Disclaimer - All Characters, locations and other recognisable settings are the property of JK Rowling. This is her sandbox, I just play in it. I make no money from this and just write for pleasure.

Professor Minerva McGonagall hurried down the corridor towards the Ancient Runes classroom just as the door opened and the class of 3rd years bean to pour out. Not seeing the student she was looking for, she entered the classroom. Sure enough she saw the student, one Hermione Granger, packing her books and parchment away while conversing to the girl who had been sitting next to her. The identity of this girl surprised her, Daphne Greengrass from Slytherin. Not stopping to worry, she made her way over to the two girls.

"Miss Granger, I need a word with you." She said, causing both girls' heads to turn in her direction.

Daphne, taking this to mean in private, picked her bag up and exited the classroom, closing the door behind her. Hermione looked up at her Head of House.

"What can I do for you Professor?" She asked.

"I need you to accompany me to the infirmary, I will explain the details as we go." Minerva replied rather abruptly.

Hermione nodded, though she did look rather nervous and was about to speak when she was interrupted.

"If you have any questions, I will answer them as we go." Minerva indicated Professor Babbling who was still present and hoped her star pupil would get the unspoken message.

Thankfully, Hermione Granger was not called the Smartest Witch in her Generation for nothing. She simply nodded and, picking up her bag, headed to the door.

Together the pair headed towards the infirmary, though they seemed to be taking a rather roundabout route. Unexpectedly, Minerva led Hermione into a disused classroom.

"Have you attended all your lessons yet?" She asked, a rather strange question since it was the end of the day.

Hermione though, seemed to understand the hidden meaning as she shook her head.

"No, I have Muggle Studies to get to yet." She replied. "Professor, what is going on?" She asked, knowing her Head of House would not be acting like this without cause.

"Mr Potter has been attacked." She replied. "He was found in a partial body bind in an empty corridor not far from the library with an empty vial next to him and his wand several feet away."

"I need to get to the infirmary Professor." Hermione said, immediately getting agitated.

"What were the rules we discussed only last week when you were issued your Time Turner?" Minerva asked gently, holding onto her students' shoulder.

"That I need to make sure I do nothing that will cause people to ask questions, stay out of sight when I turn and make sure I don't run into myself." Hermione replied resignedly.

"Exactly. Now if you do not go back to get to Muggle Studies, the teacher will mark you absent and you will have to explain it. Which could cause questions to be asked. While I understand you want to be with your friend, secrecy is of the upmost importance. And for goodness sake, do not try and interfere with whatever happened." Minerva added, seeing the glint in Hermione's eye.

"Why ever not?" She demanded. "I have not seen it happen so I could change it!"

"But I have seen the results already." Minerva patiently explained. "But even if you could change it, we don't know what happened. You could make the situation worse!"

She could see Hermione struggle at not being able to help the boy who had saved her life more than once but eventually nod in agreement.

"Good. Now can you turn here or do you have to go elsewhere?" Minerva asked.

"I can do it here, as long as I avoid the Ancient Runes Classroom." Hermione replied after thinking for a second.

"Good. Now turn back and meet me back here after your Muggle Studies class."

"Yes Professor." Hermione replied. She took what looked like an egg time out from inside her robes and turned it twice, disappearing from view.

Seconds later Hermione came through the door at a bit of a run.

"All done?" Minerva asked.

"Yes Professor." Hermione replied. "Though I was struggling to concentrate and did not manage to do as well as I usually do."

"That's understandable." Minerva replied. "Now let's go to the infirmary. Do you know where Mr Weasley should be?" She asked.

"He was supposed to be with Harry as they both had a free period and were going to the library to work on your Transfiguration homework. But unless he was attacked as well or was somehow in on it, he is probably in the common room badgering someone to play chess!"

"That is what I expected. I sent one of the Prefects to go and look there. Now let's get a move on. Hopefully Mr Weasley will be there by the time we arrive."

The two witches headed out of the classroom, down the corridor and into the infirmary. On one side, in the bed he usually inhabited, lay the unconscious form of Harry Potter. Professor Albus Dumbledore and Madame Poppy Pomfry hovered nearby. They both turned as they heard the doors open and Dumbledore walked towards them.

