Harry Potter AU
Harry was adopted by an American family.
Was not raised as a magical as his family was Muggles.
Eventually sent to Ilvermorny School in US.
Trained hard and was turned into a Special Ops Mage for MACUSA
Story will be based in modern times.
Story starts with his 5th year when he is transferred to Hogwarts for a special mission (GoF, but he's a year older)
Knut is $0.25
Sickle is $7.50
Galleon is $125
Rounded based on what Hagrid said, with a knut as a quarter
Thoughts will be in (parentheses)
I do not own any Harry Potter related thingys, so disclaimed as hell
This is my first story I hope you enjoy it tbh. Please constructive reviews!
Also probs need someone to proof read so PM if interested!
Chapter One:
Harry gets off the muggle taxi and helps the driver unload his luggage at the train station. After paying and tipping the driver a large amount the driver wishes him good travels. He makes his way through the crowd dragging his 2 large suitcases behind him. Look on his phone he checks his itinerary.
(Hmmm it says platform 9 and 3/4 but I can't seem to find it. It's probably a secret entrance. Damn British always has to make things complicated, it's just a damn train. And why are we even taking the train? There are much simpler methods of travel, especially with magic.)
He decides to just stand off to the side and pretend to be on his phone as he watches for any magicals that can show him the way. After a few minutes he spots a badly dressed group of redheads with large trunks rush through the crowd. He watches them as they made their way to the platform. And spots them come up to a pillar and just walk through.
(Interesting. That's the secret entrance. But I should've noticed the wards and charms placed on it. Unless it only activated when a magical is around. That's a complicated ward. But it seems that it's not for security but more like to avoid any muggles that may stumble on it or see witches and wizards walk through a brick pillar.)
He grabs his suitcases and makes his way towards the family, it seems like only one can go at a time and it's taking the family a long time to get through. As he approaches them a skinny older man looks at him warily. He stands behind him as if he's on a queue. The man continues to watch him and eventually approaches him.
"Hello. Are you lost young man?" Said the man
"No. Well not anymore at least. I know how to get to the platform now." replied Harry
"Oh are you a student of Hogwarts? My kids are going as well. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Arthur Weasley."
"Nice to meet you Mr. Weasley. I'm Harry Potter. And yes I am, I've just transferred here from Ilvermorny in the US."
"Wait you're Harry Potter? It's so nice to meet you. I don't think anybody I know in the UK have met you yet. It's a great honor"
"Yea I've been in the US my entire life. And really shouldn't be an honor, I'm just normal person after all. And what happened when I was a baby, I can't take credit for it."
"Magical Britain's biggest hero has been in the US the entire time? The prophet will have a field day on this. Nobody has seen you at all on this side of the pond. Everyone assumed that you were receiving private tutoring, especially after you didn't appear in Hogwarts when you turned 11."
"Oh I didn't realize that I was that big of a deal, I would think that my parents would be a bigger deal, after all they are the true heroes. Btw sir, I thinks it's your turn to walk through the barrier."
"Oh yes yes. Sorry for the holdup. Do you know how to get through?"
"I believe you just walk through it?"
"Spot on, I'll be seeing you on the other side"
Arthur walks right into the wall and disappears to the other side. Harry grabs his luggage and starts making his way. Striding confidently through the wall. A momentary darkness and chill passes through him and he appears on the other side. It seems as if though the redhead family has moved down the platform and currently saying their farewells. Arthur spots him and waves for him to join them.
"I see you made it through. Let me introduce you to my family. This is Fred and George, they're sixth years. Don't worry about getting them mixed up, I do too sometimes. This is Ron and his friend Hermione Granger, fourth years. And my youngest Ginny who is a third year. And this is my wife Molly. Everyone this is Harry Potter"
Harry shakes their hands as Arthur says their names. After being introduced all of them wore awestruck faces.
"Nice to meet you all" said Harry
"No bloody way." Exclaimed Ron
The girl named Hermione slaps his arm
"Ron language! Anyways it's nice to meet you Harry Potter, and I apologize for Ron. He doesn't know how to properly greet people" Said Hermione
"Yea that and he's a wanker"
"Can't be around famous people"
"Or maybe it's just around you"
"He probably has a crush on you"
"Yea just like our little sister"
"Ginervaaaa" said the twins
Their way of speaking was amusing, playing off each other. Harry really couldn't tell them apart unless he activated his mage sight. Which he did for a moment to see their aura differences and be able to tell them apart later on.
Ginny hits both them and walks off to board the train with a red hot face.
