Heya! It's your favorite crazy-ass writer at it again with another chapter of another Loppuny fic! Aaaand my laptop crashed when i was jotting half of this down, WOOOHOO! Anyways, i was mentioning how the folks on FanFic were getting this seemingly faster, cuz upon upload, this chapter on there broke over 100 views (everyone on here, gud work ^uo). Basically shit no one wants to hear. At any rate, i was also talking about my shit life trying to be even more screwed by these two fags that made me an emotional wreck on Sunday, which was anything but a good day. Im gonna have tons of work ahead of me since this other thing i do took me years to make, while this stuff on here is downtime shit. Last thing i left out was, which you can see me talk about in the Conversation tab's post (on Wattpad), how it really affected me to where this chapter could've been up by Monday, but shit even though my Sunday at work was Hell-on-Earth, i could've squeezed this chapter out for yall since i was that close to being finished with it at the time.

Now then, finally a bit about this chapter! Seeing how this is a Fighting Type Gym, the outcome of it was only fair for now and yall may find it surprising how it's Gym Leader ends up here, even more so after that. i found it rather boggling how TMs were portrayed in the Pokemon series, so i did something about it for this Region that's alot more practical to grasp, which Team Zenith takes huge advantage of as the story goes on and you'll see it here too, so that should be fascinating. There's tons of action and dialogue for this chapter too, especially towards the end, where i thought of putting in a sex scene but for one, that'll make this chapter even longer, two, i decided to make it focus on Vreyian's side of things, which im figuring everyone should really like since most folks seem real interested in his side of things. Yknow, him being THE antagonist and all, and how he drives alot of the story, well-eclipsing Josh's role honestly lol. You'll see how Josh is really important anyway, at least in Vrey's eyes (which is still very big). I ended up really liking the part with Nurse Joy too and believe that was real funny, so hope yall think the same. Oh and one last thing, i decided on the names of the towns and how Routes work, so we'll end up having 17 towns (18 if you count the Pokemon League building) and we're at the 4th town...So there's your scale of the story there! Of course, it's up to me to all make that entertaining (dont worry about that part). All that said, dont really have it in me to do the intro, so dine in on them words and

Enjoy oo

Chapter 4: Battling Terrantio's Team, and Zenith Kidnapped Nurse Joy?!

It was a very still night, especially for the Mienshao, who watched as his Master was dying before his eyes. He could tell he tries all he could to preserve his fleeting life-force, but knows it's only a matter of time. "*turns away* (I..I cant look! If only I wasnt asleep...If only!)" the Mienshao thought. His regretful pre-meditations proceeding throughout the night, tears coming down his face. As the night fell further, the morning then came about, edging into Noon. Waking up with Macey in front of him, Josh and her exchanged a brief gave. They both wanted to check on Tiff down below, hoping her sight has returned to her by now. Once they've made it down the steps below, the two were met with Cypress, who manned the Recovery Machine. "Is..Is she fine now?" asked Josh, "Only...One way to find out" Cypress replied, picking up the ball that Tiff was in. He gave it to Josh, who tossed out the Pokeball, and his Loppuny shoots out of it, landing on the ground. "Ti...Tiff..? *sees her turn around and that her eyes are back to normal* Tiff! They're back now! You can see! ^o^" Josh shouts in glee, running up to him, hugging and kissing him on the lips. "Im so happ to sees you again, Jush! ^x^" she said to him, smiling with Macey joining in on their hugging session. Hearing happiness happening down below, Mienshao couldnt help but coming down to the group as well. "*walks up to them*...Mien..Mienshao..[You all seem..Cheerful..]" lowly said the Mienshao, "*looks back* Punny punny. Lop? [Well yeah, I can see again. Something the matter?]" Tiffany asks of him, "Mien mien..Miensh...Shao...[Something is..Indeed the matter..My Master...The Gym Leader...He's dying...As we speak..]" Mienshao informs, "P-punny?! [He is?!]" surprisingly exclaimed Tiff, "*sees Josh look in confusion* J-jush...The Ledder..He it a dyseing...He.." Macey tries to clarify, "! How the hell?!" Josh reacts, running back up the stairs, ahead of everyone without hesitation.

By the time he got to where the Gym Leader's room, he sees him on the ground, with a Machoke sitting in front of him. "*turns around* You must be the challenger..Im sorry to say this but..Master...*looks at the Gym Badge in one hand, then looks down* He's dead.." lowly said the Machoke. Josh then drops to his knees, not believing what he just heard. "Just...What're we gonna do now?! He's the Gym Leader! He's...!" Josh tries to say, "For meantime...It's my turn. *seees Josh look up, stands* Terrantio..He was a great Gym Leader..Honorable in every way...Now..*ties the black belt of Pokeballs around waist* Im going to inherit his will!" the Machoke declares, surprising Josh. Tiff and Macey make it to seeing Machoke stand there proudly, a bit confused. "J-jus, what going ons?" Tiff asked, "...You two are just in time. You're looking at the Gym Leader. And we're gonna battle him and his team now" Josh said, Mienshao lately entering the scene. "(I think we're all bogged down about what happened...We could honor him like this..) Just send out the first two..I'll let you carry him away.." Josh says, "Rai. Over here. *sees Mienshao step in front, tosses out a Pokeball* (He'd be the first Master would send out too..) *sees Medicham come out of it* Do your best, Hara" said the Machoke, picking up his Master's body and stepping out of the room with him. "(Today's already pretty crazy. Now these two look ready. So should we)" Josh thought to himself, mentally prepping himself.

