I don't own Dragon Ball Z or it's characters, but my OC, Chika Son

Dragon Ball belongs to Akira Toriyama

Chika Son: Goku's Daughter

Chapter 45: The Androids Appear!


A seven year old Chika followed Goku in the night sky.

"Dad?"Chika yawned as she rubbed her eyes. "Why are we out so early?"

"Chika, I am going to teach you the special technique that I learned in Planet Yardrat."Goku replied.

"Whoa! Really?"Chika asked with a hint of excitement. "That great!"

Goku nodded in agreement.

Not longer after, Goku and Chika landed in a forest.

There were a few birds tweeting and the sound of grasshoppers in the background.

"This is it."Goku stated. "If your going to learn that technique, you need to be taught somewhere quiet."

Chika looked at her father.

"Hey dad."Chika said.

"Yes, Chika?"Goku asked.

"Now that your back home with us, your not going to leave us anymore right?"Chika questioned hopefully. "I felt lonely without you."

Goku ruffled Chika's head.

"I won't Chika, don't worry."Goku assured with a smile.

"Promise?"Chika asked.

"Promise."Goku replied.

Chika closed her eyes and smiled gently.

2 Years Later...

Gohan, Chika, Goku and Piccolo were heading their way to Amenbo Island.

The Son twins were flying a bit faster than their father and Piccolo.

"Slow down, kids."Goku instructed. "We'll be there on time. You've better safe your energy for the fight."

"Right, dad."Gohan and Chika said in unison.

"3 years."Piccolo replied. "For 3 years, we've trained just for this moment. But was it enough?"

"Why don't you ask me that again this afternoon."Goku commented. "I think we'll know by then."

"If only we had more time."Piccolo admitted. "I feel like there's so much more I could've done to prepare. I could've gone faster! I could've gone stronger!"

"Don't say that."Goku replied. "You did as much as you could, Piccolo. We all did."

Gohan and Chika notice Krillin flying ahead of them.

"That's Krillin!"Chika gasped.

"Hey, dad! Look!"Gohan remarked. "It's Krillin!"

Goku notice his childhood was flying ahead.

"Hey, Krillin!"Gohan called out.

Krillin notice Gohan and Chika going next to him.

"Hey, Gohan and Chika."Krillin greeted. "Long time, no see."

"Hey, Krillin."Goku said.

"Hey, Goku."Krillin responded.

"So buddy think you are ready to tackle a couple of Androids today?"Goku asked.

"Well, I suppose I am ready as I'll ever going to be."Krillin answered and looked down. "Just wish things didn't have to be this way."

"Guys, we are approaching the island!"Chika stated.

The Z Fighters stopped flying when they arrived above Sasebo, the island city.

"Boy, there is a lot more people than I thought."Goku said.

"Yeah."Krillin agreed. "I didn't know this city existed."

"It looks like we have to divert the Androids away from the city."Gohan commented. "If we don't, lots of people down there are going to get hurt."

"We can't let that happen."Chika responded with a frown.

"I agree."Goku said.

"Let's not try and get too ahead ourselves, you guys."Krillin complemented. "We need to find them first."

"Then we better start looking."Goku stated.

Krillin, Gohan, Chika, Goku and Piccolo headed down to investigate.

As they headed down, the group notice Tien, Yamcha and Bulma waving at their friends.

"Hey, Goku!"Yamcha called out. "Over here!"

The five warriors went down to a bluff to meet up with their friends.

"You late."Yamcha responded. "What took you guys so long?"

Bulma walked forward holding a baby in her arms.

"Bulma."Goku said.

"It is Bulma."Gohan replied.

"Hey, guys."Bulma greeted with a smile. "Wow, you've all been working out, haven't you?"

Surprised expressions grew on Gohan, Chika and Krillin's faces when they notice a baby in Bulma's arms.

The baby had lavender coloured hair, blue eyes and light skin. He wore a dark blue hat with a yellow bib around his neck, a white shirt and blue shorts.

