluffy hair. The two separated and walked into the living room so they could tell the two young adults the news.

"I'll go call the midwives," Gon told, pressing a kiss to Killua's temple before he jogged up the stairs.

Denki raised his head again blinking blearily as the pale omega walked towards them.

" 's everything okay?" He murmured, a wide yawn muffling his words.

Killua smiled endearingly at them. "I hate to do this to you, pups," he told, "but I-"

The two sat up in alarm when Killua cut off with a groan, flailing as they rushed to support him. Killua gripped Hitoshi's forearms as Denki rubbed his back comfortingly, the contraction a lot more intense than the previous.

"Shit," Killua whispered, sounding breathless as he breathed deeply.

"Are you okay? What was that?" Hitoshi questioned.

"Oh my god," Denki muttered before Killua could respond, eyes wide with panic. "Oh my god!" He repeated.

"Denki, babe, what-?"

"OH MY GOD! Hitoshi! He-he's going into labour! Oh my god, we have to call somebody!" Denki yelled, completely panicked.

Hitoshi's jaw dropped, frantically glancing between the two omega, unsure what the hell he should do.

"Calm down!" Killua shouted, still gripping both of Hitoshi's forearms. "Just, stay calm, okay? Can you call Izuku for me, please? Gon's already calling the midwives,"

"You're having them here?!" Denki screeched.

"Yes!" Killua hissed, not in the slightest mood to be patient and comforting. "Now do as I asked, please,"

Denki nodded, frantically patting his pockets to find his phone, moving to the side so his nervous and panicked energy didn't affect Killua.

Denki unlocked his screen, finding Izuku's number and dialling it, hands shaking with nerves.

The phone rang three times before Izuku answered. "Hel-"

"Izuku!" Denki interrupted, dragging his free hand through his hair. "You've got to get home now, man! The twins are coming!"

Izuku's breath hitched. "Wha-what? Are you sure? What-"

"Yes!" Denki screeched, voice conveying his panic perfectly. "They're even calling the midwives and everything! Just hurry the fuck up!" He shouted before he hung up, exhaling shakily before he turned to face his pack mom, watching as Killua tilted his head forehead with another groan, fingers gripping Hitoshi's arms tightly.

Denki stilled, chewing his lower lip as he watched the elder omega. After a few seconds, Killua's muscles relaxed again, moving to stand upright again. Denki wished there was someone else here with them and not just the two of them with a labouring omega. Neither he nor Hitoshi knew what to do, and their panic wasn't helping Killua at all.

Where was Gon? He really needed to get his ass back down here and help!

"I'm home," a voice called, the front door shutting as he walked into the living room, turquoise eyes blinking at the sight before him.

"Touya, baby, welcome home," Killua greeted with a smile, releasing Hitoshi so he could pull the other into a hug.

"Glad to be back, is everything okay?" Touya asked as Killua pulled back.

"Everything's fine," Killua interrupted before Denki could start his nervous word vomiting. "How did it go? I'm glad you're back home safely, I was worried when you were gone for so long,"

Touya eyed him suspiciously. "Yeah, the test took a little longer than I thought it would, but it's all good,"

"And? Did you pass?" Killua inquired.

Dabi grinned. "Of course, I did,"

Killua beamed proudly, pulling him into a tight hug. "Congratulations, I'm so proud of you!" He told, pulling back after a small while. "I want you to tell me all about it tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, sure-what-are you okay?" Touya asked as Killua doubled over a bit, a pained whine escaping his throat.

"He's having contractions," Hitoshi explained.

"I see," Touya murmured, allowing Killua to hold his hand as they quietly waited for it to pass.

Killua started purring again when it passed, finally starting to feel nervous as the contractions got closer and closer together.

"How far apart are they now, do you know?" Dabi questioned as he led the omega to the sofa.

"I, uhm, five minutes and, uh, twenty seconds I think," Killua reported.

Touya hummed, rubbing Killua back comfortingly as the omega gripped the backrest of the sofa, leaning forward a bit as he hung his head, breathing deeply as he purred, trying to stay calm.

"Okay, you two, help us time the distance between each contraction," Touya instructed.

Denki nodded, his nerves settling a bit now that Touya was here. The alpha seemed calm and in control, radiating that energy and aiding the other three occupants in the room. Gon came down the stairs a few minutes later, just as another contraction washed over his mate, smiling sympathetically at the pained groan Killua let loose.

"Are you okay, big brother?" Alluka asked once the contraction passed.

"Yeah," Killua mumbled, breath puffing passed his lips at the general discomfort he was feeling.

