Hello and welcome to another new story.

While I was writing Principessa last year and working the details out for Hain's character this story started to form in my mind. Like Principessa, this story is fast paced and going to be a roller coaster so I would suggest you strap yourself in as it's going to be a hell of a ride.

As always E L James owns the fifty characters, I'm just going to put them through the ringer many times over. Enjoy x


I stood watching the waves crash onto the shore, hearing her laughter in my mind. Mia loved the beach, she loved running in and out of the water and I know she would've never gone home if she had the choice.

Her choices, her everything though had been taken a long time ago and despite how much I wished to see my sister again, nothing would bring her back.

Taking a drink from my beer, I turned back towards the house when I heard my phone ringing on the deck. I ignored it for a moment, longing to go back to that peace, the memories for a few moments more.

I knew it was futile though as the ringing continued. Abandoning my peace, I finally answered, stopping the incessant noise.


"We have a job," Jason told me.

"Right, I will be there as soon as I can."

Ending the call, I made my way into the house grabbing my jacket and car keys. I say house, it's more like a shack built by Jason and me one weekend. It's waterproof, has water thanks to the sky up above and I even had a generator too. It was my quiet place away from everything, the space I needed away from the job that I do.

Despite being on the beach, there is no one else around for miles. For someone to get access to my home, they would either have to abseil down the surrounding cliffs, come in by boat or take a chance and come in from the road. With the amount of security features that Barney had set up around here though, whoever tried might not be in one piece when they reached it.

Leaving my property behind, I made sure all the alarms were set. It would take me over thirty minutes to get to Jason's place and I know once I get there, the rest of our team would've arrived.

My thoughts as I drove down the familiar roads went back to Mia again. She would've been twenty now, taking the world by storm, no doubt. She loved to cook, was even better than our mother at a young age, and that was why we were there that day. For her birthday my parents had given her the gift of spending the afternoon in Canlis, cooking with a professional chef. She was so excited, demanding that I had to be there so I could taste her edible delights, as she called it.

Also there that day was Senator Cane, having a business lunch. He was an innocent but he's the reason that everything was taken away. A bomb, left in a delivery truck not just destroyed the restaurant but my world too. I arrived at the front door, nearly knocking a man over in my rush to get inside as I was late as usual, spending my time getting my cock sucked by Susie instead of being with my family. Mia was happy I arrived though, waving at me from the kitchen, little chef hat on her head. Her smile quickly faded along with her life as the bomb exploded, throwing me back through the window, into the parking lot beyond.

My mum… she'd been in the bathroom at the time and had been the only one inside there to survive. She shut down, pushed me away, even blamed me for not being there. I was a disappointment to her, late as always, so as not to cause her any more pain, I turned and walked away.

Pain was all I felt that day and for a long time after before that pain turned to anger. I wanted to hurt the people who had hurt me and took my family away. That anger is what brought me to the men before me now. Jason Taylor, Barney Stewart, and Elliot McKay.

When a friend of mine enlisted in the army, I did too. Charlie Sawyer and I had been at school together, although he was a few years older than me. He took me under his wing, just like Jason did, both helping me channel my anger. We travelled all over for years, dealing with the scum of the earth while becoming an invincible special forces team. When Jason was discharged due to failing his psych exam we all walked away too.

How was he going to pass when he had completely gone off the rails. Finding the son of the man who had murdered my family and disposing of him, his father took his revenge out on Jason's wife and daughter. They should've been protected but getting a call while in Moscow that they had been murdered was the final straw. Our government said their hands were tied, so much so that it could start a war. Their refusal to let us go in and do it our way was the start of the end working for the country that had always been home. We work for ourselves now, still the same team we have always been with one exception. Where once was my friend, my brother Charlie, his own brother Luke now took his place. Charlie's was another death I took hard but I know it won't be the last.

No attachments, no friendships except to the men in this room. I live like I've got nothing left to lose, I've been told which is the truth because I've not, I've already lost everything.

Thanking Gail for the coffee she handed to me, I sat down at the dining table, waiting for Jason to start.

