A/N: Howdy! It's definitely been a while, hasn't it?

This fanfic has been on the back burner for a while since I really didn't have a lot of ideas on how to continue it, as well as me having constant rewrites and spelling and grammar checks. The latter is because my previous chapters here have a lot of little tiny mistakes buried in the paragraphs that I sort of look at and think, "How the hell did I miss that?". Well luckily, something new regard this has finally come out, and just in time for the Sonic movie too! I'm going to see it later today and I can't wait honestly. It looks great.

Hope you guys enjoy the movie too and I hope you enjoy this new chapter! I'll be releasing more soon, I promise (if, of course, my perfectionism doesn't get in the way). :)


Chapter 5: Arriving

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size, bird brain?", that voice was like a gift from the heavens right now. More importantly, she assumes a Ring capsule was thrown at her by him. She could thank Sol ten times over and it still wouldn't be enough to express her gratitude. She looked over to see him crush his own capsule in his hands.

"Oh yea, rat? Like you are?", the eagle bantered back.

The hedgehog was in front of the eagle in a heartbeat, startling the pirate and the group at his quickness. He leaned forward and put his hand on his hip tauntingly, counting off with the fingers on his free hand. "First of all, hedgehog. Second, trust me, I eat dolts like you for breakfast.", he cocked a mile-wide, crap-eating grin. "You're nothing compared to the things I've fought, pal!"

"Really now?! Try me on, then!", the Eagle slammed both his fists down, but Sonic zipped back a single ruler space, making him miss entirely as his fists smacked into the warm and harsh sand. "Ow!", he groaned, flapping his hands to get the sand and pain off.

Meanwhile, Sonic whistled a tune, acting like he was inspecting his nails behind his white gloves. "Like I said, not even a challenge. Tell you what, since you're not, I'll make up one .", he pointed at the eagle. "I bet I can beat up all your friends in under a minute- no, wait, 30 seconds."

"What?!", the Eagle angrily barked at him. "That's impossible!"

"You think it is. Me? Just another Monday morning."

Blaze was dumbfounded. She knew Sonic was strong, but he clearly didn't know who he was up against. The last thing he needed was to anger the group with his boasting antics. More importantly though, she wasn't going to be responsible for losing him.

She got up, trodding closer to him as best she could and whispered. "Sonic, you're seriously out of your mind. Let's escape while we can!"

All he did was turn to her in his peripheral and wink, then back around to face the Eagle. That face just screamed "I got this". And for all she knew, he probably does.

"Y'know what? Fine! I'd like to see you try, pipsqueak! You won't even make it past two of my people!", he held up two fingers to exaggerate his bluff.

The hedgehog pointed at him. "I doubt that!", he then turned to look at Blaze through his peripherals.

"Hey, Blaze, keep count for me. I'll start. One."

He then zipped off without hesitation towards one of them, throwing a flurry of punches so fast they were invisible to the naked eye. He finished with a kick, sending him skidding through the sand in a constant cartwheel before eating a face full of it when he landed. Connecting immediately, he jumped and homing attacked another in quick succession before ending with spindash, which sent the pirate flying into a nearby tree, knocking him out.

Instantaneously, he followed up with a boost into two more, one of which was the most-powerful as determined by Blaze. The two went sky high before Sonic did a 180 turn, jumped, and air-boosted towards them, spiking one like a volleyball into the sand and roundhouse-kicking another, the latter plopping right down into the ocean.

While in midair, he curled into a ball and charged some energy as strange orbs formed out of nowhere and absorbed into his body. The last thing anyone saw of him was his body consumed by a light blue aura before a boom sounded off with his disappearance, being once again invisible to the naked eye.

Two more were taken care of, being smacked over the horizon with multiple attacks so quick no one could tell how many hits it took.

Sonic reappeared, light blue aura gone but he was still going at the same speed, curled in a ball as he spindashed harshly into the final one, his body blasting through and creating a hole in the metallic ship.

Finishing with some cartwheels and backflip, he stopped right before Blaze and dusted off his hands after making a mock Olympic finishing pose. "Don't worry, I was counting just in case you weren't. Fifteen seconds."

Blaze and the eagle's jaw almost dropped to the floor.

Just how strong did Sonic get since the last time I saw him?!, she mesmerized inwardly. She couldn't take out a single one in that final group for three minutes, but Sonic finished them all off in less than half!

There was no time to gawk however, as the eagle was shaken out of his stupor, intense anger coming across his features. Blaze immediately got up at the ready, feeling fully recovered thanks to the Rings he gave her. She stood close to Sonic's side as he did stretches.

"I don't know who or what you are, punk! But you ain't finished yet! I'll make sure you pay for what you did to my comrades!", he heaved at him. Sonic rolled his eyes as he hopped lightly back and forth in place. "And I'll warn ya...I won't be as easy as them."

