Hello, fellow readers! It's been a long time since I done a story on Equestria Girls. But, due to a resurgence of interest these past few days, along with my interest in the Persona series, I figured I combine the two.

Both take place in a school setting, both have characters with powers, and both believe in the power of friendship. It's quite the pair!

So, you may be thinking which characters I chose for this adventure? Well, after thinking about it, I'm only using three Persona characters. Don't get me wrong, I like the entire cast... but I know I'll be overwhelmed with not only how many there are, but also giving a good amount of screen time for stuff to flow well. Same for the personas, too. But, knowing me, this may change over time. For now, we'll start small.

Also, I'm sticking to what is canon in both series. However, like the previous rule, this may change later on.

Now, with that said, let's do this!

Prologue: A New World

Opening his eyes, a male teen finds himself in a familiar place that is draped in blue. The room he was in is way different from before, however.

Instead of a prison cell, he was in a moving limousine complete with the windows showing a beautiful starry sky. He sat in his seat as he looked at his reflection in the window, showing his wavy unkempt black hair and dark gray eyes. He touched his pale-colored cheek to make sure he was here in person as he heard a voice.

"Welcome, Trickster."

He turns to the voice, seeing the young woman that helped him before. She had her long platinum hair and golden eyes, along with her blue dress and matching headband with white butterfly ornaments and yellow roses. She didn't have her book this time, though.

Her pink lips moved again as she spoke, "You must have questions as to why you're here again."

"Yeah, maybe one or two. It's been awhile, Lavenza." The Trickster said.

"Yes it has. Though, we only have such time. I'm afraid we need you two to assist us again." Lavenza mentioned.

"With what, exactly?" The Trickster was curious about her concern before realizing what she said, "Wait, two?"

"About time you woke up."

The teen turns to another voice as a familiar cat hops onto the seat next to him. He recognized the black cat instantly, "Morgana? What are you doing here?"

"I brought him here to help you." Lavenza answered.

"OK, but what is it that you are concerned about?" The Trickster was getting confused already on the vagueness of the situation.

Lavenza paused for a moment before speaking, "This may sound strange, but do you think it is possible that there are more worlds other than our own or even the Velvet Room?"

The Trickster thought about that as Morgana answered, "Considering that there is a place like this, the theory isn't far off."

"Then would you believe that we actually found a portal to an alternate world?" Lavenza's words was met with silence as the two were processing it.

"Meaning like, another reality?" Morgana was the first to ask.

"Correct. It is quite different from the world you know." Lavenza simply answered.

"OK." The Trickster spoke up, "I can understand separate realities, but you said something about needing our help."

"That's right. When we found the portal, it seems to not only have a unique power to it, but also an equally dark power behind it." Lavenza explained.

"And let me guess, you want us to go investigate this mystery?" Morgana questioned.

"Yes. We are unsure if the power would flow into here, as it may make our reality unstable. Right now, my sister Margaret is speaking with her guest to go along with you." Lavenza explained.

"You have siblings?" The Trickster wondered.

"Yes. There is also Elizabeth and Theodore, but those two are unavailable right now." He saw her face grow concerned for them as Morgana spoke.

"I'm curious, you said that she had a guest too. Is he a wild card user too?" His question got the Trickster's attention.

"Why, yes. Don't worry, he also knows the importance of the bonds between others." Lavenza reassured.

"The fact that this task requires more than one wild card says a lot about what we're facing." The Trickster then had a question pop into his head, "Wait, what about the others?"

"Don't worry, the Velvet Room acts the same as before. Whatever happens in here doesn't affect the real world." Lavenza reminds him.

"By that logic, the portal falls into that category as well?" Morgana questioned.

"It is fair to assume that, though I'm not entirely sure." Lavenza answered.

"Well, we won't know until we go through it." The Trickster pointed out.

"I take it as you accepting this task?" Lavenza smiled at his response as she asked the question.

"I don't see why we should decline it." The Trickster said.

"That's great to hear." The limousine then stopped itself soon after, "We are here."

"That was convenient." Morgana pointed out.