"It's nice to meet you all but I think I'll be getting on the train now. I'll see you all around. Thanks you again Mr. Weasley for your assistance"
"No problem at all Mr. Potter"
They said their goodbyes and he walks towards one of the train cars.he boards and started walking towards the end to find an empty compartment. After getting one towards the end he stores his luggage and sits down. Opening his black shoulder bag he grabs his phone and Wireless earbuds. After playing music for a few and checking his Instagram he heard a knock on the door. Peering up he sees Hermione and Ron asking to come in, and he lets them.
"Hi Harry. What is that you got there?" Asked Hermione
"Oh just my phone, I was listening to music" Harry replied
"Wait the only Wizarding phones that work are all landlines and that looks like an iPhone."
"Oh yea these were just released in the US for beta testing. It works perfectly fine. I thought Britain would have it too? I know The rest of Europe has them."
"No we don't, even if we did I don't think any wizards can use it anyways, they were baffled by the landlines and most don't have that as well"
"Well nobody can afford them Hermione, each is 5 galleons and cost a galleon a month just to use it. We can just owl anyways it's cheaper." Interjected Ron
"Oh I guess that would be a problem" replied Harry
"How much was that iPhone Harry? Unless they're free as a beta test" asked Hermione
"15 galleons for the phone itself. To get on the list to receive one was 10 galleons. And for it to have full worldwide service at the fastest speed and best efficiency is about 2 galleons a month. But that's only the best of the best. Most plans are around 10 sickles." Harry answered
"Bloody hell, you must be really rich. Wait you are a Potter after all" Ron exclaimed
Hermione shot him a dirty look and then continue to ask Harry another question.
"Is it worth it really? I know it's innovative but Ron is right about owls and there are other magical ways to communicate."
"Well I use it to communicate easily with my friends both magical and mundane. And it's not only for that of course. I use it for entertainment pretty much." Harry Said
Hermione stared at his phone, deep in thought. Ron was looking back and forth between him and the phone.
After a few moments of silence Hermione speaks up
"How about those earbuds, how much were they? Are they also a beta test?"
"Yea they're also a beta test, but if you signed up for the phone you automatically got on the list. They were 6 galleons."
Ron continued to gape like a fish out of water while the gears were turning in Hermione's head. Her eyes eventually glanced at his wrist, at his watch.
"Before you ask, this just a muggle watch, no electronics just gears." Harry said after noticing her glance
"Yes but that's also weird. We have magical watches here so they keep working. Don't muggle watches need batteries? Unless that's what I think it is, but those are incredibly expensive as well" Hermione blurred out what she thought
"Yea you probably recognize the brand. It's a Rolex Cosmograph Daytona. I customized and bought it for myself this past summer for my birthday. And since I know you're going to ask, it was about 250 galleons. Worth every Knut though."
"Wow just how bloody rich are you" said Ron with obvious jealousy in his voice.
"I'd rather not say"
Harry didn't know these people and honestly it was time to end show and tell
"Are you guys staying here? Or? I don't mean to be rude but I was hoping to catch up on some sleep before we get to the school. I'm a bit jet-lagged."
"Sorry for bothering you, we'll be on our way" Said Hermione
They said their goodbyes and left the compartment.
Harry turned his music back on and transfigured one of the small seat cushions into a pillow to rest his head on. He locked the compartment door and closed the shades. Eventually falling asleep.
He woke up to the feel of the train slowing down. He stuck his head out to the corridor and saw a few students mingling and wearing their uniforms. Quickly opening his suitcase he summoned his uniform and puts it on. Changing the pillow into a full body mirror he inspects himself. It honestly looked bad, even though he got it tailored. He decided to alter it a bit. A bit more form fitting and slightly shorter as well. Still a bit plain for his taste though. He decided to take out his necklaces from the inside and put them over his tie. One was a pentagram with a rams head in the center and ruby eyes. The other was actually a steel case for a lighter. He took out a white LV belt and put it over the robes and tightening them above his waist. And then he put on his pair of off-white air max to complete the look. After admiring and taking a few flicks on the mirror he closes his enchanted suitcase and lines them up on the door.
The train comes to a dead stop and he hears students start to make their way off. As he was leaving he sees that no one is taking their cases.
(I guess we leave them behind. Someone probably will come get them. It wouldn't make sense for children to carry heavy cases by themselves anyways)
He gets off the train unto the platform. The station's name was Hogsmeade station. Looking around he sees a magical village and in the distance above the trees was the towers of a grand castle. Following the crowd he moves towards the front of the train. Spotting a large man he makes his way there to ask some questions on what to do.
"First years to me. Come now, don't worry about your things. First years to me" the very large man bellowed.
