So here is the last chapter! First of all, I want to thank every single one of you who took the time to review and favorite/followed this story. I want you to know I read every review posted and really take them into account for my future writing of chapters. I am hoping to create more Yi Jeong/Ga Eul stories so stay tuned! So here we go for the final chapter, enjoy!

Yi Jeong squinted up at the building Woo Bin had pulled into, "Please tell me you are kidding."

Woo Bin shook his head, "Nope."

Yi Jeong grumbled under his breath as he climbed out of the car, he was really going to have a serious talk with Ga Eul about her living arrangements. As they had been heading back to Woo Bin's after disposing of Seo Jun, Jan Di had texted them asking if they could pick up a few of Ga Eul's things from her apartment. It was a tiny building that had paint peeling, water stains, and the front steps were rotting in certain places. The neighborhood also looked like it had seen better days with its old streets and a scattered collection of various graffiti.

As Woo Bin walked over beside him, Yi Jeong reached over and smacked the back of his head, "Ow!" Woo Bin yelled, "What was that for?"

"How could you let her move into something like this?" Yi Jeong demanded, "have you lost your mind?"

I tried!" Woo Bin insisted, "But have you met Ga Eul? She is more stubborn than a mule about not letting any of us pay for anything. This was all she could afford and I practically begged for her to let me get the apartment she really wanted but she refused."

"What other apartments?"

"This nice one overlooking the park and gardens, not too far from me actually but it was out of her price range." Woo Bin shrugged, "I offered to just buy it for her but she told me if I did that or even thought about mentioning it to you, she would put her high heel in a very…uncomfortable place," Woo Bin finished with a wince at the memory.

Even Yi Jeong let out a shudder at the implied threat, "I will talk to her."

"Good luck."

As they walked upstairs Yi Jeong suddenly realized he didn't have a key, "Did Ga Eul give you a spare? How are we going to get in?"

Woo Bin smirked, "Have you forgotten who your best friends with?" He took out the little tool kit that he always kept in his wallet once they got to her door and Woo Bin had barely put his pin into the keyhole when it clicked open. "Are you just that good or was that a little too easy?" Yi Jeong asked suspiciously.

"It was a little too easy," Woo Bin answered with concern, "that's one flimsy lock."

New horror flooded over him as he realized what could have happened if Ga Eul had gone home last night, if Woo Bin hadn't been able to get to her. Seo Jun would have had no problem opening that door and the images made Yi Jeong feel sick and a little unbalanced, "She's not staying here anymore."

"I will keep her with me," Woo Bin agreed, "I can appeal to her guilt by reminding her how worried I would be all the time especially after what happened."

"Or I can just take her back to Sweden," Yi Jeong said as they stepped into the apartment and Woo Bin looked at him surprised, "Are you serious?"

"Yes. No. I don't know," Yi Jeong answered with a frustrated tone, "How am I going to leave her Woo Bin? Especially after all this, it was hard enough being away but now…"

"She won't go," Woo Bin said quietly, "Not because she doesn't want to be with you but because Ga Eul knows how important pottery is to you. She will refuse to do anything that might take away your chance to get your hands back."

"How would moving to Sweden with me stop that?" Yi Jeong asked confused, "if anything- "

"Be honest bro, how much studying and therapy would you be able to commit to if Ga Eul's there? Especially after you get her into your bed." Woo Bin ignored the look of warning from Yi Jeong, "What? Can you look me in the eye and tell me that you could live with Ga Eul and not have her in your bed?"

At the reluctant shake from his best friend, Woo Bin clasped his shoulder, "Ga Eul knows that and she won't be a distraction for you. I will look after her Yi Jeong, I promise. Nothing like this will happen again."

"You're probably right," Yi Jeong huffed out annoyed, "I will deal with leaving later. Right now lets just grab her stuff and get out of here, but I am still not letting her move back into this place."

As he looked around he honestly didn't think he had ever seen such a small space. It was worse than the place Jan Di had lived in briefly. The apartment was basically a closet but Yi Jeong could see Ga Eul's touch everywhere, with a lot of warm colors and fresh flowers. She had a small couch that must also serve as her bed since there were no other rooms and it had multiple blankets scattered over the sides. It made his back hurt just looking at the stupid thing.