Rai charges up his Aura Sphere in one hand, ready to throw it at any moment. "Imma need you to bat that away for Macey, Tiff. I dont think it'll miss" Josh tells his Loppuny, anticipating how the attack is gonna be. Once the Mienshao throws it, Tiff kicks the sphere through the ceiling but her leg received a sizable bruise. "(Wasnt it that other Ranger that said my team is at a type disadvantage...What should I do then?) J-just go it, Macey" Josh orders, with Macey running forward at the Mienshao. He senses her nervousness that she was hiding, and dodges her kick with his back bending backwards slightly, giving her a Reversal by speeding behind her and throwing her at Josh after he wraps his arms around her, but Tiff catches her. "Let her gather herself, and you try something too, Tiff" Josh ordered, having the dazed Macey be put down by her sister before she dashed to her opponent. "(It'll just be the same as-)" Thought Rai, "*sees her get really close him* Bounce, now!" Josh suddenly commands, surprising Rai she went up into the air on him. Seeing that she was also trying to accelerate her drop, the Mienshao jumped into the air himself, waiting to counter her. "(Dammit, his reflexes are incredible if he can counter Bounce too!) *looks over to the Medicham* (She's...Just Meditating!) Tiff, redirect to that Medicham!" Josh quickly ordered her. Doing as told, Tiff aims herself down at the Hara, surprising Miensho for a moment. Tiff is a second away from landing on her, but is thrown away from the Medicham due to an unseen force, making her slide on her back. "Huh?! What could've done that?!" reacted Josh, "She's a Fighting type...And a Psychic type, so dont forget" informed the Mienshao. This puzzles Josh, making him really wonder what to do. "(That ranger really wasnt joking about us being at a disadvantage. We cant just brute force our way to win. This may be rougher than even the previous Gym Leader battle) Tiff, are you ok?" asked Josh, "Y-yesh..It dint hurts much.." Tiff answered, standing back up, "(There's really something up with that Medicham then..She hasn't moved an inch, yet her Psychic attack doesnt hit hard..I guess one person at a time) Tiff, Agility! *sees Macey get up too* You too! Agility!" Josh commanded, as the two quickly rushed down the Mienshao at higher speeds than before. While he kicked Tiff away in time, Macey dodged under his other kick and hits him with a Dizzy Punch up his chin, though he knees her to the ground in exchange. A bit rocked from the move, Tiff Tackles him into the wall, "Lopunny lop? Punny punny? [Where's your fight at? How're you having an easier time with my sis?]" she asked him, "Mien Mienshao..Mien mien.. [Her nervousness...It opens her up often..And with my trainings from Master, she's that much more easier for me to gauge.]" he explained to her, making Tiff lowbrow Macey. Mienshao ran forward at Macey, only to get kicked into the Medicham from a Quick Attack, who flung him away with a Confusion attack, breaking his back, and land on it in agony. "*hears him grunting in pain, looks at him* Rai, you're holding back..Im sorry I did that, but this is what happens when they dont go down as planned" said the Medicham before Rai goes into unconsciousness. "(We dont seem that we're able to get a hit on her physically. On that belt of his earlier, he had six balls on him, so it's a bad idea to keep up the charge when only one of them are down...If we shouldn't attack physically...Hm!) Hey Tiff, tell her this" Josh whispers to her, making her blush more and more with what she was being told to do. Clearing her throat and supressing her embarrassing feelings, she walks forward. "(Im hearing footsteps..Very light ones. If he thinks it's going to throw me off, he's wrong.) *feels her presence being felt from behind* (W-what's she doing? It's very unsettling -m-)" the Medicham thought, "Punny punny pun..Lopun lopun lop punny.. [Me and Master have..Done alot of naughty things together..Even in my Buneary form..]" Tiff was telling her, "(N-no, I will not lose focus! If she does anything after getting me off guard, I'll use another Confusion)" Hara tries to think to herself, "Pun punny pun...Lopunny Lo..Punny...[We were in the bath once, and I felt him get hard for me...Later that night I used my feet on his dick, and was thumping on him...Also..Me and Sis did him at the same time..]" Tiff was telling her, sounding more and more sexual in tone, getting close enough to press her tits on her back, "Medi..C-cham? [You..Did him with your sister..?]" she questions, "Yesh..P-punny punny lo..Lopunny pun..[A-and he was enjoying our plump bodies as we were sucking on his privates down there..It was sooo good..Also..] *sees her looking back as fingers slide up her neck and rubs her big, soft lips* Pun punny~ [Im getting bi from just looking at you~] ^/^" Tiff told her, making the Medicham blush intensely and look down, steam visibly ascending from her head. "*sees her red pants get a wee bit darker* (I...I think you did too well, Tiff) Uh, n-now, Macey!" Josh commanded, making her speed to the Medicham. Once the Medicham heard this, she snaps out of her sexual high, but was drill kicked in the stomach and slams into the wall. "What did you..Even tell her, Tiff?" he asked, "*giggles* Laters, Joshy ;3" she replied, "Anyway, she's on the ropes, you two. Go!" Josh orders them, "*gets up, sees them get close* C-cham! [Confusion!]" said Hara, pushing them away but they quickly regain their footing, "! (That's it! Her mind is so off to where that psychic move is very weak! I bet that meditating was making it stronger too!)" Josh was figuring out, with Tiff and Macey landing many kicks at speeds that were outpacing the Medicham's, finishing her with a double ear-punch to the face, causing her to collapse. However she does one last Confusion to get them away from her as she struggles to stand, her whole body is battered. Josh was about to issue one more order but heard "CHOOOOKE!", making everyone else stop and look at him as he stepped in. Hardly feeling relieved, the Medicham was disappointed in herself for having him come back to see that his team is losing. The Machoke walks behind his team, giving Josh and his team a serious stare. "(This Machoke...Everything may as well get even harder with him catching any sneaky tactics. Possibly even faster than an ordinary Trainer, since Pokespeech seems to be registering faster than Human tongue)" Josh was thinking.

"Choke, Machoke! [Stand up, Hara!] (I'll save Benny for later, so for now) *Returns Rai back in his ball and sends out another one* Maaachoke! [Go, Garu]" he called out, sending out a Hitmontop, who immediately went to balancing on his head. "(I just know he'll be weird to fight) Tiff, you first!" he told her. Tiff went to Garu, exchanging kicks with him, making him spinning faster and faster, mixing her up by giving her stomach thrust, pushing her away to her back, then Hara followed up by pressuring her down with Confusion, cracking the floor below her as she grunts. "J-jush, we needed a teamworking like theem to won" Macey suggests, "(Tch, two is definitely better than one, but I need to piece everything together for each fight..Together! I got it!) Macey, Agility and kick from the left!" he quickly ordered, and she did as told, darting to him with much lighter feet, trading a few kicks before kicking his body to the left of him. The force spun him way faster, but was direct enough to slam him into the Medicham, flailing her into the air and crashing her into a wall. "Choke! [Return!] *returns Hara, picks a ball* (He should do better with Garu) Win for us, Bisuke" Machoke said, sending out a Heracross, taking a Sumo stance. "Punny punny p-punny! [Not a bug, not a bug, s-someone else please!]" Macey said in panic while covering her face, "Not now, Macey! We're battling here!" Josh tells her, "Machoooke! [Bullet Seed 'em!]" he ordered, "Cross cross!" Bisuke replied, shooting them with many pellets from his horn, which Tiff kicks away with her legs but gets chipped in a few spots. Frustrated, she goes for the attack and ends up clinching hands with the Heracross, who didnt budge an inch then chops down at her back with a Brick Break, then she retaliates with an ear-punch that pushes him back. "*coughs* P-punnyyy...! [I-it's like..Hitting an iron wall...!]" she said before getting spun to the side by Garu, "(Dammit we're gonna lose if we can barely do damage!) Macey, try Return!" ordered Josh, "*dashes forward with hands together* Errrghh...! *gives Bisuke multiple flurries of punches with ears, eyes squinted* Pun pun pun pun puuuun! [Gross gross gross grooooooosss!]" shouted Macey, her many attacks pushing him into the rocky wall, kicking up tons of dirt, shaking the ground. Garu stares in awe of the immense power that she had before she jumped back, a bit exhausted. The cloud from the many blows settled and Bisuke was still standing with only several bruises done to him. "(What the hell?! He's still up after taking a Return attack!) Tiff, get up and toss the Hitmontop at that Heracross!" Josh ordered, "*sees Tiff fake him out with a kick, then slide past him, grabbing his body and throwing him at Bisuke* (There's a reason why I had these two together at the same time) *watches the surprise on Josh's face when he sees that Bisuke holds Garu on his horn as he still spins* (And it's just for this!) Machoke! [Bullet Seed again!]" Machoke orders, Bisuke then showers both of them with tons of seeds, which they guard against but it eventually causes both of them to collapse. "Tiffany! Macey! (A-are we really gonna lose?! They cant just hit him off of the horn since either the Heracross or Hitmontop will slap 'em away. Think, Josh! Think!)" Josh ponders hard to himself. Machoke sees his desperation as Josh is on his knees. "Do you give up, challenger? *sees him not respond* Are you at your wit's end, or are you not?!" the Machoke shouted, "(We came this far...As long as they can still fight..!) Girls, can you two still fight?!" he asks them, "*struggles to stand with her sis* J-j-jiosh..What does we do?" Tiff asks. Still having a hard time figuring anything out, Machoke was going to give out his final command. "Both of you, slam the ground as hard as you guys can!" he tells them, and they did so, swinging their ears on the ground hard enough to make everyone jump and fall on their asses. The move almost ironically made the Hitmontop get dizzy, which Tiffany took the opportunity to grab him again with her ears and jump in the air with her strong legs, then slams the top of his head into the Heracross, who couldnt get up from being on his back, aiming for his eye, which she was able to accurately do, causing him to squirm about on his back. "Now go for the eyes and dont stop!" he ordered her some more, giving him a ton of fast ear strikes in his pupils while using Agility again. He guards with his arms, but she uses her ears to pry them apart, and the moment she did, Tiff stomped down into his head multiple times til his face was bloodied and bruised. Not the...Most pleasant way to go, but do what you gotta do, I guess. She hears the Hitmontop try to get up and slams his face into the wall after grabbing him, making him faint like this.