"We're glad to have you back home safely, Touya," Gon told as he walked exited the kitchen with a glass of water.

Touya nodded curtly, watching as Gon placed a comforting hand on Killua's back.

"You should drink some water, Killua," Gon told.

Killua grunted, but didn't move from his position, forehead resting on his crossed arms, leaning against the sofa's backrest.

Gon pressed a loving kiss to his temple, dragging a hand through soft hair. "Killua?"

"Hmn?" Killua hummed.

"Will you please drink this water for me?" Gon asked.

Killua remained silent for a moment before he stood upright, carefully taking the glass with shaking hands and drinking the water, downing it in a matter of seconds before he handed the glass back to Gon.

"Thank you, Killua," Gon said sincerely with a bright smile.

Killua hummed again as he surged forward, wrapping his arms around Gon's waist, face buried in his chest as he leant most of his weight against him. Alluka quickly took the glass from Gon's hands, nodding when he mouthed his thanks and moved to lean against the sofa, hugging Killua tightly.


Izuku and his mates were out of breath when they finally made it home, having run all the way there from the other side of the city, the group panting as they walked into the house. It was quiet and that just made Izuku's racing heart beat even faster. They rounded the corner and spotted the group in the living room.

Gon raised one hand from Killua's back to wave at them and Alluka pressed a finger to her lips. The group paused, waiting a few seconds before Killua's purr filled the silence, and they were greeted verbally.

"Big brother, when did you get home?" Shoto asked as he walked to his brother's side.

Touya shrugged. "Like, thirty minutes ago or something,"

"Are you doing okay, mom?" Izuku asked timidly, brow furrowed in concern.

Killua hummed. "I'm okay, baby," he assured, trying not to sound too curt with his son.

"Okay," Izuku murmured.

"The midwives are already here, and Leorio and Kurapika are on their way with Aunt Mito and Inko," Gon reported, just to fill the tense silence.

Izuku nodded. "And grandma and grandpa? Did you call them yet, or are you guys not going to tell them until after?"

"They'd be too pissed if they weren't here for it and I'd never hear the end of it," Killua grumbled, brow furrowed gently as he rubbed his cheek against Gon's collarbone.

Izuku chuckled a bit softly. "Yeah, it's not worth it,"

Killua managed a small smile before his breath hitched with another contraction, turning to bury his face into Gon's shoulder.

After a few seconds, he relaxed again, though didn't move his face away, so he could muffle a whimper into Gon's shoulder.

"You're okay, Killua," Gon murmured next to his ear, pressing a loving kiss to the side of his head.

Izuku watched as Gon continued to murmur comforting words to his love, slowly dragging his left hand up and down his mates back.

Killua's purr didn't want to start back up, perhaps he was too nervous and maybe a little too scared to attempt it, or maybe Gon's voice was enough of a comfort for him. Izuku watched with increasing fear as his mother rode out five more contractions before Kurapika, Leorio, Ging—surprisingly--Mito, Inko and the Zoldyck family all arrived, brought there by Knov's Nen ability. Hisoka also seemed to have deemed it okay to show up. Izuku could see Kikyo wanted rush over to her son's side and comfort him, but their appearance had Killua incredibly tense, and Gon shooed the assassin family away with a glare. Izuku didn't even know his father was capable of glaring.

"It's okay, Killua," Gon murmured, "you know I'll keep you safe. I promise I'll protect you and our pups,"

Killua relaxed with Gon's assurance before he tensed right back up, a long, pained whine passing his lips as the contraction nearly took his breath away.

"That's three minutes now," Hitoshi reported.

Gon nodded. "Let's get you to bed now, okay?" He said as he pushed Killua back a bit, so he could stand up straight.

Killua dragged a hand through his hair, cheeks flushed a light red.

Gon helped his love up the stairs, careful not to move too fast, yet not too slow. They had to stop at the top of the last flight as Killua groaned again, gripping Gon's hand tightly.

Their bed was already prepped and ready for the birth, the midwives conversing n the corner. Killua sat on the edge of the bed, burying his face into Gon's stomach this time.

The room was mostly quiet as everyone present found a spot they could sit in for the next who knows how long. Gon continuously combed his fingers through Killua's hair, humming a soft tune as his free hand rubbed his back. Mito occasionally brought a glass of water, which Gon had to beg Killua to drink.

The next half hour was spent this way before one of the midwives told Killua to get situated on the bed. The omega moved sluggishly, scooting over to make enough space for Gon to sit beside him, propping pillows behind his back for added comfort. His contractions were only a minute and thirty seconds apart, starting to last much longer, too.