"Has Professor McGonagall told you what happened Miss Granger?" He asked in his grandfatherly tone.

"Yes Professor." Hermione replied. "Professor McGonagall said there was a vial found next to him, do you know what was in it?" She asked.

"That is the big question." Dumbledore replied. "And no, not yet. I have asked Professor Snape to test what little of the liquid was left to try and identify it. I'm hoping he will be along soon. Otherwise we have nothing to go on. Madame Pomfry has tried to revive Mr Potter but has had no success as of yet."

"Thank you Professor." Hermione replied. "May I see Harry now?" She asked.

"Of course." He replied and stepped aside to allow the girl to almost run over to the bed and start fussing over her friend.

The three adults smiled indulgently at the sight before Madame Pomfry started trying other methods to wake up her favourite patient.

Dumbledore then turned to Minerva.

"I trust everything went smoothly?" He asked.

"Mostly." She replied. "She wanted to come straight here and then got the idea to try and prevent the attack. I had to convince her that she could not so she went to her last class before we headed here."

"Good. I'm hoping Severus will confirm what the potion is so we can wake him up. Hopefully Mr Potter will then be able to tell us what happened."

Dumbledore had no sooner finished speaking when the doors opened again and Professor Severus Snape, potions Professor and Head of Slytherin, entered. He saw them immediately and walked over.

"Have you discovered what the potion was?" Dumbledore asked.

"Eventually. I had to do some research but I eventually found the potion and it is not good news." Snape replied, his tone different from his usual one.

"What is it?" Minerva asked her tone clearly showing worry.

"Have you heard of Binary potions?" Snape asked the other two.

Minerva shook her head but Dumbledore looked thoughtful. After a few seconds, he nodded.

"I believe I do." He replied slowly. "They are potions that are forced to be made and taken in two parts because the ingredients in one or both parts would react badly with ingredients in the other part."

"Exactly Headmaster. They are some of the most complex and dangerous potions in existence. Most are on the restricted list and the remainder are outright illegal. Mr Potter was dosed with the first part of one of the worst of them, though it is not illegal."

"Which one?" Minerva demanded.

"The Mutatio autem genus potion." He replied simply.

Both Dumbledore and Minerva went white.

"The gender change potion?" She asked, hoping she was wrong.

"Correct. Ironically the first part, the one Mr Potter was dosed with, is relatively easy to make. I expect most of our current 4th years and above, as well as the better few of our 3rd years could do it if they had the instructions." Snape replied.

"Can you brew the second part?" Dumbledore asked after a few seconds.

Snape thought for a minute before nodding.

"I can, whether I will be in time is another matter. The second part must be given between 24 and 30 hours after the first. Assuming he was dosed this afternoon, we only have about 25 hours remaining and it takes a full 24 hours to brew." He replied.

"Then please start immediately." Dumbledore said.

"As you wish Headmaster. I trust you will deal with any legal issues that arise?" Snape asked.

Dumbledore nodded his agreement and Snape swept out of the infirmary. Minerva then rounded on the Headmaster.

"Why would you ask such a thing?" She demanded. "I very much doubt whether Mr Potter wants to change his gender!"

"He may not have a choice in the matter." Dumbledore replied. "One of the issues with most Binary Potions is that once the first part has been taken, you must take the second part. Failure to do so can have some very unpleasant consequences."

Minerva gasped in horror.

"Such as?" She asked almost struggling for breath.

"I am not sure. I will have to read up on that particular potion to discover what the effects will be. If we can find an expert on this particular potion it would be helpful. In any case we will have to inform the Ministry."

"While I'm not arguing that we shouldn't, I was wondering why we have to?" Minerva asked having managed to get her breath back.

"The Mutatio autem genus potion is, if my memory serves me, a class 4 restricted potion. As such we are required to inform the Ministry whenever we find it having been used." Dumbledore replied.

"We need to tell Poppy!" Minerva turned but before she could move, Dumbledore grabbed her by the arm.