"Here. This bag will have what you need for your task." She then takes a bag off a seat across from him and hands it over to him, "The other guest will arrive with you soon. Ask about the Seeker and he should respond. And do not worry, the door will appear when you have completed your task."

The Trickster takes the bag, "Thanks." He simply said as Morgana jumped onto his shoulder.

"You ready, Joker?" He asked.

Hearing his codename after some time made him feel a bit nostalgic as he smirks, "As I'll ever be."

"I hope to see you soon." This was the last thing she said before a bright light shined across the sky outside the window, glowing brighter until his vision was completely white.

When he opened his eyes again, he now finds himself in a courtyard facing a street. He was a bit put off by this as he expected something more... unexpected.

"Where are we now?" Morgana spoke as he hopped down to the grass under them.

"Seems like a normal place." Joker muttered as he looked around.

Once he turn to what was behind him, he saw a statue of a horse with a rather large building pass it. He was quick to piece together it was a school you find across the seas.

"School? Is that our task?"

Joker and Morgana then sees another teen the same age as himself closer to the statue also looking at the school. The teen had silver hair in a bowl-shaped haircut and pale skin, wearing a black elbow-sleeved jacket, black pants and black shoes.

"Are you the Seeker?" Joker asked.

The teen turned towards him, showing that he has gray eyes and wore a white collared short-sleeved shirt under the jacket. He studied the two for a moment before answering, "Yeah. Are you the Trickster?"

"That's right. Seems you're informed about our task." Joker answered.

"Yes, but I was expecting something different." The teen then sees Morgana, "Is he your cat?"

"I'm no cat! Well, I look like one, but I ain't one." Morgana was quick to deny his claim.

"Sorry, didn't know." The teen wasn't really fazed at the talking cat before walking over and holding his hand out, "My name is Yu Narukami."

Joker shook his hand as he returned the introduction, "Ren Amamiya. My non-cat is Morgana."

"Nice to meet you two." Yu then remembers his bag and opens it to check his stuff. Ren followed suit and checked his bag as well.

The two bags were filled with spare clothes along with their respective weapons, which was an Assassin Knife and Handgun for Ren as Yu had a basic katana for his. Ren then finds a glasses case, which he pulls out and opens to show the black-rimmed glasses he usually wears. Simply shrugging, he decides to wear them and then sees what his attire was.

He wore an open white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up over a black short-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and brown shoes. He also had a red slingbag on his back with the strap going over his right shoulder, guessing it must be for Morgana to stay in.

Zipping the bag back up, Yu put it over his shoulder as he spoke. "Right now, we should stay low."

"Yeah, let's scope the place out." Ren agreed as Morgana hopped onto his shoulder, "Best that you stay hidden. They may have the same rules as our school."

"Fine. Better not be long." Morgana groaned before going in the slingbag, zipping it up just enough to have a reasonably small hole to breathe through.

Right as they passed the statue to the school, the two heard a strange sound and turn towards it to see a girl come out from the statue. She groaned as she lifted herself to her knees before a portal opened on the statue again to send out what appears to be a puppy.

What was interesting about the girl was the fact that she wasn't like a normal one. She had violet eyes with dark sapphire colored hair that had purple and raspberry colored streaks. Her skin was a pale orchid color as she looked down at a ladybug on the ground.

Her attire consisted of a light blue blouse with a dark blue backpack and a pink bow, a purple skirt with a pink six-sided star and equally purple boots.

"That wasn't a fun ride." The pup got up to his feet as he spoke, which didn't really surprise the two due to Morgana.

The pup was odd as well, with colors of green and purple that makes him look more like a baby dragon. He wore a purple spiked collar around his neck as he scratched his ear with his leg.

"Spike? What are you-" The girl asked the puppy before seeing what he was, making her pause for a moment. "Spike? Are you... a dog?"

The dog, named Spike, looks at himself once she mentioned that, "I... don't know. But, I have no idea what you are."

"What I am?" The girl then brought up her hands up to her face, which went in shock briefly before she screamed.

Ren and Yu just watched in curiosity before Yu whispered, "Should we do something?"

The girl covered her mouth before looking at her hands again, moving her fingers slowly as she opened them. With a look of disbelief, she wiggled her wrist a bit before she started flailing her arms entirely as she started to hyperventilate.