"Our mission should we choose to accept it," he said, handing us all over a file.

"I'm waiting for the mission impossible music to start every time he says that" Elliot laughed and he's not the only one.

"Ok, joking aside. My contact is offering a pretty penny for us to deal with this guy."

"What's this… this Jack Hyde done" I asked, looking at his file.

"Looks like he's been sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong," Luke said, putting his file down on the table in front of him.

"Jack Hyde is a commissioning editor at a publishing company in Seattle called Seattle Independent publishing."

Mentioning Seattle, all eyes turned to me but I brushed it off, urging him to continue. I go back, only when it's absolutely necessary but other than that, I avoid it like the plague.

"That's his official job" Jason continued. "On the side, he is the man behind Conorist."

"What!" Elliot asked.

"Conorist, it's a conspiracy theorist magazine. Most ignore it."

"Not you," I asked Barney.

"No, you will be surprised by how much real information you can find out in magazines like that. The magazine got in a heap of trouble a few years back though. Released some information to the public that turned out to be true. You remember the Press Secretary's affair, it was Conorist that released the information into the public domain."

"What information does someone want this guy silencing for then," I asked Jason.

"Senator Blandino is up for re-election this year. Apparently, some information Hyde has on him, he has threatened to release. It could not only ruin his chances of re-election but could also embarrass his family too. He's desperate for us to stop it coming out."

"How did we go from shutting down terror operations to dealing with Senator's affairs," Luke asked.

"You didn't take down any terrorist, Charlie did," Elliot said, shutting Luke up.

Out of all of us, those two are the ones who don't see eye to eye. I think it's the fact that when Luke who was a cop before, came on board, he brought his attitude and ego with him. Elliot is the most easy going person you will meet but get in his face and he will knock you down.

"Guys, It doesn't matter how we came to be in this group. We're here, we stick together so cut out the fucking bickering" Jason told them both.

Seeing Elliot and Luke nod, we went back to our meeting.

"If Hyde has some information on the Senator, shouldn't we just let him get on with it. There are enough dishonest people in office, getting rid of one has to be a bonus" I told Jason.

"I understand what you mean but there is another side of it too. Besides being offered a pretty penny to deal with this guy, I have spoken to Welch who has confirmed Hyde has been a pain in the arse for him as well. Hyde has friends all over the country, some people who are only too happy to give out sensitive information for a price. Welch is wondering how long it will be before he releases something that compromises our national security."

"We go then," I told him.

"You guys," he asked the others, all who said they were in.

Having Welch on side who was actually our boss once upon a time, can only be a bonus for us, especially if we fuck up.

We spent a long time after memorising everything about this guy that was in the file. A publishing symposium of all places was our in, the last place you would expect a man like that to be. I read he keeps his apartment like a fortress back in Seattle, wears disguises to get around too. A hotel in Chicago where anyone can walk around isn't the safest place for him to be, especially when I've finished with him.


"The best thing about this job is the travelling, especially when I get the chance to be a tourist," Elliot said as we stood in Millennium Park.

"Yes, don't forget to take lots of photos," I told him, laughing as he pulled up his camera, snapping away, especially at the man who was sat on a bench opposite us, reading the newspaper he held.

"Don't you think he has enough to read, I mean he is in publishing?" Elliot asked me.

"Probably looking for his next victim to go after, the next target of his theories."

"As long as it's not us, I don't give a shit," he told me.

We had been observing Hyde since we arrived in Chicago yesterday and from what I've seen he's a jittery bastard when he's out in the open. At the moment, he had long hair, creating a curtain around his face and it was as fake as some of the stories he releases. It looked like he was waiting for someone or something but upon receiving a call on his phone, he finally got up to leave.

"Why the rush" Elliot asked as we watched Hyde practically run from the park.

"Who knows. Whatever he was waiting for though, he received with that call" I told him.

"Does he not realise that they have phones in the hotel."

"He's weird. Maybe he thinks being out in the open, no one can listen in to his calls."