"What about Miss Granger?" Dumbledore asked, indicating the girl who was still fussing over an unconscious Harry, talking to him as if he was awake. "Should she be informed too? What about Mr Weasley?"

This caused Minerva to pause and think.

"We should definitely inform Miss Granger. One, she has the capacity to understand and she may even be a help to us. Secondly, if, Merlin forbid, Mr Potter is forced to take the second half of the potion, he will need her help going forward! Mr Weasley on the other hand will not be able to help and will probably not understand. He also will not be able to keep it to himself and it will be all over the school by the morning. No, we will let him know of the attack and hopefully that will keep him out of our hair." She replied at length.

Dumbledore nodded in agreement and they both headed over to where Poppy and Hermione were waiting, now they had seen the conversation.

"Has Professor Snape managed to identify the potion?" Hermione asked, her voice laced with worry.

"He has." Replied Dumbledore, nodding and addressing both Hermione and Poppy. "Tell me, what do you know of Binary Potions Miss Granger?"

Hermione gasped, clearly she had heard of them. Poppy too seemed aware of them.

"Binary potions are some of the most advanced potions out there." Hermione replied as if reading from a book. "Due to the severe reactions between some of the ingredients, they ae forced to be brewed in two parts. They are heavily controlled by the Ministry with the majority being on the restricted list and the rest are illegal due to their effects."

"Excellent, 10 points to Gryffindor." Dumbledore replied with a smile on his face.

"Has Harry been fed one then Professor?" Hermione demanded, clearly not caring about the house points.

"He has Miss Granger." Dumbledore's smile vanished as he replied.

"Which one?" Poppy asked.

"The Mutatio autem genus Potion." Dumbledore replied, waiting to see if either Poppy or Hermione knew of it.

Both looked puzzled then a few seconds later Hermione gasped.

"Have you heard of it Miss Granger?" Dumbledore asked, wanting to know as there should be nothing, even in the restricted section about that particular potion.

"No Professor, but I have taken Latin since before 1st year. Does that mean what I think it means?" She asked.

"What do you think it means?" Dumbledore asked, always the teacher.

"Well the direct translation is change of gender. Is that what it does?" She asked.

Dumbledore nodded.

"Indeed it does, but only male to female if I remember correctly." He replied sadly.

"Is there anything we can do?" Hermione asked.

"I will need to try and find an expert in that particular potion or at least try and find more information about it before I can answer that. I am hopeful that we can counteract it. Thankfully he has only ingested the first part so far so if there is a chance to prevent it, now is the time. I should warn you though, that even if we are able to counteract it, Mr Potter is likely to suffer some rather extreme side effects."

"What about if he has to take the second part?" Hermione asked, her voice quavering.

"We will cross that bridge when we come to it Miss Granger. Meanwhile I have some research to do and I must contact the Ministry. This potion is class 4 restricted and I am bound to report it."

Hermione gasped, clearly knowing about the levels of restriction.

"You ae excused lessons for the rest of the week Miss Granger." Dumbledore continued. "And as I expect it would take more than a little effort to force you to leave, as long as you do not get in Madame Pomfry's way, you are welcome to stay here. I will have some dinner sent up for you. Whatever happens, Mr Potter is going to need you more than ever in the near future."

"What about Ron?" Hermione asked.

"We have decided to keep the details of this between ourselves and Professor Snape. I will inform Mr Weasley that Mr Potter has been attacked and then send him on his way. He can do nothing to help, while you may be of help in several areas." Dumbledore replied.

Hermione nodded mutely as the doors opened and Ron Weasley entered, followed by a rather annoyed Rupert Briggs, the 6th year Gryffindor male Prefect. Minerva turned and smiled at the Prefect.

"Thank you Mr Briggs. I see you found him?" Minerva remarked dryly.

"Yes Professor. He wasn't in the common room but the Twins told me they had seen him near the kitchens so suggested I look there. Lo and behold that's where he was, stuffing his face!" Briggs scowled at Ron who rolled his eyes.

"Well thank you Mr Briggs. But before you go, could you inform the rest of Gryffindor, especially the 3rd years that Mr Potter was attacked and is here in the infirmary."

"Attacked!" Ron and Briggs growled together.

