Harry and Lily Evans
Chapter 5
So I been getting things ready for him to come to see me this time. He is coming Minerva when I am ready you will see him at that time, but the wards are mine and Rowena invention we work on them together that was part of my examine in there time so I came up with the cleaning wards and she came up with re-building wards but my I idea" said Harry.
Healing examine was to make sure the hospital would be able to have extra potion and double recipes so every time Snape brought his potion up and she put the potion the shelve to double to give her more than enough to keep on hand.
In the greenhouse. I made it to last until another person can rebuild the greenhouses and let stay with rich soil all the time. They didn't have Quidditch so I had charms examine was funny but she had me write series of books your subject series, charms, potion, Defense did sometime would I have to show you. There on the shelves, that is in Rowena chamber. Harry I been reading those books than because those are the books I been reading. Well what do think then? You should publish them said Minerva, I don't think so. Can get them the one you read please said Harry?
Harry what wrong asked Minerva. Nothing is I just need to get home please said Harry.
Hi Rowena. Are you about ready Harry asked Rowena yes and no said Harry? Tell dad I've got my history out now its healing time and that a lot of it Rowena okay said Harry.
I tell him said Rowena you came long ways to get all that out dear I am proud of you keep going then you be ready Harry. Thank you said Harry. Harry took his books home and put them in his room so that he would have them with him. Then he went to the lab area of Potter Manor and with his Potion Book as he started to brew the potion that he need to brew to heal him. "Harry what are you doing dear" asked his mom. "Brewing the potion that I will need for my healing the areas because the potion are my invention mom" said Harry.
"You been doing a lot of healing potion cures I been told by Andi can I see one of your books dear" said Lily.
"Here is one that you and Andi will need to know before you use the tools so you can read that book if you want mom" said Harry. "You mean you invented a tool or two to help you heal you son" asked his mother.
"Yes because I been trying to come up with new technique for the medical area to help save lives" said Harry.
"You amaze me in the things you do. You caring for these people and they hurt you. You know what son, what brought this on, can you tell me please" said Lily. "I know what brought this on, I just don't want people that are good to get hurt" said Harry.
"I can't help with money, but I can help make it where they are able to find jobs. How they are treated in the world so if a muggle-born want a job with a pure-blood than they should be able to get one. No matter what and be treat like they are no difference, same with squibs and half-blood. It's not the blood it's the magic and what they can do that make the person because the squibs can do potions and alchemy, Ancient runes, and few more things that in our world which needs to learned and teach. Where the others can bring the magic in the family it doesn't matter" said Harry.
"You know your father will really be please with you because he been wondering where your views of the world is at" said Lily.
"Here this is what he was worried that you would close the other children off-spring like the squibs and wouldn't bring the Muggle-borne in our world and that is what you are doing son I am proud of you" said Lily. "Harry", someone call from door. Mom will see who it pleases. "Sure son I am glad to for you" said Lily. "Lily I thought you were dead" saying Minerva. "No, I was in a coma in a cave until Harry got rid of Voldemort then I came home" said Lily.
"Where is he" asked Minerva? "Working on potions and can't be disturb why do you need him dear" asked Lily. "I need to ask him something that he wrote in his transfiguration book, a book of animagi" said Minerva. "Can it wait Minerva" asked Lily. "Well, it can but it got me so intrigue that I like to know where he got his information is all "asked Minerva. "Oh, hello Minerva I got that information in a library in past that book is lost to our time. The book's information is stated I put who is the original person in the back and where to find the information but it is in a rare book if you can find it that is" said Harry.
"That's what I thought so you did go to past like you said Harry" asked Minerva.
"Yes, I did Minerva I don't lie and will never lie. I will withhold information from you, but won't lie to you I have motto always tell the truth no matter if it hurt me. So you see that way I will withhold the information as long as I can but in time I will tell the whole truth and you can ask my mother" said Harry.
"Because she got the whole truth, not too long ago anyway the part that my dad didn't get I need to go back doing what I was doing sorry to leave" said Harry.
"Lily he change he has never been this way I seen him very quiet and reserve never this much talking" said Minerva. "He's coming out shell since I come home, Andi said," said Lily.
"I need a Potion Master and every time I look for one on the list they keep coming at the top of the list is Harry name I don't understand though" said Minerva. "I answer that one; here read this and you tell me why he is being at the top of the list of your entire list dear" said Lily. "No wonder it is in World record of the shortest time, the most taken subject, and the highest grade of masteries what do we have here Lily" said Minerva. "A scholar that doesn't know when to quit dear, what we have here Minerva" said Lily.
"Will he ever be a normal person Lily" asked Minerva? "No, I can tell you that my dear because he still has one more task to do for his father and that is at any time that coming up to three months so have patience" said Lily.
"But I will ask him to be your potion Master, I think he was planning but I will ask. Here he comes. Harry, Minerva needs a potion Master of the school will you do it dear" asked Lily. "Yes, if you teach History of magic mom" said Harry.
"Well, I was going to work with Poppy dear said Lily. "That's fine because I feel that the school should have a mind healer there" said Harry. "So I thought we should have that and I could help when we have sick children too" said Lily. "That's great, idea Lily. Andi is going to do Alchemy classes she was supposed to let you. When she had all her class workout" said Harry." "Harry come sit down you need to tell Minerva something instead of keeping quiet for over two years because changes in school Minerva needs to know son. I think she would be happy for these changes if she had heads up won't you dear" said Lily.
"Yes, I would, if I know about them Lily" said Minerva. "Okay, I have been thinking the past few months, it's only been three months.