Disclaimer: I own no rights to Sailor Moon or DBZ.

Note from me: This fic is written from the different view points of the characters involved. This is my first time writing a fic like this so bear with me. This fic was written on my phone, so I apologize for any mistakes I may have missed. POV = point of view

A New Beginning

*Vegeta's POV*

"What the hell is this?" Vegeta growled at Shenron.

"The most powerful warrior in the galaxies," the mighty dragon replied.

Vegeta scowled.

The Z fighters were at Dende's lookout.

"She's hurt," Goku noticed. "Krillin, do you have a senzu bean?"

The bald man hurried over to the girl and stuck the bean in her mouth.

Her body was battered and bloodied. Her breathing ragged, hair tattered. She was unconscious.

"You gave us a broken woman!" Vegeta barked.

"Vegeta," Dende's soft voice said. "Do not shout at Shenron."

The Saiyan Prince's scowl deepened, and he crossed his arms.

How on Earth was this runt of a woman supposed to help them?

"Dende," Shenron boomed. "Give this to her when she wakes." An envelope appeared in the Namekian's hands.

"I will," Dende promised. With that, the dragon disappeared and the dragon balls scattered.

With the exception of Vegeta, the Z fighters gathered around the girl, anxious for her to wake. But she didn't.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Goku asked.

"Perhaps she is still weak," Piccolo offered.

Bulma crouched down and checked for a pulse. "She's alive, but her pulse is weak. Maybe the bean doesn't have the same effect on her the way it does you guys."

"She looks human," Krillin remarked.

"So do we," Goku pointed out. "What should we do?"

"I'll take her back to Capsule Corp. We can make her comfortable there and make sure she gets the care she needs." Bulma stood and turned toward Vegeta. "Vegeta, pick her up and let's take her home."

"I don't answer to you woman!" Vegeta refused.

Bulma walked over to him. "Now listen here mister, you're about as useless as they come, but you've been living with us for quite some time now. Make yourself useful and help me care for her."

Vegeta hmphed, but did as he was told.

He never really liked that blue haired woman, but she was allowing him to stay with her. She had made a few advances toward him, and he had bedded her a few times just for the fun of it, but he didn't really like her at all.

As Bulma flew them home in one of her Capsule Cars, or was it plane? Ship maybe? It didn't really matter to him, Vegeta looked down at the tiny blonde in his arms. At least, he thought she was blonde. There was so much blood and dirt in her hair it was truly hard to tell.

She had clearly been through a tough battle before ending up on the lookout, and he wondered for a moment if she had won or lost the battle. Had they pulled her out before she could finish it? Had taking her away from her home saved her life, perhaps? Would she know when she woke up?

It was only now he became aware of her attire. It was as if her outfit was made entirely of loose pink ribbon, that somehow managed to cover all her private parts, and was held together by a broach on her chest. A red choker with a pink heart and crescent moon was around her neck, moon and star earrings adorned her ears and white with red accent boots that went up to her knees covered her feet.

What really caught Vegeta's attention was the crescent moon on her forehead. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, something stirred; he remembered his father telling him a story when he was young about a race that had moon marks, but what did he say?

The Prince growled quietly when he couldn't remember.

As he stared at the girl in his lap curiosity filled him. Who was this girl? Where did she come from? And why was her clothing made of ribbon? It looked soft, the ribbon, and an urge to touch it overwhelmed him. He shifted her slightly and ran a finger over a ribbon covering her stomach. It was the softest thing Vegeta had ever felt, yet it seemed strong somehow.

His mind wandered back to the girl and he wondered if her skin would feel the same way. For a second, he contemplated touching the creamy skin that lay under the ribbon. All at once he realized the woman on his lap was indeed a woman, and she was partially naked.

*Bulma's POV*

Bulma had been watching Vegeta out of the corner of her eye most of the ride home. He was the silent type, and that worked for her. What he didn't realize was just how much his face showed his emotions from time to time.

She watched as curiosity filled him, and then a look of concern, then frustration. When he ran a finger over her ribbons Bulma smiled inwardly. It was only after she noticed something she had only seen a few times; his pupils went a little dark as he stared at the girl's skin. Then embarrassment and he started glancing around him.

"Capsule number 425, in the glove box," she told him.

He grunted a thanks and quickly found the capsule, popped it, and wrapped the girl in the blanket provided.