"Well next time he does this we'll have to get Barney to hack into his phone instead of the hotel security like he is now," he told me.

"Elliot, there won't be a next time."

The hotel where Hyde was staying and also where the symposium is taking place had a computer malfunction this morning, all created by Barney. He's there now, getting their computers back online and making sure that when we need it, we will be in complete control of all systems and cameras too.

Feeling my phone beep in my pocket as we walked back to our car, I pulled it out.

Barney's clear, head back to base – Jason.

I showed Elliot the message before sending one back to let him know we were on our way.

Tonight I would be in that hotel but for now, it's time to regroup.


I sat in the hotel bar watching my prey. Hyde had been up and down the stairs that led to the ballroom here so many times, it was like watching a yo-yo. He was looking for someone, waiting and whoever it was who had not arrived yet, was making him nervous as hell. I did notice how tightly he held onto his briefcase which considering tonight was the final night and party, made him look completely out of place.

Finally deciding to stay in the room for more than a few seconds, he took a seat at the bar, ordering himself a drink.

"Barney, where has he been," I asked, into the mic that was hidden in my sleeve.

"To the bathroom so many times, you would think he was incontinent. The female who I told you about is approaching the bar now."

I watching the door, waiting for the woman to appear as I faked taking a sip of my drink. The whisky touched my lips but that's as far as it went as I needed a clear head tonight.

A few seconds later a woman appeared, looking around for him. Spotting him at the bar, she made her way over.

She was beautiful, despite being a blond, a fact that would usually turn me off. Barney had told me about her earlier in the day, an assistant who had come from Seattle with him. With the way she spoke to him, he clearly made her uncomfortable, so much so she stayed a few feet away.

"Do we have a name for the blond?" I asked.

"Yes, Anastasia Steele. I've done a check on her, nothing, not even a speeding ticket."

Watching her retreat from the room, Hyde quickly pulled his phone from his pocket answering a call. Whoever he was speaking to, he didn't seem happy with what he was being told.

"Tomorrow then," he said angrily, loud enough for everyone to hear before ending his call.

As he called the barman over to get him another drink, I emptied mine into the plant by my side before leaving the room too.

I made my way up the stairs and into the ballroom, following behind a group of giggling women, all who kept looking my way. While here, I needed to choose my victim, well ally for the evening. I would've chosen the blond but despite her not liking the man, she was too close to him. Making my way over to the bar, I stood beside one of the women I had followed in here, who at the moment was trying to get the barman's attention to order a drink. She would do, for what I had planned anyway.

"What can I get you, sir," a flirty barmaid asked, coming down from the other end of the bar, which just pissed off the woman beside me.

"You could get this lady a drink," I told her before turning the charm on my new companion.

"Cosmopolitan" she giggled, smiling at me.

"You heard the lady and I will have a Bombay Sapphire with lime," I told the now disgruntled employee.

"Sir," she said, as I ignored the barmaid and turned to the woman beside me.

"Lexie," she said, holding her hand out for me to take hold of.

"Cameron" I lied, placing a kiss to the back of her hand.

"I haven't seen you at the symposium."

"Well as the owner of a publishing company, I've left it to my staff to be here. I've popped in from time to time but having other businesses as well leaves me a very busy man."

I could practically see the dollar signs rolling in her eyes at the lies I told her and I was saved by the bell when my phone rang.

"Are you staying here?" she asked as I pulled my phone from my pocket.

"Yes, are you."

"No, my boss is too much of a cheapskate to pay for a room here, so we're at a hotel across town. It's ok There's a club underneath, which is a great place to have a dance and a drink so that's one bonus. We might go there later when this thing quietens down" she told me suggestively as I answered the call.

"Rescue alert, rescue alert. Back away from the gold digger" Barney said down the phone as I tried to stifle a laugh. Putting on a serious face though, I excused myself, telling her I had problems at the office to deal with.

"You're leaving," she asked, practically begging me with her eyes to stay.

"Not if I can help it, I just have a few things to attend to. Maybe I can hit that club with you. Let loose for a bit" I told her, hearing that giggle again as I paid for her next round of drinks.

