Well, I'm back, sorta.


In an ordinary town, in an ordinary house, there lived ordinary people, they were so ordinary that they were regarded as paragons in their town, except for one member in their home, he was extraordinary. This child was exceptionally bright, but because he was not a true child of the couple, because he had features which the other residents did not, he was shunned, he was beaten, and he was starved, over and over, and over again until one day, he had had enough…

And so, he broke his shackles.

Harry was in agony…

The Cruel Man hit him again because, he hadn't gotten his newspaper quickly enough. The Mean Lady yelled at him for a long time, and the Fat Kid took the meagre food that the Mean Lady had given him. He wanted it all to end, why couldn't it just end. Why did he have to suffer so much anguish?!

A heavy fist slams against the door to his cupboard, Harry's small seven-year-old frame rattling with every blow.

"Get out of there, boy!" The Cruel Man bellowed.

Harry hesitantly got out of his cupboard, knowing it'd be worse if he stayed. The Cruel Man, or Vernon as every other person in that house called him.

He wasn't allowed to say Vernon's name.

Vernon got closer to him, his hand raising, he didn't want the Cruel man to hit him, he couldn't let the Cruel man hit him. He Won't Let Him!

As Vernon's fist came closer to him, he screamed.

And all hell broke loose. The ground began to shake, the walls started to rattle in time with Harry's rapid heartbeat, the lights started to flicker until the light bulbs burst, the gas line started to leak, and suddenly with a resounding BOOM, the house went up in flames. The ground around it sinking in to the earth while, lava started to bubble up on to the surface.

The neighbors screamed and shouted, running away from the disaster starting in the Dursley's home. Then, it all seemed to calm for a moment…

But soon after, the ground screamed in agony once again as the entirety of Privet Drive was rent open with fiery cracks, dooming scores of people to their fate. On ground zero, Harry continued to scream, eyes squeezed shut as he fell deeper into the bowels of the earth. Fire, Ash and Sulphur all around him, yet still unscathed as he fell deeper and deeper, while ignorant to the fate of those who were around him, Harry continued to fall until he passed out.

Above ground, the immediate surrounding area of Privet Drive was a hellish, fire and brimstone filled, wasteland, where the first thing anyone thought when they saw that terrible landscape, was its name…

The Doom

Far, far away, in a world unheard of, a small figure started to fall from the clouds. His clothes were torn and burnt, but his body was unscathed. His body soon started to change mid-air, his hair turned darker, a mop of unruly shadows appeared upon his head. His green eyes turned into beacons of power, while his chest glowed, and through the holes of his shirt. A shape took form on his back, a Phoenix rising from its ashes. A sword in its left talon and a group of arrows on its right, in its mouth was a single olive branch with two leaves on it, the Phoenix's feathers looked unkempt and feral, and the eyes seemed to glow. The Phoenix itself seemed to be alive on this falling figure's back...

With a resounding crack, the figure falling from the sky landed on the ground, a meter-deep hole erupting around the figure. The figure was silent and unmoving, only his chest seemed to rise and fall with shallow breaths.

Around him was a thick jungle, with trees rising hundreds of feet into the air. The jungle went silent when he first crashed landed, beginning to 'speak' only moments after, this new event forgotten but for a few curious creatures.

The figure groaned, a young childish voice escaping from his lips, startling several creatures, who thought it to be a rock, stone, or at the very least adult creature who had landed, one enterprising creature, a small, lone Brownbelly Wyvern among them. It was littered with scars, yet it had young eyes, it wasn't very old, but it crept forward nonetheless, it saw a human child, covered in ash, and in ripped coverings, stuff that the nearby village of Quor call "clothes." The Brownbelly gets closer and closer, until it hears the sounds of twigs breaking, it looks around, searching for the noise, and sees nearby bushes, those that weren't affected by the crash landing that is, move. There was too much movement for a small creature, so taking its chances, the Brownbelly takes off, going into the upper canopy, low enough to see, but high enough to be safe.

A human walks through the underbrush, searching for the thing that had fallen, along with nearly twenty other men, all were armed with spears of oily, black rock, of similar color to obsidian, yet emitting a distinct ominous aura about them. They were all wearing rough spun cloth under leather, normally a bad idea in the jungle, however it was necessary to survive in the Green Hell for more than an hour. The lead human advances cautiously, until he sees the child lying in the small crater in the jungle floor. He attaches his spear to his back, a loop of leather on his armor for this exact reason and picks up the unconscious child.

"Let's go back, we've found what the falling thing was…"

One of the other men asks, somewhat nervously. "Are you sure that this is it? This child, no, creature can fall a so far and survive!"

"Nonetheless, we cannot, in our right mind, leave this child here, who has done nothing, in the middle of the Green Hell, to die alone."

The other men nod and hefts their spears as they all start moving back to the village of Quor.

A few hours after the men of Quor picked up the child, they arrived at their village. Drawing much attention at seeing the fair skinned child. The group of men took the child to the elder's hut to report their findings in the jungles and see if anything was wrong with the child.

"Elder Aylin!" The first man spoke, who was also the leader of that group.

"Yes, Arum?" The Elder responded.

The man, Arom, comes forward, the small child they had found in his arms.

"We found this child in the jungles, a half a day's walk away."

The Elder walks close, his gnarled hands on his staff, every movement of his feet followed by the low thud of his staff hitting the ground. The Elder stares at the child, noting his strange features.

"Where did this child come from, and how did he get there?"

Arom nods slightly up to the sky and says, "He fell from the sky, or so the crater that we found him in implies but, we have no clue where he comes from. His features match nothing I've ever read or seen before."

The Elder nods sagely and motions for Arum to follow him, meanwhile, the other twenty members of Arum's party leave and go to their own post-hunt errands. Elder Aylin and Arum arrive at large hut near the center of Quor, and take the child inside, they place him on a bed, and begin to talk of his origins and what it could mean.

The Lost Journals

The village of Quor is a modest thing, if a little primitive looking compared to the villages of Westeros and Essos. It was vaguely rectangular, due to a past village elder who made the buildings more ordered, with straight roads and orderly, if slightly muddy houses, the river was about a hundred meters away, with a small stream running by the eastern side of the village.

The huts were made of dried mud brick and thatch, albeit the thatch was from a native tree, called the steelwood, which is a relative of the North's Ironwoods, the thatch, when dried, turns as hard as steel, yet as light as regular wood, which is still heavy, but not as much as solid metal.

There were bovine creatures, albeit they were strange, having six legs instead of four, positioned as four forelegs and two rear legs. Instead of two horns, they had four, facing forward and up. They were mostly docile, but fierce when angered, using the middle and rear set of legs to stand and using the first set as deadly hammers, their hooves were sharp in comparison to most other hooved creatures.

Other such oddities covered the village, apart from the people themselves, who unlike the brindled men farther north, looked mostly normal. The people of Quor did not die of disease, having been exposed to dozens of lethal ones early on in their history, they have become immune to them. The villagers have sun-kissed skin, with short brown hair for the most part, and they wear little because of the oppressive heat of the jungles. Most of what they wear was made of primitive textiles or hides and leather. Most of them had dark brown or black eyes. They lived in harmony with the land for the most part, in some rare cases a few of the villagers can even speak with a selective amount of the creatures. Usually either snakes, limbed reptiles, mammals and birds, those were the common groups. The village also had a symbiotic relationship with the Zorses living in the Wyvern Plains, as well as a neutral one with the Wyverns themselves.

The Population of Quor is small, only around three thousand people, nothing in comparison to the enormous groups farther north.

Tell me what y'all think!

Check my bio as well, it's been updated

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