Author's Note: Gasp. Another WIP? Harmony? Why? Short answer - it makes me really happy. Plus I'm not really updating Wanderlust until it's completed because it's in a shit storm of editing and re-plotting and it wouldn't be fair to update until I know what I'm doing. I wouldn't want to give readers whiplash. Expect semi regular updates as it's already planned.

So much love to AlexandraO and MykEspirt for being lovely human beings and going through my outline and planning this fic with me. I would still be confused if it weren't for their help! And extra thanks to AlexandraO for beta reading this.

Warnings: This fic will deal with the topic of infertility in later chapters. It does have a happy ending on all fronts, but I know this is something many women suffer with and I don't want you to read it if it hurts. There isn't much else to worry about unless you hate smut. In that case, don't read this. I'm sure there will be much of it.

7.15.19: There have been minor edits to fix small inconsistencies found in the plot. The plot has not changed, just some minor fixes with the timeline.

Hermione couldn't sit still.

The chair was uncomfortable, the hard back of digging into her back as she tried to relax. Ron had slid his arm around her back, slowly, awkwardly, rubbing what he must have believed were soothing circles into her back. His fingers traced the divots of her spine and whenever she glanced at him, he offered a weak smile. His eyes were as bright as they ever were.

Her stomach twisted. Hermione fidgeted with her ring, the slim white gold band that circled her ring finger that came together with a single diamond. It was simplistic, something she preferred, and it was a complete joke. Not that Ron would make a terrible husband; he just wasn't for her. They both knew it, but when the law was passed by the Wizengamot Ron had apparated directly into her flat and proposed.

Too afraid that she would be matched with a Death Eater, she'd said yes. Here they were six weeks later, and she was sure it had been the longest six weeks of her life. She theorized the Ministry would eventually pull their heads from their arses, and hopefully, it would be before they got her properly knocked up. As bad as the situation was, she couldn't imagine putting a baby into the mix of things.

Somewhere in the future, this day would be a distant memory. It would be a section in textbooks of the time several old, balding men had attempted to tell society what to do with their bodies. It was enough to make her want to leave Britain, but the two men on either side of her made her realize she couldn't leave.

Still, hadn't they fought in a war for the betterment of society? This, telling her to cease her contraceptive potions or she would be fined, possibly put in Azkaban for a night or two, was decidedly not for the betterment of society. At least she would end up with someone she trusted. Hermione loved Ron, she truly did, but there was a difference between loving and being in love.

Looking around the room and recognizing so many of her former peers, guilt ate at her for taking the easiest way out.

Harry grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers through hers and held their hands out of sight. She glanced at him, the corner of her lips dragging down. "I don't like this." she murmured, and Ron's movements stilled. "I wasn't talking to you," Hermione said, weakly smiling. Though Ron pulled his hand back anyway. "I meant I don't like all of this. Rita Skeeter is staring at us as if we're the prize."

"Well," Harry drawled. "The two of you already paired yourselves off. She's waiting to see who my lucky witch is."

She knew she hadn't imagined Harry's eyes straying toward her. "Right," she whispered.

Silence fell over the hall as Kingsley made his way to the stand, stiffly gripping a scroll of parchment. It was ironic that it was always a piece of paper changing her life, first it was the first Hogwarts letter, and every one thereafter. Or it was a flyer inside of the Ministry calling for her arrest for aiding and abetting Harry Potter.

Now it was a Marriage Law. At the turn of the millennium, witches and wizards alike had been celebrating the new year. Surely it would bring happiness, and then a week later the Wizengamot and the office of the Minister of Magic had released a joint statement. The Marriage Law of 2002, to begin at the beginning of January, brought Hermione's world down around her ears.

"Thank you for coming today." Minister Shacklebolt began, clearing his throat.

Dean shouted from the crowd, scowling and twisting away from Angelina, who tried to calm him. "You make it sound like we had a bloody choice!"

Hermione winced.

Kingsley continued, "I know you're upset with the law, but it is imperative that we replenish our population, or we will be wiped out." As true as it was, Hermione disagreed that this was the right way to do things. Stealing the choices of others was a step just below Voldemort, but she wouldn't say it in a room filled with reporters. "In my hand are the pairings to be read aloud. It was worked on closely to find those who would be compatible."

Hermione knew all about the soulmate charm. Largely flawed as it worked best during a woman's most fertile period, and required blood from either individual -

So, yes, she had her doubts that this would be anything short of a trainwreck.

She didn't listen to the pairings, as unlike her as it may be. To listen meant that she would be warring with herself of whether she should just walk out completely. Truthfully she was only there because aurors would have hauled her in any way, and to be a pillar of support for Harry.

Angelina had been paired with George, a sombre moment where she watched the redhead give her a weak smile. Angelina beamed at him, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. There had been something there before the war, Hermione was certain, and she let a bubble of hope surface that George might be happy. She couldn't think of many more worthy than he.