"I'll be here" she called after me.

I'm counting on it.

Leaving the ballroom behind, it was time to do the real work. I made my way up to the twelfth floor and let myself into the room we had booked here. I rolled my eyes when Barney looked away from the screens that had been set up, pointing his gun at me. It was quickly put away as his attention went back to the screens again.

"Did she strip you of all your valuables?" he asked me, as I made my way into the bathroom.

"I think she wanted to strip me of my virtue" I called out making him laugh as I looked through everything that was laid before me.

I had everything I would need for Christian Grey to disappear and the killer inside me to appear. I put on the maintenance uniform Barney had stolen earlier in the day, before hiding my clean shaven face underneath a full beard and moustache. Add to that a cap and gloves and once I had my mic and earpiece in place, I made my way back into the main room, making Barney jump when I placed my hand onto his shoulder.

"If I didn't know it was you, I would've shot you."

"Thanks for not shooting me then" I laughed. "How do I look."

"Like a serial killer," he told me, stating the truth.

"Good, everyone in position," I asked, into my mic, hearing everyone report in.

Making my way to the balcony door, I opened them before looking back to Barney.

"Tell me again why we couldn't get a room on the same floor as Hyde. I could've just jumped balconies, no need for a disguise then as no one else would see me."

"Where would the fun be in that, besides you would've ruined your suit," he said, as I shut the door behind me before climbing over the balcony wall and onto the ledge.

Why-why-why am I out here I thought, making my way along to the housekeeping area on this floor and why the fuck couldn't I just walk out of the hotel room door. In case I bumped into someone, especially someone who really worked here, that's why. We could control the camera's, delete the footage but we couldn't do anything about guests and staff walking around. A fire alarm would get rid of everyone but that would get rid of our opportunity with Hyde too. Considering I had four flights of stairs to go up to get to Hyde's floor, blending in and staying out of sight as best I could was the only way.

Thankfully I didn't run into anyone as I jogged up the stairs, not even breaking a sweat as I slowly opened the door onto the corridor.

"Take a left Christian" I heard Barney say. "Last door on the right."

I nodded, making my way quickly down to the door he had told me about, slipping quietly inside. Opening the window, I climbed out onto the ledge, four floors up from where I was before.

"Third balcony along. Be careful, the second balcony door is open and it looks like they're fucking inside" Jason told me.

"Perv," I said, hearing his laughter in my ear.

Jason was stationed in the building across, night vision goggles nearby no doubt. With the equipment we had, Jason could probably listen in on every word, could probably hear every grunt and groan coming from that room too.

As I navigated the ledge, climbing onto the first balcony of a room which was thankfully empty, I slowly made my way past the second, hearing the grunts and groans myself, which was good because they were occupied.

"Let's see if he's a two pump chump or can go all night" I heard Elliot say.

"God I'm dealing with a bunch of amateurs. Just in case, make sure you're ready to knock on their door with room service" I ordered, knowing they would probably be ordering something right now.

I finally reached Hyde's balcony, picking the lock to let myself inside his room, closing the curtains behind me again. I don't know if this guy was scared of the dark or something as he had left every light and lamp on.

"He has a fucking adjoining door to the assistant's room. No wonder he gives her the creeps" I told them.

"Is it open?" Jason asked.

"It is now," I told him, picking that lock too.

Where Hyde's room was a complete dump, Miss Steele's was pristine. Clothes were neatly piled on a chair, with one dress hanging in the closet.

Her room I checked in seconds before I locked the door again and moved onto Hyde's. Last nights dinner it looked like was still sat on the side and his clothes were strewn on the floor. Making my way into the bathroom, it was just as dirty in here.

"When did this fucker check in," I asked.

"The day before yesterday, why."

"This place is a shit hole. I live in a shit hole and it's not as bad as this."

"Christian, something's going on with Hyde and Miss Steele. Hold on a sec, I just want to check something" Barney said.