"Yeah, we better explain her situation." Ren then started walking to her and waited until he was at a safe distance to call out, "Are you all right, miss?"

The girl stopped flailing as the dog went behind her, likely afraid of him since he's a stranger. "Uh, no. Yes. Maybe?" The girl tried to excuse her behavior while trying to catch her breath, which Ren didn't buy.

"Says the girl screaming at the top of her lungs." Yu was behind him as he pointed out.

The girl nervously chuckled at that before she started to hyperventilate again, which Ren crouched down to calm her. "Slow down, take a deep breath."

It took a moment as she inhaled deeply and exhaled three times before speaking, "Thank you."

"Any reason why you were screaming?" Yu crouched down next to Ren as he asked that question.

"Um..." The girl was very hesitant at her answer, her eyes looking at her pup who was telling her not to tell them.

"I mean, we saw your little entrance." Ren mentioned to get a reaction.

He did, where the girl and the pup froze for a moment before she finally spoke.

"Um... magic?" Her answer caught their attention, to which Yu looked at the statue and reached into his pockets.

He felt his jacket pocket and found what he was looking for, which was his special glasses he got from his friend Teddie. He then put on his gray-rimmed glasses and looked at the statue again. The place where she fell out of had a circular spiral of rainbow-colored energy.

"Yeah, it's magic. Not the magician kind." Yu said.

Ren heard his analysis before seeing the glasses he was wearing, "You can see it with those?"

"Yeah. Can't you?" Yu wondered, gesturing to Ren's pair.

"No, these are just normal glasses." Ren said.

The girl then spoke up, "Wait, you can see magic?"

"It was just a hunch, but I figured that since these are special glasses, they might see strange energy invisible to the naked eye." Yu explained.

"Then by process of elimination, you must be from another world." Ren deduced.

The girl couldn't help but stare, having no words to defend herself until Yu followed it up with, "Neither are we."

Ren and the girl looked at him in surprise, "Wait, really?" The girl said.

"...Yes." Ren decided to go along with it.

Suddenly, the girl shot up near their faces. "Are you also from Equestria? What species are you? Do you use magic as well?"

"No, human, and yes." Ren answered.

"But, I think introductions are in order." Yu then stood up as he put his glasses back in his jacket pocket and held his hand out, "Yu Narukami."

"Twilight Sparkle." The girl said as she took his hand, bringing her to her feet as her puppy walked up to them. "This is my assistant, Spike."

"Ren Amamiya." Ren stood up as well, moving his slingbag and unzipping it to show Morgana.

"Jeez, why are we still..." The cat then sees Twilight, "Uh... hi?"

"This is Morgana." The cat looks at him in surprise, "She is from another world like us."

"Wha-? We didn't even enter the school and our cover is already blown!" Morgana groaned in annoyance.

"Don't worry, I'll keep your secret." Twilight promised.

"A fair deal, since we know yours." Ren agreed.

"And it's nice to know that I'm not the only animal that talks." Spike said, getting Morgana's attention as he looked down at the pup.

"That's a weird looking dog." Morgana said bluntly.

"Says the talking cat." Spike retorted.

"...Touche." Morgana simply said before going back in the bag, zipping it back to where it was earlier.

Twilight and Spike were a bit confused as Ren put the slingbag on his back, "I'll explain later."

Yu was quiet during the exchange until now, "Come on. We gotta look around."

Ren nodded in agreement as the two start to walk to the entrance, hearing Twilight struggle behind them that got their attention as they stopped.

"Do you know how to walk?" Yu bluntly asked.

"Not with these legs. I'm used to having four." Her answer confused them.

"Four? Like Spike is?" Ren questioned.

"Uh, more like a pony." Twilight corrected.

"So, the world you came from is filled with... talking ponies?" Yu made sure he got what she said right.

"Yes. And Spike is a baby dragon over there." Twilight added.

"Talking ponies and baby dragons... sounds like a little girl's dream." Ren commented.

The two then put their bags over their shoulders, Yu on his right and Ren on his left, before holding out their other hand towards Twilight. She was confused by this, which Yu clears up.