"Calm down the pair of you." Minerva glared at the two boys. "Yes he has been attacked. We don't know by whom as Mr Potter is still unconscious. He will remain here until we have managed to investigate the problem thoroughly."

"Do I need to stay too Professor?" Ron asked. "Only it's nearly dinner time."

Both Minerva and Briggs rolled their eyes at that.

"No, there is no need for you to stay Mr Weasley." Replied Minerva. "I just wanted inform you personally what happened to Mr Potter. Go on the pair of you. If anyone has has questions, tell them I will be in the common room after dinner for an hour tonight."

Both boys nodded and left the infirmary. Minerva turned back to see Hermione had found herself a chair and was sitting holding Harry's hand. Dumbledore and Poppy were quietly conversing not far from the bed. Minerva went over to join them.

"I've asked Mr Briggs to let the Gryffindors know that Mr Potter is here and that he was attacked. That should hopefully stop rumours from spreading, though we will need to keep an eye out for anyone getting it to their heads that it was a specific person before we have any evidence."

Dumbledore nodded.

"Well I will take my leave. I have some calls to make and some research to start. As soon as I have any information for you Poppy, I will get it to you." Dumbledore turned and left the two witches, heading out of the infirmary and towards his office.

As soon as the doors closed, Poppy turned to Minerva and smiled.

"Will you look at that." She remarked, nodding in the direction of the bed where Harry lay unconscious.

Minerva looked and saw Hermione still holding Harry's hand. She was talking quietly to him and occasionally played with his hair.

"They do make quite a pair." Minerva replied. "They very much remind me of another pair of Gryffindors. Though those two did not get together until their last year."

"I saw a similar sight last year." Poppy added. "Only it was a petrified Miss Granger in the bed and Mr Potter spending almost every night holding her hand and talking to her. He would only leave when I chased him away. He would do his homework sitting next to her, he even wrote notes so she could catch up."

"I knew about the notes as he came to me several times asking for clearer explanations of certain things. He would carefully write it down for her. His handwriting improved remarkably just because he wanted her to be able to read them."

"Well I hope Mr Potter come through this in one piece." Poppy added. "Because I would hate to see what could be the beginning of a lifelong partnership crushed because of someone else. What do you think will happen if there is no other option but to give Mr Potter the second part of the potion?"

"They will adapt." Minerva replied. "Though what it will do to the seeds of affection we are seeing her I don't know. I hope it won't force them apart."

"Well in the event that it does happen, they will both need plenty of support. Not just from staff but from other pupils too."

"Well baring another incident like the 'Heir of Slytherin' last year, Mr Potter will have plenty of support. I expect some of the older girls, like his three female teammates, will volunteer to help as well." Minerva mused.

"We will have to be careful that whoever volunteers is not doing it to make Mr Potter's life miserable." Poppy replied. "And speaking of the heir, why did you allow the shunning and bullying to get so far out of hand?"

"I was prevented from interfering on the Headmaster's instructions." Minerva replied. "I believe he wanted to see if it would bring the real heir out of hiding. By the time we realised how bad it had gotten, it was too late and the damage had been done. Thankfully Mr Potter came through it relatively unharmed and I have informed the Headmaster and the other three Heads of House that if it happens again, severe punishments will follow. All of us were ashamed that we allowed it to happen and have agreed. Even Severus has backed of Mr Potter, something I thought I would never see."

Poppy grunted at that but said nothing.

"I leave them in your care Poppy. Call me if you find anything."

"Of course Minerva. There is not much to do at the moment anyway."

Minerva nodded and left the infirmary and headed for the Great Hall. Poppy took one last look at the two children before heading into her office to try and see if she had anything in her personal library.

Several hours later, after Hermione had finished the meal the Headmaster had sent down for her, the doors opened and group of people entered the infirmary. In the lead was the Headmaster, followed by 3 figures in red, military looking robes. The oldest of these was a woman of medium height who appeared to be in her late 40's. She had greying red hair and wore a monocle. The second was a tall black man in his 30's and the last was another woman, slightly shorter than the first. She was much younger and had pink hair. Behind these three was an elderly man in rather old robes who had the look of a scholar. The last member of the group was wearing robes similar to Madame Pomfry, clearly a healer of some type.

