"Kerosene in my hand. You make me mad. I'm fire again."-Lana
"Arrange me a flight to New York tonight…" I opened my eyes to find Edward sitting on the edge of the bed speaking on his cellphone. "Yeah, like I don't fucking know that. Those fuckers start giving me a headache." He snapped. Well, it was only, what? Eight in the morning and someone was already on the bad mood. "Whatever. They keep thinking we owe them. Fucking Volturi…. Well, that's why I'm going. They must know their fucking place."
He disconnected the call. When he turned around, I automatically closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. I didn't even know why I did that. Probably because I didn't want him to know I just eavesdropped.
"I know you're awake." He said. My eyes twitched. Suddenly I felt silly. Of course he knew. What did I expect?
I opened my eyes as he just lit his cigarette, taking a deep pull. Holding it for a little longer before slowly blowing out smoke. I watched him in awe because, damn, he could be so fucking hot sometimes. When he wasn't being an asshole.
He opened the balcony a little, enough for the fresh air. It was really chilly outside, though. He was standing by the glass door, just looking out and quietly puffing. I was sitting against the headboard, embracing the silence.
"What are you thinking?" he spun around abruptly after a while.
Did he really have to ask? Him going to New York was the highlight of my mind.
"How long will you be away?"
He smirked at my question because he didn't expect me to throw it on the table. And yeah, I was just admitting I eavesdropped.
"Why? Miss me already?" he took one more drag before stubbed it out on ashtray.
I rolled my eyes. "Indeed."
He slipped back to the bed and under the duvet, too. There was so much space between us. The bed was big enough for five people. Another silence passed on. The tension was palpable. Somehow I just wanted him to get over it. For the sake of my sanity. He was holding out for whatever reason. That shit scared me more. Uncertainty. I hated waking up not knowing what awaited me.
"A week." He said suddenly, referring to my previous question.
"Already planning your exit route?" he mocked casually.
I turned to him, purposely running my hand along his pecs. He hissed a fuck before giving me a death glare. "No. I won't run from you." I smiled because I was deadly serious. I won't run from him. Not now, when I was securing my position in the family.
He held my wrist to stop the movement, but yanking me closer at the same time.
"I don't trust you." He narrowed his eyes, searching lies beneath mine.
"Well, you will."
New Moon was packed as usual. Lottie wanted me there tonight saying something about needing a company because Pete decided in last minute to go to New York with Edward. It had to be some important business if both of them were going. Pete was his right hand.
I skipped to the VIP section. Now I knew the club like the back of my hand. I was a regular visitor. Lottie was waving at me from the corner, motioning to her table. She wasn't alone, though. A few associates kept her entertained. I rolled my eyes at this. What the hell she needed me for.
"Bella!" she called loudly, turning the attention to me. Everyone made a room for me to sit, but really, it looked impossible to cram in.
"You start without me?" I asked incredulously.
"Sorry." She gulped down her drink. The night was still young yet that grin told me she was already above this world.
"I'm going to the bar. Do you want anything?" I offered.
"Yeah, can you tell them I want another gram?" she gave me a cheeky smile.
Everyone on table laughed and I was probably the only one who didn't find it funny. I swore that shit was going to kill her someday.
I stalked off to the bar, sitting on one of the empty stools. The bartender was in front of me right away. Well, talk about priorities.
"Ms. Visconti, what can I serve you?" A smile instantly plastered on her face. She had to be tired faking it all night.
"Any cocktail, please. Your choice." I replied. I better started easy tonight. Lottie would be pretty wasted. Again.
"Make it two, Leah." A male voice chimed in from beside me. Leah, the bartender, muttered something under her breath. "Whoa, I heard that." The man chuckled. As if it wasn't the first time she gave him the attitude.
I turned my head slightly, glancing at him from my peripheral. But the blond-haired man was already looking at me. "Bella, right?"
I returned his gaze. My browns met those blues. He looked familiar. Still, I couldn't place a name to that face. "Do I know you?"
The corner of his lips lifted up. "Probably not."
I didn't press even though I swore I had seen him somewhere.
Leah served our identical drinks in front of us. I mumbled thanks before sipping it quietly. He looked like he didn't have the intention to touch it.
"Here." He pushed his drink towards me as I finished mine. "I don't drink cocktail anyway." He said. My brows furrowed. Then, why the hell did he order it?
All of a sudden he slid off the stool, grabbing his wallet from the back of his pants. "Can I actually pay your drinks though you own this place?" he asked, half joking. He already pulled out some cash that was more than enough to pay both drinks.
"I don't own it. Edward does." I replied.
"No shit." Still, with that charming smile. He put the cash on the table, trapped it under my empty glass. "Bye, Bella."
He was gone without waiting for my reply. I watched him walk away. He wasn't looking back. Not even a glance. So strange. Something about him seemed dangerous, though. It made me feel uneasy.
As I wanted to turn around, I caught Lottie staring at me from across the room. Realization hit like a ton of bricks. She was watching us the whole time. Her grin began to spread. It only meant a bad thing.