It amazed her how gentle the Saiyan could be when he wanted to be. With his strong arms he had gently lifted the small form and placed the blanket under her, making sure she was covered.

At times like this her heart ached. Over the years, she had grown fond of the alien. She knew Vegeta didn't feel the same way about her, so she put on a strong front and reveled in the moments they spent together.

*Vegeta's POV*

He hated it when that woman watched him! How long had she been staring at him? She knew what he wanted before he had even said anything. It was convenient at times, but he knew, in the human world, actions like that meant there were feelings, and he hated feelings. The only feelings he truly had was respect, and anger. Kakarot was the closest thing to a friend he had, and even then, the younger Saiyan pissed him off more than anything.

When they finally landed it was dark outside, a ¾ moon shining bright in the sky. Vegeta quickly exited the vehicle. He tried to be gentle and keep the girl in his arms wrapped, but the top of the blanket fell, exposing her top half.

He moved to cover her when he noticed her broach had started to glow. He stopped moving.

"Vegeta, what are you doing?" Bulma's annoying voice called to him. "We need to get her inside."

"Shut up, woman!" He was not interested in what she wanted, besides, something was happening to the wounded one.

Bulma growled and stomped over to him. "Now, Vegeta."

He ignored her as his mind began to piece things together. The glow of the broach in the moonlight, the crescent moons all over her body. She drew her power from the moon, he was almost certain.

"Don't ignore me!" She was talking again.

"Damn it woman, do you not know how to shut up?" He narrowed his eyes at her. "We can take her inside, but she needs somewhere with a view of the moon."

"What are you, psychic all of the sudden? How would you know?"

"Look!" Vegeta pointed at her broach. "Call it a hunch, but I think she draws her power from it."

Bulma's eyes went wide. "Okay, but let's get her inside."


Bulma had cleaned the girl up as much as she could when they arrived and she was now set up in a comfortable room, an IV in her arm.

"She's still not awake?" Goku queried as he walked into the room.

"No," Vegeta replied. He was in a chair off to the side of the bed. He often came to check on the girl, and to see if her change in appearance would spark the memory of what his father had told him.

Her uniform was completely mended now, and Vegeta found it kind of ridiculous with its puffy pink shoulders and three-tiered skirt.

"Do you really think she's the most powerful warrior in the universes?" Goku asked, sitting in another chair.

Vegeta looked out the big window. The moon was now full and high in the sky. "She's just a woman. In nearly every race I know about, women are physically weaker than men."

*Usagi's POV*

She heard voices. Voices she didn't recognize. They sounded muffled to her, and her mind was hazy.

How was she alive? She was certain she had been dying.

"Shenron has never led us astray," the higher pitched voice said.

A grunt replied. This voice was closer to her.

"Have faith, Vegeta," the first voice said again. "She may surprise you."

"She is a woman, Kakarot," Vegeta answered. "I've met some woman who could hold their own, and fight with the best of them. But even Saiyan women were naturally weaker. It's one reason they were so rare."

What the hell was a Saiyan? And where was she? Her body hurt a little, but the bed, or what she figured was a bed, was comfortable.

She was tired still, but she could feel the strength of her Crystal, and she tried to move her hand.

Though her eyes were closed, she could sense the gazes of the two men on her.

"Kakarot, go get Bulma," Vegeta ordered. "Tell her to bring some food."

Usagi didn't hear a reply, but she heard footsteps retreat.

It was now she decided to open her eyes.

*Vegeta's POV*

He waited with bated breath for her to open her eyes. She would be full of questions, he was certain. While he didn't have any of the answers, Dende did.

They had been given explicit instructions to bring the girl to him when she woke.

Dende and Shenron had a connection, meaning Dende knew more than the rest of them. And the envelope he cared for was sure to hold much explanation as well.

Vegeta stood and walked over to the bed. Her eyes fluttered open, and stared straight at him. Despite the fact she was in an unfamiliar place, she didn't seem scared.

Her eyes were the purest blue he had ever seen.

"Hello, my name is Vegeta," he provided.

"Where am I?" Her voice was weak and soft. She sat up slowly.

"You're at Capsule Corp on Earth."

"Earth?" She looked out the large window. The moon she saw certainly resembled the one she belonged to, but "How is this possible?"

"That," Bulma's voice replied from the doorway, "is a story for another time. Let's get some food in you and get you cleaned, and checked up first, then we'll make sure to answer all your questions." She rolled a giant trolley over to the woman in the bed. "I didn't know what you'd want to eat, so I made you a bunch of different things."