"Alright, bring it on!", he grinned, making a few mock punches. He turned to Blaze, still smirking. "How about it? You still up to fight? Could team up like old times."

Blaze rolled her shoulders, popping noises sounding out. "Yea. Sounds fun! Besides, I believe I owe him after what he did to me earlier.", she lately returned his wink as she herself stood at the ready in her own position.

Another toothy grin from the hedgehog. "Glad to hear it. Let's go!"

The two ran side by side right at the eagle before splitting off to take him on at different sides. Both of them started boosting, whizzing right by him, but still close enough to harm him from its damaging combination of auras of Chaos and flame.

The resulting speed made him spin around like a top and slightly shredded his clothing. Though before he could regain his footing, his face was met with a strong punch on both sides from the two attacking heroes, stopping his spinning right then and there.

Stumbling backwards from the dizzying strike, Sonic curled into a ball and zipped around to his back, uncurling and utilizing the force of the momentum to deliver a straight kick to his back, sending him towards Blaze. She readied her fire powers, and as soon as he was near enough, unleashed a combo of flaming punches and kicks, topping it all off with her signature tornado spin move, passing him back over to Sonic.

"Finish him, Sonic!"

"You got it!"

Sonic went over to where he predicted the eagle was going to land and got on his back. Waiting for the eagle to land on top of him, he used his immense leg strength to tumble backwards and push him off to direct him towards the beached boat.

The large bird's head smacked right into the front rudder of the more metallic boat, stunning him for the moment. Sonic then began revving up a gnarly spindash, finishing it with a solid hit that managed to not only create another hole, but also send the boat back into the waters a bit away from the shore.

And things just kept getting better.

The Ocean Tornado finally came around to their side of the island, spotting the boat and sinking it on the spot with its multiple and powerful cannon shots. With a large explosion, the ship sunk and many of the crewmen who were now knocked unconscious and/or blackened by the explosion, floated up to the surface of the water, sloshing around because of the current.

"Thank you Sir Sonic and Princess Blaze! We'll take care of the rest of these scoundrels!", the captain called out to them via its loudspeaker.

The two let out a sigh of relief, Sonic doing his own silly little victory dance while Blaze watched him tenderly. She didn't know how in the world he managed to recover so fast, but boy was she glad he did. Had Sonic not come in time, she would've been done for. But the next sight certainly swiped whatever happy feelings she had right out from under her.

Sonic's balance was starting to be lost, stumbling from side to side. Perking up with worry, she immediately darted to his side, slinging an arm up on her shoulder as she supported him. Being this close, she noticed his deep breathing as he was in progress of settling himself down. Not only that, but his grip on her shoulder and his stance felt really...weak.

Now that she had time to really think, he just looked really light-headed. Suddenly, an idea popped in her head like a light bulb, remembering what the doctor said. The realization made her squint at the hedgehog.

"Sonic, don't tell me, did you just now become conscious?", she asked, a mix of worry and disappointment staining her face as her brows furrowed at him.

"No!", he replied like a kid caught stealing from the cookie jar. She could only stare needles into him. "...Okay, I just got up uh...give or take five minutes ago."

"Sonic, why?! You should know better than to do that! Why didn't you wait to recover a little first?!", the cat chided the hedgehog with a grating tone.

"Sorry. Couldn't help myself.", he chuckled as she began slowly trodging her way back to the village medical center in tow. "When you lie awake in some big old noisy room, and someone comes in making a huge fuss, it's kinda hard to not pay attention."

She was amazed that despite his clear light-headedness, he was making long and clear sentences. But believe this, his voice didn't hide that fact at all. "A Royal Guard?"

"Yea. I overheard about your little trouble with those guys."

"Couldn't resist not coming, could you?", she deadpanned.

"You bet.", there was that crap-eating grin of his, and that twinkle in his eye.

"While I am eternally grateful for it, you still pushed yourself too hard! You look like you're about ready to collapse!"

He waved it off with a motion. "Nah, I'm fine. Not like you're much better anyways. You got no sleep!"

"Are you kidding?! This is extremely different, Sonic! You fell out of the sky. And you're closer to passing out than you think, idiot.", she retorted at him, but not out of anger. More out of care for her closest comrade. "Honestly, all those acrobatics, I'm surprised you didn't faint at all."

"Yea, it was a little scary, but you gotta admit. It was pretty cool though, right?", this time his recovery started picking up, noted by his stronger tone of voice. Must've been those rings he absorbed in advance.

Clever hedgehog...

She just shook her head and smiled. Still the same Sonic. "Sure it was. Come, let's get you back into bed."

"So you're telling me he did all of that and the only thing keeping him going was rings and pure adrenaline?", the same doctor from earlier questioned the Princess who sat next to the now bed-resting hedgehog in his room from before. Once again, he was asleep.