"Bulma, what in the world do you think your doing out here?"Goku asked.

"I've come to watch you fight, silly."Bulma responded. "Oh, don't worry. I'll just stay for a while and then I'll go home."

"I hope you don't think I'm nuts for asking."Krillin answered. "But what's the deal with the baby, Bulma?"

Chika looked at Yamcha.

"Aw, isn't that sweet?"Chika remarked. "In the end, you two got married."

Yamcha frowned before closing his eyes and folded his arms.

"Your wrong, Chika."Yamcha stated. "His not my kid."

Gohan, Chika and Krillin stared at Yamcha with confused expressions.

"If you think that's a shock just wait."Yamcha suggested. "Wait until she tells you, who the father really is."

Yamcha walked away with a sigh while Goku went up to Bulma and let out a chuckle.

"I'll bet is Vegeta isn't, right Trunks?"Goku asked with a smile.

Startled looks grew on Gohan, Chika and Krillin's faces.

"Now who told you that, Goku?"Bulma questioned. "I wanted to keep it a secret. I was going to surprise you guys."

"Well, actually I just thought I might take a guess!"Goku chuckled nervously. "I mean he kinda looks like Vegeta!"

"You guessed his name too."Bulma admitted.

"Yeah, what are the chances of that?"Goku chuckled. "Maybe I'm psychic."

Gohan and Chika were complete in shock.

The father of Bulma's baby was Vegeta.

"Outrageous."Krillin replied. "Who would've guessed Bulma and Vegeta?"

Yamcha scoffed with a hint of jealousy.

"Well since we're on the subject, where is Vegeta?"Piccolo asked.

"I don't have a clue."Bulma answered. "I really haven't seen him around lately. I know he was training to come here, but with the baby and all. I guess I must've lost track on him."

"He'll show."Goku assured. "He wouldn't miss a fight."

"I left Chiaotzu at Roshi's."Tien admitted. "To be honest with you, I didn't think the little guy wouldn't stand much of a chance out here."

Goku nodded in respond.

Gohan and Chika walked up to Bulma.

"Bulma, what time is it?"Gohan asked.

"Let's see."Bulma said and looked at her watch. "According to my watch, it's 9:30."

"Bulma, you better get out of here before it is too late."Goku warned. "Those Androids are going to be here in half an hour."

"Don't worry."Bulma giggled. "I just wanna see how these Androids look like then I'll go."

Trunks hid his head underneath his mother's chest.

"It's nice to meet you, Trunks."Chika greeted kindly. "My name is Chika."

Trunks looked at Chika quietly before he started gurgling at her.

Chika smiled at the infant.

It was strange, but it felt like she has seen baby Trunks face somewhere before.

Like she has already met him.

Tien went next to Piccolo, who was watching the city below.

"Well, it's almost show time."Tien admitted. "Only 30 minutes to go."

While waiting, Gohan and Chika began entertaining little baby Trunks.

The Son twins did funny faces causing Trunks to laugh lightly.

"His such a cutie."Chika giggled and thought. "It's still hard to believe who his dad really is."

"Hey Krillin, let's try and see you make the kid laugh?"Gohan suggested.

"Alright."Krillin answered and smiled at Trunks. "So your new in town or what?"

Trunks started laughing at Krillin.

"Yep."Krillin agreed with a frown. "I crack myself up too, kid."

Goku, Bulma, Trunks, Gohan and Chika started laughing together.

"Quiet, you guys!"Piccolo snapped. "Someone is coming."

"You think it's them?"Gohan asked.

"I can't tell yet."Krillin responded.

"Me neither."Chika said.

Then Yajirobe arrived in his hovercar.

"Hey."Goku greeted. "Have you come and help us fight the Androids?"

"No way."Yajirobe answered. "Just came to give you these Senzu Beans from Korin."

Yajirobe gives Goku the bag of Senzu Beans.

"Wow, thanks."Goku responded.

"Yeah, whatever."Yajirobe said rudely and went on his hovercar. "I'm out of here."

