Hello, fellow readers! Here we are, the ending to this little story I decided to do on a whim. Thanks for reading this, it gives me the confidence for how successful this crossover is.

So, what do we have now:

hnh058513: SunRen? SunYu? I don't usually do pairings. Sounds interesting, though.

TheBeatles211: True, but I don't want her off just like that. Thanks, I always try to make my action scenes great.

All right, with all that said, let's finish this!

Epilogue: Road to Redemption

It took a bit, but they told them about where they actually came from and their goals. Twilight then explained how she and the girls transformed, which basically links to the elements. However, one question still lingered.

"How did your power come back, Mona?" Joker was confused at that.

"That's a good question..." Mona wasn't too sure himself.

Twilight then thought back to when he regained his power, leaping towards the wave of dark energy to protect them. He did have the blue flames like Ren did when he transformed, but then saw a small trail of energy from above, where her crown was.

"If my memory is right, I think my crown may have given you magical energy to bring the power to the surface."

"That so? If that's the case, I'm in your debt, Princess Twilight." Mona then bowed to her in thanks, which she sheepishly smiled at.

"Well, I never would have guessed that magic actually did exist. But now after seeing what has transpired..." Principal Celestia looks around at the torn-up courtyard.

"Either way, mission accomplished." Joker then remembers the time limit, "How much time do you have left, Twilight?"

"Well, I hope it's still opened." Concerned about that, she went over to the statue and places her hand on it, seeing it faze through a bit before pulling back. "Good, still opened."

"That's great!" Spike cheered, which one of the teens reacted to. "Talking dog? Weird."

Spike had a deadpan expression on his face, "Really? This is what you can't believe?"

He was then picked up by Rarity, "Well, I for one think you're adorable." She petted him, which he was glad about.

Twilight walks back over as Principal Celestia spoke, "As weird as things may seem, I think it's fair to say that you're a real princess." She looks at her smiling as Pinkie decides to bring everyone in for a group hug.

"You inspire others to stand by your side, which speaks for itself." Twilight looks behind her to see her friends before smiling as well.

She then turns back around, "Thank you."

The students suddenly cheer for them as Sunset looks on with a sad smile on her face.

"Sucks that all this ruined the dance." Yu rubs the back of his head when he said that.

"Well, I think we still have time to have one dance." Twilight guessed.

Heading back to the gym, the group went on the dance floor with the rest of the students. From individuals dancing to even a conga line, the night went on with the girls now using their new features for some extra flair. Though, they were surprised on how Twilight was dancing, which was... quite something.

"Should we tell her that we don't dance like that?" Yu had to ask.

The two then saw Flash join in with the awkward dancing.

"Let's not ruin their fun..." Joker answered.

Though, the girls were surprised as Mona was actually pretty good at dancing as well. After some time, one of the students wanted to get a photo of the group. Deciding to go along with it, Yu and Joker join the photo along with Mona who went onto Joker's shoulder to get himself in a good view.

Once they had their fun, the group headed back out to the courtyard to say their goodbyes. As the girls got into a group hug, Joker was talking to Mona who was on his shoulder.

"How does it feel having Zorro back?" He asked him.

"Great. It seems like he missed being in action as much as me." Mona placed his paw on his chest.

"Same here." Joker patted his head in response.

Yu looks over them as he then sees the girls walk over to them, "Words cannot express how grateful I am for your help." Twilight said.

"We did what we had to do. Though, becoming friends with you guys was better." Yu smiles as he spoke the truth.

"Yeah. I thought I had enough colorful characters in my group." Joker smirked as Mona pats his head with his paw.

"We were happy to help, Princess Twilight." Mona bows again as Rarity spoke up.

"Please tell me, who does your attire? It just looks so stylish." She couldn't help but ask the two.

"Comes with the powers, miss." Joker wasn't lying about that as he pulls up his gloves out of habit.

"We'll really miss you guys." Fluttershy said, which Pinkie jumps in from nowhere between the two.

"If you guys return, expect to have a party by yours truly!" She was quite confident with that statement.

"And I want a rematch!" Rainbow added, which Joker knew she would bring up eventually.