"Aish this girl is really trying to kill me," Yi Jeong grumbled under his breath before heading into her kitchen, if you could really call it that since it only held a tiny stove, no table, and a mini-fridge tucked into the corner.

Yi Jeong noticed it was covered in pictures and bent down for a closer look. He smiled as he took in the scattered photographs, mostly of Jan Di and Ga Eul doing whatever it is that girls do but there was also some of her family, and even a few of Ji Hoo and Woo Bin. In the center though there was a picture Yi Jeong didn't remember taking, it was him and Ga Eul at Caledonia right after they returned from their boat ride. Yi Jeong was leaning against the side of the boat smiling at Ga Eul as she did a twirl because it had started to rain.

He remembered her squealing in delight as the rain began to come down lightly once they had returned to shore and Ga Eul telling him how much she loved storms before beginning to dance and skip along the water's edge. She had absolutely refused to go inside even when it began to pour until Yi Jeong had finally thrown her over his shoulder and took off for the cabanas. At the feel of her warm feminine body and smart smack of her hands on his back, Yi Jeong knew he was in trouble. He had held countless girls but none of them had made his stomach twist like his did that day. He may have fought it for a long time but Yi Jeong had known from the beginning Ga Eul would become his.

He snatched the photo from the fridge and snuck it into his pocket. "I got her toothbrush and the books she asked for," Woo Bin called out interrupting his thoughts, "Anything else?"

"I think Jan Di mentioned she needed some more socks and stuff," Yi Jeong said as he walked over to the small nightstand next to the couch, "I know Ga Eul likes to be practical but I am buying her some real furniture. I don't even care if she gets mad because this is just ridiculous."

"No kidding." As Yi Jeong pulled on the handle, he drew in a sharp breath and Woo Bin's eyes widened as they took in the contents of her drawer which was filled with black lacy bras, tiny matching underwear, a deep green nightie, and even some colorful garters.

"Wow," Woo Bin coughed awkwardly, "Ga Eul is sure full of surprises. Who would have guessed that she had this-" He paused noticing the murderous glare on Yi Jeong's face, "You know what," Woo Bin said with a quick step back, "I am just going to stop talking and let you handle this part of her packing."

"Good idea," Yi Jeong told him sternly as he grabbed a handful of pieces desperately trying not to focus on all the images his brain had conjured up. Knowing Ga Eul had this kind of underwear collection was sending most of his blood south and he had to firmly remind himself this was not the time or the place for it but someday… "Don't go there Yi Jeong," He muttered knowing he would never get on a plane back to Sweden if he let his thoughts go that far.

Yi Jeong turned back to Woo Bin who looked a little red in the face and realizing his friend must have had a similar mental picture quickly smacked his head again. "Sorry," Woo Bin told him with a laugh and Yi Jeong shook his head, not even being able to blame him, "come on let's go."

Ga Eul slowly stirred in the bed, feeling like a truck had run over her. Ji Hoo had warned her that she would feel worse the next day like someone does after a car accident. The soreness would really take effect after her body had a chance to stiffen up and the shock had worn off. She had woken up earlier to Jan Di sitting beside her who had quickly explained that Yi Jeong and the others had captured Yi Seo Jun and had gone to take care of it.

Relief and fear had swarmed Ga Eul but before she could dwell on it, she had drifted back asleep the trauma of the day taking its toll. Now though she was desperate to find Yi Jeong and make sure he was okay.

Ga Eul gingerly sat up but as she tried to swing her legs over the bed, the door opened and Yi Jeong slipped in to check on her. "Hi," he said with a grin realizing she was awake.

"Hi," Ga Eul whispered her relief evident, "You're back."

Yi Jeong noticing she was trying to get up, hurriedly stepped over and knelt down in front of her, "Where do you think you're going?" He asked curiously, smoothing back a wayward piece of hair, "You need to rest."

She grabbed him, her eyes scanning him for injuries, "Are you okay? You didn't hurt your hands?"

