Once again I do not own Harry potter or Horseland as they belong to J.K Rowling and DIC Entertainment Corporation.

And I must say a big thank for my betareader, LOZDisneyVGfan for beta reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

Chapter 3: New friend.

Harry entered the yard where his father was bringing out a new bay horse on a lead rope. The mare had very dark brown legs (so dark they were nearly black), a reddish brown body with black mane and tail. Harry stopped near them interested in the new arrival and noticed the horse's chocolate brown eyes.

"Ah Harry perfect timing, this is your early birthday present" His father said, gesturing to the mare. "Her name is Dawn Run." He handed over the lead rope to Harry

"Thank you Dad." The black haired boy with green eyes gave the older man a hug.

"Why not take her for a walk around the yard? She arrived from Ireland recently and would probably like to stretch her legs." His mother, Rose added from the stable door. "Let her get to know you."

Harry nodded, smiled, and started to give Dawn Run a tour of the yard and paddock.

'So you are to be my new rider?' A female voice asked.

Harry looked around, wondering where the voice came from. Then he realised it must of been from the horse, the only other living thing around.

He looked at her in shock. "You can t-talk?"

Dawn Run looked surprised too. 'You can understand me?! No human has ever done that before.' She looked at Harry with a sharper gaze.

"I don't know. But what you like to be called? Hopefully we can become friends." Harry said, "I'm Harry."

'Hello Harry I'm Dawn Run, but you can call me Dawn. I hope we can be friends too.' Dawn Run was calming down slightly, after the huge shock of a human understanding her.

"Thank you Dawn, I'd better show you around so you know where everything is, who everyone is etc." Dawn's eyes widened. This place was massive!

As the two became fast friends, Harry wondered aloud "I wonder if the myths about unicorns and pegasus are true? Horses with horns and wings."

Dawn Run smiled to herself… Well there was a very strong chance Harry would meet some mythological animals in that new school of his in Scotland that he mentioned. After all the British Isles were steeped in fairy tales and myths….

When they arrived back to the stable, Dawn saw she was placed next to a stall with a black and red logo on it, which belonged to Scarlet, who was Harry's adoptive sister's horse. Sarah was the same age as Harry and the two, while not blood related were close to brother and sister, with similar passions. Although Sarah resembled her mother with her blonde hair. On Scarlet's other side was a grey horse called Lily who had black spots on her flankmore. Lily had been named after Harry's real mother who had died when he was one year's old.

Dawn's eyes widened as she saw former Olympic Champion Malone, a white stallion with grey mane and tail. He was a legend and here she was sharing the same stables as him!

While Harry had been showing Dawn Run around, Jim had been getting Dawn's new home ready. Harry led Dawn into her new home and closed the door. He introduced the new mare to his family's horses, and explained who was who and who rode who. "I hope you all welcome Dawn Run into the family." Harry said as he and Jim left the stables to go and find Sarah riding Scarlet in the outdoor training paddock. All of the horses neighed in response. They knew Harry could understand them.

Scarlet was a black Arabian mare with red highlights in her mane and tail. She and Sarah were a winning team jumping the fences with ease under the watchful eyes of Rose, a professional horse trainer and Sarah's mother. Sarah and Scarlet seem to be one.

Rose smiled warmly at her son, "How did your bonding go with Dawn Run?" She asked. Jim took over watching Sarah and Scarlet, offering encouragement.

"It was great Mum! I think we will be good friends!" Harry exclaimed. Then the events of the morning of being able to talk to horses caught up with him, and he really wanted to talk to Rose alone about it. Rose would listen but he was a bit worried about this. It wasn't normal. He didn't really recall talking to horses per se, just being really good with them, understanding them- a bit like a horse whisperer.

"Mum," he began hesitantly, "could I talk to you alone later about something?"

Rose looked at her adoptive son closely. Something important was troubling him. "Sure hon, come and help me prepare lunch." They left the paddock and returned to the house, stopping to wash up first. It was Jim and Sarah's turn to feed the horses anyway.

"I can talk to and understand horses Mum, and they me." Harry said, unable to keep silent.