"Excuse me sir, I'm a transfer student should I stay with you and the other first years?" Asked Harry
"Ah Yes, you're the lad that the professor told me about. Stick to me and I'll escort you with the others to the castle. It's a boat ride across the lake, but enjoy it while you can cause it's the first and last time you'll use them" replied the large man
"Thank you sir, my name is Harry Potter. Are you a teacher here?"
"Wow. They told me you were a special lad but they didn't tell me you were the great Harry Potter. Honor to meet ya lad. And I'm Hagrid, the gamekeeper and professor for Care of Magical Beasts."
"Pleasure to meet you professor."
Hagrid then went back to calling for the first years to gather around him. Occasionally glancing at Harry as if he wanted to say something but thought against it.
Eventually all the first years were gathered and Hagrid led them down a path to the lake shore where many small rowboats with lanterns sat on the water awaiting their passangers.
"Ok you lot, 4 to a boat. Don't try to stand up until we reach the other end. I don't want to go fishing for any of ya" Hagrid said to all the first years.
"Harry you ride with me on the bigger one."
After making sure the students were all seated Hagrid got on the boat as well and all the boats casted off across the water towards the school. It was a clear night with a full moon and in the distance a large castle loomed with spots of light.
(That castle is huge, and so very old looking. Really different from the campuses in California and New York. And there are a lot of wards and ancient magic in it. I don't even have to use my mage sight, I can just feel it.)
The boats made their way cutting across the large lake with constant speed and stability. Eventually they reach the base of the castle and made their way to the entrance of the castle. Walking through the gigantic double doors the group was awestruck with the sheer size of the castle. And even the ones born into magic was still marveling at its grandness. Everyone was excited for their time here and for a chance to explore and live in such a magical location.
Eventually they came to a stop in front of a stern looking bespectacled old lady. Hagrid gave the group a wave and rested his eyes on Harry for a few moments. He crouched down and attempted to whisper the woman, but instead it came out like stage whisper.
"It's that tall boy at the end. Can ya believe that Harry Potter is finally attending Hogwarts? This'll be great year for us ya know. Really excited to teach him, I am"
With that Hagrid made his exit and entered from what appears to be a large dining hall
All the first years turned around and started to stare at him. After a few moments they started to whisper among themselves and pointing at him. With a roll of his eyes he takes out his phone and start to scroll through social media.
The old lady eventually clears her throat and brings attention back to herself. The students immediately quieted down and payed full attention to the lady.
"Welcome first years to Hogwarts. I am Professor McGonagall and I am the deputy headmistress as well as the professor for transfiguration. I hope you've had a lovely journey here but we must now begin. Every one please line up in alphabetical order based on your last names. Mr. Potter please stand at the end."
The first years started to scramble around trying to organize themselves. The professor walked down the line to make sure everyone was in the right place, stopping in front of Harry.
"Mister Potter. Welcome, you will be sorted with the other first years since it is tradition. Tomorrow morning please make your way to the headmaster's office so we can decide your coursework as well as any other questions about the school" said Professor McGonagall
"Will do professor"
And with his reply she moved towards the doors.
"The is the great hall, you will have your meals here and special events will also be conducted here. Once I open the doors please follow me in a straight line. We will start the sorting once we enter. Move up when Your names are called. Then proceed to sit on the table that you've been sorted into"
She placed her palm on the large doors and they opened to reveal 4 long tables with banners behind them. Walking down the middle aisle the line followed her. All eyes were on them. And when Harry walked in a few whispers were heard and a lot of stares were thrown his way. Eventually it all quieted down as Dumbledore stood and gestured for everyone to quiet down. The hat then began to sing.
(This song is terrible and it's being sang terribly. Is this really a grand tradition? Good thing I can listen to my music to ignore it and let the time pass by)
The hat stopped singing and the headmaster rose once again.
"Welcome first years and old friends back to another magical year of learning. Let the sorting begin!" Said Dumbledore
Slowly the line began to move foreword. A child would sit on the stool and put the old hat on their heads, after a few moments a house name would be called. A table would cheer and the child will make their way there and take a seat with their housemates. Harry paid special attention to know which table to sit at later when his own house would be announced.
Eventually his name was called, and yet again an outburst of loud whispers were heard. He took a seat and placed the hat on his head. Instantly he felt someone trying to enter his mind and he locked it all down even further with occlumency skills. The hat began to whisper so only Harry could hear.