As the group entered the infirmary, Poppy entered from her office. When she saw the group she sighed with relief and walked up to them.

"Please tell me we have good news Headmaster?" She asked almost pleadingly.

"I'm afraid not Poppy. We do however have some help. I'm sure you know Madame Amelia Bones and Auror Kinglsley Shacklebolt from the DMLE."

"And is that Miss Tonks I see looking grownup in an Auror uniform? Did you graduate early?" Poppy asked, nodding at the other two in greeting.

"Yes Madame Pomfry." The pink haired woman replied. "And no I haven't graduated yet. I'm assigned to get some field experience and they partnered me with Shak here." She indicated the man next to her.

"Well I hope you are less clumsy that you used to be Miss Tonks. Madame Bones, good to see you again. I wish it was under better circumstances."

"As do I Poppy." The older woman with the monocle replied.

"And behind them we have Potions Master Zeller from the Ministry's potions regulations department. He is one of only two experts I could find to assist us, the other is assisting Severus. And I'm sure you know Master Healer Andromeda Tonks, St Mungo's expert on poisons and incorrectly administered potions."

As Dumbledore mentioned the last name, the pink haired woman muttered something.

"I heard that Nymphadora!" The Healer at the back said, having obviously heard what was said.

"Muuum! Not while I'm working!" The younger woman groaned.

The healer came forward and shook Poppy's hand.

"How is he looking?" She asked, ignoring her Daughter.

"Apart from the fact that I can't wake him up, he is doing well. I'm hoping that it is a side effect of the first part of the potion and he will wake up on his own, otherwise I'm out of ideas."

"What little I have on the potion does indicate that the subject will lapse into unconsciousness for about 4 - 6 hours. Master Zeller here knows a bit more." She said, indicating the old man.

"Unfortunately there are almost no written accounts of this potion in action." He spoke in a thin, reedy voice. "What little we have is based on old eyewitness reports from when this potion was in more common use. Its last recorded use was well over 100 years ago when it was placed on the restricted list. If it has been used since, it is illegally." He added.

"And you appear to have some help. Who is this?" Andromeda asked, indicating Hermione.

"This is Miss Hermione Granger, classmate and close friend to Mr Potter. She has been given permission by the Headmaster to stay and provide help and support to Mr Potter." Poppy replied.

"That's good because he will need it over the coming days and weeks, if not months." Andromeda commented.

"Do you know what will happen if Harry is not given the second part of the potion?" Hermione spoke up, addressing Andromeda.

"We are honestly not sure." Andromeda replied. "There has never been a recorded case where someone was dosed with the first part and not with the second. However, based on the ingredients, it will at the very least be painful, if not fatal!"

Hermione gasped and paled at this but did not say anything.

"Yes based on reactions that the potion will cause without the other parts, Mr Potter could have multiple organ failure and begin to bleed out of every orifice." Zeller continued as if he were discussing what to have for a meal.

Hermione burst into tears at that and buried her head in Harry's shoulder.

Zeller, seeming realising that he had been to blunt tried to explain.

"I apologise for my manner. I am used to discussing theory, not live cases." He said.

Poppy nodded and wondered what to do. Usually Mr Potter was the one to comfort his friend, but being unconscious prevented that.

The young Auror looked at the other two, who nodded. She then went over and placed her hand on Hermione's shoulder.

"Wotcher Hermione. You remember me? I was here when you were a firstie."

Hermione raised her head, tears still flowing.

"Tonks? Is that you?" She asked.

"Yeah it's me. Long-time no see. I see you're still hanging around Harry then?"

"He's my best friend. I wouldn't want to hang with anyone else." Hermione paused. "Is it true? What the other healer said?" She asked.

"'Fraid so." Tonks replied. "That healer's my Mum, you must have heard her embarrass me?"

"I actually like your first name. I understand why it's embarrassing as the amount of lewd nicknames you must have had."

"You have no idea." Tonks replied. "Anyway, do you know how it happened?" She asked.