*Bulma's POV*

If she was being honest, Bulma had stress cooked. She wasn't sure why the presence of this woman made her so nervous, but it did. This girl was beautiful, and a warrior.

Was it the lust she had seen flash in Vegeta's eyes the day she had arrived? Maybe she was being stupid.

"Eat, Moon Girl," Vegeta demanded.

The girl complied and began to eat with a fervor Bulma had only seen from the Saiyans.

Jealousy overwhelmed her when Vegeta smirked. God, what was wrong with her? This girl had only just arrived, Bulma didn't know anything about her, not even her name. Not to mention, she had no hold over Vegeta, no claim to him what so ever.

She knew the times they had slept together we're only so he could get some relief, and he was always so sure to wear protection.

The girl sighed as she finished eating. "Thank you."

Well, at least she had some manners.

"My name is Bulma's," the blue haired woman offered. "What's yours?"

*Usagi's POV*

Usagi looked down at herself. She was still in uniform, and she didn't know these people or their intentions. "For now, you can call me Sailor Moon."

"Do you not have a real name?" Vegeta growled.

"I do, but I don't know you, or where I am or how I got here, so until I have some answers, and know I can trust you, I shall keep my real identity secret," she replied.

"My name is Goku," the other man said offering her a hand.

She took it and smiled at him.

Bulma moved to her side. "I'm going to take this IV out so you can shower, then the boys can take you to Dende who should have the answers you're looking for."

Bulma led her to a large bathroom and left. She stared at herself in the mirror. The crystal had healed her a great deal, and she could tell someone had tried to wash her hair, but in her transformed state, her buns were practically impossible to get out, and dirt and dried blood still remained.

Dropping her transformation, she disrobed and hopped into the hot shower. As the water washed over her, she tried to remember what had happened before she woke.

She and her scouts had been fighting a terrible monster. Its power has drained most of the life from the planet, and it was a barren wasteland where they had fought.

Nothing they did seemed to phase it. Each scout had attacked ferociously, they had even used the Sailor Planet Attack, but all it did was absorb their power and shoot it back.

Makoto had tried physical attacks, along with Mamoru, but it wasn't enough. She remembered each of their deaths vividly, and tears began to fall down her cheeks.

Her Scouts, and Tuxedo Mask had all perished. She had tried everything, even using the crystal to the extent that her uniform had started to unravel.

Her power had been shot back at her causing the crystal to crack and taking her to the ground. She still remembered the fear and sadness that washed over her as her body gave up; she had failed her planet, and its people. Then everything went dark.

Once again she wondered how it was she ended up here. Vegeta had said she was on Earth, but that couldn't be. She was certain the planet had been destroyed. They had been its only defenders, and they had failed.

Bulma had told her she would get answers, and she wanted, no, needed those answers, now! As much as she wanted to revel in the hot water, she washed quickly and stepped out of the shower. Only stopping long enough to dry her hair a little and put it up in their buns before transforming again.

Gathering her civilian clothes, she went to find Bulma and the men. They were out in the large living room.

"Bulma, can you wash these for me please," Eternal Sailor Moon asked.

Bulma nodded. "Are you sure you want to go out so late?"

She nodded. "I need some answers."

"Then let's go," Vegeta prompted.

The two men stood and they all walked outside.

"Can you fly?" Goku asked.

Over the years of her being Eternal Sailor Moon, Usagi had learned how to either summon or hide her wings. They were sometimes a pain when she was fighting, so she had figured out a way to make then disappear, and now, when she transformed, her wings didn't appear automatically like they had before.

Closing her eyes, she summoned them.

*Vegeta's POV*

Vegeta watched with mild annoyance as the girl stood there with her eyes closed. What the hell was she doing?

Suddenly large white wings sprouted from her back. He was shocked at first, and he wondered for a moment if she might be an angel. She certainly looked like one with her flowing golden hair, pure blue eyes and large white wings.

He realized he was gawking at her, and quickly regained his composure.

She took to the air almost immediately. "Let's go."

He and Goku led the way, keeping a little ahead of the girl. She flew a with speed and agility that impressed the Prince.

"Do you think she's an angel?" Goku asked.

"Don't be a fool, Kakarot," Vegeta replied harshly. "Angels aren't real."

"She certainly looks like one, even has wings like one. She's supposed to be the most powerful warrior, if she was an angel it would explain it," Goku continued.

