August 2008

He has the opportunity of a lifetime. It's what he has been working for since he started with the FBI six years ago. He only hopes that his girlfriend will understand. He was offered the lead agent position at the Boston field office. It's an advancement that he automatically said yes to without even thinking about what Kate would think. But he's sure that she'll see this is for the best and be thrilled about it. Then they can start living the dream they want to.


"What are you talking about Will? Boston?"

"Kate it's what we've been working for."

"Are you serious? You go behind my back to interview for a job in another city? And then you take it without even talking to me about it first? There's no way that I am going to give up my job to follow you to Boston. I was just promoted to detective first and now you drop this on me?"

It's then when she feels it. She can feel it building up in the center of her forehead right behind her eyes. A migraine that's going to keep her home from work tomorrow. As she listens to him, she pinches her index finger and thumb together at the bridge of her nose to try and relieve some of the pressure.

"Kate it'll be fine. I'm sure that I can get you a position on BPD as a beat cop. And I know that I can pull some strings for you, I know people there."

He had some balls to just think that she'd drop everything and follow him to Boston of all places. No, there was no way. She had everything here. Her job, her friends, her dad, she loved the city she was born and raised in. But what irked her the most was he wanted her to be a beat cop with the BPD? She had more pride than that.

"You want me to be a beat cop walking the streets, in Boston? While you further your career with the FBI?"

"Well yeah of course. What else were you going to do?"

"Will, have you seriously given this any thought? Have you totally gone off the reservation? Why would I leave everything I have here in New York, for example, my job, my family, and my friends and uproot my life like this and move to Boston to become a cop who gets paid less money?"

"Well that's easy to answer Kate, you'd be with me."


"Were what?" Will asks.

She really needs to be sure this is what she wants. She knows Boston is out. There's no way she will be moving there with or without him. Her only concern is if she wants a man who dominates her as he has. He never told her what he was doing he just took this new position in Boston thinking that she'd just agree with him. There are so many things that she can use against him to break this off but it's the one thing that's been nagging at her since they got together. He makes love to her it's with the lights on. If it's one thing that really turns off the mood its that he can't do it in the dark.

"Kate?" Will asks.

"Will you know what?"


"Have fun in Boston!"

"Wait, what?"

"Will, you did all of this behind my back. We never talked about moving to Boston, this new job of yours, or where we're going in this relationship. To make it easier for you this apartment we have together," Kate waves her arm around the two-bedroom space. "You can leave and not have to worry about a thing. I'll pack up my stuff and turn in your key and my key to the super. I'm so glad that we decided on a month to month lease last year."

"Wait, are you dumping me?" Will asks in disbelief.

"Will, if you thought that I'd move to Boston you never really did know me. So yes, I am dumping you." Kate gets off the couch and heads for the door.

"Just call me when you are ready to leave. After you are gone, I'll get my clothes and all my stuff." She says never turning around.

"Come on Kate can't we talk about this?" Will desperately asks her hoping she'll reconsider.

Seeing no reason to further prolong this conversation she twists the doorknob and opens the door.

"Good Luck in Boston Will." She steps through the doorway and closes the door behind her with a soft click of the lock knowing that this chapter in her life is now over.


She needs a drink. Better yet more than one, maybe she'll get inebriated to where she can't remember her name. She walks down the stairs leading to the lobby mentally thinking about the places she could tie one on. By the time she hits the double security doors, she has a place in mind. It had been a place that she and Lanie had been to on a girl's night out about a month ago and now it was just what she needed it would do the trick. She hails a cab and gives the driver the address of the club.


Lanie was surprised to see her as she searched out the club. Kate was looking over the club but for what she didn't know. She looked lost. Deciding to meet her halfway she got up from the booth she was sitting at and walked over to her.

"Hey, girl! What are you doing here and, on a Thursday night, no less?" Lanie shouted above the music.

"Lanie I'm a mess. And I need a drink." Kate told her.

Lanie could tell that there was something that she wanted to get off her chest but she would give her the time to tell her in her own way. She walked her back to the booth she was sitting at and then told Kate she was going to get her a drink. When she returned, she knew something was wrong just by the way she had her head in her hands. Taking a seat opposite her she gently asked,

"Do you want to talk about it, Kate?"

"Lanieā€¦ I don't even know where to begin. Everything just fell apart and Will is an ass."

"Start at the beginning sweetie. Then we'll go from there."

Kate told Lanie everything from when Will got back home this afternoon until she walked out of the apartment. Then she looked at her friend for some kind of guidance.

"Do you want to know what I think you should do?" Lanie asks.