Tiff falls almost at the same time as Garu did, but got back up, her legs and arms still having seeds dug into her skin with Macey. "Good job, Tiff! Now all there is left is this Machoke. I know we got through that by the skin of our teeth, but dig deep to take him on!" Josh tries to encourage, "*looks at belt* But you forget...*Returns both of the Pokemon to their balls, sees Josh stare in surprise* You're doing a battle that includes six Pokemon. You defeated only four, which is very admirable, but after this...(Finally, your turn, Benny) It's over" the Machoke said, tossing out the last Pokeball, and they hear a sudden thud. Raising up, towering over the sisters, his large shadow becomes apparent, from none other than a tall panda Pokemon. "Is..O O Is that a Pangoro?" I reacted, "Gooooorooo...!" he growled, "This is where the match stops here. You're only wasting our time if you keep going. What's even worse. *pats his stomach* He's never lost a battle" the Machoke unveiled to us, making all of our hearts sink...Yeah, I would be very scared and run after hearing this. Josh, let's be smart here and- "M-maybe, Di-di-" Josh tries to say, "I'LL KILL THEM...!" the Pangoro howls, "(He- He can speak Human words?)" Machoke thought in surprise, "*sees Josh shaking while gripping his fists* J-joush...Pweeeashh..*gets his attention, is grabbed by the ears by the Pangoro, who winds up* S-stop! Sop the fighting!" Macey pled out loud while crying, "I give! *hears bones crack and a ton of momentum, but sees the Pangoro not even make contact with his punch, cries* ...Put her down..*the Pangoro drops her to the ground* (He's...Too strong..Way too strong...) Girls..Some other time.." Josh lowly says with a tear drop to the ground and returns the two of them to their Pokeballs. Afterwards, he drops to his knees. "Come back when your team's stronger. *sees him still not move* Are you gonna go heal them? *walks up to him, seeing him not react* Hmph. Learn how to accept defeat, Trainer" he says to him and walks down the stairs behind Josh.. He felt very dumb for not taking his opponent's heed, yet he really wished he could've won that battle against the two of them. Tsk tsk, young Trainer, sometimes you just cant win everything with two Pokemon. Maybe if you had two Legendaries, but still.

Half an hour passes by and the Machoke gives him a sandwich, then he took it as he went downstairs. Within a minute he got his Pokemon healed, sat there in a chair. He took out his phone, and dialed you-know-who's number.

"What'd you come crying to Vrey about now?"

"I...I just need to talk to him."

"Vrey, it's him again."

"*is given the phone* What is it?"

"I need help..."

"You sound very depressed. Then you come to me after knowing the things you know about me?"

"That's not important...Is there a way you can help me with this Gym? Im stuck on a Pokemon..I was going to get to the Gym Leader himself."

"What now?"

"The Gym Leader got killed...Now his Machoke is the new Leader."

"(They're resorting to killing Gym Leaders now..) I was hoping you'd need one much later, seems like competition is quickly steepening."

"Give me the advice, dammit!"

"Relax little man. You'll have to find these: a Mega Stone and a Key Stone. This way, you can make one of your Loppuny go into their Mega form."

"Mega form? This'll make them way stronger?"

"Of course you need to make sure they're trained up throughout all this. Key Stones can be bought these days, but Mega Stones, not so much. Some Pokemon just have 'em."

"I need two then..."

"I understand you but dont go depending on these supplementary things. Training should still and always be the focus. Look at Void."

"...Is that all you're going to tell me then?"

"Vrey, a lady shouldn't be kept waiting on what she wants. You know what Im asking about."

"*looks at her* Kid, there's still trouble in your area. Wipe it out for me. Whether you win or lose this Gym again, wait there tomorrow. I have someone who can help you to further your training."


"Im sure your team is still powerful. Though, alot of the time, the Trainer makes the team."

"Why're you so fixated on me?"

"What made you think that?"

"All this talk...You give everyone else so few words..But when it comes to me, that mouth of your's just runs."

"Hmph...Im figuring something out."

"Like what?"

"Whether I really should kill you or not."

"K-k-k...Kill me...?"

"Your Father...He tore a hole in me..It's becoming more and more like a black hole. Chances are, I wont stop with you. *looks at Void* Same goes for Void."

"(Vrey..What did you mean?)"

"...Are...Are you telling me you're thinking about killing everyone?" Josh lastly asked, but all he heard was a long beep, signifying that he hung up. Brrr, that gave me chills too -m-. As you'd figure, his heart was beating fast, and was moments from hyperventilating. "*throws out the sisters from their balls* H-hey girls" he said to them lowly, "You looking a nervous, what matters?" asked Tiffany, "Vreyian...I talked to him..While he's gonna help me more for a bit..It didnt end well" Josh told both of them, "Screw tat Vrey-guy! I wanna beats the shit outta Void too!" she shouts, "Heheh, t-that's the spirit. (Nice that Tiff is still Tiff.) He told us our training starts with these guys here. These Zeni..Zenilth? Whatever they're called, we're gonna beat 'em and drive 'em out by force" Josh declares, "*walks up to them* If you need any help, we'll be flying around, but jus know there's alot of them" Agent J says, "That's the point, right girls?" Josh replies with a smile, and they nod in agreement.