"Only what Professor McGonagall told me."

"We've already been told that and spoken to the two students who found him." Tonks replied, handing Hermione a handkerchief to dry her eyes.

Hermione's sniffles had just began to stop when Harry began to stir. The two healers immediately rushed to the bedside and began checking him over. Hermione tried to move out of the way but Harry's hand, that still held hers, tightened its grip and wouldn't let her go. He opened his eyes and looked about him.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"You're in the infirmary again Mr Potter." Poppy replied. "What's the last thing you remember?"

Before he could reply, hormone had already filled a cup half full of water and pressed it to his lips, he took a grateful sip.

"Thanks Mya." He murmured, unconsciously using his pet name for Hermione that they only ever used in private. Hermione blushed and put the cup down. He paused for a minute before continuing. "I was heading to the library after Care to do some homework. Ron was supposed to be with me but had run off and Hermione had disappeared, probably on her way to Runes, or was it Muggle Studies? Anyway, I was not far from the library when I felt something hit me in the back and I blacked out. Sometime later I woke up in a full body bind with my wand on the floor well away from me. I saw five people, though I only know three of them."

"Who are they Mr Potter?" Amelia stepped forward so he could see her.

"Draco Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. The other two are in Slytherin as well, the year above me I think. Anyway the bind was partly released and Malfoy poured a potion down my throat, holding my nose to make me swallow it. Once it's all gone, he tosses the vial and I get hit by a red spell, I think it was a stunner. The next thing I know, I'm waking up here!"

As he told his story, Hermione got more and more angry.

"I should have known! He has been against Harry since 1st year!"

"Little blonde weasel?" Tonks asked.

Hermione nodded and Tonks got up and went over to her boss, looking at her expectantly. Madame Bones looked at the Headmaster.

"I need to speak with these three students. They are not in trouble yet, but I will also need to search their trunks and dorms. If we find no evidence we will have to see if Mr Potter is well enough to make a sworn deposition. If we do find evidence I will be arresting them. I'm sure you are aware Headmaster of how serious forcibly and illegally pouring a class 4 restricted potion into an underage wizard is?" She asked Dumbledore.

The headmaster could only nod, he was powerless to interfere.

"I will escort you to the Slytherin common room, they are most likely there now. I will also have to find someone to stand in for their Head of House during questioning as Professor Snape is rather busy. I think I will call on Professor Sinistra as she is the senior Slytherin member of staff we have. If you will follow me." He turned and headed out of the infirmary, Amelia and the two Aurors following closely behind.

Meanwhile the two healers were checking Harry over and for once he was not complaining.

Not long later the Headmaster led Amelia, Tonks and Shacklebolt into the dungeons and towards the hidden entrance to the Slytherin common room. As he stepped up to the door, he waved his wand and the door opened, revealing the greenly lit room.

The chatter and noise almost instantly quieted as the four stood inside. Dumbledore stepped forward.

"I need to speak to Mr Malfoy, Mr Crabbe and Mr Goyle." He announced, looking about the room.

Three figures reluctantly got up from where they had been sitting. Dumbledore nodded.

"This, as I am sure at least some of you know, is Madame Bones. She is the Director of the DMLE and needs to speak to the three of you." Dumbledore said, motioning the three forward.

"Where is Professor Snape?" Draco asked. "We're not supposed to speak to anyone without his presence." He added in a rather scornful voice.

"Professor Snape is unavailable at the moment." Dumbledore said. "However, I have asked Professor Sinistra to stand in his stead and she has agreed. She will meet us in my office."

The three boys, grumbling under their breath followed the Headmaster and Amelia out of the common room, leaving Tonks and Shacklebolt behind. As soon as the door closed, Kingsley spoke up.

"I need someone to show us where those three sleep. Also, no-one is to leave the common room until we are done as we may have questions." Kingsley waved his wand at the door, placing a charm over it to let him know if anyone tried to leave. He then stood and waited for a volunteer. Eventually one of the older boys stood up and led the way up one set of stairs. To the 3rd year boys dorm.

Meanwhile the Headmaster led the three students and Madame Bones up to his office. As promised Professor Sinistra was waiting outside and they headed in together. Once inside, he conjured chairs for everyone and they sat down.