"Interesting, I can't seem to place you. Your occulmency training is quite superb and I can't seem to breach it. Such talent in someone who is still in school. I wonder who taught you? And what secrets are you hiding? You would do great in Ravenclaw with your potential, but with your secrets maybe Slytherin? Ahh but I also know a bit of your past, vanquished a dark lord at young age. Perhaps Gryffindor the house filled with sympathizers of the light would welcome you best. What do you think young Harry Potter? Are you in the pursuit of knowledge? Wishing to create connections through your cunning nature? Or perhaps you would charge headfirst into battle with and for your friends?"
(I already know more than this school will ever teach me. Slytherin would make things easier to accomplish my missions secretively. But Gryffindor will give me the best cover. Nobody would trust anyone that is known for their cunning nature.)
"I'm brave enough for Gryffindor" whispered Harry
"Hmmm... is that the cunning nature of Slytherin I feel? Or are you truly brave like GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted the last bit for everyone to hear.
A cheer erupted from the house of lions and Harry made his way there. Walking all the way to the end of the table he sat down. All eyes around were on him and they all gave him a large smiles. He smiled back, it's warmth didn't reach his cold calculating green eyes.
Again the headmaster rose.
"Welcome again to all the students and staff, we have a few announcements for this year but before then I can see all of you are quite hungry. So tuck in!"
A large feast suddenly appeared on the table. Harry felt hunger for the first time today. He just realized that he hasn't eaten since this early morning on the plane.
(They must be using house elves to make all this food and with the upkeep of the castle. Pretty basic but I hope they're treated as well as they do on the Ilvermorny campuses)
Harry noticed that they do have a few different cuisines, but it was predominantly catered towards heavier English items. He decided to go with items he recognized. A chicken pot pie, a rack of ribs, some mashed potatoes and gravy and collard greens. He also noticed a few jugs of drinks. Grabbing the one nearest to him he poured a bit into his cup and drank it. It was pumpkin juice, not really a favorite but he can make do. After arranging his meal he dug in.
After finishing everything on his plate. He looked around and saw that almost everyone was done as well. After a few more minutes of just looking around and taking sips of his juice the headmaster stood up once again. With a wave of his hand all the food and drinks disappeared. Harry was in the middle of drinking so it was a bit awkward when it disappeared.
(Wow he just has to show off. Old bastard didnt even let me finish my drink.)
Dumbledore cleared his throat to once again gain their attention.
"I hope all of you are full and enjoyed your meals. Before I send you off to your warm beds I must announce a few things. The forbidden forest is just as it's name suggest, forbidden to all students. Mr. Filch has composed a new list of prohibited items and actions within the school halls, as well as the punishment he will attempt to administer if one does break those rules. Also all inter-house quidditch has been cancelled this year..."
Everyone started to protest at the news of this. Dumbledore once again held up his hands to silence everyone
"This year we will be hosting the TriWizard Tournament. 2 other schools will be joining us on October 31st for this international event and we will host them for the rest of the year. Please welcome our guests and make them feel as home as you do in this castle when they arrive. Make friends as it's for international cooperation and for your own fun as well. Now we will also be playing inter school quidditch matches. If you wish to sign up there is a parchment that will be set up tomorrow morning where you can write your names. This will be an all school team so I expect the best of interhouse relations. Tryouts will be held this Sunday by madame hooch. Now that is all. Enjoy this year and I hope for all of you to be the best you can be. Goodnight."
And with that he steps down and the rest of the professors follow him. All the students start to exit.
"First years please come to me" Said Hermione
"Come over here you lot. Gather here you little gremlins" shouted Ron
Harry started to make his way towards them.
"Ok you little firsties. I'm Ron and this is Hermione and we're your prefects for Gryffindor. Listen to us since our word is law, if I catch any of you lots not listening I'll throw you into the dungeons" Ron Said
"Ron stop scaring them. We can't do that and wouldn't anyways. But do listen to us. If you need any help we can always help you so don't be scared to ask. Now follow us to the tower and pay attention on how to get there."
"Yea if you don't and get lost, you'll eventually wander the halls till you turn into a ghost and be stuck here forever!"
"Ron stop it, ok let's go guys!"
They started to make their way through the castle. Walking up moving stairs, down long hallways, past suits of armor and paintings. Eventually they stopped in front of the painting of some lady.
"Ok so this is the fat lady, entrance to Gryffindor tower. We have a password so always remember it. We also change it every month so make sure you know it. Wingardium Leviosa!" Said Ron
He heard Hermione whisper "it's leviOsa not leviosA"
With that the painting swung open to a small set of stairs leading into a large chamber. It was painted in gold and red, with a fireplace and large couches and seats. It had a really homely and warm feeling to it. On the other side we're 2 sets of circular stairs leading upwards. After everyone was inside Hermione spoke again.