After everything she had been through Yi Jeong's heart swelled as he realized she was worried about him. He must have done something right in a past life because he sure as hell knew he hadn't done anything to deserve her in this one. He brushed a kiss over her knuckles, "I'm fine Ga Eul. Don't worry."

She sagged in relief but concerned still flushed over her face, "Seo Jun?"

Yi Jeong stroked his hands over her thighs slowly, "You never have to think about him again. He's leaving Seoul as we speak."

"Is he…alive?" Ga Eul asked cautiously which made Yi Jeong smile darkly, "yes but barely. I made sure that his recovery would not be as easy as yours."

Ga Eul grinned but Yi Jeong could still see the little bit of fear in her eyes as her gaze fell to the floor but he gently tilted her head back up, forcing her to look at him, "Seo Jun will never bother you again. Woo Bin's men are taking him somewhere far away and Gu Jun Pyo is also cracking down on his family so they won't interfere. He's gone Ga Eul, I promise."

Ga Eul exhaled, "Thank you." Yi Jeong pulled her slowly to her feet, steadying her as she wobbled slightly, "Ga Eul…" He trailed off needing to say this right, "you're the most important person in my life. You know that, don't you?"

Ga Eul stared at him before nodding but didn't respond knowing he needed to get this off his chest, "It was like getting gutted with a knife when I heard you got hurt."

"Yi Jeong," Ga Eul said her heart racing, but he hurried on, "No one touches you Ga Eul. I would have killed Seo Jun if I thought for even a second he would come back after you. No matter what the others said or did no-one would have been able to stop me if you were still in danger."

"I know that Sunbae." Ga Eul understood what he was trying to tell her, "you don't have anything to prove to me. I knew you would come back for me the minute Seo Jun attacked me. I never doubted it. This is not your fault and nothing Seo Jun did has affected us, I promise."

Yi Jeong leaned forward resting his forehead against her, "I love you Chu Ga Eul." He felt her intake of breath at the words, it was the first time he had ever said them to her. They had both implied it by their actions and conversations but neither had said it out loud. Both somehow knowing it would make their time apart more difficult but Yi Jeong couldn't hold it inside anymore.

Not after the terror he felt when he got Woo Bin's phone call and desperation he felt on the plane trying to get back to her. Life was too short and she was too important to wait. Yi Jeong didn't want her to wonder for even a minute about what he felt for her. Ga Eul gently stroked his cheek, "I love you too So Yi Jeong."

Unable to resist any longer Yi Jeong kissed her, not a chaste brushing of lips but finally giving in to the temptation he had since he met her and let his mouth engulf hers. Ga Eul quickly responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and melting into him. At the silky touch of her fingers into his hair, he grinned against her lips and deepened the kiss. Ga Eul shyly opened her lips and he fought for self -control but as he tasted her, Yi Jeong couldn't help but groan. She tasted like warm honey and old brandy, the feel of her skin under his hands and her scent flooded over him, making him lightheaded. Ga Eul moaned and tentatively bit down on his lower lip and he barely resisted throwing her down onto the bed. Yi Jeong pulled back with a gasp before he lost all his willpower, holding her close into his chest as Ga Eul buried her face into his neck, both breathing hard.

"Ga Eul yang," Yi Jeong whispered, "how am I going to leave you?"

She didn't respond but simply tightened her grip on him, "I could stay you know. I can finish my therapy on my hand here in Korea."

"No Yi Jeong," Ga Eul said cupping his face into her hands, "I love you for saying that, for being willing to do that for us but no. You're finally getting your strength back in your hand and I won't allow anything to stop your progress. We were doing good this past year before all this happened, right?" At his slow nod, she brushed a light kiss over his cheeks and brow, "then we will be fine for another three years, okay?"

While he knew she was right, it was still a struggle to picture himself away for another three years. Yi Jeong sighed as he lowered his face into her chest, her fingers lightly brushing through his hair, "You will still be the first person I will come looking for when I get back."

Ga Eul blinked back tears but forced a smile into her voice as she lowered her head to his ear, "It's a date then."

Yi Jeong finally pulled back after a while, the weight of the last few days falling off of him and his eyes twinkled mischievously as he wrapped his arms tighter around her waist, "by the way, I stopped by your apartment to grab a few things for you."