The three found themselves sliding to the side of a building, seeing a bunch of Zenith members, having out a Toxtricity, Scolipede, Seviper and a Drapion. "Quick you two, use Agility!" Josh orders them, and they go ahead and shift their feet in place before darting at the four Pokemon. "Seviper, Poison Gasss" said on of the members, and the Seviper puts up a cloud of toxins in front of them. This proves faulty when Tiff and Macey blast through the cloud with their speed alone, kicking down the Seviper and stomping him out on the ground. "Drapion, Poison Stiiiing" said a creepy member, and the mon shoots several pins into the twins. In a flash, Tiff does an upward kick on the Drapion, launching him into the air, while Macey does a Dizzy Punch on the Toxtricity but it was blocked by the Scolipede's tough body, intercepting the hit. "*sees him slide under the Scoledpe* Thunderbolt, Toxcitricityyy!" said another member, static shooting Macey down from his Pokemon's strong bolts, "Acid Spraaaay!" he ordered some more, making him shoot acids from his mouth, getting some on Macey as she was shielding herself, but burns her nonetheless! "(Shoot, they're even working as a team!) *sees him take out a ball but it has two cards stuck in them* (Wait, that Pokeball is way different than any I've seen...Oh!) Tiff! Take out that member that's going for his Pokeball!" Josh orders with a bit of quick wit, while Tiff was ready to jump up to the Drapion that was still airborne but redirects her legs to the member, then was stopped by the Scolepede, as Josh then notices that she had three poison pins on her from earlier. Seeing her bounce off of it's shell, the Scolepede opens it's mouth for a Bug Bite, but with the last bit of Agility, Tiff swings from it's neck and lands a spinning kick on the Zenith guy, making the ball fly out of his hand. Though he was able to press the button, the ball releases a Bellsprout. "(Why a weak Pokemon like this? What's the plan here?)" thought Josh, "Scolepede, toss the Bellsprout upwardsss" said a separate member, and his Pokemon did so, throwing the little mon skyward, "Drapion, Sludge Bomb!" shouted another Zenith goon as his Pokemon grabbed the Bellsprout. Ignoring the smaller Pokemon, Tiff was able to interrupt the Drapion with a kick to the body then throat after a strong jump, "(Perfeeeect) Bellsprout, Sludge Bomb" said an opposition, "(Wait, it knows Sludge Bomb too?!)" Josh reacts in his head, seeing his Loppuny get shot down in an explosion of poisons. Once she landed, Tiff was cough profusely. Distracted, the Toxtricity found himself being beaten into the ground with a flurry of ear-punches with her using Return, knocking him out. "(Good job, Mace but your sis is poisoned real bad right now and we have a hard Scolepede on our hands.) Go for another on of these creeps, Tiff! *sees her leap at one of them, the Scolepede intercepts again, but she uses it's body to Bounce off from it, hitting her head into one of the other members, with her returning to her coughing on the ground afterwards* Good thinking! (They gotta work around this thing before more show up!) Cover for her, Macey!" commanded Josh, "P-punny! [R-right!]" replied Macey, running in front of the bug Pokemon and jumping over it to it's surprise, then landed on the third member's head, knocking him out as she rolls along the ground. "*remembers what the Toxtricity did* ! Macey, go under that Scolepede and Tiff, go for the neck!" Josh then ordered some more, trying to be on a roll, with Macey sliding under it, lifting it with ease with her legs, and Tiff does a flying kick right in it's neck, following it up even more by stomping on it hard enough to knock it out, then rolls off of it, coughing on more on her knees. "Poison Bomb" everyone heard, then Tiff's older sis grabs her out of the way of it, landing her to the side. "*sees her try to go for a kick on the small Pokemon but it dodges effortlessly as she dodges Sludge Bombs* Grab it with your ear and Dizzy Punch!" Josh shouts, hearing footsteps from ahead, and she does as told, snatching him up with an ear then Dizzy Punches him across his head with the other ear, knocking him out cold. Relieved briefly, Josh sees more crazed goons coming at him and the team, "*sees Tiff wheezing* (We gotta return to the HQ, but real quick..) *rushes to the downed Zenith people* ! (What the hell's this?) *looks at their Pokeballs, a few being red, and another that wasnt lighting up, all were black had cards in them* (This could mean multiple things. Best to take a glowing one and a none-glowing one..) Macey, take us back to the Rangers" Josh told her, and she grabs 'em with her ears, quickly hopping them back at the Composite Gym.

He already had his twins in their balls and at the Recover Machine while he was talking to the Ranger dudes. The machine itself got damaged by a Zenith guy that snuck in so healing them will take significantly more time.

"Say..We heard what happened up there earlier..You'll- You'll do it this time."

"Yeah...*shows them both black balls* I got this off of them. They look familiar?"

"*takes one* Wow, good eye. We actually never noticed these before."

"We'll go ahead and run them through the PC. To see if they have Pokemon in them or not."

"And while you're at it, do you all have any Antidotes or other things to heal with? They seem to have alot of Poison Types."

"We're very low on those, so the next time you go out, make it your last. *takes the black balls to the PC*"

"Do you think you can aid him with a back-up, Cy?"

"M-me? I-I dunno...T-take J with you for that."

"Yeah, you and J can really take on some Zeniths! The fact that your Lopunnys are strong enough to take out any is just what we need."

"*sees that the machine stopped making noises, walks to it, takes both balls from it* These two sure did need a confidence boost..Even me.."

"*comes back with the black balls* This is big, everyone."

"Big? Really?"

"These balls...They're so effective, it's scary."

"Go on, what'd you find out?"

"First of all, the one that's glowing has a Pokemon in it..Second..Look! *takes out the slid in card, shows everyone* There's a move on it!"

"TM49?! Wait, what's that doing in a ball?!"

"! (There's no damn way!) They're TM Balls!"

"*GASP* Then those are TM Cards!"

"No wonder that Bellsprout learned such a strong move like Poison Bomb so early in it's evolution! They can switch in moves left and right in a battle! These are nothing but some damn cheaters!"

"J-josh is right. What're we gonna do to fight that? They could a bunch of strong moves like Poison Bomb, or worse! ono "

"Let's not worry too much, Cypress. Pokemon cant learn every move you teach it."

"You may have a point, J. Though I dunno...They may have the technology for that now."

"Either way, this is a thing they're trying to use to get ahead, and we have more reason to stop them" said another Ranger. Something else was confusing Josh, or rather, something felt amiss for an area like this. Oooooo. "Did...Isnt there supposed to be a Nurse Joy? Where's she at?" Josh questions, "About that...Three days ago..She was kidnapped by them" answered Agent J, "K-kidnapped?! Sounds like a rescue to me!" he responds, "She's been at their HQ that's stationed here. Things..Just haven't been the same without her. We dont know what they'd want with her, but it cant be good" he lets him know, "Dont worry, me and the twins will get her back in no time. Just need some outside help before we head in" he says and assures to him. He walks out of the building and sees two fellons from Zenith who were hot on Josh's trailer earlier, "Now, Arb- *head gets hit by two of Josh's Pokeballs, which bounced off* Gyah!" one of them grunts falling to the ground, knocked out. "(Most of 'em seem frail..I know what we gotta do then.) *catches the balls and sends out Tiff and Macey as they appear in front* Take out the trainers first, then deal with their Pokemon afterwards, got it?" Josh plots to them, who nodded to him. "*sees Tiff shifting her feet for Agility, sends out Skunktank and he appears in front* Skunktank, Shadow Claaaw!" he ordered him as he ran at Tiff with claws that emitted purple claws, however she was fast enough to duck under it, "*sees that Macey was right in behind of her* Flamethrowerrr!" said the creepy opponent, "Lopun?! [Flamethrower?!]" reacted Macey as she was in front of the wave of fire. Josh snags her out of the way fast enough, only getting his sleeve burned, "Punny..! [Damn you...!]" said Tiff, giving the Skunktank a rising kick in his stomach, making him cough up blood and stomps his head into the ground before backing away. "Quick, use Dizzy Punch, Macey!" Josh told her, and as he was raising his head out of the dirt, Macey gives him a Dizzy Punch with her muscular ear, making him spin in place before rolling on the ground, defeated. " 'Take out the trainers first'. *looks at the Zenith member take out a ball then socks him in the face before he could throw* Go down!" Tiff shouted, knocking him out too. Continuing their rush through the pit of the town, they see J in the sky with his Umbreon, riding on his Fearow as he shoots down any upcoming members with a few Tri-Attacks, "*looks up* Thanks J, keep it up and I'll be up there in no time!" shouted Josh, then was stopped a member's five Sevipers, "Echoed Voice, Fearow!" said J, and his big Fear went ahead and swooped down, blasting them with a series of loud screeches that got stronger over time, taking out the member a really weakened the Sevipers as they squirmed about. "(Right where I need 'em!) Take all of them out with Quick Attack, Tiff!" Josh commands, "Lopun! [Got it!]" Tiff responds, tackling all of them down one after another at blinding speeds as Josh runs through the flying Sevipers with Macey.

