Hi, my name is TakeMeToFood and you're reading my FanFiction. *Draws FanFiction logo with a glowstick in the air* haha..

So this is sort of a rewrite of my old Fairy Tail fanfic, a new home. Except now I know where it's going. Haha.. It's best if you don't read the old one..

I've definitely been practicing my writing skillzz and my coolness and humor stepped it's game up so prepare to (not) be blasted away by the funniness of the story. Is that a word?

Anyway, uhm I hope you'll enjoy this beautiful story, (cough beautiful what) and leave a comment if you'd like so I wouldn't be so lonely and lame, yea, thanks.

Senpie, this story is still dedicated to you. Love you no homo bro, bro, thanks.

Let's get it on with dis story bros and bros B) #socool #imsosorry


Where was I? What is this place? What's going on?

"Lucy, Lucy wake- wake up!" was that my mom?

I opened my eyes and my mother's wide eyes met mine. "Mama? What's going on?" I said as I rubbed my eyes and sat up. This felt so familiar..

"Lucy you must-" she said something, I couldn't hear or understand."What?" I frowned but she grabbed my arm, her fingernails digging into my flesh.

"Run," she said, her voice rough, as if she had been screaming too much, "Lucy, run."

Tears formed in my eyes, "Mama, I can't just leave you! And what about papa?"

"Lucy please-" again something I couldn't hear, "We're going to be right behind you, but promise me, run, find Aquarius, and the rest, please, Lucy you must-" Why can't I hear her?

But I nodded and she grabbed my hand, leaving something in it. I couldn't see what it was, but it didn't matter now. What mattered now was that I got away. Mama was never afraid.

I started running, and running, and suddenly I wasn't in my room, or in my house anymore, I was somewhere completely different.

It was grey, everything was grey, light and dark, moving around me and my eyes got confused. I was still running, and then I ran into something. I fell on my butt, which actually hurt. I looked up.



Lucy woke up. She was still gasping for air, her hands near her throat, as if something blocked her airway. Her mother told her to run. Maybe that meant that she needed to get out of this house. Was it time to go? For real now?

Wait, was she holding something? Frowning, she looked at her hand, and opened it. It was a golden key, uniquely designed with so many details. In the middle was a oval piece of porcelain, with the zodiac sign Aquarius on it.

But it was dream. This key shouldn't be real. So what happened? How was it possible that her mom, who is dead for about a decade, gave her a key?

Her father wasn't the one who gave it, she was sure. He hadn't even looked at her voluntarily since her mother died. She knew he cared about her though, she just kept saying that he was busy with work. That's a pretty reasonable explanation, since her father owned a big company and he and Lucy's mother were very dedicated to it.

But it didn't matter, Lucy had her teachers, maid and cook. They were like her family. They taught her everything her mother couldn't, so she could take over the company one day. Not that she wanted it anyway.

There was a knock on her door, "Princess Lucy?" A feminine voice said, "Are you awake? It's time to get ready for breakfast."

Lucy looked at the door, still a bit in thought, and her brain couldn't make sense of what the person at the door had said.

"Princess Lucy?" The door opened and in the doorway was a women with a short and spicy, pink haircut, in a turtleneck sweater and jeans. Her blue eyes scanned the room, and eventually rested on Lucy. "Is everything alright?"

Lucy just stared at her, and then back at the key. "Did.. Virgo, were you in my room? Did anyone go into my room?" She was frowning still, this was the real world. So how was it possible that she got this key?

Virgo blinked. "No one went into your room, princess. Why? Should we be punished?" she asked with a straight face and a monotone voice.

"Yea, no, you don't need any punishment. You're really weird," Lucy sighed, "I dreamt something weird, and when I woke up, I had this key." She showed the key to Virgo, who walked to Lucy to get a closer look at the key.

"I don't think you can open anything with this key, princess. Should I dispose of it?" Virgo asked.

"No, please, I'll make a necklace of it. I think it looks pretty." And it felt important somehow, but how could she tell Virgo that? Not at all, unless she wanted to make a fool of herself. Which she didn't.

"You should get ready, princess, breakfast is ready, and then you have some swimming and sport with Aquarius and Taurus."

Lucy looked at her key. Aquarius... "Yea, okay, I'm going to get ready. Can you leave me?"

Virgo nodded, made a small bow, which was so awkward, and walked away. Lucy flopped back on the bed and held the key close to her face. When she found nothing else than some dust and scratches she sighed and got ready.