"Are you sure you don't want to help us out?"Goku asked.

"If you guys get killed that's your own business."Yajirobe replied. "I am taking off when I can."

Yajirobe flies away in his hovercar.

"Don't you think it's a bit strange?"Tien asked as he looked down the city below. "It's almost time, but there is still no sign of the Androids."

"Yeah, I forgot all about the time."Gohan responded.

"I can't believe we listened to that kid."Yamcha said smugly. "Androids? That's a good one."

"Don't be so literal, you guys."Bulma scowled and looked at her watch. "It's only 10:17. I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet."

"And besides that mysterious guy from the future wouldn't come all the way to the past for nothing."Chika added with her arms folded.

"Excuse me, but I think we would've sensed their power levels by now."Yamcha reminded. "Sorry to disappoint you girls, but the Androids just aren't coming."

Suddenly Yajirobe's car gets shot down in the sky causing everyone to get shocked.

"What was that?!"Goku demanded.

"It's Yajirobe!"Krillin shouted.

Yajirobe's car landed on the ocean.

Chika glared at Yamcha.

"You were saying?"Chika questioned.

"You guys! It's the Androids!"Piccolo warned. "I see them up there!"

The Dragon Team spotted two figures in the sky that headed into the city.

"They flew into the city!"Tien stated.

"But where did they go?"Yamcha asked.

Tien and Yamcha looked around, but couldn't see the Androids anywhere.

"I don't know."Krillin replied. "Can you see them, Goku?"

"I am not sure."Goku answered. "One second, they were up in the sky and then they just vanished. I didn't sense their power levels."

"Well, they are both Androids aren't they?"Gohan asked nervously. "That means we can't sense them!"

A startled look was on Chika's face.

"That's crazy!"Yamcha argued. "How are we supposed to find these Androids, if we can't sense them where they are?!"

"Aw man..."Krillin mumbled.

"I guess we have to find them the old fashion way."Piccolo admitted. "With our eyes."

"Right. Let's spread out, you guys."Goku said and looked at Bulma. "Bulma, look after these."

Goku hands Bulma the bag of Senzu Beans.

"Now remember."Goku instructed. "If you find the Androids, don't take them on by yourself. Wait for the others."

Goku looked at Gohan.

"Gohan, go check on Yajirobe."Goku ordered. "See if his okay."

Gohan nodded. "Right!"

"LET'S GO!"Piccolo yelled.

Gohan flew to help Yajirobe while Chika and the warriors flew down to the city to find these mysterious assailants as Bulma and Trunks watched.

Krillin and Chika headed with Goku to a part of the island city.

"Krillin, Chika, let's check down there!"Goku stated.

Krillin went to another side while Chika landed on a roof which was not far from the one her father was.

"If I was an Android, where would I be?"Goku asked and gritted his teeth. "Man, I wish Trunks would've at least showed me a picture of them!"

Chika carefully looked around the city for the two Androids.

"Hopefully these Androids don't have the ability to shape shift into people."Chika said with a frown.

But as she continued looking around, she only sees a bunch of civilians going on with their daily lives.

Krillin landed around a shop area, where a crowd of people were walking by.

Gohan rescued Yajirobe from his crashed hovercar.

"Are you okay, Yajirobe?"Gohan asked.

"Do I look okay, kid?"Yajirobe coughed.

In Sasebo...

Chika landed next to Goku.

"Chika, did you find the Androids?"Goku asked.

"No, daddy."Chika answered. "I don't even know what I am looking for."

Suddenly an explosion happened not far from where Goku and Chika stood.

"Dad!"Chika shouted and pointed at the explosion. "Over there!"

"Let's hurry!"Goku insisted.

Goku and Chika powered up and flew where the explosion was.

The unite with Tien, Krillin and Piccolo where the chaos was.

The Z Fighters see a badly wounded Yamcha being held by Android 20, who was accompanied by Android 19.

Android 19 was a chubby guy while Android 20 was an old man.

