Hello my lovely peeps! I wrote this two months ago and then this week's episode aired so I took that as I sign that I should post it despite all of my unfinished stuff. Also you'll find that I am not perfect when it comes to grammar so I deeply apologize for that. Thank you for reading and I'll try to put the second chapter up soon. XOXO

"Momma, can I play baseball?"

Olivia put down the wooden spoon, surprised by her son's sudden interest in sports.

"I thought you wanted to wait until next spring" Olivia carefully responded as to not discourage him.

"But Ryan is playing this year and he said it'll be fun. Oh! Then he said he wants to be a professional baseball player when he grows up but I want to be a baseball player when I grow up and-"

"Breathe Noah" Olivia reminded him with a smile. She rounded the breakfast bar to comb her fingers through her son's hair. She placed a quick kiss on his forehead, which he leaned away from.

"Momma, athletes don't get kisses from their moms!" He explained with an eye roll, which was also new.

"Does that mean bedtime ones too?" Olivia asked, knowing how important his routine bedtime story and snuggles were.

Noah pretended to think about it for a second before reassuring that those ones were still okay.

"I'll think about it but right now it's spaghetti time".

Secretly she hoped that he would forget about it in a day or two. Of course she wanted him to be a well-rounded kid, but at the same time, their time together was already barely existent.

"I need more evidence to get the conviction Liv. You know that. One testimony from the victim won't guarantee that this bastard rots in jail for the rest of his life" Peter ranted in a well meaning way.

"I know" Olivia sighed. She felt her phone buzzing in her pocket and she wanted to scream. She didn't need anymore bad news.

"Benson". Olivia immediately smiled when she heard her son's voice. "Hi sweet boy, how was school today? No, I haven't signed you up for baseball yet. I still have to decide...Ok, Momma's working so I have to let you go. I'll see you at dinner time. I love you". She hung up the phone with a sad smile, hating that she couldn't go home and be with him right now. "Sorry for being rude, he's just been going crazy about baseball and I'm not sure if we can do it this year".

Peter's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. "Do you realize who you are talking to right now? Of course you can do it this year".

Olivia shook her head, regretting bringing up the subject to Peter Stone, the former pitcher.

"Of course you feel that way".

Peter stood up, walking around his desk and sitting on the edge of it right in front of her.

"Come on Liv, what's the problem? Every kid should at least try a sport".

She wanted to tell him that he wouldn't understand until he was in her shoes himself, but the memory of similar encounters with Elliot stopped her. She hated when he said that to her.

"I want him to play sports and join clubs at school, but I already miss so much of his life. I can't imagine having one more thing on the schedule. If you know a way to stop people from committing crimes on Tuesday and Thursday evenings so I could go to his games, let me know". She forced out a laugh, trying to hide just how much she was stressing out.

Peter didn't fall for it. "How about a compromise?"

Olivia gave him a questioning look, willing to consider just about anything at this point.

He moved closer to her, almost too close, but not in a bad way?

"I'll teach Noah the basics whenever we all have some free time. That way there isn't another time commitment to worry about and you know that you like his coach" He said with a wink.

Olivia tried not to smile, but his excitement was contagious and overall endearing. It seemed that he wanted to teach Noah not just as a favor to her, but for himself.

"Peter you don't get much free time either. Is that really how you want to spend it?" She asked, just making sure that he didn't feel obligated.

Peter crossed his arms over his chest as he examined her for a moment. "Are you implying that I actually have a life outside of this office that I'd be missing out on? Let me tell you Lieutenant, you are sadly mistaken. It'd actually be nice to play catch with someone".

For the first time in a very long time, Olivia felt a tiny bit of her stress melt away. Hopefully this would satisfy Noah for now.

"I'll offer Noah the plea deal you came up with. Thank you Peter".

She turned to leave but was stopped by his voice calling her name.

"Yes Peter?"

"I really hope he agrees".

*Just a friendly reminder that I do not own Law and Order Special Victims Unit or the characters.*