A big building was in sight a minute into running with a large, rusted Z that ran down the front of it. "That should be their base, girls! Let's head in" Josh said, but was stopped by a dozen Scolipedes from a few members, "Ugh! Is there an end to you guys? There's just too many!" Josh complained. Now this would be where it'd take a few pages to explain how they'd beat 'em, but here look, this happens. From the side, a massive wave of flames, brushing the crowd of Pokemon to a building in that direction, following an explosion as the bump into the wall of the building, effectively killing them. "...W-wha...What was that..?" asked Josh, "*giggles* Maybe I overdid it just weeee bit there" said the Pokemon that casted the attack, "Who...*looks to the side, seeing a Salazzle* W-who're you?!" Josh asked, "Vrey sent me here to aid with your training, but I came here way sooner than I expected and it looked like you were in a pickle. *sees a Tri-Attack coming, blows it away with a Flamethrower, exploding it in the air* Tell your friend to ease up on me later. Go on in" she told him to do, and he goes inside after a pause.

Inside, lays a several unaware Zenith cronies, hobbling along the floors. "*sees some of them up ahead the hallway, notices the lights blinking on and off periodically* Know what Im thinking, girls?" Josh asked them and Tiff nods with a smile, having Macey following her lead. Josh followed her lead too as, one after another, Tiff was chopping down on their heads conspicuously when the lights go out. "*sees the black Pokeballs on the KO'd goons, remembers how the first two were dealt with earlier* (Hmm, never knew I could pitch a mean ball. Wouldn't hurt if I kept more)" Josh internalized, deciding to pocket a total of four black balls. Second-to-last floor, Josh suddenly sees some items being tossed in front of him from a window: Three Antidotes and two Super Potion drinks; When he got up to them, he sees J on his Fearow flying away from the building as his Loppunys pick them up. Our gang managed to get to the top, fifth floor of the building without getting drawn out by battle after battle. Tiff busts down a door to a big room, giving Josh a good view of a guy in the middle of a circle consisting of some lit candles. The person himself having a Marowak's skull on his head as he turns around, his tattered drape sways as it covers his body.

"*gulps* (This..This guy gives me the creeps. Why's it that I attract all these nutcases?) G-got a name there?"

"Crowry...Crowry Howl.."

"(His name doesnt..Help either..) What's the big idea here? The only people I see in this town are either your gang or the Rangers. Your their leader...Aren't you?"


"Leave? Why should I?"

"We shouldn't fight...Zenith is the only way.."

"What's with this whole team?! They're trying to kill off Trainers, and now Gym Leaders?!"



"You must've heard of it. 'Survival of the Fittest'. Zenith weeds out the weak. Anyone who bests us lives another day.."

"And..And those who lose?"

"Simple...They dont survive."

"*sees the twins hold each other* Why go that far?! There's no reason for all of that!"

"As long as one breathes, eats, is living..And most important, serve.."

"Serve who?"

"Who else? The Elite Four and The Champion. They are the Alpha to all Pokemon."

"What's that make us Trainers then?"

"Worthless. If you cant survive, you're without strength.."

"*looks at the twins* I got this far with their help..If all you understand is strength, then Im gonna have to beat you!"

"Then you want to survive...*throws out a Toxapex, Scolipede, a Garbodor, having them appear in front* Then prove your worth, or toil, worm! "

"(Shit, so he's using three at the same time?! I may have to have her use it here..)" Josh thinks to himself, totally not looking forward to this battle. He recognizes that tackling each is gonna get tricky real fast. Toxapex with it's thorny body, then Scolipede and Garbodor having thick exteriors. On top of that, they're Poison types and he doesnt have that much Antidote on him. Will he be able to beat all three? Find out next time! "(Three Pokemons, three Antidotes...) Since it's three on two, girls, one of you will have to pull their weight more than the other, and may have to Rotate" Josh whispers and plots to them, the most uncertained one being Macey, who was having some weak knees. "Toxapex. Garbodor. Stockpilllee" he creepily said, making Garbodor increase it's stomach in size and Toxapex's legs (the pedal-looking things with spikes) swell up. "(Are they...Trying to get bigger?) *sees them still expanding bulbously* (No, they're just getting denser! The hell do I do about that? And a Scolipede was enough trouble as it was earlier.) Tiff, try Bounce on that Scolipede!" Josh told her, and Tiff jumps high into the air, "Pin Missilllee" we heard, and his Scolipede shoots Josh in his legs and in an arm with pins, "Lopun! [Josh no!]" reacted Macey, rushing over to him as he drops on one knee while covering an arm. "(Dammit..! He's even attacking me, well two can play that game!) Macey, you have to think on your feet too! You cant always stand there, looking scared. *sees her lament to herself* Just keep close to me til I say so" Josh says to her, having her stand in front of him. Tiff gains alot of momentum from her high drop and scores a hit on the Scolipede, despite it trying to move out of the way, effectively breaking it's back while staggering. "Iron Taiiil" Crowry ordered his Scolipede, and had enough strength to jump up then do a fronflip as it hardened it's two now-glowing tails together, then as was still bouncing off, slammed Tiffany into the ground with the force of most of it's body, making a crater below her as it lands on it's back, struggling to get up. "*sees Tiff's head bleeding from the top of it as she struggles to get back up herself* TIFF! (Wh-what the hell was that?!)" Josh reacted, "S-sish!" Macey also reacted, covering her mouth, "*coughs blood, body jitters while getting up* L-lo..punn..! [Dam..mit...!] (Did this Scolipede practice his Iron Tail alot? It hurts like hell..H-his whole body's weight transferred to his tail..But I broke his back, I know I did!)" Tiff thinks to herself, getting real wheezy. "! (That move must've messed up her lungs!) Tiff, Agility to me! *Tiff zips to me but falls over from a trip, catching her breath* Macey. Use Return on that Garbodor" Josh orders, "L-lopun! " she agreed, and was shooting flurries of ear-punches, making them contact the Garbodor as hard as she could, but after a few landed, she was feeling sprains in her ear and was already whimpering while stepping a away, petting her fluffy appendages. "WHAT?! There's no way they can be that hard already!" Josh reacted, "*knocks a knuckle on Garbodor, and it sounds like dense concrete* His trashy body hardens well enough to feel like a Rock type..You need more than just muscle for this" Crowry says, "Macey, dont let up! (Damn! It's like this is my worst match-ups aside from the Scolipede! When it comes to walls, that's where Tiff and Macey dont do well.) Tiff! Can you stand up? *sees her get up, then fall back on her side. Helps her back up and give her a sip of Super Potion* Your turn now, Tiff, cmon!" Josh said, "Both of you, Swallow" the leader said, and both of his Pokemons Swallow their stored energies and sighed in relief. "*looks at them* So they look relaxed..Then they've healed up! (It looks like attacking them while they Stockpile isnt a good move. Then this is when we gotta bring the beatdown!) Drrrg, I need you to go crazy with Jump Kicks, Tiff! *sees her getting her Agility ready* And Macey, do some Dizzy Punches on that Garbodor with her too!" Josh issued to them. The twins mustered up as much courage as possible, and Tiff rained down several Jump Kicks on Garbodor, with correlating by Macey landing Dizzy Punches to really bang up the big garbage mon, who's garbage was getting all over the place in no time as the girls were beating him down. Upset to witness this, Toxapex was cutting into Tiff's back with Cross Poison when she landed, and Scolipede was mid-air, throwing rocks down at Macey with Rock Tomb as she was trying to attack his partner, "Ignore their attacks, girls! You gotta take one down right now!" Josh ordered them, "LOPUUUUUN!" the two shouted as the weakened Garbodor threw a wad of himself at them with Gunk Shot, which fortunately missed as they landed a Jump Kick together, busting the Garbodor through the window behind Crowry as they roll on the ground, leaving a few trails of blood as their bodies are very bruised. "(They took out Garbodor..I thought he'd last the longest...No matter.) Scolipede, they're weakened themselves..Finish 'em with Megahorn" commanded Crowry, "(He knows Megahorn?! Oh no!) Get outta the way you two!" Josh warns them as they hear a ton of loud galloping as the Scolipede charges at them furiously while they try to get back up. His galloping accelerates as the two roll out of the way, being blown away by the great force he carried. The Scolipede redirects and charges at them again. "*looks him and uses Foresight, seeing that they'll be beaten if they get hit by the move* Lo..Lopun! [We'll..We'll die if it hits] ox" Tiff said to herself, seeing that they also have little time to dodge again, Tiff shuffles her feet quickly for another Agility. "Agility wont help here. It's over- Hmm?!" reacted Crowry, seeing that she has Toxapex in her hands, casting it in front of her, making it take the massive force of the Megahorn attack as it's needles pierce through Tiff's chest and arms, dozens of blood shooting out of her body, knocking her into the air as Macey was just blown away from the move and the Scolipede trots and falls after the move connects.

