The young child went into the next room, going to the right of the crown room. In the room, there was a bunch of spiders. Isaac shivered as he thought, "I hate spiders," He was able to kill them all without taking a single hit. He noticed that some of his tears were yellow. He then continued down the hall. He entered the next room and it was empty. He noticed that the next doorway was red with a skull with glowing eyes. He was about to enter when he heard someone crying in one of the corners.

"Hello? Are you ok?" Isaac touched the boy's shoulder, and the boy whipped around and smack Isaac across the face. Isaac fell backwards and hit his head on a rock.

"Are you OK?" The long haired boy was shaking Isaac. Isaac nodded. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you so hard!" "It's ok, I'll live. My name is Isaac, what is yours?" "My name is Samson. Hey, you have the same watch that I have." Isaac looked at his wrist, and saw he was wearing a watch.

"My cat gave it to me, where did you get yours?" "Well, I was playing at my old house, and was hit by something. When I woke up, I found myself here."

I will continue this shortly. I know I'm stopping at an awkward place, but considering that it is 10:40 right now, and I have five other stories I need to do, I don't care. Good night.