"Tell me that I was wrong and go crawling back to him?"

"Not on your life! No, what I was thinking was you need to take some time off. Remember when you told me that you were going to take some time off after making detective first? And then you never really did it because your workload was too strenuous."

"Yeah, I do. But with being put in charge of two detectives and running point on just about every strange case that comes across my desk, Lanes it's been tough to get away."

"Kate you need to do this. Call Captain Montgomery and ask for the next month off. But tonight, get shitfaced to forget that bum Will, and then after you sober up tomorrow call your boss."

Lanie slid what looked like a shot of tequila in front of her. Then she raised her hand to signal the waitress to come over to the table.

"Hi, Cheryl," Lanie said as she read her name tag.

"Hi. How are we doing tonight?"

"We're doing fine. But my friend here needs tequila. Lots and lots of tequila. Jose Cuervo if you have it."

"Now that I can manage. Be right back with a bottle."

"Lanie, seriously? I can't get drunk tonight."

"Kate trust me you need this and I'll be here to get you home in one piece. I promise."

She was still a little uncertain but, in the end, Lanie was right. She needed this and tomorrow would be the first day of her new single life. Anything could happen.


She tried to pry her left eye open and found that it was next to impossible. Her face is plastered against what she thinks is the pillow of a couch stopping her from opening her right eye. God, she can't remember what happened after the tenth or eleventh shot of tequila. Last night she drank over her usual limit. All she remembers is Lanie walking her to the elevator in her father's building, then she must have passed out because the next thing she remembers is Lanie asking if she needed anything else before she left and then her saying goodbye. She finds herself lying on the entire length of her father's leather couch and she thinks that her right arm has lost all feeling due to lack of blood flow to it.

The sun is up that much she can tell because it's blinding her. What she can't stop is the way the room is spinning. Trying to open her left eye to see what time it is, she hears her phone on the coffee table sound with a text alert. Dragging her numb right arm up to pick up her phone is one thing. Trying to see the phone is another thing entirely. She finally is able to open her one good eye. Getting it to focus on the text message is another problem she can't quite master.

'Hope you are not that hung over. Don't think that I haven't forgotten about your promise. Call him Kate and take some time for yourself. Sort things out.'

Lanie. She should have known. Getting up off the couch might be a plan, but right now she can't even think about moving from the couch.


She's still not in the best of shape after a shower, but at least she is presentable. Sitting on her father's favorite love seat she dials Captain Montgomery. It takes a while but he answers.

"Captain Montgomery".

"Captain it's detective Beckett."

"Yes, detective how is your day off?"

"Actually sir that's why I'm calling. I haven't had that much time off since I've been in patrol. I was wondering if I could have the next thirty days off.

Kate holds her breath hoping that he will give her the time off that she requested. Time is going by antagonizingly slow. And when he answered her he answers her with a question

"Detective, does this have to do with a family emergency? Because thirty days is a large block of time to have off consecutively.

"It isn't sir. But I haven't taken a vacation in the last four and a half years. I don't want to end up being burnt out and useless to you."

"You make a good point detective. Now I see why I put you in charge of the Alpha Team. All right, detective, I will grant you your vacation request starting tomorrow. In the meantime, I will have Karpowski run your team until your return."

"Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome, detective. Enjoy your time off."

Kate ends the call and sinks into her father's chair. The call to her boss went easier than she thought it would. Now she needs aspirin and water. After she's had that she would take on the task of booking her trip.


She packed just about everything she had to go and visit a warm climate. Now she sits in front of her computer and tries to find a location that she hasn't been to in a while. She's been to Saint Thomas, St Croix, and St. Bart when she was younger. She visits a website that she trusts and Lanie told her about deals that could be purchased from this travel website that was cheaper and all-inclusive. She looks at the map that the web site provides and clicks on a couple of islands. Nothing catches her eye until she sees Jamaica. She reads about their all-inclusive not far from the ocean which is exactly what she needs. She looks into the hotel itself and sees that it is an all-inclusive and it is very well kept. The Seagarden Beach Resort. The resort is everything she could imagine. They also have a deal for airfare which she can't pass up. She books her flight and suite for the month. And to her surprise, it's not that expensive. Flight and lodging come to just under $4,500 for the month. All she has to do now is wait for tomorrow morning for her flight.

A/N: Derogatory comments in the form of guest reviews will be deleted immediately. Trolls will not reign supreme here.

A/N 2: This is a prompt that was sent to me by my Brother-in-Arms, Swordwriter. I hope that I have done right by you. Death before Dishonor Hooah!