"Come on, you slowpoke! Swim! You have legs, don't you?! Use them!" Aquarius, her swimming teacher, yelled at Lucy from the other side of the pool, "Even my grandmother can swim faster than that!"

How could a pretty women be so cruel?

Lucy sighed and took a deep breath as she did an underwater somersault and continued in an front crawl. 5 more lanes, she told herself. You can do this Lucy. After this you have history. You can do this.

It took her 10 minutes to finish her lanes, but as Cancer used to say, when he did her hair, "No pain, no gain." She has lovely people who take care of her. (Aquarius almost drowned Lucy because Lucy couldn't swim and was thrown into the pool with no warning. Scorpio used to sit with her on a burning hot beach, which burned her legs and left blasters. Virgo is into SM and gave Lucy sexual education when she was 9 years old. Taurus took Lucy on a drive on his motorcycle, and she was almost thrown off. Sagittarius almost hit her with an arrow. Capricorn gave her twelve thick books for homework, which she had to finish in two hours. The Gemini's almost chocked with Lucy on two tubes of paint, which made them extremely sick for more than a week. Loke used to walk naked around the house, which scarred her for life. Only Aries was just the sweetest person in the entire universe, she also made the best food. Lamb was her specialty.)

She was tired but she still had history, which was bearable. Especially since Capricorn and she were going to analyze fairy tales and ancient beliefs. Which was the best thing ever to do, of course. She quickly dressed, put her hair in a ponytail and with an apple in her mouth she slowly walked to the library, exhausted when she arrived, and yet full of energy too.

"Good afternoon, Capricorn!" She said, when she saw him sitting in his chair. He looked up and adjusted his sunglasses. Apparently it makes him see better.

"Good afternoon, miss Lucy. Are you ready for today's lesson? I found a particularly interesting book." He said, while walking to Lucy, who opened a binder with theories and notes. She also took out her phone.

"Yup, but can you give me a minute? I want to discuss that thing with the rest this dinner, so I'm just sending that in the groups-chat. And I'm done. Let's begin!" She said, as she put her phone away.

"The book I found," Capricorn said, as he said down next to Lucy, "It's very interesting. It contains spells, I think. From what I decoded, its for a wizard, who used keys to summon spirits with powerful magic. Those were called celestial spirits, I believe.."

And Lucy and Capricorn kept talking, and Lucy told him about the key, to which his response was just raising eyebrows. Lucy didn't mind. They discussed and decoded the book until Virgo got them for dinner.

Lucy was going to make a big announcement.


"I want to go to the public school, Fairy Tail, in Magnolia." She dropped this casually, as if it was nothing. But it wasn't. This was the biggest thing ever. She had been thing about this for a while now, and then she had the dream, and her mother told her to run, so she would.

Capricorn, who knew this, and had actually proposed this idea, because the teachers there knew more than just all the books in the library, continued eating like nothing happened.

The rest however, had either dropped their silverware with food, were chocking on their food (Loke), or had their eyes on Lucy, not moving.

After Loke almost died, he got up and looked at Lucy, "You- Why? It's, like, dangerous!" He looked shocked.

Loke cared about Lucy a lot, and according to him, the outside world was a danger for beauties like her.

"No one will know. If you go with me, we can take the old home, the one mother lived in. I would really like to go to Fairy Tail, it's my dream. I can't stay locked up in here!" she threw her hands into the air and then crossed them over her chest. "We vote. Who wants to go with me, raise your hands."

Everyone but Loke raised their hands, mostly because they did as Lucy said, or just hated Jude and the mansion.

"Seriously guys?" Loke groaned, and ran his hand through his hair, "I know we respect Lucy's decisions-" Aquarius coughed at that, "-most of us at least respect Lucy's decisions, but Lucy doesn't know how to interact with other people! What if she gets bullied?!"

The rest rolled their eyes at Loke, including Aquarius. Everyone agreed that Lucy could take perfectly good care of herself. (She had Loke as a punching bag and Taurus as a teacher.)

"Don't exaggerate now, Loke. Princess Lucy wants to go to Fairy Tail, than she will. You care about her happiness, don't you?" Virgo asked.

Lucy looked at Loke with fake tears in her eyes, so that Loke would be convinced. Which he was.

He sighed and sat down, rubbing his temples. "Fine," he grabbed his glass with water, and chugged it down. "When do we leave?"