"You'll need help until your body gets used to the change." He said.

"Oh." She then placed her hands in theirs as they continued on their way.

She then asked a question she had. "What are these called?"

"Hands. These are fingers." Ren moved his fingers a bit to show what he was mentioning.

"Interesting..." She simply said before the three reached the steps, going up to the doors as Spike hopped right pass them.

"To be honest, I don't wanna stay in this form any longer than I should." Twilight said.

"At least you don't have to deal with those pesky wings here." Spike joked, which she clearly didn't find funny.

As the three reached the doors, they enter into a rather large interior that shouldn't be surprising due to the building's size. They looked around, Twilight seeing the trophy case as she quickly went to it with Spike quickly following.

"Look at these, Spike. Maybe other artifacts she took from Equestria?" She questioned.

Yu and Ren walked over as she noticed herself in the reflection, "So this is what a human looks like..." She muttered to herself.

Next thing they knew, the school bell rang and a flood of students entered the halls. Yu and Ren saw that almost everyone had odd colors for their hairs and even skin like Twilight. Thankfully, Ren was quick enough to grab Twilight as the four stayed against the wall to prevent being separated.

Once the flood slowed down enough, they carefully walked through the crowd into one of the halls. Yu walked on Twilight's right with Ren on her left and holding her wrist just in case while Spike was behind her. While the guys were seeing any differences about the school, Twilight was more curious on how the other students acted. She mainly saw how their body move, going from a basic bowing position to using feet to bounce a small sack up in the air. If it wasn't the motions, she looked at the differences between anatomy of human and pony.

Yu then saw a young girl riding her scooter straight towards him and quickly sidestepped out of the way for her to pass safely along with two other girls that were around the same age following behind her.

"I guess this is a mixed school?" Yu wondered to himself.

Before Twilight could ask anything, she then heard a familiar voice further down the hall. "I-I'm sorry. I just found it and thought I just give it to her."

Yu and Ren heard it too, curious as to what was happening. The four slowly walked to the corner going to the hall that the voice was coming from.

"I didn't know you dropped it." The voice continued as they looked around the corner.

Further down the hall was two girls speaking to each other.

The rather timid girl had opal colored eyes with long pale rose hair, pale olive skin and light magenta eyeshadow. She wore a butterfly brooch in her hair along with a white short-sleeved shirt and a yellow backpack, a green skirt with three pink butterflies, and equally green boots.

The confident one in front of her had long red hair with yellow streaks and what they saw from her hands, she had light amber skin. She wore a black leather jacket, an orange skirt with yellow and purple streaks along with a sun design colored like her hair, and black boots with black stockings.

"Well, it was. I was just about to get it until you decided to do a 'good deed'." The confident girl scolded the timid one, who was brushing a lone strand of hair in front of her face over her ear. "You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you."

"It... doesn't really belong to you either." The timid girl muttered, which the confident one immediately responded by slamming her palms against the lockers behind her.

"Excuse me!?" She shouted at her, scaring the other girl enough to make her slide to the ground.

"N-nothing." Was the timid girl's only response to the sudden action.

Yu and Ren knew what was going on now, a typical bully intimidating other students for kicks. Twilight and Spike weren't liking what was happening either as the confident girl spoke.

"That's what I thought. It's as good as mine and you know it." The bully put her hands on her hips as she continued, "How pathetic. No wonder all your friends are stray animals."

Not standing it any longer, Twilight came out from around the corner with Yu and Ren following soon after.

"How dare you speak to her that way." She said, loud enough to get the bully's attention and the students that were nearby.

"What was that?" The girl turned around, glaring at the three with cyan eyes. Seeing the front of her now, she wore a dark pink top with the sun design on it and had purple flames on the front of her boots.

"You heard her, leave her alone. What did she even do to anger you?" Yu questioned.

The bully scoffed at that, "What she did was put her hands on my property."

"Sounds more like it was your own fault." Ren retorted.

The bully glared intensely at the trio, shortly before letting out a smirk. "Well, you must be new here."

The trio were confused by that, but their faces didn't show as the bully walked past them.