"Ok so boys dorms are on the left and girls on the right. The door will say your year and you can decide who gets what bed. Boys cannot go into the girls dorms, it is strictly prohibited. This is the common area so make sure you treat it like one as well."
"Off to bed the lot of you, if I catch you gremlins wandering around at night we'll feed you to the giant squid in the lake"
Harry stayed back and waited till all the first years went up. Surely he won't be placed with them. Before he started walking up Ron stopped him.
"Hey mate, you're not sleeping in those dorms. Professor said that you get the solo dorm. You see that door to the left of the exit? Go through that. It has your name." With that Ron walks away to join a group of boys.
As he was entering his room he heard Ron say "bloody git, he's rich and famous already. Now he's got a whole room to himself!"
Harry closed the door and looked around his room. There was a large bed to the left with red and gold curtains. Next to it was a study desk and chair. A window was right in front of the desk, a view of the lake.to his right was a wardrobe and another door. At the foot of his bed was a his luggage.
(All this red and gold is pretty tacky. Let me switch it up a bit. I think all white is good with black trims. And I should unpack. Put up all my posters and stuff.)
With a flick of his wand his luggage laid itself flat and opened up. With intricate movements from his wand, his items start to arrange themselves around the room. He put up posters of artwork from his favorite movies and shows. His electronics unpacked itself. Soft yellow Christmas lights lined his posters and across his ceiling. A laptop and a desk lamp set itself up, and few of his favorite books lined up perfectly. A wallmount and flatscreen came out of his luggage and also set itself up. A few gaming systems as well. Soon his room started to look like what it was back home.
Harry noticed there wasn't any electricals so he set up a black box under his desk and another on the low drawer that he put his game systems on. He plugged all of them in. He places his palm on the box surface and channel his magic into them. After a few moments the box displayed a full green battery.
(Good thing I bought these along, this castle really is medieval. Well as long as I remember to charge these boxes every few days I'm sure I'll be fine.)
After another sweep of his room Harry decided to take a shower. Inside the bathroom was a toilet, a large sink and a combination of a bath and shower. The lighting was provided by 2 lanterns, one on each side of the mirror by the sink.
(Not bad, and it seems like those are ever-burning lanterns. And there's a laundry basket in here too, it must be for the elves. I wonder how often they do it.)
After inspecting the bathroom and setting up all of his bathroom essentials Harry grabbed his speaker and put a song on for his shower. After finishing his shower and night routine he sets up an alarm for 6 so he can go for a morning jog. He turns off the lights and attempted to sleep. After tossing and turning for half an hour he gets up and start to do some exercises to tire himself out. Eventually it was 3 in the morning and he was sweating hard. He finally felt himself start to get tired. After another set of each he takes another shower. He's back on his bed a quarter to 5.
(I'm turning off the alarm for tomorrow, I already did enough exercises. Getting up at 8 is normal on Sunday for students anyways.)
He eventually drifts off to sleep.
An alarm blares waking Harry up. He slowly props himself up and turns off the alarm. He gets up on his feet and start his morning stretches and light exercises. After checking his phone and laptop for any important updates he takes a shower and completes his morning routine. He checks his laptop again to see an important message pop up.
:Check in:
He knew what that meant. He pulls out a small flat box, and with a flick of his wrist he set up privacy wards and a lock on his door. After he was sure that he won't be interrupted or spied on he plugs the black box into the laptop. The screen goes black and a prompt for ID and password appear. After entering his credentials another text appeared for him to place his hand on the box to confirm his identity through his magic. After confirming a message appears.
:main mission overview
Spy on Albus Dumbledore and company.
Uncover potential threats to US magical population.
Establish connections with foreign dignitaries.
:side mission overview
Assassination of individuals
Extraction of sensitive intel
:message from Director Hammond
Special Agent Harry James Potter
Maintain cover at all times. Uncover whether the threat of Lord Voldemort is confirmed. Gain trust of foreign dignitaries, spy on them for intel. When asked you must eliminate your targets. That is all for now. Contact again when asked.
After reading all of this Harry unplugs the box and places it in his desk drawer with his laptop. After locking the drawer he disspells the rest of the wards in his room. He gets up to leave the room and after another quick look into the room he closes the door and magically locks it.
Author Notes:
Well that's all for chapter one, I actually have around 5 chapters done in a rough state. I feel like this chapter came off as a bit short so I'll definitely try to make them longer.
If anyone has any suggestions for interesting tournaments events between the main ones, please suggest them!
Thank you again for reading!
Please give me any pointers you may have, all criticisms are valuable!