"That man is James Hunter." She said out of the blue. Eyes closed. Head leaning to the window car. We were on the way home with Sam behind the wheel.
I glanced at her. She seemed like she didn't give a fuck. But again, it could be an act.
"So what?"
"Remember the guy you killed? He worked for him." She continued. I didn't understand what she was implying. So, James Hunter was the enemy? Then, why could he enter the club freely?
I shook my head. "I don't get it."
"He's an associate, but also a threat, you know what I mean? James always got away after he did us dirty." She explained. "Many times."
"Because we have no solid proof he's involved. But somewhat we know it's him."
"And why are you telling me this?" my eyes narrowed suspiciously.
The question earned me her devil smirk. I could sniff bad intention in the air.
"He seems interested in you."
"We barely even talked."
"He never talks to anyone in the club. Not in public anyway."
There was no point arguing with her.
"What do you want me to do?" my jaw hardened. This was going to be a shitshow. I just knew it.
Her smile was sickeningly sweet. "You know what you have to do."
The next night, I found myself sitting on the exact same place.
Same drinks. Same bartender.
Three nights in a row. But he never came.
If Lottie was frustrated, she didn't show it. It was the fourth night that I broke the routine. Because this shit didn't work. Like she said, James was pretty much untouchable.
I pushed open the backdoor. No one was around because it was cold as hell. But I slipped a cigarette between my lips and flicked on my zippo. The flame burned in a hiss. Such a contrast to the dark cold night. I pulled deep and puffed slow. Nicotine instantly calmed my nerve. For a second, I forgot about the piles of problem in my life.
Not even in five minutes, I heard footsteps approaching. It was my cue to go back inside. To fake smiles and endless parties.
"Mind if I join?"
I was surprised by the voice. I looked up and there he was. Grins and all. Him showing up here after four days sure as hell wasn't coincidence. James Hunter was truly a mystery.
"Okay." I acted nonchalant, blowing out smokes to keep me busy.
He stood close, lighting his own cig.
"Where's Edward?" he asked suddenly.
"Away." I didn't offer anything else.
"It isn't wise of him to let you unguarded." He stated, brow furrowed.
I didn't have a reply for that. The information just hit me. Taunting. Now I was questioning myself. How far could I run before I was found?
I tilted my head to a pair of awaiting blues. He smirked as he sensed I was being wary.
"I should probably go back inside." I said, not really waiting for his response.
Two steps and…
"I know you were looking for me." He said out of the blue, stating it like it was obvious. I paused and shook my head, acting like I didn't understand what he was saying. "Stop it, Bella. Playing dumb doesn't suit you."
I pulled the door open and went inside. But before it was slammed shut, I heard him just clearly. "It's James, by the way. Though I think you already know."
I stopped coming to New Moon, telling Lottie some lame excuse that made her roll eyes. She knew I was full of shit, but smart enough to not ask. No one was aware about my last encounter with James. And I would keep it that way. Lottie was still convinced he was interested in me, though. He would come around, she said. But if we were being honest, who wasn't, right? Looking at my status in the family? I was mainly a target. An easy one.
"That looks comfortable."
I startled at the new voice in the room. It completely snatched me out of my musings. I swore to God I didn't hear him coming.
"Fuck." I looked down to my t-shirt, now stained with red wine I just spilled over. "Don't do that." I rose from the floor to grab some tissues.
"Do what? Scare you?"
He strode to the walk-in closet for change and walked out five minutes later with nothing but pajama pants. It was voluntary that I tore my gaze away.
"So. You're still here." He was approaching, handing me a new clean white t-shirt. I took it, hesitant to undress in front of him. But fuck it, right? "Haven't found a way out yet?"
I pulled my wet t-shirt over my head. The liquid was still so sticky against my skin. So, I snatched another tissue and just wiped. Standing there in my lacy underwear. He was looking, I could feel.
"I didn't try." I said, didn't want to give him the satisfaction.
"I bet." He smirked.
I finally put on the t-shirt after the longest minute in my life. He didn't divert his gaze. At all. Shameless.
"How's the trip?"
"Now you care?"
"Not really." I admitted.
"Lottie told me about Hunter." I already hated where this conversation headed to.
"What about him?"
"She assigned you to crack him open." He said simply.
"And you agree?" I couldn't help but feel surprised.
He chuckled. "Why not?"
"You know I can't do that spy shit, Edward. I'm a bad liar."
"You can be convincing." Was this guy serious? Did he just show some support?
I rolled my eyes and went straight to the bed. He followed suit. We were silent and under the cover, staring at the ceiling. Wait, was it only my imagination or was Edward really lying closer than usual? Our shoulders were like, two inches apart.
"Come here." His voice was low, I didn't think I heard him right.
I turned my head and dived deep in those emeralds. "Why?"
The corner of his lips lifted up in amusement. "I just want to hold you."
"Don't give me that bullshit line." I couldn't help myself.
"What? I missed you."
"No, you didn't. You're just missing the control you have over─"
My words stopped short as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and yanked me to his chest. No gap. We were just…skins. Fuck.
"Let me sleep peacefully." He murmured. Soft and dangerous.
Well, now, how could I?