"Oh no!"Goku shouted. "Yamcha!"

Chika covered her mouth in shock when saw blood pouring out from Yamcha.

Android 20 dropped Yamcha on the floor.

"Krillin, there is still a chance to save him!"Goku replied. "You and Chika take him back to Bulma and give him a Senzu Bean! Go now as fast you two can!"

"We're on it."Krillin responded.

Chika opened her mouth to argue, but then stopped.

Her father wanted her to be put into safety and must accept that.

Krillin and Chika slowly went up to Yamcha and helped him up before flying away.

Goku and Tien angrily glared at Android 20 and Android 19.

Outside the Island City...

Krillin and Chika brought Yamcha to where Gohan, Bulma, Trunks and Yajirobe was.

Yamcha gets revived by a Senzu Bean and the wound on his chest was gone.

Then a bunch of explosions from the Androids erupted which sweep across a large portion of the city.

"Oh my gosh!"Bulma said in shock. "Did the Androids do that?"

Gohan, Chika and Krillin glared at scene, completely angered by this thoughtless act of destruction.

"It's them, alright."Yamcha said.

"It looks like they blew up half the city."Yamcha responded.

"No kidding."Gohan agreed.

"This is a nightmare."Chika complemented quietly.

"I just don't know how to stop them, you guys."Yamcha admitted and stood up. "I sure hope Goku knows what to do."

In Sasebo...

Most building were tumbling down in flames.

"You monster!"Goku growled.

"I clearly wiped away the innocents."Android 20 answered. "Don't you agree with my efforts?"

"Leave this people out of this!"Goku demanded in anger.

A smirk appeared on Android 19's face.

"There are no more people to get rid of."Android 19 said simply.

Goku glared at the two Androids in hatred.

"Very well."Android 20 responded. "You may lead us to another place of your choosing, Goku."

Shocked expressions grew on Goku and Tien's faces.

"How did you know his name was Goku?"Tien asked.

"I know all of you."Android 20 replied. "The Namekian Piccolo. Even you, the one named Tien."

Then the emergency services start to arrived on the scene of the destruction.

"Let's get a cleaner lair."Goku responded. "Follow me!"

Goku, Tien and Piccolo flew off with Android 19 and Android 20 following them.

The group spotted Tien, Goku and Piccolo taking off to the sky with Android 19 and Android 20.

"Look!"Gohan said. "It's dad!"

"And the Androids."Yamcha added.

"Where they going with those monsters?"Chika asked nervously.

"His leading them away from the city."Krillin responded.

"Oh no!"Yamcha said. "We gotta warn him somehow, you guys! He doesn't know the Androids can absorb his energy!"

Gohan and Chika became alarmed hearing Yamcha's warning.

"I don't know how but when the Android grabbed me, I can feel my energy being absorbed out of my body."Yamcha admitted.

"Well, what in the world are you waiting for?"Bulma questioned. "Get moving before those nasty Androids grab someone else!"

"There is no time to lose!"Gohan stated.

"We have to warn dad and the others!"Chika agreed.

Gohan and Chika powered up.

"I am not sure I want to go back there guys."Yamcha answered. "Maybe I should stay here!"

The Son twins took off into the sky.

"Gohan! Chika!"Krillin protested and flew up. "Wait!"

Krillin looked at Yamcha.

"You stay here, but I wanna help."Krillin admitted and held up the bag of Senzu Beans. "I am taking the bag of Senzu Beans!"

Krillin flew after Gohan and Chika.

"Those three have no idea what they're up against."Yamcha retorted and touched the part of his stomach where he was wounded. "And I know what those Androids can do!"

Bulma, Trunks and Yajirobe started at Yamcha quietly.

"I can't let this happen to anyone else!"Yamcha growled with a glare. "I got to help my friends! Wait! Guys! I am coming!"

Yamcha powered up and took off in the sky to follow after Krillin and the Son Twins.

The Androids have arrived...

(Next chapter will be longer)