"*sees Tiff hit the ground as she painted the ground with her blood* There. That takes care of her with that move. Now move onto the last, Scolipede. *turns to Scolipede who isnt getting back up* Scolipede...?" asked Crowry, who's eyes widened when he sees that his Scolipede turns over, having five deep bloody holes in it's throat, "*Gasps* (That was from the Toxapex's spikes!) Did...Did he just die..?" said Josh, "Errrgg..! He was weak..He wouldnt survive if he was so reckless to do that" said Crowry, "YOU'RE WRONG! *gets his attention* You made him do that attack, and look what happened! Take some responsibility, you damn psycho!" Josh yelled, "He deserved to die.." he coldly said, making an anger flicker in Tiffany's stomach, and gave him a rising fist into Crowry's face, breaking his Marowak skull, making him fly out of the building. Her fist shook for a few seconds before she fell back down on the ground, her arm still extended. "...*walks up to Tiff, then tries to gently pet her* I know, Tiff...He makes me sick too..*looks back and sees that the Toxapax, now scuffed up, still ready to fight, stares at it angrily* What also pisses me off is that Pokemon are fighting for these assholes..! Macey, use Return!" he ordered her with deep-seated rage, "*slams on it with an ear punch, which is halt by a few spikes* Lo...Puuuun!" shouted Macey, who squished down on it, blood splatters under it's legs as he's mashed into the ground, making him pop up and flipped over, looking beaten to near-death. Macey stood there with a mix of anger and lamentation, ignoring how her ear is dripping and soaked red with blood. "Good...Return you two..*returns the twins back into their Pokeballs, walks over to the window, looking down, seeing how Garbodor and Crowry died from the fall*...Hmm? They're..Charred..?" Josh comments, "*pops up in front of his face* Cant be too sure, right? *looks inside, seeing streaks and spots of blood* Ooooo it got real violent in here. You must've had one helluva battle. You dont look in shape yourself. *sees him not talking* That bad, eh? Killing anyone would get you like that" Crave was saying to him, "I didnt mean to..It all just got so bad..Where's Vreyian? Why couldnt he take care of this? Why did he put me through this?!" Josh shouted, "He just had a feeling you could. He would've taken care of these guys in no time. Just think of this as some needed training for your twins, k buddy? *sees him not respond. Holds arms over window frame, shakes ass playfully* You went on this Journey knowing it wouldnt be easy, and the Region's tougher than ever. Well cmon, dont wanna have the girls suffering forever now" Crave then said, grabbing him with her mouth, holding him as they slide down the wall. Once they got on the ground, Crave carries him behind her, having him supported up by her big ass and her arms under his legs as he leans on her forward. He was held like this til they got to the Composite Gym. Oh, well before that, Crave made the whole Zenith Stronghold explode with one blow of her Flamethrower, that was equal to a Fire Blast. So on the way, Team Zenith were running out of the city in droves from there.

Once they got to the place, Crave sets him down. "Im not supposed to be helping this much, but what's ol' Vrey gonna do? Scold me? Well you're lucky I love ya. See you tomorrow. I'll tell your boyfriend that you miss him" Crave said to him, walking off with a sexy strut. Josh gets inside and everyone was excited to see him...For a moment. "Uhh...Where's our Nurse Joy?" one of the Rangers asked, "O_O! *puts the balls on the recovery machine* G...Give me a minute..- -" Josh said, forming an awkward air as the Rangers walked away. While his Pokemon were healing, he bangs his head on the wall, and once he heard the beep, he drew out Tiff and Macey immediately. "*tilts head* What da mattors?" Tiff asked, "...We were supposed to rescue Nurse Joy from the Zenith building...Then Vrey's Pokemon, Crave got me and...Blew it up" Josh informed them, "You dints tells'd her dints chu? -x-" asked Tiff, "Well she blew the place up so..." Josh lowly said, then Tiff started slapping Josh in the face 50 times with a straight face, and left to go look for Nurse Joy (IF SHE'S STILL EVEN ALIVE). Macey stayed next to her Trainer, trying to comfort him, "...Anyways, Mace..We- We found out that these black Pokeballs they've been using are TM Balls. It seems like they can teach tons of their Pokemon various moves inside them with these cards that're inserted. We really need to stop 'em before they make it worse than that" Josh informs her, "Oh whoa, t-that's reals scarry. Explanans why we wered having ton of problems with a them" Macey acknowledged, "H-hey other J, we found out that you can configure them to any caught Pokemon when you were away. If you press the top and bottom buttons, that resets registration of the current Pokemon you have. Isnt that cool? ^ ^" Cypress said in glee, "You bet. I've saw in the books that Lopunnys can learn all sorts of moves from TMs. You hear that, Mace? This is a big step for us" Josh said to her as she nods and he pets her, brining a smile to her face. In the midst of the livened mood, Tiff brings Nurse Joy on her back, though she was in a daze, had smoke coming from her mouth, all dirty and most of her clothes were tattered from the fires. "Way to goes, Jes. She totals got toasted e e" Tiff pouts, "Heheh, no biggie. Nothing that some soap and water wont fix ^ ^;" Josh tried to make light of, making any near Ranger giggle at their little situation while Tiffany rolls her eyes. Real classy, I know. The moment the mood settles down, and the Rangers take care of their Nurse Joy, our trio put their game face on.