Harry was still holding her hand as Kingsley read through the list, his finger twisting her engagement ring as he did so. Chills rolled down her spine when she finally looked at him. "What?" she whispered.

His eyes were dark behind wiry frames. "If I don't tell you now, I probably won't considering my new wife wouldn't appreciate it."

She tilted her head to the side, leaning forward to listen. "What are you on about, Harry?" Absently, she was surprised he'd kept any secrets from her. It wasn't like him since they were even closer since the end of the war.

That was a fact she wouldn't touch on.

He smirked against her earlobe, lips mistakenly brushing the soft skin there. "If Ron hadn't proposed, I would have. I didn't want - I didn't want you to be trapped in a loveless marriage when you deserved better."

Hermione jerked back, her breath catching in her throat. He already knew the marriage she was about to enter would be loveless in the love it was meant to be. There was no passion, no spark, and neither she or Ron held that against the other. However...

"Harry Potter —" the Minister's voice cut short, yanking Hermione from her thoughts. The crowd was staring at the man curiously. From the side of her vision, Hermione saw Skeeter, her pen levitating above her notepad as she greedily shot a look at the Boy-Who-Lived. "— I apologize. I thought there had been a mistake." Kingsley swallowed, glancing down at the parchment to see the name hadn't disappeared. "Hermione Granger." he finished.

At first, she didn't understand. There had been such a long pause between names, she reasoned. Kingsley was calling on her, not for —

Harry took her hand, the one that was still entwined with his own and pulled her from the hall. He'd nodded to Ron, mouthing, "Come on."

The entire hall erupted into chaos once the ornate double doors swung shut behind them. Ron was right on their heels, his face already turning red when she'd turned back to look at him. Despite Harry's break up with his sister, they still thought Ginny would be his match. They got on well enough, and no matter how many times Hermione said that didn't make a relationship, Ron didn't listen.

"They can't be serious." Ron snapped finally, hauling the two of them to a stop by grabbing the necks of their robes. "This is mad. How can the Ministry believe the two of you should be married?" he boomed, and reporters flocking to them was instantaneous.

She moaned under her breath, covering her face with shaking hands. "Ron, this isn't the place. Even Skeeter is here, and you know she'll make a spectacle of everything you say." Hermione could imagine the headlines now.


Ron threw his hands up, his lip curling. "So?" he argued raking long fingers through his hair. "No offence, Harry, but you said it yourself that you love her like a sister."

Hermione bit the inside of her cheek. After his whisper to her, she wasn't so sure about that either.

Harry sighed. "Hermione is right. This isn't the place for this. We need —"

His friend wasn't so patient. Ron tugged Hermione to his chest, wrapping his arm around her middle. "There's a clause in the Marriage Law, Harry," he said triumphantly, his fingers drifting down her spine again.

Hermione shot a look at Harry. Though she knew exactly what Ron was about to say, she was more distracted by Harry's pained expression. He looked like..he was imagining how he knew how every inch of her felt.

"Oh?" Harry said through gritted teeth.

Ron grinned above her head as if he knew something Harry didn't. He nodded, smiling. "Pre-existing couples can petition the match, alright?" Ron didn't mention how the entire engagement was a sham, not with so many ears nearby.

Pressed against him, Hermione thought he was acting possessive because he still didn't enjoy Harry winning in anything over him.

Hermione wiggled free of him, her fingers splayed against his sternum as she gave him a short push. "I think we should discuss things before we floo into the Ministry to lodge a complaint." She was on the receiving end of a sharp look when her voice wavered.

"What is there to talk about? I always wanted to marry you." Which was true a long time ago, but he couldn't very well say that.

"I think you should let go of her, mate," Harry murmured, stepping forward as if he were about to rip her free himself. She rarely saw him jealous, but there was no mistaking it.

Aghast, Ron muttered, "Do you want to marry Harry?"

She didn't say yes, but she also didn't say no, which really said all that needed to be said. "Ron, all I want is to have a discussion before we run to apply for a marriage license. Can we do that?"

"I..sure. Yours or mine?" Ron asked, his face falling as she stepped away from him.

Hermione gave a weak smile. "My flat is fine," she replied, and he was gone with a crack. "Harry?"

"Yes?" he answered with caution. Her voice was thick with tears, and she didn't want to face him. "Mione?"

Her shoulders fell and she turned to give him a tight hug. Laying her head on his shoulder, she whispered in his ear, "I have to tell him about the forest, the tent."

Harry froze, not even reaching up to return the warm embrace. "Do you really?" he asked, his tone already resigned.

"Harry, he's going to ask me if I want to marry you and when I can't tell him no, he will want an answer."