"I can talk to whoever I want, however I want to." One of the students pressed herself against the lockers to avoid physical contact as another student actually went into his locker to avoid her. She then quickly scared the guy with a glare, making him slam the locker close instantly.

As she turned the corner, the timid girl stood back up in amazement on what just happened. "I'm surprised you actually did that." She said, getting the trio's attention.

"We couldn't just stand by." Twilight simply said, the boys agreeing with her.

"I-It's just that no one has stood up to Sunset Shimmer." What she said surprised Twilight.

"Sunset Shimmer?" She repeated.

The boys took note of the name, knowing they might likely run into her again.

"Do you know her?" The timid girl wondered.

"Sort of." Twilight answered.

"What exactly was she talking about?" Yu asked.

"O-Oh um, it happened this morning when I was passing out flyers for the local animal shelter I do every Wednesday." The girl started, "When I saw no one getting one, I sat on the ground when I suddenly felt pain to my head. That's when I saw the crown beside me. I didn't want anything to happen to it, so I went and gave it to Principal Celestia."

"...Principal Celestia?" Twilight repeated to herself.

The girl then sees Spike walking up to them, making her gasp in excitement before suddenly dashing past them to the pup. "Who's this little guy?" She asked.

"That's Spike, her dog." Ren answered.

"Aww, he's so adorable!" The girl held Spike's cheeks up, gushing over his cuteness before putting him down and pulling out a doggy treat. "Here you go."

Spike sniffed it at first before taking a bite, which he then quickly ate the entire treat once he tasted it.

"Don't you ever wonder if you could actually understand what they were saying?" The girl wondered out loud.

"He usually just tells me." Twilight said offhandedly, confusing the girl.

"As in she knows everything that he's barking about." Ren quickly recovered, saving Twilight's fumble.

"Anyways, we forgot to introduce ourselves." Yu remembered, "I'm Yu Narukami."

"You?" The girl repeated.

"Y-U, without the O." Yu corrected, making Twilight have a look of realization.

"Oh, I thought your name was spelled like that." She sheepishly smiled at that as Ren went next.

"Ren Amamiya." He greeted himself before gesturing to Twilight, "And she's Twilight Sparkle."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Fluttershy." The girl, now known as Fluttershy, said.

Twilight then changed the subject back to earlier, "Do you know where Principal Celestia is?"

"Probably in her office." Fluttershy answered, "Third door on your left. Oh, be sure to hide your pet since they're not allowed on school grounds."

She then removed her backpack and unzipped it, revealing three animals she had that consisted of a bunny, a cat, and a robin. She then quickly zipped it back up as they heard the school bell ring again.

"Oh no, I'm late for class!" Fluttershy was quick on her feet as she ran down the hallway.

"Thank you!" Twilight called out before she turned the corner.

"Why do you want to go to the principal's office?" Ren asked.

"That crown she found must have been the one that was stolen from me. I need to get it back before it falls into the wrong hands." Twilight answered as she unzipped her backpack for Spike to hop into.

Yu then zipped it up for her enough to have a hole to breathe through, "Your crown? Like royalty?"

"Yes. Back at home, I'm the newest princess there. I don't even have my own kingdom yet, so losing my crown isn't exactly helping since it's the main way for me and my friends to keep our home safe." Twilight explained as she put her backpack on.

"So, if the thief took the crown and brought it here, what would be the reason?" Ren questioned.

"I don't know..." Twilight wasn't sure about that.

"Well, it's gonna be hard to get it back. Explaining that you're a princess from another world will make you look crazy." Yu was blunt with his concerns.

"I see. Maybe they have an event coming up?" Twilight wondered.

"Let's go ask her." Ren simply said as they closed in on the door to the office.

And done! Turns out to be longer than I thought since I wanted to stop at when they encounter Sunset, but it would have been weird to cut off right before meeting Fluttershy.

So, I have chosen Yu Narukami, Ren Amamiya, and Morgana as the trio to go to Canterlot High. I played Persona 5 and Persona 4 Arena, which were the first two I played of the series, so it makes sense for them to join in my first Persona story.

I also consider this as a side project that I had on my mind, which is why this is longer than my usual length.

Thanks for reading and see ya next chapter!