While I waited for him to come back to me, I continued to look around the room. When he did come back he was pissed and it takes a lot to piss Barney off. "He's spiked her drink. She can barely stand and he's acting like the concerned boss, helping her up to her room. They just got on the elevator."

"If I had any reservations about killing the bastard before, I certainly don't now" I said, looking around for the best place to hide.

I spotted his closet, getting myself comfortable inside. He obviously wasn't using it considering the state of the room.

"She's had too much to drink. A lightweight aren't you Ana" Hyde said loudly, as he passed his door, heading to Miss Steele's room. Her door was soon opened before being quickly closed again.

"Who's he speaking to," I asked quietly.

"An elderly couple who were on the elevator with them."

I could hear his voice clearly, although I could only hear moans from her. Opening the adjoining door between the rooms, I watched him struggle to move her, keeping her upright with one arm, while carrying his briefcase and her purse with the other. I wanted to get out of this closet and pull her away, hating people like him. I had to wait though, wait for the perfect opportunity to deal with this piece of shit, giving him no chance to shout out for help. That chance though will come very soon.

As he moved her towards his bedroom, I watched as if in slow motion he threw his briefcase and her purse onto the table. The problem was he threw them too hard, sending everything across the table before falling to the floor.

"Fucking hell" he groaned, looking at the mess before continuing to pull her towards his bed.

"What was that" I heard Jason ask.

"He's just thrown his briefcase and her purse towards the table, missing it completely. I'm not sure if his briefcase was locked before but it's now open and the contents of it and the purse are everywhere" I whispered.

I watched him pass me, going back into her room, before going out of that door and coming in through his own. Shit, the guy is an amateur. Does he not think that if he lies at what he's doing, having the adjoining door will blow his story to shit.

"What the fuck is he doing," Jason asked.

"Playing musical doors... dick," I said, pulling my weapon of choice for this evening from my pocket. A little tablet that once he swallows it, he will be having a heart attack within minutes. Not my preferred way to deal with a piece of shit like him but it had to look natural and bullets don't do that.

I watched him for a moment, standing over her before he started to remove her shoes. Throughout she mumbled no, a word this bastard was ignoring. His shoes were the only thing I let him take off before moving out from my hiding place.

Hyde was too preoccupied with her to notice the man coming up behind him. He was too busy drooling to feel me breathing down his neck.

"We're going to have so much fun, aren't we Ana," he said placing his hand onto her leg.

"I believe the lady said no" I whispered menacingly in his ear.

He didn't have time to move his head before my hand came down over his mouth silencing any screams. I turned us away from the woman, forcing the tablet into his mouth and made sure he swallowed it, before releasing him to fall on the end of the bed.

I knew it wouldn't take long to start working and in moments he was shaking and clutching his chest.

"You little lady, don't need to see this," I said, picking the woman up and carried her back to her own room and placed her onto her bed.

"Help me" she mumbled, stopping my movements as I turned back to her, and looked into beautiful blue eyes. It was like she was looking straight at me but was struggling to focus before she gave up and closed her eyes again.

"I am," I mumbled, before leaving her, going back into his room again where I started to pick up the contents of her purse and collect her shoes too.

Some items were easy to identify as they were under her upturned purse. Those went in first, followed by everything else I could see that she would have. Why some women need to carry everything but the kitchen sink with them I don't know but all that was left by the time I had finished was the papers that I had seen fall from his briefcase.

Placing her purse onto the dresser, I looked at the woman for a final time. She was sleeping now, although she would feel like shit in the morning.

I locked and bolted the adjoining door on her side before leaving by the balcony, locking that door behind me too. Entering Hyde's room the way I had come in originally, he was still lay on the end of the bed.

He didn't deserve to die on this soft bed for what he had tried to do, so I picked him up, taking a few steps toward the window before releasing him to which he fell to the floor, landing on the briefcase.

"Seems like the president is on his list," I said, looking at one of the papers that now surrounded him.

"Fuck fake news, whatever Hyde has on him will no doubt be the truth," Barney said in my ear.

I looked at the other papers that were around, noticing a few prominent names but nothing about the Senator we were working for.