"Lopunny punny Lop, Lopun Lopun punny. Lop? [Sis, we're about to use the Black Balls we got off of the Zen people. What do you think?]"

"Punnyyy? Lopunny Lop punny punny pun. [Really? Good now we just need to know which has the right move we can use on this next try against the Gym.]"

"*shakes Tiff's shoulder* Girls girls, Im over here yknow. This is a team effort."

"We weres jus takin' bouts moveses we could users for mine and hers'."

"I-I think you were saying you wanna know which ball has which move, right?"

"Pretty munch."

"There's also us finding the right Stone for you two. Now Im not sure if we can in time before night hits."

"Hmm, w-what if we gave ourselves a hwor?"

"Hour? Heh could work. If not, let's hope we dont crap out on the 2nd shot. Y'all feel any stronger?"


"Well my legs feels more stronker."

"In that case..We may have to save the Gym battle for tomorrow, but search for a Mega Stone. Vreyian said that some wild Pokemon have 'em."

"Beating downs wild Pokermons? My kinda funs! ^x^"

"Wanna try a black ball or two?"

"Sures, two prease!"

"(Good, she gets the idea. Guess they really do understand way better in their tongue.) Hey Cy! *sees him step in* Mind bringing us those Zenith Balls?"

"I-I have my Indeedee and Audino watching them. Hold on."

"(Audino...?) Alright, we'll be right here. *sees him go back into a room* What moves do you want?"

"Gimme something that'll lemme shoots downs my opponents! :3"

"I-Im..Im fine with an anything.."

"Sish, stand ups."

"*stands* Uh hu-"

"*smacks her in the ass, making her jump as it jiggles* GET A IT TOGETHERS! BACKBONE, SISH! BACKBONE!"

"*rubs squishy cheeks* S-sowwy..I..Jus dunt lise fighting.._ _"

"Mace...You know you gotta fight. Think, what do you wanna use?"

"Umm...M-maybe somethinc that doses lot of damage and some that...Just dont hurt..x"

"(The hell's she talking...Oh I think I get it.)"

"*walks up with Indeedee and Audino holding two TM Ball* Sorry I didnt how many you wanted so..I just brought four..It took me a bit more time cuz I was getting them off me.."

"Off of you? *sees how Audino's breast grew to Cs, and Indeedee was flat but has very wide waists* Sayin' you got two lil ladies on you, Cy? eue"

"*blushes, seeing the twins giggling* D-dont say it like that... *gets cheek kissed by the shy Audino* /"

"It's alright, Cy. I remember what J was saying yesterday about this. They seem real nice and helpful. Me and the twins have our fun here and there."

"! *walks up to Tiff* Audin Audin Aud? [How is he to you? if you dont mind me asking.] ^/^"

"Lopun Lopun Punny. [I end up being real satisfied, same for sis.] ;3"

"Auuuud. A-audino Aduino? [Wooooow. W-would he like it if I joined?] o/o"

"Punny Pun. [I dont think he'd do all that.]"

"D-deed Deedee. [G-girls, we shouldn't talk about all that stuff.] x_x"

"*hears them talking*...A-anyways, what do these have?"

"*points to each* That has Charge Beam, and Gyro Ball. This has Thunder Wave and Odor Slueth. Third has Double Kick and Poison Jab, then this fourth one has Grass Knot and Focus Blast."

"(Hmmm..) *takes one of the cards out of the Balls, looks at it* Hey, it also gives a description for each. Thanks a ton, Cy! *turns to the girls* Are you two..Ready...?"

"Punny...P-punny Lopun~..[Yes..That would be really hot..Mmmm, if it included everyone~..] uqu *touches close to vag*"

"Y-yesh...*turns to Josh* ! *shakes Tiff* Sish, sish, time to a gogo!"

"Ok ok! Im ups, Im getting ups!"

"*sees the three get the TM Balls off of the two smaller Pokemon and rush out the door* Goodness, and I thought mine were handfuls" Cypress said before going to check on Nurse Joy. The team head out into the nearby forest, Route 362 and they steamrolled any Pokemon in their way through Route 364. "*sees Tiff use Charge Beam to take out a Sneasel* Anything on that one, Tiffy?" asked Josh, "*pats down the downed Sneasel* I got a nothin'. Dammit, there's gotta be a Pokmen with a Lop- *gets hit in the head by a Pokeball, flinces* Ouch! x" squealed Tiff, rubbing her head while a person in black runs out in the open from behind a tree. Upon a closer inspection, it's a woman with long hair and a black cloth that covered her from the shoulder to her knees. "And who might you be, some flasher?" Josh asked, "*stops and looks at Josh* You! *sees him look perplexed* No wonder I couldnt catch her, since she's your Lopunny. So that Buneary from before...You already evolved it!" said the soon-to-be opponent, "What're you talking...Wait..That receptionist..That complaint she told me of...It was from you?!" Josh pieced together, "Unfortunately I just had to run into you, huh?" she comments. Josh notices that her cloth wasnt shaking much when she moved, and when it did, it moved oddly. "What do you have on you?" he then asked, "How sharp. *opens the cloth, showing an array of Pokeballs attached* Im from Troven City. I used to collect many Pokeballs in the past. With me being a Trainer, I've had a very rough start in trying to catch a Pokemon but around here is where Pokemon get too strong for Pokeballs. *sees Josh think more to himself* But despite how things've been, I wanna go all the way. *catches his attention* I've been developing this other talent of mine" she unfolds to him, "Troven City I remember is further than Brimdale. How'd you make it here, past all those Pokemon, Wendy?...Wait! What was that?!" Josh reacted, "That's how. Im a Psychic. Look" she replied, gazing towards Macey, "Wen...Dy? I can speak a bit better too!" reacted Macey, "So you can even make Pokemon talk better too? Hey, that's real handy ouo" said Josh, with the twins clapping, "I can also sense various things, especially this one thing that's eating at me.. Near this area. *sees Josh jump a bit, looks towards the lake below, with a sleeping Bisharp, with several Pawniards surrounding him* I feel that it's holding something. *looks at Josh* I've been hunting for Mega Stones. No one's making a market for it, so I wanna start that. Im feeling one from it, so tell ya what. If you can let me catch it, I'll let you have what it's holding" Wendy proposed, "Huh...Guess I cant say no to that" Josh agreed, making his way down the lake with his Lopunnys.