"You're on." Yu accepted the challenge.

"And y'all don't worry about Sunset, she won't be causing trouble anymore." Applejack looks over to where Sunset was with the others following her gaze, seeing her sitting on the school steps.

She then gives a little wave to them, which they gladly waved back.

"Though, it's gonna take a lot of time for all those apologies." She added.

The others agreed with that before Twilight spoke up, "Though, I should help with the mess. As least with the cracks in the ground."

The group notices the broken ground in the courtyard, which they agreed with. Thankfully, Twilight knew a spell that puts it back together. Once that was done, she tried the glass on the windows too, only to have nothing happen.

"Guess our attack might have did more than just shatter the glass." Yu said.

"Not surprising." Ren added.

Twilight shrugged it off before facing them, "It may have been a short time, but I'm gonna miss all of you so much."

"We'll miss you guys too." Yu repeated.

"But, you never know. We might be back." Joker had that feeling.

"Take care, you two!" Mona said.

"Same to you!" Spike said back.

From that, Twilight and Spike walks to the portal and steps on through right before it closed, cutting off the magic connected to the girls. The extra features they had disappeared just like that, which surprised them. Guessing that they had to be sure, Pinkie ran to the statue and slammed into it instead of falling through. Landing on her butt, she sighed.

"Aww, bummer."

Strangely, Mona was still in his bipedal form with Joker in his Phantom attire. "I'm still like this?"

"I think you guys can control it now." Yu pointed out as the girls saw them.

"Wait a minute, does this has to with y'all being from a separate world from Twilight's?" Applejack asked.

"Maybe." Joker then closes his eyes to focus for a moment as Mona hopped down to the ground.

Like Yu said, he reverted back to his tux and glasses. "Well, that's pretty handy."

"Lucky." Rainbow grumbled, which Rarity bumped her elbow into her.

"Very well. It was fun being in this form again, though." Mona then reverted back to his cat form.

Once the boys checked their bags and place their weapons back into them, they got ready for their exit. Though, Ren thought about where they showed up at and walked around the statue to see a familiar blue door.

"Found it." Ren smiled as Yu went to where he was, "Makes sense."

The three waved at the girls one more time before heading to the door, stopping in front of it.

"Guess I'll see you later?" Ren wasn't sure how they would exit the world, together or separated.

"Don't worry. No matter how far apart we are, we're still friends." Yu then raised his fist up.

Ren smirked as he bumped fists with him, Morgana hopping onto his shoulder soon after.

"See ya later, Seeker." Morgana said his new codename, as Yu was now technically a new member of the group.

"Same to you." Yu said back.

Ren then open the door to enter with Yu following behind him, it closing soon after before disappearing.

Reappearing back in the limousine from before, Ren was sitting in the seat he was in last time with Morgana sitting next to him.

"You succeeded." He looks over to see Lavenza standing where she was before.

"Of course we did. We faced tougher enemies." Morgana was confident in that claim, which you couldn't exactly deny.

"However, it was the right call to get us. We actually had to face a shadow over there." Ren mentions to her.

"Really? It seems that even in different worlds, shadows could still appear." Lavenza thought out loud.

"Then we'll deal with them." Ren wasn't hesitant saying that.

"I'm glad you will be available when you are needed." Lavenza smiles at that.

"Oh yeah, can't wait for the next mission! Like old times, right?" Morgana hopped onto his shoulder as he spoke.

Ren let out his signature smirk, "Yeah, like old times..." He repeated to himself.

Next thing they knew, their surroundings started to become distorted as Lavenza spoke. "Until next time, Trickster."

Those were the last words she said before Ren closes his eyes.

And done! Woo, this was quite a ride! For all those who think this is a one-off, don't worry. I am planning on making this a series. I even have some ideas of my own that I want to try out, but that won't be until later.

As for how the picture looks, it's pretty much the same except Yu is behind Twilight and Joker is behind Rarity with Mona on his shoulder.

As for what comes next, I may take some time to cool down for a couple of days until the next story shows up. Though, you never know.

Anyways, thanks for reading and see ya next story!