So i know there's this whole nlr versus s.e. But really only one person has depicted what luna would be like as a solo leader. So i'm doing the alternate reality where luna left the planet with a couple hundred ponies, a yak or two, and a few changelings ;). Everyone who has existed within mlp is still alive until i say so, enjoy.

Chapter 1: lunar republic.

An alarm clock rang at 7:00 am, a purple hoof slammed down on it. A few minutes later a lavender unicorn mare with a frazzled purple mane with a pink stripe, sat up and yawned. She got out of her bed and muttered to herself, " what a weird dream, welp doesn't matter now, gotta get ready for work, although i guess the dragon servant would be handy in this scenario."

She took a quick shower and straightened out her mane. She walked into her kitchen and telekinetically put some bread in her toaster and grabbed some butter and put it on the counter. A red light on her coffee machine flashed indicating her coffee was done. The mare grabbed a cup, got her toast and sat down at her table.

She pressed a holographic button on the wall causing a screen to come up in front of her, accompanied by a robotic voice saying, "good morning twilight."

"And good morning to you, computer," twilight said, "what's the news today?"

The computer loaded for a moment before responding, "today's date is july 19, 2019 A.D. 7:43, AM, the lunar senate is currently discussing ways to respond to the water crisis. Dome three's farmland is in a surplus of crops thanks to new farming methods, 17 students will be graduating from luna's school for gifted young ones later today, songbird serenade concert tickets are currently sold out, and access panel, 5B is closed due to maintenance."

"Thank you computer, any messages?" twilight asked.

"You have ,three, new messages," the computer replied.

"Play all," the mare said. The computers voice changed to that of a raspy female voice, "rainbow dash," twilight thought.

"Hey twily, just calling to tell you me and rarity are having a shindig for founder's landing next week, I know parties aren't really your thing, but, hey we all have the day off, so why not."

"I'll consider it," twilight said to no one in particular. The second message played which was just her mother checking in on her. The third however was more interesting. This voice was more regal than the others, but she knew full well who it belonged to, "twilight sparkle, my faithful student, there is something I wish to discuss with you in pony, please come to the palace at your earliest convenience."

Twilight did a spit take of her coffee. She immediately got out of her chair, grabbed her saddle bags, and out the door she was. She was now to a gallop passing other ponies, yaks and changelings as she ran towards the edge of the dome, oh yeah did i mention that, she lives in a dome, on the moon.

The explanation behind that is a bit of a long one. It all happened one thousand years ago, and let me tell ya that was one heck of a year, soon after the defeat of discord, the great wizard, starswirl the bearded's two, adopted daughters took throne of a country called equestria. The elder daughter, princess Celestia rose the sun in the morning and maintained the kingdom during the day, while the younger princess, luna, rose the moon, and did the same at night, while also looking after the creatures dreams. Despite the fact they were equals, the ponies of equestria adored celestia, causing luna to be forced to live in her sister's shadow. However, thing started looking up for luna very quickly, at some point, young ponies, especially thestrals, began to take a liking to her beautiful nights. Later a group of yaks came to thank her personally, as they were able to use the stars in the night sky to navigate their way through equestria safely. Later down the line, changelings began to study the stars to learn more about them and the world in general, they began teaching this to all who were interested, inventing astronomy. In a short decade, luna had supporters not only in her own kingdom, but the appreciation and alignment with two other powerful races as well. However, the night was the same as the unknown, there were some who wished to understand it, but most were more inclined to fear it, and it's followers.

It wasn't long before celestia supporters began to greatly fear lunas, changelings and thestrals had it the worst, being openly attacked in the streets, then the attackers had the audacity to call them monsters. While changelings were more than capable of defending themselves, the thestrals were not as lucky. Thestrals were a rare pony race, they were basically pegasie crossed with bats. Most of the time when a pegasus had a thestral child, they would refuse to care for them, if not kill them out right, thinking they were cursed. Most thestrals faced discrimination, ponies said that they were born evil, and fed on the blood of the innocent, though the changelings' studies showed they were nothing of the sort, if anything they were just nocturnal pegasie with strange wings and eyes.

As time past, ponies became more hateful and more violent with the lunar supporters. Attacks became more frequent, houses were burned. Things were taking turns for the worse, changelings began travelling in groups so that ponies would think twice before trying anything, yaks were voluntarily coming in to guard there fellow supporters(if you gain a yak's respect, you gain their loyalty), with all the hatred and violence, luna couldn't just ignore it, she began setting up shelters for those injured or lost their homes, making public speeches to stop the violence, all the while pleading her sister to do something, anything to convince her supporters to stop. But everytime, celestia put it off, "give them a chance," she would say.

Eventually, she had enough, if celestia didn't care enough to do something then luna and her subjects would leave, leave and never return. She spoke to the leaders of the yaks and changelings and they agreed with her. So she gathered all of her supporters, and transported them all to the moon, the highest level magic users used shield spells to make there new nation an air dome, overtime as their technology improved they were able to make machines that would keep up the dome, even without magic, as time passed they built more, now there were 14 total domes, luna residing in the original, dome 0, which was where twilight was headed now.

Twilight herself lived in dome 1, the second dome to be built despite its name, it was made mainly for residence, built as the country's population grew. Twilight reached the edge of dome one, and began walking to access panel 1A which would take her to dome zero.

After a quick conversation with the guard operating the tram. She was on her way to the palace, she just wished it would the tram would go faster.