Lucy looked at Capricorn, who took the floor. "From what I heard, Jude won't visit, or organize a party, for at least two weeks. We still have to pack everything up, and move it to the other mansion, which might take a week. So maybe it's for the best to do it after that party, so we don't have to haste."

Lucy nodded, Capricorn and she had discussed this already.

Loke sighed. "Great. Okay." His words were literally dripping with sarcasm.

The rest of the dinner was quiet and awkward.


She looked into his eyes, her hands on his cheeks, "Listen to me, Natsu, I'm going to do something dangerous, but I need you to continue the rebellion, promise me, Natsu, please." Tears were streaming down her face as she caressed his cheek, and his leather wings were surrounding her, protecting her.

He took a shaky breath, "Lucy, please I'm begging you, if you leave I can't protect you! I can't let anyone hurt you!"

She smiled, "I'll come back, Natsu, I'll always find you, I promise. You'll find me too, like we did before, remember?"

He wanted to scream, he wanted to do anything but let her go, she felt it. He grabbed her hand, which burned a bit, but she ignored it.

"Find me, and I'll find you. Find Fairy Tail, and we'll be back together. We'll never let the rebellion fall, I promise. But if I need to, I will give it all up for you." he kissed her hand and when his lips left her skin, there appeared a mark, a tiny scar, but enough to make her remember the guild mark that had been there in her past life.

A sad smile appeared on her lips. "You can't Natsu. You won't even remember me. The only way we can be together again, is if the fates give us a chance-"

"FUCK FATE!" he burst out. She flinched and more controlled he continued, "Lucy I swear I will find you, I don't care about fate. I only care about you. I will find you, and take you home." he kissed her forehead.

Tears formed in her eyes and she pushed away from him, and standing up, so his wings opened up, no longer protecting her. She turned away from him."See you soon Natsu." She smiled and waved goodbye, not looking at him, knowing that she'd turn weak and wouldn't let him go.

There was a silence. And then, "In every life, Lucy." he said silently.

Not bothering to wipe away her tears she walked away.


Lucy slowly opened her eyes. She looked up at the ceiling and saw something move on her left. She turned and she saw Loke sitting in a chair next to her bed. He was holding a paper, he looked tired.

"Loke?" Lucy asked, sitting up, and rubbing her eyes.

"Why do you really want to go to Fairy Tail?" He didn't even look at her when he said it.

It came out of no where and the only thing Lucy got out was a small, "Eh?"

"Capricorn hadn't heard of Fairy Tail in years, it couldn't have been the first school he thought of. So, naturally, you must have chosen. Why? Why there?" Loke looked pained.

"I don't see how it's an issue?" Lucy mumbled, uncertainly.

"Just tell me, Lucy." Loke put the paper face down on his thigh and finally looked Lucy in the eye. "You already made arrangements and such, you would only do that if you were determined to go there, no matter what we would say."

Lucy pouted and crossed her arms over her chest, "Gee, you make it such an issue..."


"Fine! If you really wanna know, I want to go to Fairy Tail, because it's far away, it sounds familiar, and I keep having dreams about them!" she hid her face in her hands. "I researched it after a while, and I found out that it was a school! So I wanted to go there. I just--of course I was afraid to go, this is a big deal, but I knew that I had to, I had to, I made a promise, I had to!"

Loke was silent. She felt his gaze on her. Eventually he let out a sigh. "If you promised, you should go. And who am I to stop you from finding the things you've been looking for, hmm?"

Her face still hidden in her hands, she didn't see him leave, but she did hear him go.

She sighed and flopped back onto her bed, arms spread, so her hands fell off the sides. She stared at the ceiling for a while. She saw the boy, Natsu, in her mind. She told Loke she made a promise. Even if she didn't realise it, she thinks she's been keeping herself to it. Slowly, everything that she's been doing had a connection to her dreams. Now she was actually going to Fairy Tail.

Would she see the boy? She wouldn't know. She didn't want to get her hopes up.

She closed her eyes and sighed. Two more weeks, but I'm sure it will feel like two years. But I'm getting there. I will fulfill my promise. I swear I will.


WHOOP END. of the first chapter. Yea cool. Kk.

Haha thanks for reading this, leave a comment smsmkskd pwease UwU

And I'll hope the next chapter will be there soon... Hehehe

Buhbye thanks againnn!!