"You did?"

"Uh-huh," He flashed her his Casanova grin, "So when do I get to see the rest of that underwear collection?"


Ga Eul breathed in some fresh sunshine as she took in the busy streets of Seoul. She was heading home after starting her first day as a teacher's assistant at the local elementary school. She was a tad nervous but mostly excited at the new opportunity. It had been six months since Seo Jun had attacked her and it had been a long fight to physically get back to her old state. Yi Jeong had categorically refused to head back to Sweden until after the surgery on her wrist. The operation had gone smoothly as the surgeon Ji Hoo had specifically assigned to her case had reset her bone and added a few screws for the shattering Seo Jun had done with his boot.

Ga Eul was surprised the doctor had been able to hold the scalpel without shaking after Yi Jeong's less than subtle threats that she had better emerge from surgery without any complications. Not to mention Ji Hoo's intense supervision in the operating room. Nevertheless, it had been successful and after working in physical therapy she was able to rotate it again and believed in a few more months she would have her full strength back. Yi Jeong had finally flown back to Sweden a few days after her surgery once she had bowed to the combined pressure of her boyfriend, Jan Di, and the rest of F4 that she would stay with Woo Bin until she was fully recovered.

A few weeks ago, Ga Eul had decided to accept the apartment overlooking the gardens as a present from Ji Hoo and Woo Bin. But only after Yi Jeong had threatened to quit his studies and come back to Korea early because he would be too worried about her otherwise. Shamelessly playing on the fact that he knew her guilt over causing him to worry would overrule her pride. It was a beautiful apartment and Jan Di's support as she reminded Ga Eul that it was basically pocket change for the boys let her stop feeling bad for accepting it.

Going back to school had been the biggest challenge since memories of Seo Jun stalking her and his attack flooded over her regularly at first but it was getting better. Jun Pyo had placed his sister in charge of overseeing the day to day operations and Gu Jun Hee had cracked down on the principle and teachers forcing them to stop students who were harassing or attacking others with threats of expulsion. Jun Hee had made it very clear that money was no longer a free pass to act or say whatever you wanted at Shinhwa anymore.

She had also told Ga Eul that she had more than earned her scholarship and did not need to work to attend Shinhwa University. Ga Eul was now a normal student just like everyone else. Plus, after Woo Bin had driven her to school a few times and made it known that if any rumors were started about Ga Eul or if anyone even so much breathed on her wrong again they would be answering directly to him. Now that everyone was no longer acting like she was just the lowly commoner, Ga Eul could focus on her studies and she was even able to make a few friends.

Overall, things were improving and Ga Eul was happy. She missed Yi Jeong like crazy of course but they knew it wouldn't be forever. They made it a point to call or video chat no longer hesitant to tell each other how much they loved each other or how much they missed the other. True to his word, Yi Jeong was improving his hands and he always showed her his new artwork before anyone else, even his instructors.

Ga Eul was making sure not to hide anything from him even if it was just waking up frightened from a nightmare, she always called him who would soothe her fears no matter what time of night it was. They were stronger than ever and both knew that once he finished up in Sweden he would come back and put his ring on her finger.

As she crossed the intersection and headed into her new building she was surprised by the smell of flowers drifting from her apartment. As Ga Eul opened her door she gasped as her entire home was covered with roses of every different color. Vases piled over her shelves and counters while petals littered her floor. Ga Eul picked up the note with shaky hands before letting out a watery chuckle reading the note from Yi Jeong who was congratulating her on her first day on the job and his declarations of love for her. Delivery service courtesy of Woo Bin was the scribble at the end from the cheeky Don Juan who also congratulated her.

Ga Eul shook her head, looking around at the explosion of flowers that rivaled the gardens across the street. She blew a kiss and buried her nose into the fragrance of the roses "You're still a Casanova," Ga Eul muttered her heart full, "but you're my Casanova." She pulled out her phone and sent him a quick text of thanks and love for him. They still had some time to go but she knew Yi Jeong would keep his promise to come back to her and no matter if it was three more years or thirty, Ga Eul would be waiting.