"Yes. If you do not believe me, ask him yourself when he's awake.", she motioned with her head over next to the sleeping blue blur.

"No, I believe you. If he survived an atmospheric fall and came out unharmed, he definitely could have handled all of that."

"Just because he can doesn't mean he should.", she huffed out. "Stupid hedgehog had me worried sick.", she grumbled, pouting.

"And I agree. If it's any consolation, with how quickly he heals I suppose he'll be discharged before sundown. Maybe in a couple minutes too. Recent examination shows he just needs to recover by sleeping and eating.", he got up, heading towards the door. "I'll be around if you need me, your Highness."

She nodded, turning back to the hedgehog as the door closed shut. Knowing no one was around, she leaned in towards the bed and stared at his face closer, lightly ghosting the back of her hand over the side of his cheek and head. "You're amazing...you know that?", she whispered, backing off from his slumbering form.

Eyes from afar, watching by binocular slammed down their fist on the waterbike. "Augh! How did he get here?!"

He placed the device back into a compartment in the back and let out a large groan. "Boss really won't like this.", he slowly turned around and blasted off away from Windmill Isle. "Hope I don't become scrap metal after this…"


Are you there…? Ah, you are!


Listen...I'm so sorry this happened. I don't know how, but here's what I know.

The seven Chaos, they...reacted all of a sudden.

Before I could control it with the Unifier...everything stopped.

I'm using their power to communicate with you. But I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised.

They do have the power to transcend worlds, huh?

...Who am I? Surely, you must know. We met before, a long time ago, don't you remember?

I showed you many things.

Mmm. You do. I'm glad. It's been a while.

How are they doing?

To be honest, not so good. They're worried sick about you. It seems they lost you at a time where you were dearly needed.

They're trying their best to multitask with saving you and repairing the damages.

Whatever happened, I'm sure it was for a reason. And we'll figure out what that is soon enough.

In the meantime...hm. It seems you are having positive feelings about it despite this.

That's just like you.

It's good to see you again, Sonic...now, wake up...wake up...wake...up...

...Oi...Wake up!...C'mon...wakey-wakey, eggs and bake-y!

"Hey ya old bugga! I know you're in there!"

"Marine, quit it!", the cat hissed at her behavior. "He's not gonna wake up and you're making a ruckus!"

"No way, I saw h's nose do a lil twitchy! I kno' he can hear me!"

"Oh for the love of Sol-"

"Oi! Ya big doolie! Wake up!", Marine loudly called, shaking the sleep right out of the hedgehog violently. He slowly began to wake up, though still heavily groggy. The realization of his jolted movements and sight of Marine startled him, pushing himself forward and making their heads clash with a "bonk!".

They both rubbed the same spots and let out their light groans of pain while a purple cat dug her face into her palm out of shame. Huffing out air with sheer disappointment, her hands travelled down to her hips as she stood up, a telltale sign she was about to chide.

And that she did. "Honestly, Marine! Have a little respect for the patients here and keep your voice down.", she lowly bellowed, snatching the girl by the ear. Even if she was her dear friend, she really knew how to be a total pain in her rear. "Try not to hurt him anymore, either."

"Owie! Awright, awright, I'll be quiet!", she whined with low voice, annoyance and pain showing in her grimace. "An' I won't hurt ole blue either!"

Sonic let out a snort and snicker at the scene before him. Good to know some things don't change.

Blaze released the deathly pinch grip on her ear, demeanor lightening up at seeing Sonic's boundful energy fully restored in his laughter. Her face softened as she trodded up to his right bedside, Marine taking the other while mumbling various complaints and rubbing the ear she was grabbed by.

"Had a good nap?", the cat grinned, Sonic rubbing out the remaining fatigue from his eyes.

"I think so. Interesting wake up call though.", his eyes darted to the raccoon, resulting in a sheepish smile and blush while Blaze tucked her lips together. "How long was I out?"

"Quite a while actually. You tuckered yourself out more than we thought you did. But, now that you're well and up, we can get out of here.", Blaze noted in a light urge to Sonic, head bobbing towards the window view of the setting sun. Sonic sniffled in response and did a quick one second raising twich of his brows in surprise.

"Ya, an' maybe ole' kitty here can stop worryin' up her knickers 'bout you!", the accented raccoon girl lightfully bopped Sonic's arm in a playful manner.

Sonic took the joke well, but evidently Blaze didn't, judging from her cheeks that lit up redder than an apple, fiery glare directed at the other girl. It didn't help that as soon as the two started giggling about it, the red turned to a deeper, darker shade, fueled by even more embarrassment. She covered her face to hide both the bashfulness and her burning irritation at her loud-mouthed friend.