"What's this about Professor?" Draco asked, sounding more nervous now that he had before.

"Mr Malfoy if has been alleged that the three of you, along with two unknown older students, did attack and render unconscious a fellow student. You then poured a class 4 restricted potion down the student's throat leaving them in mortal danger for their life." Amelia stated.

"Rubbish. Whoever said that is lying!" Draco replied, though his face clearly showed fear.

"Do you know how serious this is Mr Malfoy?" Amelia asked. "A class 4 restricted potion is only one step away from being illegal. Unless you have the proper license and permits, which you cannot have as you are under age, even possessing such a potion will result in a stay in Azkaban and a large fine! Though, as you are under age, you a more likely to be expelled, have your wand snapped and magic bound! Did you have any idea what sort of potion you gave to Mr Potter?"

By this time Draco was shaking with fear, he had just wanted rid of Potter. He had not known it was illegal, he thought his Father would be able to get him off.

Before Draco could even say anything, Amelia's badge glowed. She tapped it and listened for a few seconds before whispering something back. She then looked at the three boys.

"A flask of potion that resembles the one used to attack Mr Potter was just found in your trunk Mr Malfoy. It is being taken to be tested as we speak. If it is confirmed to be the same, I will be arresting the three of you. Is there anything you wish to say?" Amelia asked, her voice hard.

Both Crabbe and Goyle looked at Draco, who still sat almost paralysed in fear. None of them said anything.

"Very well, we will just have to wait and see if that potion is what I think it is. However, if you want to make things easier for you, tell me who the other two students were and where you got the instructions to make the potion?" Amelia asked, her voice having softened.

"Patrick Selwyn and Marcus Rosier." Draco muttered.

"And the instructions?" Amelia asked. When Draco did not reply, she looked at the other two. "Well?"

"We found an old book." Greg Goyle spoke up for the first time, clearly showing fear. "It had the recipes for all sorts of really hard potions in it." He added.

"And where is that book now?" She asked.

"In Draco's trunk." Vincent Crabbe replied.

At this point Professor Sinistra spoke up.

"I think it is time we call in these boy's parents to let them know what is going on and to get them legal representation as it seems they will need it." The Astronomy Professor said in her clear voice.

Dumbledore nodded and got to his feet.

"I will contact the three boys' families at once." He said, heading over to the large fireplace in his office.

Before he had reached it, Amelia's badge vibrated again. Again she listened before speaking quietly. She then looked up.

"The potion recovered from your trunk Mr Malfoy has been confirmed as the same class 4 restricted potion that Mr Potter was forcibly dosed with earlier today. Since the three of you are accused of at least being present at the time of the attack, if not actually dosing Mr Potter, the three of you are under arrest. I am calling in further Aurors to take you three in and to assist in the investigation." She then turned to Dumbledore. "I will accompany you to visit the parents of the five boys to formally let them know their sons have been arrested. Can you please open the Floo to allow the Aurors through?" She asked.

Dumbledore nodded and waved his wand over the fireplace. He then turned and nodded at Amelia.

"You Aurors are clear to come through here for the next 24 hours Madame Bones." He said. "Should you need further access, please let me know."

Amelia nodded and tapped her badge, seconds later she spoke before listening. Not long afterwards, the fireplace flared green and more figures in the red robes of the Auror force entered. Amelia sent most of them down to the Slytherin common but the others were assigned to take the three boys to the DMLE, book them in and put them in holding until they could be formally questioned. Once the boys had gone and Professor Sinistra had departed back to her quarters, Amelia turned to Dumbledore.

"Do you have any preference as to whom to inform first?" She enquired, not particularly caring on the order.

"I think we should inform Mr Malfoy's parents first. After all his Father is a governor and on the school board. Not to mention that he is the one facing the heavier of the charges."

Amelia nodded in agreement and Dumbledore made a portkey out of a piece of rope. Once they both had hold, Dumbledore tapped it with his wand and the two vanished from the office, appearing outside a rather opulent manor house. Announcing their presence, they were admitted for what would be the start of a long evening.