"Fuck," Killua swore as another contraction started, right gripping one of Gon's whilst the other buried in the sheets, his pained sound tearing up his throat quite loudly.

Once it passed, Killua slumped into the pillows, frowning as he shifted a few times before sighing with a miserable look on his face.

"Gon," Killua whined.

Gon smiled. "You're okay, Killua," he told, moving closer to his mate, sitting beside him, facing him as he reached forward to gently caress his cheek.

Killua leaned into the touch, purring softly. One of the midwives came over with a sheet, instructing Killua to bend his legs so she could drape it over them.

Killua did as told, frowning in discomfort when the woman reached under to pull his pants and underwear off, the sheet obscuring his nudity from everyone else.

"Alright, Killua," the first midwife said as she sat down at the foot of the bed. "You'll start to feel the urge to push, soon,"

Killua nodded, trying his best to listen and reply through the pain of another contraction, a pained moan passing his lips.

Gon turned and gestured Izuku closer, patting the bed on Killua's other side. Izuku hesitated a moment before he climbed onto the bed. He couldn't hold his mother's hand since the bones in his own hands were far too weak for his mother's strong grip. He just hoped his presence was at least a bit of comfort.

"Kill," Silva spoke when the contraction passed, gaining his son's attention. "May I?" He asked, gesturing vaguely to the bed.

Killua hesitated for a moment before he nodded, closing his eyes when another contraction hit, grabbing his father's hand in a tight hold when the man got on the bed.

The pain nearly tore a scream from him, but he bit back with a drawn-out groan, sweat trailing down his temple. Once it passed, he felt a cool cloth on his forehead, wiping the sweat away. He opened his eyes, blinking up at Ging, whom was sitting next to Killua's right shoulder, facing Gon. Having the elder male there was a bit of a comfort, knowing that this man was rumoured to be one of the best Nen users in the world.

Should his family try something, Killua just knows Ging will help protect them. Killua glanced around the room, noting that his family was basically surrounded by the pack, with Touya and Kurapika standing in the doorway, preventing them from easy escape. Judging by the look looks on his family's faces, he could tell they were aware of what was happening. Killua felt comforted by this.

After two more contractions, Killua started to feel the strong urge to push, licking his lips as he hummed, readying himself for the pain to come. "I need to push," he announced, frowning.

Gon squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"You can do this brother!" Alluka started to encourage, knowing the difficult part was about to start.

"Alright, start pushing with the contraction, and remember to breathe as you do, we don't want you to black out, okay?" The midwife instructed.

Killua nodded as he listened, forcing himself to breathe deeply as an intense contraction began, and he started to push.

It was hard to keep breathing as he pushed, crying out in pain as he did, sweat sliding down from his hairline. Killua paused to rest and breathe deeply, whining before he started pushing again. The group continued to call out words of encouragement as he tried to keep from outwardly screaming in agony.

"You can do this, Killua," Gon urged, running a hand through his labouring mate's hair.

Killua nodded before he started pushing again, groaning in pain as he did, cheeks losing colour as his energy drained with every push.

"You're doing very well, Kill," Silva told when Killua took a moment to rest, swallowing before he licked his lips and started pushing again.

Izuku thought seeing his birth on the video was quite awful, but this, in real life, was horrible. It wasn't quite so nice or intriguing to watch as Killua cried out in pain with every push.

Killua pushed a few more times, desperately clinging to Gon and Silva's hands as he attempted to listen to everyone's encouragement. He was tired, his energy low, and he didn't know how he was going to find the strength to bring the next one into the world, but god, was he going to figure it out and do it.

"One more big push for me, okay?" The midwife told.

Killua nodded, taking a deep breath and pushing with the next contraction, pushing for only a few seconds before his pup was out and filling the room with loud cries.

"It's a boy," the midwife announced as Killua slumped into the pillows, knowing he only had a few minutes to rest before the next one wanted to come.

"Drink some water, Killua," Ging instructed as Gon moved to cut the umbilical cord as instructed.

Killua gulped down the water quickly, feeling some of his energy returning with the refreshing drink. He closed his eyes for a moment, exhausted.

"Killua," Gon called softly.

Killua hummed as he opened his eyes, sitting up a bit straighter as Gon moved to hand their baby boy to him. Killua gently cradled his pup, watching as he moved his tiny arms and legs in the towel he was wrapped in before he settled down.

"Oh god, he's so cute," Ging muttered before he moved away so Gon could take his place and stare at their baby.

Killua's lips pulled up into a watery smile as he pressed a careful, loving kiss to his pup's forehead.

