"Enji, please! He's only a child," their mother pleaded, from where she crouched down, folding five-year-old Shouto into her embrace. Enji scowled, taking a step forward and encroaching on Rei's space and grabbing her wrist in his tight grip and attempted to yank her away from the sobbing child.

To their mother's credit, she only flinched a little bit when he wrenched her hands off their son and threw her in the other direction. Her back hit the wall with a thud and she fell onto the hardwood on her butt. Her vision swam for a moment before she refocused, silver lining her eyes as unshed tears filled them as she stared at her husband.

"Mommy!" little Shouto cried, trying to run to her side in vain before his path was cut off by the hulking man in the room. He leveled the boy a glare hot enough to stop him in his tracks. Shouto whimpered unconsciously, taking a step back.

He turned his attention back to their mother with an ugly look on his face. "I will do what I want, Rei. It would do you well to remember who you speak to," their father — He's Endeavor, not our father, Touya had said once with an ugly sneer that, to Fuyumi's abject horror, made him look exactly like Endeavor — snarled. Poor baby Shouto was crying even harder now, fear in his dichromatic eyes as they flicked to Father to Mom and back again.

Today was supposed to be a day of celebration for him. After all, it's not every day that you awaken your quirk for the first time. Everyone was supposed to be happy.

Fuyumi stood in the foyer, frozen to her spot as she watched the scene unfold in the living room with bated breath. Her hands gripped the door-knob hardly noticing at all when her quirk began frosting over the polished brass, her hoarfrost creeping from her clenched fingertips as she stood. When she had come home from the library she had expected dead silence, maybe some giggling from Shouto, but not this.

She thanked God that Touya had to go pick up Natsuo from school and was out of the house so that neither of them could get involved and make the situation worse than it already was.

It was still pretty bad though.

Rei stood up again, a determined look on her face under the copious amounts of fear and she stalked to Endeavor. "Enji, don't forget that Shouto is my child too!" She exclaimed, showing more backbone now than Fuyumi had ever seen in the past few years. A foreign emotion rose up into her chest, threatening to burst with its intensity, a mix of pride and fear. Endeavor hated disobedience. It didn't matter where it came from, their father hated being challenged almost as much as he hated being Number Two.

Rei stopped in front of Endeavor, pointing her finger at him as anger colored her cheekbones a dusty red color. "And I will not allow you to t—"

Everything else happened so fast, Fuyumi was left reeling in the aftermath. All she saw was their father raising his large palm and before she knew it, her mother was on the ground again, this time nursing a quickly purpling face. Rei let out a wounded yelp as she crashed to the ground, unable to stop the freight train that was Todoroki Enji when he was determined.

"Mommy!" Shouto cried, his voice rising in pitch as he watched their mother get so cruelly handled.

Having seen enough, her feet moved of their own accord, down the foyer and rushing over to their mother's side as she cradled her rapidly bruising cheekbone in her hands, her quiet sobs wracking her body. Fuyumi's cold hands held their mother and she stared up at their father who, like usual, ignored her.

For some reason, that grated on her more than usual.

"Shouto!" he barked, his temper bubbling over. "It is time to begin your tra—"

Before Fuyumi could even think about it, her mouth had formed the word. "No."

Dead silence.

Fuyumi desperately wanted to take the words back into her mouth and stay quiet but the damage was already done. For once, she had her father's full attention on her, his burning gaze directly on her.

"What did you say?" he says, his voice low with warning. Fuyumi noticed dimly that his flaming facial hair had started up in his ire, raising the temperature of the room several degrees. Still, she held her ground in the face of her father, a stubborn set in her jaw.

Todoroki Fuyumi was all of eleven years old, thirty-six kilograms soaking wet, and less than a hundred-forty centimeters tall and she said no to Endeavor. I said no to Father, she realized belatedly, her heart climbing into her throat.

"I, uh, I said no," she repeated shakily, standing up from her mother's side and facing the person that most frequented her nightmares. Shouto glued himself to her side, burying his face into her leg. She gently nudged him behind her and out of their father's line of sight. "Shouto… Shouto is too young to be training with you," she says, forcing strength into her words as she stared their father right in his piercing green eyes. "He deserves to… to be a kid. Not to, uh, be your legacy," she finished awkwardly, her heart racing in her chest because never, has she ever spoke to her father like that.

"Fuyumi, get out of my way," he bites out, nearing the end of his rope. His mustache burned brighter and hotter but Fuyumi paid him no mind.

"No," she says again, planting her feet into the ground solidly. She is made dimly aware of the front door opening by Natsuo's quiet rambling and Touya's quiet footsteps. They both silence themselves in the genkan, but Fuyumi redirects her attention to her father who took a threatening step forward.

"Fuyumi, I will not tell you again," he threatens, getting in her face close enough for the fire on his face to get uncomfortably close to her skin Part of her brain is roaring, screaming at her to do what he says. It would be much, much easier to just move out of the way. But, she can't. Not when she can still feel Shouto trembling against her in fear, his crying muffled against her. No. If she moves out of the way now, she would fail her otouto. She'd never forgive herself.

"No," she repeats evenly, astounded by the strength of her quiet voice. She stares him dead in the eyes in a show of bravery that she never thought herself capable and clenched her teeth, ready for the worst.

She didn't have to wait very long.

Suddenly, Endeavor was moving to hit her across the face like he'd done with mother and Fuyumi didn't think. In her panic and anger, her quirk flared out as she screamed, all of her anguish and panic and fury releasing in one, untrained shot.

Endeavor's vision was filled with white as her quirk, now released from her tight control, climbed up his arms and onto his torso, stopping his movement with its intensity. When she regained control of herself, she was shocked and a little terrified of the scene before her. Their father, the great Endeavor, only second to All Might, was caught in her quirk.