Vegeta thought about that for a moment. "I don't know. Let's get some answers first. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough." Vegeta was just as curious as his friend was. The more he knew about the girl the better. She seemed kind enough, but he needed to be certain before he allowed her to stay.

*Usagi's POV*

They landed on a large platform floating in the sky. For a moment, she wondered how it was floating, then decided it must be some kind of magic.

Two green aliens exited the building, along with a short black one.

"We've been expecting you," the shorter of the two said. He walked straight up to Eternal Sailor Moon. "My name is Dende, I am the Earth's Guardian. This to my right is Piccolo, and to my left is Mr. Popo."

Her eyes went wide, then softened. "I am Eternal Sailor Moon." She took in the group around her then looked at Dende. "How is this possible?"

He smiled kindly at her. "I'm sure you have many questions. If you'll come with me, I'd be happy to answer as many of them as I can." He turned to enter the building. The others began to follow. "Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Popo you all stay out here, this is a personal matter."

"The fate of our planet rests on this woman and you think it's a personal matter?" Vegeta growled.

"Yes," Dende answered calmly. "Have faith Vegeta."

The Saiyan grumbled, but remained behind with his comrades.

Usagi folded her wings and followed the boy inside, not wanting to make them disappear in case she needed to make a quick get away. She sat when he motioned for her to, and took the envelope he handed her.

"This should answer most of your questions, I believe," Dende told her.

She took the envelope and hesitated before opening it slowly.

As she read the letter her eyes began to water. It explained how she had been transferred here from her universe via the dragon balls, whatever those were, and that her planet had been destroyed, along with everything and everyone on it.

It also told her she was on Earth, it was just a different dimension from her own, but was still the same planet.

Lastly, it read the she had been summoned here because they needed a strong warrior to help fight an evil that was lurking. It apologized for her loss, but hoped she would be able to find peace and happiness.

Tears we're streaming down her face now. Everything she had feared was true. Her fiancé, her friends, her family and her planet were all gone. She had failed as a Guardian, and as the future Queen of her planet. If she had failed her Earth, how was she supposed to protect this one?

Dende waited patiently for her to work through her grief, and when she finally composed herself, he smiled sadly at her.

"Do you know what this says?" She asked holding up the letter.

He was about to answer when a loud boom sounded from outside.

Sailor Moon stood abruptly. "What was that?"

"Probably Goku and Vegeta sparring," Dende replied calmly. "Vegeta isn't the patient type." He stood and led the girl to a large window.

Sure enough, outside the two Saiyans were fighting.

"What are they?" Usagi questioned.

"They are the last of the Saiyan race," Dende explained. "Piccolo and I are Namekian." He turned to face her. "And you, you are not completely human either, I can sense it."

"You're right," she agreed. "I am the last of my kind." She paused for a moment, her eyes fixating on the moon. She contemplated the Namekian beside her for a moment. She had felt nothing but calm from him, and had felt no ill will from any of the people she had met so far. Vegeta was skeptical, she could tell, but he showed no intention of hurting her. Looking down at Dende she said, "I am Lunarian."

Surprise washed over his face. "The Lunarians are still alive in your universe?"

"Not anymore," she sighed. "Now I'm here, in your universe, so . . ." Her voice trailed off as she watched the two warriors outside. "If this is an alternate universe, do you think my friends are here?"

"I suppose it's possible," Dende replied.

"You told me you are the Guardian of Earth, but you don't seem like much of a fighter to me, no offense."

Dende chuckled. "I'm not. I'm more of a healer. I watch over the planet more or less. Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and a few others are the real protectors here."

"Yet none of them are human." She was silent for a moment. "I was the guardian of my Earth." She let out a sigh. "I didn't do a very good job." She looked at the Namekian again. "I don't know how much I'll be able to help you."

"Shenron picked you specifically," Dende explained. "You are here for a reason. You and I may not know the reason yet, but time will tell."

They silently watched the Saiyans for a while. Usagi was amazed at the speed and power they possessed. If they could not protect this planet with all the skills they had, how was she supposed to? She was a mediocre fighter at best; relying on her crystal for her power. As Usagi, she was basically powerless.

"Sailor Moon?" Dende finally spoke.


"I know you have your doubts, but with Goku and Vegeta's help, I am certain you will become a great fighter, and will help us when the time arises."

"Thank you, Dende."

That's all for this chapter, keep reading to find out what happens next. And please review.