"Alright you two, go ahead and make a move. I'll switch up the TM Balls.." Josh plotted to them, and after they nod, Tiffy led by running down to where they were, landing a kick that the Bisharp blocked to her Trainer's surprise. "(It was just sleeping too! What ev, I'll make use of this anyway)" he thought. It coats one of it's armblades with metal, for a Metal Claw strike, then was suddenly pushed away by Tiff's kick but sees Macey coming in, and swipes his arm at her, but ends up flopping on the ground due to her being Returned to one of the Pokeballs. "Puuuuny!" shouted Tiff, shooting him and a few of his Pawniard lackeys with Charge Beam bolts from her mouth, where one of them got shot into the water behind them. The Bisharp was being pushed back by this but hurls a pulse of metal waves at her with Metal Burst, which scuff her up while she blocked. Bisharp saw Josh running along the slope while throwing out his Ball into the air, making Macey appear above him, and so he dashed towards him getting ready to Slash him down. "(Hopefully she can aim right...!) Macey, Focus Blast!" he called upon her to do, and the Bisharp was practically buried into the ground by the powerful energy sphere from above, which had enough strength to blow Josh over the slope. "(Nice aiming, Mace-) *back hits a tree* GHHHEEGH! *slides down on it, rubs back* Owww, she really didnt hold back there .o" he comments in some pain, however noticing that the Mega Stone he held hopped out of his grasp into the air. The Bisharp struggled to get back up, then found himself being Bounced on by Tiff while Macey landed away from the action, and when he was bounced up from the hard impact, Tiff finishes him off with a spinning Double Kick after a short leap at him, and shooting him away with a Charge Beam. "W-way to go, Tiff! Gh! *rubs back, sees how laid out he is* (Give her two TMs and she's pulling off combos like that. euo) Bisharp's down, now get that Mega Stone, Macey" order Josh, and after kicking the weak Pawniards into the lake, the squinty-eyed Macey runs over to the Mega Stone and picks it up, sealing the team's victory! "You guys may be more on the silly side, but you make it seem natural how everyone's strengths really do come together in a battle" Wendy acknowledges.

Macey gives her Trainer a good rub-down, and she gives him the Mega Stone as they walked over to the cloaked Trainer. "*is shown the Stone* Hmm..Yep, this should indeed be a Loppunite" Wendy confirms as the twins give each other a high-five, "We made a good find, girls! Now we just need to buy a Mart, and buy a Key Stone off of it for you one of you to Mega Evolve!" Josh said cheerfully, "They're pretty pricey these days. We're talking 5000poke" she informs, "Whoooa! T-that means we gotta win this Gym by tomorrow, you two!" Josh says with determination flaring in his heart, "Im still trying find out how they make them in this Region. No clerk or anyone is willing to tell me, so until we meet again, I guess" Wendy farewells and the team nods before going back to the town.

Once place's liberating trio returned to the Composite Gym, they see the Machoke talking to a Trainer, giving him a scarf. "Hey, who's the new guy?" asked Josh, "An apprentice of my Master. Terrance, right?" asked the Machoke, "That's right, Goji. The folks back at home call me Terry" said Terry, who had long white hair and a red hat, "(Goji?) You already know the Machoke's name? Yall seem pretty close already" Josh comments, "Heheh, I just wish I arrived much sooner. *lowers hat for a moment* Already heard Terrantio kicking the bucket and your team driving out those Zenith crooks" Terry replied, "He only has a Hawlucha that was strong enough to Fly him here, but we're gonna be sharing Master's team. This is my test for him" Goji says. "Sharing, eh? (Phew, everyone's trying to one-up each other, it feels - -;) Well things're gonna be different on our side too, but it'll have to be tomorrow. Let's see you keep up too, Terry" Josh said, Terry's confidence rubbing off on him, "Likewise, newcomer. Go on and get yourself some shut-eye" Terry replied, giving him a thumbs-up as everyone walks away. Josh had to admit, seeing Terry made him excited for the second try, and he ended up thinking about what to do all day in his room, with the Lopunnite in his hand.

The night was falling. The most concentrated darkness at Vreyian's area, who camped at the edge of a forest, near a cave. His Noivern returning to him as he assured dominance over his space of the forest. Only seeable Pokemon being Pidgeys, Murkow, and Zubats flying across the skies.

"Everything went well, Clamor?"

"Yes, Master. Five minutes was all I needed...However..*drifts gaze behind* You have another problem, it seems."

"*hears Void's growls*...Clamor, go elsewhere til I signal. Void, step forward."


"Voooid, I said, Step. Forward."

"*comes from behind a tree* Vrey..What did you mean?"

"About what?"

"Dont act so oblivious..'Same goes for Void'. What the hell's that supposed to mean?!"

"...No comment."

"Vrey, Im not taking no for an answer. You're telling me now!"

"Dont act oblivious yourself, Void. You heard all that was said when I conversed with the boy. You're aware of this internal struggle of mine.."

"Yes, but...Has it really gotten you?"

"It goes without saying. The team. They feel my sorrow, which cant be simply be cure by battle. This boy, Josh. He might be a Weedile compared to our team's strength, but soon, he'll be akin to a Wailord. His life is in the palm of my hands..I keep choosing not to crush him, but his beliefs, and his convictions. Though foolish, he is bound to flourish."

"That's quite an assumption, given he's only cleared a Gym. I wouldnt believe in such a Trainer."

"Void, impatience is quite blinding. Tell me, where has your attitude gotten you?"

"...Life...It's only brought me sorrow..Wasnt it established that we're in the same boat?"

"Only virtually. Thing is we're on a parallel path. Your two children, and this boy, for my case."

"...Dont talk about them..I..Still dont know.."

"Do you recall about what that Ursuring said?"


"Do you see now? The boy can help with that situation. At least there, I know he wouldn't kill it..*looks at Void* Unlike a certain someone."

"Tch. *walks away* Quit running your mouth. Just be ready to face his father again."

"[Night] *flops down, whistles* Man did you heat up that lil Weaver, eh? Im sure he was ready to pop off and shred you to hell!"

"You and Clamor would know what to do in such a case."

"[Night] Uh huh! Whisk him away, and take 'im for a joyride around the globe! I was hopin' he'd try poppin' so I can do that again!"

"Unwise to provoke him. He's more fearful of Crave, after all. It's too iffy for us all."

"[Night] Hooot Damn! You can say that again! I'd be deader than fried chicken! Haven't had any in weeks though."

"Fly again, Night. Train with Myth [Hatterene] and Chasm [Espion]."

"[Night] With the girls you say? This'll be reeeal fun!" exclaimed Night, dashing over to them in the distance, chatting about on a cliff. With numerous uncertainties clouding his mind, Vreyian then sleeps, as Night was willingly toyed with by Myth and Chasm to strengthen his toughness. By the time morning was crawling down the landscapes of Josh's area, so did Crave, who strutted down to the town, with some interesting leg-wear in one hand and another wearable object that was, rather mysterious, in the other.

JUST WHAT'S GOING ON? IKR! Where even is Vrey and the others now? How'll this second try play out when it's this difficult? What happened in all these folk's past to where all this craziness happens all the time? And let's not start with Team Zenith! you may or may not be able to find out next time on this action-packed, Lopunny twins fanfic erotica..Action-packed..Story! Hopefully won't take a century to come out, but soon! Next chapter! Be alive enough to not miss it!