He was frozen.

From his feet on the cracking wood to the top of his neck and everywhere in between, her ice covered him, stopping him from moving the slightest bit, the ice dropping the temperature in the room several degrees.

Endeavor looked furious. "RELEASE ME NOW!" he bellowed, the veins on his forehead standing at attention. Fuyumi thought she had known fear before when she watched her mother become despondent and retreat into herself due to her treatment by their father. She thought she knew fear when Touya kept coming to her with burns upon burns upon burns after his daily 'training sessions' with their father and his skin was peeling and blistering and it was all Fuyumi could do to slather the burn salve onto his scorched limbs and bandage them. She thought she knew fear when she came home today and saw their father's sights set on her baby-brother and she had stepped in to defend her family from the monster who wore the face of her father.

She was wrong.

Panic tore through her and hot tears fell onto her cheeks as she watched her father struggle to get out of the hold of her quirk and she realized He can't burn himself out.

Fuyumi had known that she had a decently powerful quirk. It was from her mother's side, the ice she could produce from her fingertips, and it was enough that Todoroki Enji deemed her a failure and ignored her from the moment it had been discovered. It was… easier to be ignored, she'd supposed. If she wasn't, she would be subject to his training and judging by how badly injured Touya had come to her every other night, it was bad.

Fuyumi knew her quirk was colder and more powerful than her mother's. She just wasn't aware of just how much colder and more powerful it was. She had trapped Endeavor in her quirk, something very, very few people could say and judging by his murderous expression, he wasn't happy.

"FUYUMI RELEASE ME THIS INSTANT!" All of her bravado evaporated as she stared at her handy-work, fear like none she'd ever felt before erupting in the pit of her stomach because I'm not sure I know how to release it.

"Holy shit, 'Yumi," she heard from the entrance to the genkan. Touya looked both impressed and horrified at their father's predicament, his grip on Natsuo's hand slacking a little. He leaned down and whispered something in Natsuo's ear that had the smaller boy running for the stairs before Fuyumi could say anything.

"Fuyumi." The girl in question looked down to their mother whose pale cheekbone was purple with the huge bruise with tear-filled eyes. "Relax from your stomach and exhale," she instructed quietly, with more lucidity than she'd shown in months. Trembling, Fuyumi did as she said, hyperventilating the entire time.

What happens when he gets free? she pondered as she watched her ice melt into nothing as it evaporated. Easy, she realized, feeling Endeavor's burning gaze on her again.

He kills me.

Not wanting to die at the tender age of eleven and a half, Fuyumi did the one thing she could think of.

She ran.

Fuyumi ran out of the living room, back through the foyer, and had wrenched the door open before anyone could register her movements. The shouting was cut off by her slamming the door and taking off down the streets, her breaths shaky from panic and exertion as she sprinted full-force down the streets of Musutafu, dodging concerned pedestrians with keen reflexes as she tried to put as much distance between that man and her as humanly possible so that he didn't kill her.

Fuyumi ran and ran and ran until she couldn't run anymore and she collapsed in the middle of a park near Natsuo's school, devoid of any children, surprisingly. She walked along the grass, the blades tickling her bare feet until she reached a small swing near the west end of the small park and began swinging.

Then, and only then did Fuyumi allow herself to cry.

A keening whine forced its way out of her throat and it was over for her. Great, shuddering sobs wracked her small frame as she cried for her mother, for her brothers, and for herself, her hands gripping the chains holding the swing aloft. Todoroki Fuyumi, the only daughter of the great hero Endeavor, stayed on that swing for a while. Maybe it was a few minutes, maybe it was a few days. Time melded together as she cried herself out on that swing.

It was a long time until she stopped crying, but when she did, she made a promise to herself.

Never again will I allow him to make me feel so small, she decided once dusk had settled over the park and began coloring her world the shades of sunset. I will protect my family, even if that means from Fa— Endeavor, she corrected herself in her mind, scowling. He didn't deserve that title. Not yet at least.

However, the only way to protect them would be to become more powerful and how could she do that with no training? She pursed her lips and narrowed her puffy eyes at her feet as they hovered over the mulch of the playground. Then, it hit her.

What better way could there be to protect her family than to become a hero? The idea caused some of the ache in her heart to go away as she rolled it around in her mind. That way I can train my quirk and my body so I can be strong enough to beat him. Besides, it's not like being a pro-hero wasn't in her blood.

And it was decided.

There, on that swing-set, as the sun set below the horizon, hours after the eleven-year-old girl had frozen her terrifying father with her quirk, Todoroki Fuyumi made a decision that would change the trajectory of both her life and the life of her family.

With that new goal in mind to bolster her courage and give her strength, she peeled herself off of the swingset and made the walk home, crushing the fear that had begun building in her chest down low. There's no space for fear anymore, she thought, squaring her shoulders as she walked barefoot down the rapidly dimming street.

By the time she made it back to the quiet estate, Fuyumi had a rough plan in her head on how exactly she was going to protect her family and that plan started with going to UA in three years.

I have three years to prepare for the UA entrance exam, she thought, her brow furrowing. It's going to be a lot, but I know I can do it.

On that day, Todoroki Fuyumi decided she was going to become a Pro-Hero.

And no one, no one, was going to stop her.

A/N: Yeah, I was tired of the lack of good fics about the Todoroki fam so I thought I'd whip this up. Hopefully y'all liked it, I certainly enjoyed writing it. I tried to write their characters accurately so if they're not spot on, I tried ;-;. This was my first BNHA fanfic so forgive me for any OOC stuff. I wrote this the same day I posted it so forgive any spelling mistakes. Let me know if you guys want me to keep going with the Hoarfrost universe. Alright, thanks for reading!