"He's beautiful," Mito told, smiling at the sight.

It seemed so natural, the way both Gon and Killua seemed to easily fall back into this paternal nature that was forced away from them the first time, and for so long, too.

Mito had been slightly worried about how they would be with the pups, if they were going to struggle to find that paternal nature again, but it seemed she didn't have to worry at all.

Killua hummed as he moved to gently hand the baby back to Gon, brows furrowing as he felt a mild contraction starting.

"Here, I'll take him and clean him up while the next one comes," the midwife offered, holding out her arms to receive the baby.

Gon hesitated for a moment but handed her the baby as Killua moaned in pain. He brushed silvery strands from his love's forehead, pressing a loving kiss to the damp skin, he smiled.

"See Killua? One down, one more to go," he told.

Killua chuckled tiredly. "You dummy," he said affectionately. "Izuku, go with your brother, please," he pleaded.

Izuku nodded, thankful for the excuse as he climbed off the bed and watched as the midwife cleaned his brother, weighed and measured him.

It was all done in a matter of minutes, but it was such a good distraction from his mother's pained cries as he started pushing again.

"You're big brother?" The woman asked as she dressed the baby.

"Uh, yeah, I am," Izuku replied.

The woman nodded as she wrapped his brother in a soft blanket. "Here you go big brother, hold him like this,"

Izuku flailed a bit before he mimicked the woman's pose, holding his arms ready to accept his brother.

"Remember to support his neck, there we go," she murmured, pulling back when the baby was safely tucked into his brother's arms.

Izuku stared in awe. "He's heavier than I expected him to be,"

The nodded with a chuckle, watching the two for a while.

"I know you're tired, son, but you can't give up now," Silva told, brows furrowed.

Killua whined, gritting his teeth as he started pushing again, but it felt like he wasn't making any progress at all.

Tensions were high, and Killua was so low on energy.

His breathing laboured as he took a break, face sickly pale with dark circles under his eyes.

Killua shook his head. " 'm so tired," he murmured, eyes drooping as he started to lose consciousness.

Alarmed, both Ging and Silva started calling his name, but he didn't respond.

Gon hated doing this, but he knew he had to as he watched everyone start to panic, his own heart beating erratically in his chest.

"Killua!" He barked in his alpha voice, watching as Killua's eyes snapped open, fully alert as he gazed up at Gon. "You're going to do this, Killua. You can't fall asleep now,"

Killua whined in protest, he was so, so tired, but was cut off.

"No," Gon interrupted, "I know you're tired baby, but you have to stay awake, okay? You said you'd do anything for me right? I need you to stay awake and keep pushing, okay, our pup needs you to,"

Killua nodded, seeming a bit out of it, but he understood.

Gon leant forward and pressed a searing kiss to his lips, pulling back with a firm nod. "You've done this twice before already, Killua, you can do it again, I know you can. Killua is amazing and you can do anything," he preached.

Colour flooded back into Killua's cheeks as his love praised him, biting his lower lip before he lowered his eyes. "This is embarrassing," he mumbled.

Gon grinned, taking Killua's right hand in his own and squeezing it gently. "I love you, now start pushing again,"

Killua nodded and then frowned. "You know I can't just do that on command, right?"

Gon chuckled. "I know, I'm just glad to see Killua feeling better,"

Killua smiled before he tilted his head back with a groan, the urge to push washing over him, and he followed his instincts.

A scream tore from his throat, hands gripping his father and Gon's tightly, listening to the instructions to keep breathing and push. He pushed three more times before the shrill cry of his baby girl filled the room, and he slumped down into the pillows, utterly drained.

This time, it was the midwife that cut the cord as Gon stayed by Killua's side, Ging and Silva moving out of the way, so they wouldn't crowd the two. The midwife quickly moved to weigh and clean the girl, dressing her swiftly as the other midwife cleaned up. Killua didn't seem to notice that it took a little for him to see his baby girl, he was far too tired.

"Are you okay, Killua?" Gon mumbled softly, brushing his hand over his silvery hair, damp with sweat.

Killua nodded sluggishly, eyelids drooping. " 'm just so tired now,"

Gon smiled, pressing a kiss to Killua's lips. "You had me so worried there for a second," he told, lips brushing together.

Killua hummed. "I'm sorry,"

Gon shook his head. "No, it's okay. I'm just glad you're okay now,"

Killua smiled tiredly. "Hm, I just really need a shower and a long nap,"

Gon chuckled. "I bet,"

"Mom? Dad?" Izuku called as he walked closer.

