

Y/n kept glancing next to her. She did for a while, as she continued to walk with the person next to her. She did it enough time to get their attention, shifting their own glance towards her and she stopped looking away and finding the color of a house they passed by more interesting.

A while longer on their walk, she continued again, as they pass by a small shop to get some sweets, she picked out her favorite treats and, stood behind him in line, insisting she would pay her own, but refusing to pay first for her things. Gaining a curious and confused look she smiled to reassure them. This gave her more time to stare however her glance shifted upward and sometimes leaning to her side just a bit to take a glance at a different angle.

He noticed but he didn't comment shifting his position to slightly face her catching her curious and thoughtful stare, as it shifted to a surprise and multiple blinks before looking away.

"Next!" The cashier shouted. Y/n watched him go up to the cashier to pay for his picks of snacks and later her turn. Making sure she had the bag in a comfy position in her arms she walked towards the door, as he waiting for her. They both left and continue their walk for the day. Now her carrying the bag of desserts helping her cover face a bit.

They continue on their day doing various shopping, and fun activities, her stares didn't stop as she became more thoughtful and

'confused?' He thought. He wasn't sure why she kept staring. It made him question it. Was there a meaning or purpose behind her stares? Did he do something? Was she upset? Did he have something on him? He wasn't sure, he wanted to ask but before he could he kept on being interrupted and when he caught her stares she would turn away. He began to worry about the 'why'. He tried recalling all his actions previous to when the stares began, but he couldn't figure out why. He wasn't the best at reading people as far as he was concerned and tried.

The day came close to the end as they finish their day sitting in front of a water fountain, finishing up the last of the snacks they had bought. Finishing first, Tokoyami threw his side of the trash out. Returning back to a slightly dazed Y/n who kept on nibbling at her snack.

"Y/n, are you ok?" He finally asked, his voice bringing her back to reality. She looked up at him, before standing up, closing the container that had her snack along with the eating utensils. She walked up to him, he began to feel nervous, he wasn't sure what was going to happen.

"Fumikage.." She began drifting off lifting her hand up, curiously he followed the motion of her hand before he noticed it coming down, soon feeling it on the top of his head feeling his feathers/hair shift slightly downwards. Surprised he stayed silent staring at her for an explanation.

"Short" She said boldly.

"eh?" was all he could say, he was completely off guard, and confused.

"You're pretty short Fumikage" Y/n added taking her hand away and let out a light chuckle. Tokoyami couldn't help but facepalm.

"Y/n... is this the reason you were staring the whole day..?" He mumbled.

"Yeah! I noticed how I actually shift my eyes sight slightly downwards when we speak. But you look a bit taller! So I thought it was your hair! or Feather! and that I'm actually tall than you!" She said happily. Tokoyami gave out a heavy sigh. Looking at her happy expression. He was worried the whole time of doing something wrong and her focus was just on their height difference.

"Y/n, I thought you were upset with me or something" He admitted. She tilted her head slightly.

"But you haven't done anything to make me upset?" she question.

"I can see that now." He said. The relief washing over him, as Y/n began to carry on a full out conversation about their height difference, and with confidence admitting her height to him. He shook his head as he heard her out, a smile appearing enjoying the sound of her voice again as he walked her home.

"I love you!" Y/n said with a smile before giving him a hug and peck.

"I love you too, good night" he said as he watched her enter her home safely.

"I wonder if can grow taller than Y/n by the end of the year" Tokoyami wondered on his way back home.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one! cx

I couldn't work on another unless I got this one out of my system haha.

and if you guys can comment, fav and /or follow c: it means a lot c:

Thank you and see you guys in the next one-shot.