5 years.

That's how long it's been since I've seen my mother, and my brother.

And honestly, I can't even tell you why. I guess the easy answer to that question it my parents. I'd like to say the fell out of love, but by the end, it was like they never knew each other in the first place.

I mean, maybe if I was younger it wouldve been easier? Easier to move on and to accept. But i didn't just loose my home, i lost my mother and my brother.

Grant was my bestfriend, I mean we had spent practically every minute of every day together since we were born. I didn't know any different to him. He was twin, and that bond is unbreakable. Accept they broke it. My parents.

I've never been aloud to contact either my mother or my brother. Dad wouldn't allow that. For five years I have felt a painfull longing, emptiness without Grant. I truly need him. And when things started getting bad with dad, I acted, really fucking well if I'm honest. I mean I fooled everyone into believing I was fine, everything was fine.

And then Josh, even after what happened with him i acted. It had become a way of life. And i guess it still is.

Dad is in rehab now, i know i should've called them earlier, I don't know, maybe I was in denial about it, I know it's my fault. I should've done more.

I feel guilty, not only for that. But because I'm happy he's in rehab. I am happy that he's away struggling on his own. Because it means I have no other choice that to go and live with my mom and Grant. And I need it. I need to see them.

So now, I'm sitting in a pretty mediocre taxi, the smells stale, driving down the charming streets of Roseville, Virginia on the way to see them.

My thoughts are rattling around inside my head, a pounding headache on confusion.

I'm scared. They don't know I'm coming. I had this irrational fear that if I told them they'd reject me. Only I'm still unsure how irrational it is. Do they miss me? Or remember me?

I was torn away from my thoughts when the driver said;

"Here we are darlin" he sighed, in a kind but tired tone. I swallowed a lump I was unaware had formed in my throat as I climbed about the door. For a moment I stared at the house before me, studying it. The house was large, white and had vines of ivy clinging to the walls. Beautiful.

The front lawn was beautifully green, with plant pots growing scenic flowers. This house screamed my mother.

I turned back to see the driver had taken my suitcases out, I was never that materialistic so I only had 2 large suitcases and my backpack. I thanked him and he drove off.

Leaving me there. I breathed sharply as I walked up the drive and to the door. My fingers hovered over the doorbell. And then I pushed it. It was done.

The door quickly opened, and a girl with dark raven hair and beaming blue eyes looked at me as she said;

"Hey..." she trailed off as she looked at my bags. "Who are you?" She finished.

I struggled to find words, had I got the right address?

"Macey who is it?" Someone yelled from inside.

"I don't know, some girl" she called back.

"I'm sorry I think I got the wrong address" I suddenly spoke suprising myself.

I heard multiple footsteps approaching from inside as I went to grab my bags, but then he spoke.

"Cammie?" It was barely a whisper, but as I looked up, his expression matched my own. He looked exactly the same, of course grown up and matured, but still the same old Grant.

I dropped the bags as i pushed past the girl and into his arms. I began to sob and I felt him sobbing against me. After what felt like a minute her pulled back and dried his eyes. He still looked just as shocked as before, his hand cradled my face and he smiled. He was happy and so was I as began smiling. We hugged each other again. We were both so emotional. I felt so indescribably full.

I pulled back slowly and said

"Hi." And giggled the tiniest bit, of glee. He laughed back and said "Hi." Slowley.

I knew I was going to see him, the the shock was still so overwhelming.

I then noticed we had an audience, who all had confusion stamped across there faces, I whispered Grant's name, suddenly feeling a wave of self consciousness. He immediately picked up on what I was implying and he said.

"Um guys, do you think we can do movie night another time?" While he tightened his grip around me, as if to keep from losing me again.

"Who the bloody hell is this?" A dark skinned girl blurted out.

"Yeah dude, what the fuck just happened?" Another guy said.

There were 3 girls and 3 guys stood there. Grant just rubbed his eyes, not knowing where to start. And he said;

"Look I'll explain another time, right now i really just need to be with Cammie" his voice broke as he said my name, as if it were dusty, and hadn't been used in along time.

"So please, leave" he finished, tearfully. His friends flashed with sympathy and the filed out, staring at me, and patting Grant's arm.

When the door shut we looked at each other and he picked me up, hugging me tightly.

A while later, we were sat on the couch in his front room when he tells me,

"God I've missed you so much, I can't believe you're here. But what are you doing here? And wheres dad?" He questioned.

The two dreaded question, both inevitable. Here goes, I thought.

"Um, a couple months after mom and dad split, dad got really depressed" I struggled with every word.

"He was really bad, I didn't know what to do, he wouldn't talk to me. He would just sit in his chair. He barely ate, I became really worried, it went on for a while." I felt myself begin to hyperventilate.

"And then one day, he just wast there, and I freaked out, I was so scared, but he came home, and he reaked of beer, but I didn't care, because he had moved" I winced and began picking at my nails.

"He kept leaving, and then coming back, and I didn't do anything because he'd get so angry if I said anythin-"

Grant then interrupted me, "Did he hurt you?" He demanded, getting angry.

"No!" I insisted. "I mean, he didn't mean to, and it only happened when he was drunk, I swear." Grant was enraged, I so I held his hand in reassurance that I was okay.

"And then he stopped spelling of beer so I thought he got better, you know, but, um" I struggled.

"Hey, shh" he hushed at me gentley.

"I came home from school one day, and he was passed out on the floor, but he didn't stink, I sear h his pockets and found pills." I cried.

"I don't know why I didn't do something, I was so angry, and confused. And it kept happening , until" I stopped, my throat felt tight.

"He, he, um, overdosed" i sobbed.

Grant fell back against the couch, he hesitated as he said "is he okay?"

"Yes, um, I used some money had saved to send him to rehab" I let out, "but it meant that I had to come here for a bit, if that I okay?" I questioned, not wanting to know the answer.

Grant was in shock, he phoned was blowing up across the room, most likely all his friends wondering who the fuck I am.

"What no of course cammie, I'm just struggling to process is all, you're my sister, I've never been happier than right know. It's just alot honestly."

We talked for a while longer, he told me there was a spare room I could have and that mom would be back home shortly. When she arrived it was pretty much the same process that I'd had with Grant.

I felt so happy to see them.

A little while later they took me upstairs to show me the spare room, which I guess would be mine.

It was a fairly large room with a large bay window seat on one wall. The room had white walls with a double bed in the centre, the bed had a white, rustic metal frame that I loved and colourful accents dotted the room. There was two doors opposite, I was told one was an en suite and the other was a wardrobe. I didn't know how long I'd be here, but I loved it.

I was tired so grant brought my bags up and I opened one up to pull out some comfy clothes to sleep in. It was one of dad's shirts, I could smell him on it as I inhaled. As soon as I climbed into the sheets, I blacked out into an oblivious slumber.

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