Killua turned his head sluggishly, though he smiled at the sight of Izuku carefully cradling his baby brother. "C'mere." He patted the spot next to him on the bed.

Izuku awkwardly shuffled onto the bed, moving to hand the baby to Killua.

Killua sat up a bit and excepted his pup, quietly purring as he gazed down at his baby.

"Here you go, dad," the midwife spoke up, gaining Gon's attention as she held out their little girl to him.

Gon beamed as he accepted, carefully holding his baby girl, moving to lean back against the pillows so Killua could see.

"She's beautiful, hm?" Killua murmured, leaning his head on Gon's shoulder.

"She is," Gon agreed, "she must take after her mother,"

Killua blushed, snorting softly into Gon's shoulder.

"Alright, let's give them some privacy," Mito told, giving Kikyo a pointed look as she started to usher most of them out of the room, not bothering to shove the packmates out, though.

Once the door shut quietly behind them, the young adults all walked closer, carefully climbing onto the bed as Gon handed their baby girl to Killua, taking their boy instead since Killua hasn't had a chance to hold her yet.

"Wow," Denki murmured, gazing at the baby boy in Gon's arms.

"Are you doing okay?" Katsuki asked in concern.

Killua smiled tiredly. "I am,"

Denki turned to face him. "Are you sure? Because that was so brutal,"

Killua chuckled in amusement. "Well, that's one way to describe it,"

"Or, you know, it looked excruciatingly painful," Hitoshi added.

Killua nodded. "Yup, it's that too,"

Denki cringed before he blinked in surprise when Gon sat up and gently placed the baby in his arms.

Killua also handed his girl to Izuku so that her big brother could have a chance to hold her.

"He's so heavy," Denki uttered, carefully adjusting his hold on the baby so he could hold him more comfortably. "I can't believe you carried him in your belly for nine months,"

Killua hummed with a smile, watching as Izuku carefully passed his sister to Katsuki, whom seemed utterly uncomfortably and a little scared.

"Relax Katsuki, she's not going to bite you," Killua told, chuckling as the blond alpha did just that, relaxing slowly as he gazed down at the baby girl in his arms.

"She-she's, uhm, she," Katsuki muttered, voice wavering as his lower lip trembled.

"Oh my god, are you crying?" Denki asked once he passed the baby boy to Hitoshi.

"Wh-no!" Katsuki denied, though the sniffle he let out opposed his statement.

Izuku smiled endearingly at the sight as Katsuki wiped his tears away.

"Did you decide on a name yet, Izuku?" Killua asked.

"Oh! Uhm, I was thinking, maybe Zukil?" He replied timidly with a blush.

Killua smiled. "That's perfect, baby,"

Hitoshi handed Zukil over to Eijirou, briefly helping the beta correctly hold his arms.

"And what about you, Gon?" Killua asked as he turned to rest his head on his love's shoulder.

Gon smiled. "Izumi,"

Killua hummed. "It's beautiful, Gon," he murmured.

"C'mon, Killua, I think you should take a quick shower first before you sleep," Gon told, jostling Killua as he moved to sit up.

"We'll keep an eye on them, okay?" Denki assured as he saw Killua hesitate.

"Go shower really quick, mom, I promise we'll take good care of them," Izuku told.

Killua hesitated for a few more moments before he caved and stood on shaky legs, thanking Gon as he helped Killua into the bathroom.

He was covered in sweat and a bit of blood, and a shower would do wonders to not only help him feel clean, but also help him feel a bit more relaxed. Izuku smiled as he watched his mates hold his siblings, the two twins luckily remaining calm without their parents.

Killua seemed exceptionally better once they got out of the shower, no longer that deathly pale colour that had Izuku worried about his mother's health. He watched as his parents took their pups, relaxing into bed as the young adults all moved aside for them to lay down comfortably. It was late, just passed eleven at night, and as he watched his mom pass out in bed, Izuku suddenly felt exhausted himself.

They all quietly bid Gon goodnight as they left the room, quietly closing the door behind them. The house was quiet, likely that Mito had chased everyone out of the house to allow Killua and his pups enough rest. As Izuku settled down for bed that night, a sudden sense of relief washed over him.

His mother was okay, nothing terrible had happened and now he had siblings to look after and protect. Was this what true joy felt like? It was truly wonderful, and he just wished it would stay this way for years to come.

He wished for the same experience for himself and his mates and maybe Denki and Hitoshi could move passed whatever was holding them back and experience that same joy. Just last year, he never would have thought that he was able to feel this happy. Something has always been missing and he always knew, just never what exactly it was, but he knows now that missing something has finally been returned.

He found what he was missing.