Before I left the room, I bolted the adjoining door on his side knowing if anyone came to ask her questions there would be no way for her to get into his room. He had left hers, returning to his own room, the cameras that were running in the corridor would confirm that. Add to that his cause of death being a heart attack, and nothing suspicious would be found no matter what test they did on him.

Hearing him take his final breath, I left by the balcony, locking it behind me. I made my way across the balcony's, past the couple who were now having room service pizza, courtesy of our good selves and into the service area again. There was a bathroom in here so I removed my uniform and disguise, putting everything in a trash bag before going back to the window for one final time.

"Catch," I said, dropping the bag down to Elliot where he was now waiting below.

"Got it" he grunted before I checked in with Barney that the coast was clear.

"Old man has just got off the elevator and is slowly coming your way. You will have to pass him if you leave now or you could wait" he said, knowing which option I would choose.

I looked around, seeing a room service trolley that although had been cleared, still held a champagne bucket and an empty bottle. I undid the bow-tie that I still wore before I picked up the bottle, knowing I only had a window of a few seconds to get out of this room before the old man rounded the corner of the corridor and into the small area outside of this room.

I walked forward bottle in hand, staggering around the corner and nearly knocked him over.

"My apppoolllgiess" I stuttered, falling into the wall.

"My god the youth of today" he grumbled, walking past me and headed into the room that was next to the service area.

"He's gone" Barney laughed as I reached the elevator, dumping the bottle in a large plant there. "Time for you to get out of there too."

"Don't worry, I'm going" I told him, redoing my bow tie as the elevator went down to the reception. Giving the valet the ticket to get my car, I made my way to the ballroom.

I had been gone an hour, would she have waited, probably as she was in it for the millions I didn't have. I got my answer as soon as I walked in the door, getting knocked back as the woman launched herself into my arms, placing her lips on my own.

I was quick to get out of her hold, wrapping my arm around her shoulder as if I was happy to see her.

"You didn't leave," she said happily.

"No, my business took longer than I had hoped. Are you ready to leave?" I asked.

"Yes, my friend Candice wants to come too, is that ok," she asked as a woman came up to join us.

"Of course, the more the merrier," I told her, smiling at her friend before wrapping my arm around her shoulder too.

Going out in a large group makes me less noticeable than walking out alone so as we walked past the reception, I asked the concierge to call a cab. To any onlookers, who did see me, it would look like I was being a gentleman, making sure the drunken women safely got a cab home.

The two women were back to giggling between themselves, especially when another friend came up too. They think they're in for a night of fun, but it won't be on me.

As we made our way out of the hotel, I nodded to the valet, telling him that I would be one minute before approaching the waiting cab.

"Ladies," I said, gesturing for them to get in first.

Their giggles thankfully drowned out my conversation with the cab driver who I paid a hefty tip to, informing him to get down the road before finding out where to take them.

Watching him drive away, I could hear the protests from the women, shouting that he had left me behind. Turning my back on them, I approached my own car, getting in.

As I heard the engine roar of the R8 I drove, I pulled away from the hotel, tyres squealing. For the first time tonight, I could relax and enjoy the music I played on the radio, relax and congratulate myself on a job well done.

In the days that followed though, those congratulations would turn to worry as I realised up in that room, how much I had fucked up.

Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it.

I know some will pick up on the fact that Ana is a blond, but not only will that change a few chapters down the line but it will be explained why too.

The team part of the story, the guns for hire too came about as I spent last summer introducing my son to my favourite television show as a child, The A-Team. He lost interest pretty quickly, preferring his x-box to my trip down memory lane. I still enjoyed it though, watching every episode that had been made. Unlike in the A-Team though, bullets will hit their targets in this story and people will die, just not anyone you would care about.

With regards to the tablet that Christian gave Hyde, I have no idea if is a real thing and to be honest I didn't want to google how to give someone a heart attack in case I had the police knocking down my door. So for this story, any special forces gadgets, killer tablets and anything I dream up are for the sake of this story only.

Until next time, take care.