"I don't want to ruin your - you can't tell him no?" His brain caught up with her words and he moved forward to slowly to grab her hand before she took a large step backwards. "Hermione, what in the buggering fuck does that — "


Hermione's flat was on the corner of the building, completed by a large bay window. She used it as a reading nook - overlooking the Thames. It was a quiet place with wards that rivalled the Ministry. It was her home, and as Ron turned to look at her, she'd never felt as uncomfortable in her own home as she did then.

Not quite as quick to let his temper take control anymore, he cleared his throat. "I know that marriage is a large step, Mione."

She didn't scoff, but only out of kindness. "It's a huge step considering we aren't dating anymore."

"Are you still angry with me for — "

Hermione shook her head. "No, I'm not angry. We didn't fit together, Ron. It's like we're two puzzle pieces from different boxes."

He didn't completely get the reference. "I assume that's a muggle reference Harry could understand? Since you were both raised as muggles," he sneered.

"Don't." Hermione's voice hardened.

He sighed. "Mione, for Merlin's sake we're engaged already," Ron mumbled, not catching the way she twisted the diamond ring around her finger.

She spoke gently. "You proposed because you knew the law was coming, Ron. Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with me?" Hermione asked, reaching out for him, but he jerked away. "Ronald," she stressed.

"I've always thought it would be you. I know the engagement was a way to avoid…" It was unlike him to trail off. She'd expected him to yell, to curse her, something. "I'm not accusing you of wanting to marry Harry."

"It's an astronomical step, Ron. I don't want to marry anyone, but marriage bonds would destroy our friendship in the end. We're ill-matched." And he knew it was true by the way he hung his head. "I know you want to ask me," Hermione said, her voice barely above a whisper.

In all fairness, he'd wanted to ask her since the final battle, since she returned to Hogwarts and Harry seemed to keep a closer correspondence with her than Ron did.

"Is the reason you're about to hand me that ring back because you have feelings for him?" Ron asked, slumping into his seat. "I want to make it clear that I am trying to be mature, to not lash out at you."

Hermione took a seat across from him, nodding. Crossing one leg over the other, she still grimaced. "I appreciate that, but I'm more worried you'll take it out on Harry."

He scowled at the name. "That bad then?"

It's complicated, she wanted to say, just like her history with Ron. Following the end of the war, they hadn't made a go of things. He was mourning Fred, and he needed to be with his family. They hadn't tried until he exited auror training, and even then, they seemed to fight more than anything else.

"Hermione," he snapped, rubbing his temples. "You're getting lost in your thoughts. I don't care how you phrase it, it's going to sting no matter what so out with it."

She bristled, biting her lip. "When you left us in the Forest of Dean.." Hermione trailed off, chancing a look at him.

His hand was curled into a fist, resting on his knee. "Son of a bitch," he growled. "I always thought something happened."

Her eyes widened. "Why?"

"He looked at you a certain way when you weren't looking, the way he used to look at my sister." Ron paused. "Suppose it makes more sense why he and Gin never picked up where they left off."

"I didn't mean for that — "

Ron waved her off. "I know. She probably knows too, and if she does, she's not angry." He tacked the ending on there when her cheeks filled with red. "I'm relieved."

She laughed, her sides shaking. "Marrying me would have been the biggest mistake you ever made." Hermione mused. "Though — " she continued, rising from her chair and sitting on the armrest of his, taking his hand in hers. "— you're a good man, Ronald Weasley for stepping up to do it."

He gave her a lopsided grin. "I couldn't have you being married off to someone like Malfoy, you know."

Hermione wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Thank you for taking this so well. I shouldn't have lied to you."

His shoulders fell as he peered up at her. "I'm pissed, but I always thought there was something there. I didn't want to believe it. Harry is probably worried sick right now."

She smirked. "I did tell him I was going to tell you. I would hazard the guess he's watching his floo as he waits for you to come charging in."

Ron snorted, hair falling into his face. "Hermione Potter." he chuckled, standing. "It has a certain ring to it. Are you sure you're ready to have his kids? You know, we talked about it once. He wants to name his first born James."

Hermione nodded. "Of course. I think it's a lovely name for a little boy."

"Yeah, well, he also wants to name one Albus Severus, so I suggest — "

"I'll be in charge then. We'll have sensibly named children." Hermione cut in, her body turning toward the floo as it roared to life. "Well, he couldn't wait for you to come to him." she laughed, pulling the ring from her finger and placing it in Ron's palm.

Ron looked down at her, yanking her into a tight hug. "If he ever hurts you, I'll kick his arse."

Hermione slid her hands up his back, squeezing him. "You could have a turn after me."

Letting go of her, Ron stormed toward the floo, slamming his shoulder into Harry's as the man tried to begin an apology.

"As much as he would like to pretend, he isn't angry," Hermione called, folding her arms across her chest. "He's keeping up with appearances for now. He knows he should be angry he's just learned his best mate shagged his fiance."

Harry spluttered. "You weren't his fiance when," he stopped as she giggled. "It's impolite to tease," he grumbled.

If you enjoyed, I would be thrilled to hear what you think. :)