"Really?", Sonic cocked a smug grin as he leaned over to peek at the female feline burying her flushed face behind gloved hands.

"Oh yea, she was-umph!", her speech stopped as Blaze's hand suddenly smacked on to it, the gaze intending that she was to shut up and not say a single word. Releasing her hand, Marine nervously grinned and decided to step away while Blaze curtly walked in closer, now recomposed with only a faint blush.

"Anyways...we're glad you're back, Sonic. Are you ready to go?", she held out her hand towards the hedgehog on the hospital bed.

"You know it.", he took it and easily propped himself up, giving the hint that he didn't really need it but he appreciated and took the help nonetheless. The group of three headed out the door and into the hallways of the medical facility. "So, how about those goons we pounded?"

"We interrogated them for all they're worth, and now they're currently being hauled off on a max security ship convoy to the Royal Prison Island. Trust me, they won't have a chance of escaping.", she reassured him.

"You sure about that?", the name certainly brought back old memories, raising some questions and doubts about it. "I had a place that was a prison on an island in my world too. And I busted out of there pretty easily."

"No way...the ole' cheeky hog was behin' bars?!", Marine hopped up and down on her feet in excitement of the story, but Blaze was none too thrilled, brows furrowing.

"Are you hiding something from me, Sonic?", she spied him with piqued brows.

"Ah jeez, lighten up. I was framed! You know me, I'm not a felon!", Sonic reassured with waving hands as they got close to the front desk, Blaze making the group stop so she could finish Sonic's discharge paperwork and pay any bills. "It's a long story. Besides, you're missing my point! Security can have holes in it and if those guys have friends, I'm willing to bet they'll bust them out!"

"Alright. Fair point. But Sonic, even if they did escape and somehow push through our ultra-tight security, the island where the prison is built on is many, many miles away from the next island. They'd probably starve or dehydrate themselves before they'll find an island to live on.", she mused as she signed on the designated places of the paper, then finishing the last one.

Sonic simply nodded his head as they got closer and closer to the front desk. He continued to listen to Blaze's explanation. "Plus, the nearest islands have Royal Guard outposts anyways. Plus, they are fitted with a database of all known prisoners. Even if they reach there, my military will detain them on the spot."

Sonic blinked and nearly gawked. Since when did they get their hands on such technology?! Last time he was here none of that existed and Tails had to build it all. Luckily, he didn't have to scoop for an answer.

"I know what you're thinking, and let me explain. A lot of my kingdom's engineers learned much from the leftover craft Tails built back when you came last time, as well as Eggman Nega's leftover scraps when he attacked. You should see all the tech they've made out of their discoveries!", she beamed at him, pride twinkling in her eyes.

"Really?", he cocked his head, mouth wide and grinning. "Tails spurred you guys on?"

She nodded. "Yes. We advanced greatly because of him. I must thank Tails at some point."

"That's so cool. When I get back, I'll tell him. Man, he's gonna be so excited to hear that!"

She chuckled while Sonic put his hands behind his head. Blaze turned to the counter clerk who smiled. "You're all ready to go. We're glad you're still okay after you nearly fainted out there!", she chirped at the trio.

"C'mon, nothing can't keep me down!.", he cockily rubbed his nose, making the staff chuckle.

"You're a funny fellow. Right, you all have a good night now. Oh, you too, your Highness. And thank you, your Highness!", she waved them off as they began to head out through the double doors.

"Of course. You too.", she mumbled, awkwardly waving back. She began to wonder why she zoned out like that, and why she was facing Sonic when it happened. The thought was shrugged off as soon as it was in her head.

"Take care, chums!", Marine winked as she was the last to push through the doors.

As it closed behind her, Sonic stretched and took in a deep breath next to Blaze. Marine cobbled up to Sonic's other side as they watched over the sunset from the great view the hospital provided. Times like this made the two girls realize the hill really was the best place to put the facility.

Sonic then exhaled audibly out through his mouth and whistled. "That's something I missed about this place.", he suddenly spoke up.

The two cocked their heads to the side at him in curiosity. "Miss what?", Blaze asked.

"That fresh island air. It's so different from my world, y'know?"

"Yes. I know how you feel.", Blaze smiled, remembering the few times she went over to Sonic's dimension for things like birthdays. Certainly, beaches like Emerald Coast couldn't compare to the air and atmosphere Windmill Island's own provided.

"I wish I knew. Say, why don'tcha ev'r take me along wit' you to Sonic's world?", Marine pouted at the feline.

The hedgehog took on a mischievous smile. "Because you don't ask."

Sonic snickered while Marine's cheeks puffed out in irritation. "Real funny, mate. Real funny..."

His laughter was cut off by a loud growling stomach. Sheepishly looking up to them, he grinned. "You guys know a good place to eat?"